Exam Plan Syllabus State Service Examination 2023 Dated 03-10-2023

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TTfl^TT-^flvRT ;

1. -tlqi H-Tlitii cfl^ spRi<»> ■q'S"! Bt'^t —

(1) ^?rs!i yK'PH* Tiften (cR^f^ sfr.Tffr.arR.^ snrnfer) i
(2) ■?T^ ^5^ ^efT (feffW clJfHkH*) I
(3) 'HHS110P1V I

7F52T HltTHch trflSTT

2. TfR%iT q^arr ^ cR^f^ (irifcicMta ^^ ^ #t 1 triTcI?

^ ■^ERfT PlHf^fed AtlviHI^ixHK clft :-
ysRT TR^ >HHM SIEZPRT 2 'ET^ 200 3fcf?
^R^ tra •<HHM 3f|5Rrf^ Et^aRT 2 ET^ 200 3RfJ

3. ETl WM41d q^aRT (Eligibility Test) ^ ^ tSTRfl tl ^

qfraiT Tire 3r^ sttetr r? arRiWiff c^ irftan'
tSTcTT 11 affrFT ERRT ^ c^ ^JsZj tj^gn TnanctR^ tlRT 3Rf^r
SHEIR 1E1 Plfdd RR'Il I

4. (1) ^ y^dMd cR^f^ (EfflcRJ^fm tRET) c^ ^ I tRJRJ tR^ ^ f^Jir

ETR >H«llRld ^gxR #fr ar.ET.Tl 3jk ? ^ ^tPj^lcgtT \dlllJ|l, f^TT^
t3^ ?ETT I ST^aiT E|5t uTItft f E[5 tJoR 4,RdRI
^ 5R: f?rMcT ^ ^ 3T,Ef,^ ETT R ^ ^ TEfJ ER
1%1^ cETTtri
(2) y?ER? ^RERRf Tf 2-2 3fc[5 ^ 100 tREf ^ | tRiR) U^dMd ^ >HH-mc)15r 2
Ef^ ^1
(3) TTRte RjlaTT >HHM atezRRT craiT >HHM aTpE^fxr-T^taRT c^ fcRg^
wisRT yRRi^d-'^t Eiarr 11
(4) f|E^ w sfMl ^ #111
(5) ##15 #glT vJMxild TfraiT RTt ;R5ff # 53^ cl5t
#5?r #TR ^ 3TT#T # tiRTTie https;//mppsc.mp.gov.in er yct,iRid
^ SlMdl^d ^ 07 #RT # STc# ^1 SmifMr # EiT#fri
aTRiaft #r TRET 3tt#t ^ #ifRcr cisn" etI# eitt ^gwRT eir
aitddl^d STTETfaRff EJRT EIR 5f[E# | 07 #RT f%Elfi# SrI^ ^ EREn?[
fElTTfr ^ 31Wll#d er ei^ flRlR f#TT E^ltpTTI
TrjE?! smrfvPff er flrM-Mw ## ^ f#TR f#iT Ejr#iT i ## sm
3TTETf%ETf er #rR EIR Pinf^Rild ST^TTR chlildl^ Ei?r EinM :_

iPacetrss^ 57 fr mt ff tot f& if ^ 5tt sj? jt

1. if ^ fctclK^ ^ ^ TTeRT ^7
■^rar ■§ 3fk R|0cm1 if sri IqcptHj ■§ ?R yiqlticn x3tR—^uft cfjt -ti^ilftRT

2. ^STT 3f^ argciK if ^ f^ai1% argent

€r ^HRT #fni
3. f^RR5T Tfir f!|wff if tjcp 3Tf6r^ ^ t, ^ ^
^ TfRI ^JRf^l
4. f^RTW ^ [4*cm1' if ^ 3fr ^ H^^ tR ^
I4el"l[^fd vjllilJll I
5. fcrRT-f?r?tw ^fTfit1% ^fFR?r stwii^khI' 1cRr cf,^ ^ xf^win aff^
ipTT^ Miii)'!! tTSIT arraW gM ■^eroi^ https://mppsc.mp.gov.in
Tt^ ychif^id vn^jfl I aff^ ^a?r c^ tr^rpt ^ p^xTIcT 4t
3TPlf%/TR-ciJc|^K TTpqj ^ flRir PTT^I f^tRI-Mw gJT
aff^ fTtt I
6. vJM'il'Wl'i'HK ^frftfcT 5T?I RdlRld ^ g>t wl-dcb'i ^
^ atmr? ^ afftpf ^ argw apRifSM' ^
H'Tlitii hR"ii*i ■Etfftn f^nrr i

5. -dijpld aRTfSW ^ XT^ git WTT wfcfR arf^RJcPT 20 ^

#ft 1 wm afcp TTRT (wfgR) ■gr^tgciRt git gtsg g^atr tg at# -Eftfttr f^
gntpiTi c^ ^ ft xjwftggR, ftp# arrjft^ ^ ^ff^ffSpr l^^iiMd c^ arsftg tn#ra?.
xr^fatT if art xftftcr f^rgr tt, g^siT if tPi^ xn^ flrxt xfjgf |
xtttarr git gigRT tg xjwttggR git yivlirgj xpttm x^ tRfgr tRg tr? 40
ufei^id afgr gRT g5^ arrcRgg? tfgr 1 arggf^txT xgrfcT/atggjxiTT xgRgrfrT/aRT
fttJXST xpf, anWg? ^ ^ gPMt? xpf gg ft^lgdvild ^ x^ vi"t1<c|K tg
-^ddH artxpF^t afg? 30 trfcRitr tfit I

1. ^rag ^ gT#rg5 xFttaiT gg fttffxi TRgxR c^ ggTcttxpitxT ^rxRig gg tfgr I

2. "i^tftxi tt?g if qpcT afgif git qpffirgr xf^stt-mRuih tg gtgrgggf-ftxjfgxg if
gnfiR gff WXTT gfTW I
3. xpT ^ grtfirxp xRtaiT gg xncrgggr ift gpsg ^ tngjirgj xtftag x^ wg tt
4. grag gg gtgr HK[g0 xfftsiT xfit i|Rd qsrg g fiRftg gtgt tr?g xpgt c^
yimfgil git vftsxpg ^gR git vTTgxft I

2|PageTrg=T ^at tft«Tff?TTTt&<T"^?giR'»r

-IS- 1& 1S- ^ ^
^ i

5. (3T) ^ srqw -
• cf?t sjcRSfT (^TuiPTf^, Tjf^FnS^, fclW^WTT,

• ^ r^jvW^liJ y-J^litcTlxiM i^cf sjcRSITI

(w) ^rs?T ^ araf ogm^fsri -

• c^ vJl-llPlRh TJcf XjTifiTTHT I
• ^ 3nf§fc[5 R|cpi>ti I
• wrat?T ^ irg^ X5#n- 1
• ^RKTff^ -qft wrfM, srj^jftTT WfrRT XJFTSnfM TTSTT ^
^rg^g' cijcjiftw^ ■zftsFrr^i

6. ^TNn ^ ^TTfFT ymigH T?? arsf czra^arr

• ^"TRcto ^ira^ ari^rf^RPT 1919 1935 1
• -(ifcltiM ^fTPT I
• ct5i4mf^chi, ^|t^4Ri Tjcf I
• ^^TFTfM c^ affSmjR. cfj^ tt4 ^-Pi^^icb I
• >3?ili=PT I
• wjlilHiJ TJcf wjiRlch STcRajTl
• ^TRcfl^ aTsfsjcRSTT, sffelWp ftcf^ sfhJ SIFTR, aTPTFT f^RfcT 1
• fcRfrjf ^«TR - "fcjrf t^, t^P, SEBI/NSE/ % tf¥P" fMEr

