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Arabic Islamic words

sadaqallahul azim=Allah has spoken the truth

Fassiqa = woman open sinner/corrupt Muslim

Fassiq= male open sinner/corrupt Muslim

Daleel = Evidence

Mustahabb = Recommended

Kuffr bit taghut = disbelif in taghut

Takfir = to declare someone a disbeliever(s)

Muwwahideen = Monotheists

Muwwahid = monotheist

Rafidah = Rejectors (what the muslims call the 12ver shias)

Mulhideen = Atheists

Mulhid = Atheist

Assalibiyheen = worshippers of the cross (reffered to christians)

Nasarah = Christians

Yahood = jews

Mujirimoon = Criminals

Tawheed = Islamic Monotheism the belief that Allah is one

mujahid = male islamic fighter

mujahidah = female islamic fighter.

Tandhim = organisation

Rijaal = Men

Nisaa = women

Aqeedah = Creed/belief
akhi = brother

ukthi = sister

BarakAllahu fik = May Allah bless you

Jazak'Allahu khayr = may Allah reward you

wa iyyak = to you (used when someone says Jazak'Allahu khayr and one respond with
"ameen wa iyyak")

Ahlul Bidd'ah = people of innovation

mubtadee' = innovator

Riddah = Apostasy

Murtad = Apostate

Murtadah = Female Apostate

Murtadeen = Apostates

tabdee' = to declare a person or a group innovators

fasiq = wrongdoer/ sinner

barakah = blessing(s)

mushrikeen = polytheists

kitab = book

ahlul bayt = use often to reffer to the family of the noble prophet peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him.

Nifaaq = hypocrisy

Munafiq = hypocrite (it is also used for a person pretending to be a muslim)

Hakim = ruler

Hukaam = rulers

ikthilaaf = disagreement / difference of opinions on matters

Ijtihad = a view / opinion of a scholar on a matter of fiqh

usol = foundation

najjas = impure / filthy

wajib ul-deen = obligation of the religion

wajib = obligation

Rahimahullah = May Allah have mercy on him

radiallahu anhu = may Allah be pleased with him

radiallahu anha = may Allah be pleased with her

sallallahu alaihi wasallam = peace and blessings of Allah be upon him **(WE ONLY SAY

Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah = there is no power and no strength except with

Ibadah = Act of worshipp / worshipp

Ta'weel = interpretation

Izza' = honour

Hukm = Ruling

(Sahih = authentic

Hassan = Relaible

Daeef/Da'eef = Weak

Isnaad: Grading

👆 words used daily about ahadith, sahih which declares that the hadith is authentic, Hassan
states that the hadith is relaible but not 100% authentic, Dae'f that states the hadith is weak
and not relaible to use.)


What is Al-Walaa' Wal-Baraa'?

Al-Walaa' means loyalty and Al-Bara means disownment. In the context of Islam Al-Walaa' is
loyalty to Allah and whatever He is pleased with as well as friendship and closeness to the

Whereas Al-Baraa' is freeing oneself from that which is displeasing to Allah and disowning
the disbelievers.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon= to Allah we belong and to Allah we will indeed return

Qadr Allahu wa masha fa'al. Allah has decreed it and what He willed has happened.

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