7. f^$IM T?? M^fci-<"l

• fcf^TPT ^ *ilf^0 Ricgia I
• ■fTPJrr ^ 5Pg^ WTET TJcf 3mf^
• 4i)fcix:ui -qt ^-IcrfciwT I

• 3TW TTtW ^ I

• T3cqK TREfraj

• ^ TRf W?e2T *l45hH I

• tr^W, Hlcljfacp 3TFKT^ '"^ TpfEEf 1

AlPaec^^ir ttat •qfrwrfffaiSF'^OTiP'T


TfErtP^yf onf^cq TJcf ■^STPT I

tlcHliJ I
■jtrct wjy^^i c[?r ^ ^fTwq, yfMPTcn^ Tjcf
9. ggnLS5_H9Il
^q^c|-sJiPic|51, ifhdtfMt i
^twtfeRT, anlSftiftRM ^HTW Rict-qRc^l I

?rsn ^Ffr?TR ^arf^ i


vfR^ pTytsry 3ii41'i i

^ eftcp ^ aiR^TI
TRTyt^ ^ ^ arraki
TR H^i<^«ai yffsry? i
^ 3TFTt^l

arRt^i .
■5IM ^maRT 3TRfrfT 1
3rjq|%RT ^infer tr arg^jfer viHwiiRi strW
■erf atrfrn'
3?rfm- i
vHdch'dl 3TRrf|
■^p^rf gRci srf^RRR I
WET rfWJT Sirfrf ^RTlrf 1

5|PaBeTr5=Jr ^ ar T fr «t ff ?3t & w tt sfr w

Tlogf ftlxS'Plcb) 2023 j

Hcfte ira" - iHWM 3lPii!nRl MtfliH"! 1


2. >tlTHK cfft^T^ ^if^a 3f^— cf?l^lel

3. ^ arw
4. Pl^I-M ^+1^1 ^i^l>MM
5. >HHM HMRH4?
6. 3fmR^ Wrft(Wnt ^ ^*er, Ri>wk anf^- cfjgrr ^^)
^Tcfj'sl ^ Pi4-dd TH^) ail^0i, siicj^-sl tr^rlwTT srrf^—c^'dqi ^
7. 1%^ 1TM ^ ^ftw^ cffr^ ^ w)

^ ^ v3^Wr ^ 3fMt vJT^cra


6|PagcTT53i ^ ar 7 fr wur ?w 1& w «fT a? jt

state Service (Preliminary) Examination 2023
Paper -I General Studies

1. History, Culture and Literature of Madhya Pradesh.

• Major events and Major dynasties in history of Madhya Pradesh.
• Contribution of Madhya Pradesh in freedom movement.
• Major arts and Sculputure of Madhya Pradesh.
• Major Tribes and Dialects of Madhya Pradesh.
• Major festivals, Folk music, Folk arts and Folk literature of Madhya
• Important Literator of Madhya Pradesh and their literature.
• Religious and tourist places of Madhya Pradesh.
• Important Tribal Personalities of Madhya Pradesh.

2. History of India.
• Major features, Events and their administrative, Social and Economical
Systems ofAncient and Medieval India.
• Social and Religious reform movements in 19^^ and 20^^ century.
• Independence struggle and Indian National Movement for Freedom.
• Integration and Reorganization ofIndia after Independence.

3. Geography of Madhya Pradesh.

• Forest, Forest Produce, Wild life, Rivers, Mountains and Mountain ranges
of Madhya Pradesh.
• Climate of Madhya Pradesh.
• Natural and Mineral resources of Madhya Pradesh.
• Transport in Madhya Pradesh.
• Major Irrigation and Electrical Projects in Madhya Pradesh.
• Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Agriculture based industries in
Madhya Pradesh.

7|PageTr33r ^ ar 7 fr «T fHt ft w fr w w
4. Geography of World and India

• Physical Geography Physical features and Natural regions.

• Natural Resources:- Forest, Mineral resources, Water, Agriculture,
Wildlife, National Parks/ Sanctuaries/Safari.
• Social Geography:- Population related Demography (Population growth.
Age, Sex ratio, Literacy and Economic activities)
• Economic Geography: - Natural and Human resources (Industry, Modes
of Transport)
• Continents/Countries/Oceans/Rivers/Mountains of world.
• Natural Resources of World.
• Conventional and Non conventional Energy Resources.

(A) Constitutional System of Madhya Pradesh

• Constitutional System of Madhya Pradesh (Govemer, Council of
Ministers, Legislative Assembly, High Court).
• Three-tier System ofPanchayati Raj and Urban Administration in Madhya

(B) Economy of Madhya Pradesh

• Demography and Census of Madhya Pradesh.
• Economic Development of Madhya Pradesh.
• Major Industries of Madhya Pradesh.
• Castes of Madhya Pradesh, Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes of
Madhya Pradesh and Major Welfare Schemes of State.

6. Constitution Government and Economy of India.

• Government India act 1919 and 1935.
• Constituent Assembly.
• Union Excutive, President and Parliament.
• Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens and Directive Principles
of State policy..
• Constitutional Amendments.
• Supreme Court and Judicial System.
• Indian Economy, Industrial Development and Foreign trade. Import and
• Financial Institutions- Researve Bank of India, Nationalised Banks,
Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), National Stock Exchange
(NSE), Non Banking Financial Institutions.

8|PageTr3=ir tar i ft hi ft cT 5B t
7. Science and Technology.
• Basic Principles of Science.
• Important Indian Scientific Research Institutions and Their achievements,
Satellite and Space technology.
• Environment and Biodiversity.
• Ecological System.
• Nutrition, Food and Nutrient.'''
• HumanBody.
• Agricultural Product Technology.
• Food Processing.
• Health Policy and Programmes.
• Pollution, Natural Diasasters and Management.

8. Current International and National Affairs.

• Important Personalities and Places
• Major Events
• Important Sports Institutes, Sports Competitions and Awards ofIndia and
Madhya Pradesh.
9. Information and Communication Technology
Electronics, Information and Communication Technology
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security
Internet and Social Networking Sites

10. Sfational and Regional Constitutional / Statutory Bodies

Election Commission ofIndia
State Election Commission
Union Public Service Commission
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
Comptroller and Auditor General
NITI Aayog
Human Rights Commission
Women Commission
Child Protection Commission
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission
Backward class Commission
Information Commission
Vigilance Commission
National Green Tribunal
Food preservation Commission etc.

9|PageTT3=ir ^31 T fr HI y 731 ft cT "rr ?r w

state Service (Preliminary) Examination 2023

1. Comprehension
2. Interpersonal skill including communication skill
3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
4. Decision making and problem solving
5. General mental ability
6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude
ect.-Class X level) Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data
sufficiency etc.-Class X level)
7. Hindi Language Comprehension Skill (Class X level)

Note:- Question relating to Hindi Language Comprehension skill of

Class X level will be tested through passages from Hindi language only
without providing English Translation thereof in the question paper.

10|PaBe^T5=^ it -ai 7fta!n'!r¥ctTS?r'?rOTS!'5T

wr ^gfr 2023
■g^ ^5TT Tf I^FTTg^TR 06 I "^T^t 3lPiqi4
^.5f^. gyrfe
1T9TTT ^HIHM 3{?3T^h~I 03 ^ 300 fl^ 3TST^ 3TMr

WTRT 3T?2Rr^-ll 03 "Ef^ 300 sTsmr 3tMt

(>in41Ri, 3T9f?n^ ^

3T?2r2pf-|II 03 "Efe 300 fMt 3T9M 3f^

(f^^ii^i acD^lc^l)
WTRT 3T£^RrT-IV 03 "Efe 200 . 3T8M

T?cr eft^ y^TRH)
WT M^-iM-:H- 03 ^ 200
02 ^ 100

TTT^ eT^

WT5TRtf)R :- 175 3T^

3f^:— 1575

1) atartFT ^ TfgpT ^ ^ TFifa-300 t trarr •'?m-3 •Ef^ i

• WTpTT 31^3ra^ c^ ^rSTH ^ ^ '3T' ^ 'W' #ff I ^ 150
3Tcfrf ^ FTm' l ^ MIcJ-MfbH 3TJFTR 05 if fcTHTf^ tl
% 03 3# ^ 02 ef^ X3x1^ TTaTT 01 ^ vJTl^li) ^TT
f^ETRW ^ ^1 TJ^ ^ ^ft©n 3(|c|^i1chc1l:J>HK ^ ^
arfSlcp clft W
• if 3Tf^ ^ w5t^ TT?^ f^ 03 afcp Hsn ^ X3tr5to
1Jcitc5, ^ 05 3fcfj 1?^ ^ ^ fM 11 3fcP TjajfcP
• ^ y0K Wirifn 5<15|4 ^ fef^ <ge1 ^"ifn 3Tc5 30 Wt I
• ^ WR ■#Tf ^ '3T' cTSTT '£(' ^ ^ 150-150 ^if I
• 31^: "Raw "H^ W ^ 300 ^ I
• RRfcp 3T% ^ wftR WT Clft #fn" 10 "W Rf^ 1
• RRfcp cig vixl^l-ij WT R>f 3TTR?f ^ #^11 50 ?l65r/5 ^ 6 I
• R^ TSxTfra TRR cf5f 3TTR^ #RT 200 ?Rer #ff I
ii|PaBeTr3TT i^ar R^ftsnff^^nStfiTWiKJT
2)'HIHM aigPPT ^ ^ q°lf^-300 t tCT ^I
• '<HHM 3TS2W^ c^ Tfwra ^f ^^ '3T' cWT '^' I ^R^Tcp ^ 150
3Tc[^ cf>r ^1 ^ MidiJshH ^ 05 if tl
Wcimj fc5T^ % 03 3Tf^ 02 eT^ ^3tT^ cTSTT 01 ^ ^
t^STTcRcfJ -H^ c^ 13^ y?^ff ^ W5TT 3TrcfW[5?TTfHR ^ ^TT
3Tto ^ W

• ^ srf^ ergvpto ^ fM oa sra; ^sn ^ wfto

Tlc^tcp TT?^ # 05 3fc5 TJcf ^ TT?^ ^ 1M 11 3Tc[? Tjyifcp

•^ WR TIRI^ c^ 1^^tjyifcfj 3fc5 30 #t I

•^ WR ^ '3T' Trarr 'er' ^r ^ijRfcp 150-150 1
• v34^<tdl^vHR nSRT ^ 300 #t I
• TIRlcp 3rf% erg BvT^ Cl5t 3TT^ #fTT 10 ?T^/ W ^I
• ef^' Wto Tm ^ 3fK?t RR^ #fTT 50 Rl6^/5 ^ 6 ^'Rklijl #fr I

• ^Rltcp UR^T cf5t 3TRRt Rle^ #fIT 200 RR^ #fr I

3)'HiHi'^ aiKRRT g#iT im ^^ qpifa-aoo f rrtt vm-a •Et^^i

• >HHM aiEJRRf c^ ^#11 yR^m 10 ^chi^ijl' ^ ftyrfeT 11 yRtc5 % oa
arfcT eiy vjTl'Jl'M, 02 eiy BRT^tzf "^EfT oi <f|tl vaxl'Jly ITT f^tWETRTcf) wa-ll ^
^3tR ^I yR^ y5t sTTciRyynTTfHR cpy ^ arto y5t w ^fic^.i
• y^ ^ arf^ ef^ wto yRfcp y?y c^ fM oa afy; cray erg xstrto
yRtyr yRy ^ fM 05 ary? yy ^ yRly> yyy ^ 11 afyr gTirfy?

• yyTR yR|c5 ^yy^ ^ 1^^gyifyj ary; ao ^1

• w uRyyyt ^gyify? aoo 1
• yeityj arf^ erg w5ty yyy y5t anyRf Ri^y #frT 10 Ryy/ yyr xifcty^1
• yRfyr ^ w?ty yyy y5t anyRf Ri^y #yT 50 Riey/5 ^ e y'Rkiyl^1
• yRtyr ^ wftn yRn yfr anyRf RRy #fn 200 Rny #fr 1
^ 12|PaEeW55r ^ar y fr ei ff.?aT 55 ^ nt zw sr jr
4) SiHTiFr ^ ^ ^"1^-200 t tfan WT-S lefe I
• WIHT STKI^H ^ =EigaJ 05 ^ fcTrnf^ t fuRTir ySFT ^ ^sf
TRJ5, ^RlTcP 05 3T% ^ ■grF^to, 02 ^ cTaiT 01 '^PEf
^ c^ ,i3tr ^ ^ I wff cf?r sncRiicRtTTg^ ^
■JTT arfecu cfft w ^H^.i
• TfaRf ^ 'srgaf Wtcp if 3# c^ 02
3Tcf5 cTSfT ^ vd-d'Jli) ^ 05 3R5 T;^ ^ W5t^ W?ll^ WT c^
20 3fc5 #t I
• ^ lJcf>R ^SPT % ^af W, ^ ^ Tjyife 3fcf5 40 #t I
• ira c[5t Tfra^r ^ wjsOT ^ 02 c^ ci5t -^tci
1eRg^ #ft I TRJtcfJ C^ ^ 20 STcfJ wfrt 1
• if ^ iJRfe 200 ^ I
• TRirai 3Tf^ eff ^ 3n^ #fTT 10 ■^cp ^Tf^ ^1
• TRifcf^ ^ 'Bxlfm TR^ c|ft 3TT^ ^ #fiT 50 ^1^/5 ^ 6 y'Rkiiil #ft I
• igRl^ ^rpfra TR^ 3TT^ ^#1T 200 ?Rq- ^ 1
• TRIfcfJ ^ ^ 3TTcRt ^ 500 ■?R^ ^ I

, 5) ^ ^ q°ifa-2oo f ^an wrar-a 'ef^ i

. • 1?^ TR^TO3(. vlHlHM T?cf cZTTcfRCT W ^TTT I
• TTaFT if ^ ^ 25 TR^T #t ^ mdiJfhH ^ ijl^ ^5TT^ I
• Pvte TR^ 03 afcpf cI5r ^TttT I
• 5R^ aTcTOTRf ^ ^ffeffSlcr ^ I f^RFf 02 1RT W^if I ^R^ 05
afcfir w ^tTT I
• ^cto TR^ ^ 02 ^ IRT ^ f^Rif clTcpff cCT f%^ ^ Sf^ arjcTK 20 Sfcflf
cf5T cTarr sfduft f^tTl if 15 3f^ W I ^ WR 3)^ct|q 3Tcp 35
• ^af f%^ RTRRR ^ ^ffsffSra" ^ f^RFf ^fRTRT, 1^ ^
TR^ ^infir I Wf ^ Sfcp 20 #ir I
• ifen" ;R^ HRfil^ RTRRRT TJcf ^f^ 1 ^ SfcfJ 20
• ^JST sryfe^ w?t % ^ffcffStH #n i ^ step 20 ^ I
• 'diaqi yay ticvRFT sraRfT ^Tiy—qcciqy ^ Hiqf^RT 5V11 1 ^'d'l ^ef 10 sfcp si-il |
• ayscff y?^ tturt c^ ^tf^yR ^ mfSRT ^ I wf cgeT 10 afy; ^ I
• TRRf cf>t -(IteMI srra^JRKTTgRR cfRT ay 3lfSlcy y5t uTT -dctf'fl 1 aycRajcfjyTgaTR
f^5# y?R if Ry y?y iff ^ #|

islPage^^^ T^wi?r7Trrf&rr'tn-5?rsK»r
6) w ^^ q^-100 t I

w pwra ftwEr Tjg TTTWT ^#n I

"Sr?^ ^ef c?f=T TT?=T 'Sf't I
Tm ?PTf^-1 TfSFT ftefsT ^1^1 f^RFf f?t5^ W f!^ 1000 Tf I^ET
Tf fpi'ia'ii '5tTT 1 "JT?^ siiaRcr) Rl^eM fTtt I tr?^ 50 afcfit ^
f5TrfcP-2 -nH>HHRich ^frwrr ^ Frrrri'
fuRFf w 500 Rrsfer f^^Hi wt^i
atidRch ftwT #rr i n? 25 aicpf c^r #tt i
jmf^-3 ^nwr ^ ^fM§RT #tt i w
if Cfj^^I 3J?IIc5 Vivm ^f 3n^^ #fTT 250 #fr I
im ^ 3jldRc5 fcTcpeq #n I 25 3Tclff c5T #TT I
M^dl ^ -d-isdl SHiq^ijcfjai^'dK WF ■JIT 3T15[^ ^ W I STfcR^Icficrr^^TR
ft5# ^^ ^^ 11


1. ^ Tf sTvqsft ^ y?itc5 ^ 40 wRi^m sra? yryr

ctixl'li 3)Riqi4 ■§ I ST^^jf^RT vjllfcl, STJ^jf^fT ulM^lRl, 3F^ [mW'SI yf STfRfcp '^Sy
y5yyfR y^f f^:"?iydyry strtRW ^ -^Hdy ai^y^Rt sfy? 30 yfcRRT
2. yFsy ^ y^m ^ ^sTRyyy tg RsiiRd yyt yy 3 ^ cfaji yryry am? yM
sTRjfW y^r yrrftcT 1?i5yT ynyyri
3. yiyy ^ yftsy Rm- 2015 yay ?Ry?yKT yfyffRRT affSRj^aft c^ arg^ yfray
aoylRid y?r ynrpfr 1

aaiPageTfstr tar y^wrw^wl&rryT^a^T

^gTT 2023

^fcTFRT ^Rt^fcT

^TRdto ^ "^TuT^ftfi!^, srrf^Jcfi, ■^TFrrfvr^ ^fa&m,

^ 10 ^f ^idis41 d^i
• 11 '^f "^18 '^f i?iai«51 cT^ ^TRcf ^ ^MdlRlcfj, STlf^fe, tH^lRjl"^

• 3fk y^TTfR, ^ i
• ftfer mpr ^ sisfcircReTT otft i

• Mt^ viMPi^iii ^ yf^ *rR#!ff yf&%yT: ^nf^yrfMr yrr

yaRT >Wdddl SlMldd/^mrFTl gyujfrRW :. ^Wdddl 3TKi^
yy ^dci? ^(^ctjcpal i
• d^idd ^ ^ ^ w yre^r, yR^fr ^ yy ^dddi
yrf^^ yy^M ^ yg^ yedi^ i
. • wiyt^T ^ yy^fym" 3Tfyt^ 1*
• yRcfty yTRc^f^ f^yRTcT (y^yy^ ^ yfy^ : yr^ty yy^ ^
3Ti^^f^ry^ yyd" yy^ y^ yRoyf, ynfey, y^ (yyyy) yy yR^p^ ^
yg^ yari
• y.y. tt yarn yy y^fey i
yeyy^ y>t yg^ "RyRT^ :- ^yfeyryr, y^R?r, Ri'l^yi yy
yiyM RyivHd (yr^ ^ ^wdddi yrftr yy>) i

• y^fyry yeyy^ ^ yHfery? yfy^f ^i

ISlPagfi'tTair TfYMiTTarQs'RS^srJi

• 'fffcW effflFT :- irffT, iRR, UrTcT I

• ;rg^ 'Mfetcf) ■ERRR :- ^13^, ^gR^r, wc^ig^ f^, ^ifbciid 1
• c|5t uTcRTg :- uldcll^ TR 7(t^, craf ^ f^fcTFT X[cf ^dcll^ TT^,
WTcrrg qRci<^H tr trri

^lyg ^ ^''Api

• Tig^ir 'fticW wsR :- iRR, tr Hrr i

• c^ g^-STTc^f^ I
-• vsteRi^ :- cffr wt1%, w vddcii^ TR cmf w fiRnFr
TR uTefcrrg ;f^i
• Wlcljfclcb WER IRFT T?^ WfR
(cf?) Rd',
(^) <aPtd
• uRH^:- fcIcTFT, 'ERR, feRTfTR, RgFR, TRW, i?cf RT^to
• WfRFT ^ WcRR TR TRW, ^g^rff cR
W^flRIFR, cl?r TR 3RcRff anctWRcTR, TTR-gfif


• ^3(|cbiRct51 (Geomoiphic) TI^- Rkl tr RcRT trr

Tf I
• WIclrRlch cIHrRI tR ddcliyi
"• ^:- TJR Tftto, RRrRtR TR 3JR, gR TRTWFR XR tjr
?Tfrc^l ddilS"! 3TRR XR RWT RrIXR I
• <51Rid TR TSurf RHPR:- RfF?, ftcRR XR RRhT 1
• M5<s( vieiVi:— 5^ ^RR, RT XR <5iRld 3rRlRa vieil'l I
• RvR cl5V vtRRtRRT;— STPRRR vRvTrRRt c^ R|R|<^ RRf ^ I

lei PagetrsR ■TtrMiffTailtiTRSRSR'w

^ grrw ??"£ft

• 3IT>jf^, W ^ cf^Rny TTcf JJ^uiddl n^SRT I

• vjid—TT^eR I

• ^ I
• WIclofclch TJcf TTHcT 1^rl^ 3IN^, 3TFKT MSPT cf5t CSycTSTRRR f^PRTR cf5t
WcRR, TJcf I
• ^yrrg^rftcfj :- ^FfWH hhRi^ui, wr g^mkr, f^Rl^ ^
PRTRito ■s^ra, ^g^fecT f^mW, tci?f$w #EfR ijcf ufrcH-^ffrr %g i

qjftcf ^ anqf^ dch-ilch

• ^5^ #i^TRr, f?rg^ -gHct51ii vtcf^rr, wy^ ^ pw?,

^ffcy^ w wfmi
• ^'9?'^ y^Jiicfi) - ■ETCcp TTcf wfm" i
• p"lf^!iiPi'j| f^y^sjy) -ayy^yy^ ■d'cbeP'ii wifPT I

i7|Paec?T3^r ^>3T vfttefrffTtTTftrftROTtirir


>H'RtJH, ?TRM -^M^IRlcb Tjg WS^imPlctJ ^^TfERT


• -H'f^tlM:- f^TRW, ^#ErT 1

• tRg:- 3^4R|ct2|, arfSra^R, ^ ^^rfcT Pl'^^lch ?I?tr, cf^ I
• "Ut)qi<5, 'TOer, vJ^WT '^TT^fTcPJ, -tTRTTcRT, ^M^iqclW-l,
•>yiRl* vHffbiJdl, #C[J 3KT^ 1^ uidf^d mfefJT I

^tfRcT Pidhd SIFTt^, Pl4dch i^cf irfraR?, ^ ete ^ 3n^,

eftcf> ^3TTlft^ i^cf 3TWrrT,
^f wf^, srf,^, 'TNT TN ^ 'Jprarr, 'TTTcflTT
TM-Tlfrl TM-flRlct, dddH SJcTJI^, -RrRld ^TTtTTTZr^t Trcf TiFT 3TKt^,
^I^tTT 3T#5m cTSTT ^aTT % Tg% -g^|


^rffiTETT'T ^ 73 cf TTcf 74 cf ^fmlSFT ^TT^ TJFFTFff^ TJcf W^tTJ ?rT^ I

TJ^ 3)[Slct)K:- nfrRrmf STTTfTT, WflWr 'T^, SnrftN, iTflcTT
snTfrT, TTRcr arfSicfTR anrTtN, aNTT/arsMT/arfSrcr anTTtT, THdct5di
amrtT i

dWdd cl5t TM^lRlch wRlPll^FtT, I^T^k TT^TIT ^ dl'lRchl' c[?r

vHgdiij sitettRct (cbo), ^ ^rrwifr TTwr (ngo) ^ dsi-Mdi
TTgp (SHG) I
'ftf^TTT eft 'jftw TJcf (fftcf^lRtcF, fsFS -qcf ^ffNlcT 'W%7TT)


cf?rfec?I, TTWTT ^fM, Wrre^eTM cfeeW
dlfB-ui, ^.fr.sTR. spinsqR, ■^wzm, xsrqwm ^trtw i


ySTRFT Tfg TJWT:- STsf, T?cf ftcf5|%?r Tjg ftcf^TFRfteT ^fFfTWf if effcp
TRTRPT c[?t 5jj$IW. W ^^ yWH cPr fctcPRT, efm?
M^IKI-I, elfcf) TraRPT Ricgia
3iwv^:- ^fmr, uiR|chi'51, ^sxTwfSt^ TtRTFTRpf (Delegation) i
^H'Jld'l ^ Ric^ld, qettlMH, f^RRRT cPT ^ T?cf 3IT^ ^ I
MEH amiFi, ^Rcidd ^ traepT fcTcpm irirpt i

i9|PagcTi5=? tar tfrertr^rnf&cr'^^tKw


• ^TRcT c|f^, vsejl'l tjcf "#rT ^'g^ "(Jcf tfg^

• ^r 3TFT c[5t W^l
• ^fiR^ tcf? ciimiRcf) f^iff c^ cm4, fct#JT wniRH, ^ffrf^^I
• 3?Efft cf5^ ^i5t Mw^ - WIST T^ am^sr ^f5^, #t
■^, ^Txwtfto I
• eTt^ Rlclv!"! wm#, ^Kcfli) SiafsjcRefT ^ clcf^M U^IMf TJcf =gifffMr, ^frM,
iRtx^JTRt arff^^i
• *fR?T ^ 3RRfi^ cZITW TTcf yjlcin. ^fTfepf, ^
ctf^rr^ ct^qPiijX fct^ Ricl?r, arFTRT-f^rafe ar^vRf^
fcRcT %, iiRieji^ fitom %, stftk STtRrFT, Wcf^,
TJcf 31^1

1^-2 ^RE!rat?r ^ :-

• ■ Trg^ ^ ^ ^ TN WeT nfrPM, ^ WTT^ T?cf fcf^R^ W

^ffri^ Tfcf -tiHlRlch ^T^rfcRi^ TWTcT, TJcf cjft ^rpjcRIT TJcf 3TFjf^ ^
^ ;g^, ^ ^ cfJlc^, vi^jiPict51, wc?r ■qcf 4^j,men arrf^
■g^ Tjcf c^ wn^, mRci^h, ^nrsRur T?cf Rtwr ^ ^fMRra'
wnRTR gXifciifl I
• CtoR ^ cfxrilUJIctJlXl I

• ^ srsr ^ itXKH 1

• TTtijy^^i cf5T snWRgcT ^NfT WTET^ I

• wm^ ^ x?FTfRR?r aik ^ srsfajcRsn' I

• sMRra? ^Fff%, agfM gXlRi-Mi i

• ct^^iel 'Tpra'—^FRTIW^
vb4el®iiai ttT^—^RTTEH ^ Pl4)^'1 ga' ^?aT^a5cTT,
%5FTR (^^) I
20|P<->ge^3S!r 5Ff3T T^t^rrw^riT&vr'trrs^ifrJT

♦iMq— Rcpiti

ftreiT:- fIrsTT, vJ-cciRiarr flMT, cqcrmflm?

ftiSTT ^ T^icRTR, qif^chiaff ci5t i
Pinf^Rad ^ ^ -diHiRitctJ ^5^ wrim -.-
1^:'?ycraf qidcf, df^ellk;, WTTfvt^ WT '^T qRld erf, rfcpRT
qRrfunisff ^ rfwrfrfr ^ 1

^trnrrrfr^ ^ ■ei^, ^frwim rfR W

^ 1 rfwi^r W

^ rfrfwR I WpR : fcrfcTET I erf sjcRajT I aTT^TfT, I arf

eT W fetcTT? ^ McdRlrf I
vUll^eJlRlcb rfW^T ebrf^bH, TRTR ftisrr, WZrfRM wg^rrfefj Rel^w ^
"^Refrft ■^TTSrf (nGo) \[def)|, tqtlqi ^ ^ ^ ill^il"! fefcfjRT erf ddld
y^fM, "Mwidii I

^srywTT airf rfsrr ^ rf^yR y^c^TFT

yirffFT, XS^RrfzTT rfprfRI
Wrat^T ^ ddullfrlrf wnrfry? W-dHI, rfrf-ftefRT, *1Mdlii,
fclqis, -iiclqrf, enrfcf? rf^cTRT ef rfWT, dddlldql ydfdd eT "SRfef 1
rfleTT rfSTT, mRellRcb ^FefRSJI, WfJ, rf cRW sfR OTTcr,
rfy°T ^IKHcrfiJ chrffhH yrf^aiT ^ ^ ^ dyrfterf y^-rfeRSm,
■dfhHeb arf srrfCTW frfrfM rf l
rfya^:- ^3^^, rfTEHT, irf ehrffhH I

2l|Page=(T3=if ;^gr trfrMTff?fiTfacryr?y35-5=r


• TJ^ Jj,>!?cc||cht}ui 6f^, cIl^H-Scfl-y l?cf cI5p}

• ?cpTW 3fr? 'TT^, ^ XJ^WT I
• xif^, ^T, rt'<"l
• Egf^:- nR'Hitii, ywK cfXT xTTHiH, afR 3i-«si ecfRr, #? 3lk ^ff%r
KfRr xfMRra' ^KMc^i- arraPT, ^-efwi^, ci^ c[?r an^ i
• f^^:- fcffipp IPPR ^ pftpar I
• fRip "gw cf)T PipI"! pcf xjqzfpr 1
• p^m:- xRTcpfp, amcRfp, -^xfur iTcf #h, wRiR'^ Rn#r|
• ^^hTT:- mp PFH, aipl4lex!, ajs^ ^ ^PTP^Rnr I


cl?g, ill Rich afk Rr«Fr:- mRpHII, ^TOPTRicP JRft^, xja^l xR xsqeRERn
En^ aik 3?ett^, an^-xfTRx^r xxcf aiiciJdi i
M>!H|uj,M^PI"J->H>i-cHI,iHij'lu|chi:1l,cfEr, xRPTxj-^ffeRH afk I
aiR^, 5fR aft^ efcm, xfrxfEf. ppt xg^|
ptf^ch afR ximiAiPjch qRcidp i
tRph XjftEPT xrtrRT


xgCTPftcr x^ xfrfcicp-cgft-
ch"lRl0l—P><PPI XJcf chTiJ, XJpgaff XXcf xflEfr ^ cpffcfRXT I
xqW, xT^aff xrg if Tfrpxi7_ an?R, RlciiRn, d1PdM-ii x^, WPffRf,
XTRcT c^ aFT, xffWPT x^ chT^-WefT I
Xlftcff Tf ?cRPf 1
xT^aff aft^ xft^ff if TffMcRxxr/irRcf^ (^fwif^^FT)
xT^atf aff? xiWf if PuPH I

ZZlPageTTSir tar T^HiffTaTa?'?TOT5x»r


^ ■qcf tM (ui'l^i^M) I
i^rge 3ik arre^^e fecn^^rr, -wl^ui fecii^^, wre^ aik
affq^f^ Rivwq, R'-dlui, qifffjtwfe afff^ # wfrq I
qroj^ qft qiqi^, qrnnfcR, ^STT I

^Hr?ra 4l(^qi,

fctRFT wM qf^ef afR afR imit^i

wiR T?q qqjR, qm q5f fcrf^wf, qjflchviq ^yqq^, enq ?#r,

yRl^id, ^qrenqq i^cf qqiffe stm, argqrq-qqrgqqT i
qiR^ct^:- yiRiq>di, ci^nOq q^ (qi^q, qrfSwr qq qfeiq>) qq
ftqqq^fleraT qft qiq, qrq^ # qqqq i

■qqqqq? qq qqqft ■^tqjsqq i

qi^tq ^tqqq^qq qqzfqqr i
aqgq (ayush) f^rteqr qrerlMr - aqg^q, qqr, ftiqErr, ^qqWsJt
ftfeqr q^fMf ^ qiqftcp qqqqq^i
c^ qq qjq?! ^nqq q?)' q?wj4 wqsq qfqsJt q^eqmqq^ qtqiqrq i
c^ qq qjqq qnqq c^ qBxqq4 ^tqiqaq qfqqq i

qrqq ■a?tqq qq toqT ^ wm, qq^ iMPTq5t q5t qftqrq i

fMq qq ^(cisiq, qrqq f^qrs qfRrq i
qiq^ftq arqRgr argqEnq qfqqq (ISRO), qraiT qq^ qqq q1^"lPiq5l c^,
(RRCAT), qr^ qqq amf^er qfer (SDSC), qsq argqiwiq
qq qfqqq (drdo), qrqr qqqrfW argqfEnq (barc),
qra" argqenq qfqenq, g^r^ (tifr), qr^k qigq^q^ arjqfenq
qqVl^lMI, RlvtoMRl (NARL), cRcI iMqq q^T^ fq^ (LPSC), 3RTf^
qqqfrq ai^qqiwrq (SAC), ?feqq #q q^ Aeqq5, fq^ (IDSN),
qcTqr qn^ '^feq, fq^q; (ISSDC), fctqqf qqqiqif aiqRar c^,
frrsarqqrgqq (vssc), qrq^fe amRsr f^iq qq qq^Mf qfqaTiq,
Rrq^aiqqTgqq (iiST), qi^ ^ qRr^ fqqrqiq (nrsc), qiq#? ^
qfcT^ qjqenq, "^^qrgq (iiRS), qqq qfqsnqt q?f qnqpq unqqiRt i
23|PaBGtro=7r ^ar q#r«i9'?5ft1&?rqT^iiTJT
WT?, ^ITMf ^ (vjH^I^H) I
^ wltilRicfi- q^rm, wRsif 3fhf RiRbi^ni, 4^j4ieiH, ^3^ sik
TprfcRTJT^^if I
cfkl^, ileilevH ffew I
41fe* ^ffq^ ^ arfecpR tj4 (f^,f^)
%fFT 3ik c^ ^ ^ *rR#4f w ijVKH- ksr?kn? cfcfjs
WT^^ erg, whfk ifmr, f^s4?ikfT, ^Pictm
iHigvi-1, ftsM ^fTRPrk, TJ.iJt.k. cfJcTTfT, ^ efkT, ■^fMT
^ngcvTcf^ I
IcTfTFT ^ £^ ^f >:it>sf|i) 174 3RRf^k g^WR I

^ wrfkr afk ■^k-MW4Rcb ark, qR^mi, vi4is>i"i afk 3t?r i

^5RTT, krTS^TTtW ^ckcfRR, MR-eJleH 4 ^J#-ia4sRT,
5hii, acHiq-i, -dcMK-i iTiyni afR Rw^, -<>a><taiq I
i"i41Ri4l' ^ k4RRT gl afR g4lRiiii
c^ cict^fcqch crRtft afR irfcRir ^ k'ncpng i ^
WT WTHFRto BTsrf, ipRfRi efFTRfm ^3^, anf^ I

qijfciiui ^ qRrrm, ^ 44 srrawr:- ^fflRtcfj, anRfcr,

qnlclsiiRcb anR, ir^ 4 ^rqfcRR ci5t aicrETRRr, angto RRcr if
trafcRR ck aTc[?JRUTT|
iiFT^ 'ilciRRrat cfTT irafcRnr wttct, Miiki"! k kefRicr ^Richdi afR
■^-fcrPRrar, TirfcRur-sggR, qiiki^i-qRq^H 1
q^rfcRUT k k4RRT WTRTR afR g4lf?i4i, ^RrfcnMRi stott cR wnr afR

qilfcli"! f^:- i1l4vilR|ch TiRT WR^fJcTT c^ cCTsJsFT, qdldi"! fRsTT ^4

a-dcf)i ■^FcfRszf 44 ^arr Rr RRet i
■crzjfcRtT argc^ rfRfrfRcR, aj'JiI cpj R^sri, ^TzifeRR ■^rstr >d4tjiPict>
mcrETR I TRifciW 4iRi4i afR Rrttw ^ett i

■g—^T1%r^ cR uRdiqi 44 dSTd, gE4l— gq441, 4cel, eRR, ^eld'sel,
\jiei4sei, gs4r cR vItmRi 44 ang, gtwRicr wriRTRcfr, 4Rr (xieeH)-
MRdmi, p[cj5R - aiFRi, aTcRTT4Rt, ^miViRd 4fR, 44 ai^w, yfiq^H,
arraRi 44 apR44, g^rfRfiW, gRrmker, wiqjRich <4ii(eti, yicijRich 4r 44

24|PaBC^T^ 3T T it «I g 73T & K IT OT s: W


ciDsfPlcfj/tcl-ctKco, -HIIVJI >{Jt(|yct):— •ycfmia, 'cicl, 3R^ *16l41>!, 3i|-q|4
T\\c\\c\^, c(7#7, ^etvSfl<Ki, YIW^ 'Tl?^
>H|R141 WT# W?r cJiJH'c; xFR^tTcft, Wfr Rl4ctjM'<,


• ♦IH'I'JRi:- f^WR^, cT?sr, ycPTJJ : HhIc^Ri W I^rW, M'il<j(Tl mRcI^H, TRto

cTSTT ft^k, *nkk ^Fkf ^ kkrrfkrr i

• arkwRTT k eik kn ansn^ wrfksr, Rmsrar k

aRRsfcRikr, cRffkscTT, eiW kn kr wk, kk|p" k
cRkR kf ^ ;k kr^/cfi^)^ i

• ^fk) ff^:- 3RETR^, y^ii>m/'?irfPT if ^skflkrr k argkR 1

• oMfk^ici fkwR I
Rkk 31R9ZrWR k 3l1kw :
kcf> TORH ^ ^ IRIMR if iffk
xsvRkkr k Rkkrr, iffk? ck k i;fkT ttstt kk wkkr
^ if 3RM?fTT, kf? kkf anwT kkr, ^tffr if ■'jk ^ '
ytemR:- ■ytewK c^ wK k w brtct, wmr k sjeMdH
cfrk ^ \5RRT, WTTuT, kkR 'tjcf fkrektSR (Whistleblower) k
ijfkT, WTETR TR k kw, WIWR ^ RRT, ^-xik^Hd,
kcRTra" k dWi^TO I
kr •hikd:- MidijcbH ^ kkfkr fko^ ir ankk 1

25|PaecW^ '7^t8n9?TTTf&rr'qtk3'''''

History and Culture


Indian Histony:- Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India

from Harappan civilization to 10^^ Century A.D.
. ^ -L ji-
• Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India from II to 18
Century A.D.
• Mugal rulers and their administration. Emergence of composite culture
• Impact of British Rule on Indian Economy and Society.

• Reactions of Indians against British Colonial Rule: Peasant and Tribal

revolts, The First Struggle of Independence. Indian Renaissance: National
Freedom Movement and its leaders.
• Emergence of India as a Republic Nation, Reorganization of States,
Formation of Madhya Pradesh. Major events of the post independence

• Independence Movement in Madhya Pradesh,*

• Indian Cultural Heritage (with special reference to Madhya Pradesh):
Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature, Festivals & Architecture from
ancient to modem times.
• World Heritage sites in Madhya Pradesh and Tourism.


Dynasties of Madhya Pradesh: - Gondwana, Bundeli, Bagheli, Holkar,

Scindia and Bhopal State(From beginning till independence).

* With in Geographic reference of Present Madhya Pradesh.

.6|Paee=fT^ TttsnrjTnfSHTTOTiPJr


World Geography
• Major Physical Features:- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Rivers, Lakes and
• Major Geographical Phenomena:- Earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanicity,
• World Climate:- Climate and seasons, distribution of rain fall and climatic
regions. Climate change and its effects.

Geography ofIndia
• Major physical features:- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Rivers, Lakes and
• Physiographic Division ofIndia.
• Climate:- Origin of Monsoon, El Nino, Climate and Seasons, Distribution
of rain fall and climatic regions.
• Natural Resources:- Types and their uses.
(A)Water, forest, soil
(B)Rocks and minerals:
• Population:- Growth, distribution, density, sex ratio, literacy, migration,
rural and urban population.
• Food Processing and Related Industries:- Scope and significance.
Localization of industries. Requisites for forward and backward linkages
for industries, demand - supply and chain management.

Geography of Madhya Pradesh

• Major Geomorphic Regions with special reference to Narmada Valley and
Malwa Plateau.
• Natural vegetation and climate.
• Soil:- Physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, soil formation
process, problems of soil erosion and soil degradation, problem soil and
methods of its reclaimation, soil conservation planning on watershed basis.
• Mineral and Energy Resources:- Types, distribution and uses.
• Major Industries: Based on agricultural produce, forests and minerals.
• The Tribes of State with particular reference to vulnerable tribes.
27|PaBe^T5='r ^31

Water and disaster management

Drinking Water:- Supply, factors of impurity of water and quality
Water management.
Ground water and water conservation.
Natural and Man-made disasters. Concept and scope of disaster management,
specific hazards and mitigation.
Community planning: Resource mapping, relief and rehabilitation, preventive
and administrative measures, safe construction. Alternative communication
and survival efficiency.


Advanced Techniques in Geography

Remote sensing; principles, electromagnetic spectrum, components, types of

satellite. Application ofremote sensing.
GIS(Global Information System): Components of GIS, and its applications.
GPS (Global Positioning System): Basic concepts of GPS and its

28|PaeG'n'55r ^ar
Constitution, Governance, Political and Administrative Structure
• Constitution of India:- Its Foundation, characteristics, Basic Structure and
important amendments.
• Conceptual elements:- Objectives, fundamental rights and duties, directive
principle of state policy.
• Federalism, Central:- State Relations, Supreme Court, High Court, Judicial
Review, Judicial Activism, Lok Adalat and Public Interest Litigation.
• Election Commission of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
Union Public Service Commission, Madhya Pradesh Public Service
Commission and NITI Aayog.
• Role of caste, religion, class, ethnicity, language and gender in Indian
politics. Political parties and voting behavior in Indian politics, civil society
and Public movement. National integrity and security issues.
• Public participation and local government (with reference of 73'^'^ and 74^^^
amendment to the Constitution)
• Accountability and Rights:- Competition Commission, Consumer Forum,
Information Commission, Women's Commission, Human Rights
Commission, SC / ST / OBC Commission, Central Vigilance Commission.
• Features of democracy:- Political Representations, Participation of
Citizens in the Decision making Process.
• Community-based organizations (CBO), Non Government Organizations
(NGOs)and Self-help groups(SHG).
• Role of Media and Problems (Electronic, Print and Social)
Indian Political Thinkers
Kautilya, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel,
Ram Manohar Lohia, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Deendayal Upadhyaya,
Jayaprakash Narayan.

• Administration and Management:- Meaning, nature and significance.

Role of public administration in the developed and developing societies.
Development of Public administration as a .subject, Modem Public
Administration, Principles of Public Administration.
• Concepts:- Power, Authority, Responsibility and Delegation.
• Theories of organization, steps and area of control and unity of command.
• - New dimensions of public management, management of change and
development administration.
" l9|PaBetT3^ tar T fr Ht cr ^ P Jr
Economics and sociology
• Issues and initiatives in the field of agriculture, industry and services in

• Measurement of national income in India.

• Functions of Reserve Bank of India and commercial banks, financial

inclusion, monetary policy.
• Characteristics of good taxation system- Direct tax and indirect taxes,
subsidies, cash transaction, fiscal policy.
• Public distribution system, current trends and challenges of the Indian
economy, poverty, unemployment and Regional imbalances.
• India's international trade and balance of payment, role of Foreign capital,
multi-national companies, Foreign direct investment, import-export policy,
International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank,
World Trade Organization, ASIAN,SAARC,NAFTA AND OPEC,
With reference to Madhya Pradesh
• Major crops, holdings and cropping patterns, Social and physical
environmental impact on producation and distribution of crops, Issues and
challenges related with quality, and supply of seeds and manure, farming
practices, Issues and challenges of horticulture, poultry, dairy, fisheries and
husbandry etc. Problems and challenges related to agricultural produce,
transportation, storage and marketing.
• Welfare Schemes of Agriculture.
• Contribution of Service Sector.
• Infrastructure and resources of Madhya Pradesh.
• Demographic scenario of Madhya Pradesh and its impacts on the economy of
Madhya Pradesh.
• Industrial sector, growth, trends and challenges.
• Availability of skilled human resources, employability and productivity of
human resources, Different trends of employment.
Human Resource Development
• Education;- Elementary education, Quality of Higher, Vocational,
Technical and Medical Education. Issues related to girl's education.
• Issues related with following social classes and their welfare
programmes:- Differently abled classes, Senior Citizens, Children,
Women, Under privileged classes and Displaced groups arising out of
developmental projects.

• Elements of social harmony, concept of civilisation and culture. Features of
Indian Culture. Rituals: Various references, Caste system. Ashram,
Purushartha, Chatushtya, Religion and sect influences on society and
methods of marriage.
• Community Development Programme, Extension Education, Panchayati
Raj, Role of Non Governmental Organizations (NGO's) in Community
Development. Recent trends 'in Voluntary sector regarding Rural
Development, Family Court.

• Population and Health Problems, Health Education, and Empowerment,
Family Welfare Programmes, Population Control.
• Status of Tribes in Madhya Pradesh, Social Structure, customs. Beliefs,
Marriage, Kinship, Religious Beliefs and Traditions, Festivals and
Celebrations in Tribes.
• Women Education, Family Health, Vital Statistics, Causes and effects of
malnutrition, Goverment Programmes of supplementary nutrition.
Technological inventions in the field of Immunology, Remedies (Treatment
and Cure) of communicable and non communicable diseases.
• World Health Organization:- Objectives, Structure, Functions and

3l|PaBe=(T3w itar 'ifrwT'ir'Fail&tT'nOTSfrjr



• Work, Power and Energy- Gravitational Force, Friction, Atmospheric
Pressure and Work.
• Units and Measurement, Example from daily life.
• Speed, Velocity , Acceleration
• Sound:- Definition, Medium of Propagation, Audible and Inaudible sound,
Noise and Music.
Terminology related with Sound:- Amplitude, Wave Length, Frequency of

• Electricity:- Different types of Cell, Circuit.

• Magnet:-Properties, preparation and uses of artificial .magnet
• Light:- Reflection, Refraction, Mirrors and Lenses ,Image Formation,
• Heat: Measuring Temperature, Thermometers, Transformation of Heat.

• Element, Compound and Mixture:- Defmition, Chemical Symbols,
Properties, Availability on the Earth,
• Material:- Metals and Non Metals, Periodic Table and Periodicity.
• Atom, Atomic Structure, Valancy, Bonding, Nuclear Fusion and Fission.
• Acids, Bases and Salts. pH Value Indicators.
• ■ Physical and Chemical Changes.
• Chemistry in daily life

• Micro-organism and Organic Farming.
• Cell -Structure and Function, Classification of Animals and Plants.
• Nutrition in plants, animals and human beings, Balanced Diet, Vitamins,
Deficiency Diseases, Hormones,
• Body Organs ofHuman Beings, Structure and Functioning.
• Respiration in Organisms.
• Transportation in Animals and Plants.
• Reproduction in Animals and Plants
• Health and Hygiene and Diseases.


• Types of Computers, Characteristics and Generation.
• Memory, Input and Output Devices, Storage Devices, Software and
Hardware, Operating systems, Windows, Uses of Microsoft office.
• Computer Languages, Translators, Compilers, Interpreters and Assemblers.
• Internet, E-mail.
• Social Media,
• E -Governance.
• Different useful Portals, Sites and Web Pages.

• Numbers and its type, Methods of Unit Measurement, Equations and
Factors, Profit loss, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio
• Statistics:- Probability, Measurement of Central Tendency (Mean, Mode,
Median) and Variance, Types of Sampling.

• Communicable diseases and their Prevention.
• National Vaccination Programme.
• Primary Knowledge of AYUSH - Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha,
• Health Related Important Welfare Schemes of Central and State
• Major Health Organizations of Central and the State Government.
• Effects of Development on Human Life, Limitations of Indigenous
• History ofRemote Sensing, Remote Sensing in India.
• Indian Space Research Organization, (ISRO) * Raja Ramanna Center for
Atomic Technology (RRCAT) * Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC)
Shriharikota * Defence Research and Development Organization(DRDO)*
Bhabha- Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai • Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai * National Atmospheric Research
Laboratory (NARL), Tirupati, Liquid Propulsion System Center (LPSC),
Bengluru » Space Application Center (SAC), Ahmedabad * Indian Deep
Space Network (IDSN) « Ramanagara, Indian Space Science Data
Center(ISSDC), Ramanagara . Vikram.Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC),
Thimananthpuram * Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
(IIST), Thimananthpuram* National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC),
Hyderabad * Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradoon*
(General information of above institutions).
• Generations of Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicles.
tar •"TtrefTsryfnt&rftn-warw

• Biotechnology: Definition, uses in Sector of Health and Medicine,
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Industry and Environment.
• Clones, Robots and Artificial Intelligence.
• Patents and Rights ofIntellectual Property (Trips, Trims)
• Contribution of. Indians in the field of Science and Technology:
Chandrashekhar Venkata Raman, Hargovind Khurana, Jagdish Chandra
Basu, Homi Jahangir Bhabha, M. Vishveshraiya, Srinivas Ramanujan,
Vikram Sarabhai, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Satendra Nath Bose. Raja
Ramanna, Prafiillchandra Roy.
• National and International Awards in the field of Science.

• Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy: Meaning,
Definition, Examples and Differences
• Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, Organizational Integration,
Energy Management in Operational Functions, Energy • Purchase,
Production, Production planning and Control, Maintenance.
• Issues and Challenges related with Energy Strategies
• Alternate Sources of Energy: Present scenario and future possibilities.
Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Oceanic Energy, Geothermal Energy, Biomass
Energy, Biofliel Energy etc.
• Definition, Scope and Dimensions of Environment:- Physical,
Economic, Cultural, Educational, Psychological etc. Concepts of
Environment in Indian context. Concepts of Environment in Modem
• Effect of human activities on Environment, Ethics and Values related to
Environment; Biodiversity, Environmental Pollution, Environmental
• Issues and challenges related with Environment, Causes and effects of
Environmental Degradation
• Environmental Education:- Programmes for Mass Awareness,
Environmental Education and its relationship with Health and Safety.
• Eco friendly Technologies, Conservation of Energy, Constitutional
provisions related to Environment and its Protection. Environmental
Protection Policies and Regulatory Framework

Definition and importance of Geology, Earth- Crust, Mantle, Core

Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Origin and Age of Earth, Geological Time
Scale, Rock-Definition, Types of Rocks-Igneous, Sedimentary and
Metamorphic Rock. Minerals and Ores, Fossils, Weathering and Erosion,
Formation of soil, Groundwater, Natural Coal, Natural Oil and Gas.

34lP.igeTr5=3r ?><fr




Philosophers/Thinkers, Social Reformers:- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,

Mahavir, Buddha, Achaiya Shankar, Charwak, GuruNanak, Kabir, Tulsidas,
Ravindra Nath Tagore, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Savitribai Phule, Swami
Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Maharshi Arvind and Sarvpalli


• Attitude: dontent, Elements, Function Formation of Attitude, Attitudinal

Change, Persuasive Communication, Prejudice and Discrimination,
Stereotypes Orthodox in Indian context.
• Aptitude - Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, Integrity,
Impartiality and Non-partisanship, Objectivity, Dedication to public service.
Empathy, Tolerance and Compassion towards the weaker-sections.
• Emotional Intelligence- Emotional Intelligence-Concepts, their utilities and
application in Administration and Governance.
• Individual differences


Human Needs and Motivation

Ethics and Values in Public Administration:- Ethical elements in

governance - Integrity, Accountability and Transparency, Ethical Reasoning
and Moral Dilemmas, Conscience as a source of ethical guidance. Code of
Conduct for Civil Servants, Implementation of Higher values in governance.


Corruption:- Types and Causes of Corruption, Effects of corruption,

Approaches to minimizing corruption, Role of society, Media, Family and
Whistleblower, United Nation Convention on Corruption, Measuring
corruption, Transparency International, Lokpal and Lokayukt.

Case Studies: - Based on the contents ofthe syllabus.

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