Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Course Meta 410-101 ChatGPT Curriculum

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Tomáš Morávek

Facebook Ads
& Instagram
Ads Course +
Meta 410-101 +
the gleaming metal of compelling social media copy. Here, you'll master the art of
The Celestial Voyage in Meta Adver- alchemic storytelling, crafting messages that resonate not just on screens, but in

tising: Ascend from Digital Wanderer the very souls of your celestial audience.

to Galactic Media Buying Virtuoso Day 5: Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Copywriting

Day 1: Customer Journey & Ads Essentials On this illuminating fourth day, you'll be guided by the quasar of quintessential
copywriting specifically tailored for Facebook and Instagram Ads. This is your
sanctuary of syntax and semantics, where each word you pen becomes a radiant
Embark on the first day of your celestial voyage by understanding the essence of beam of persuasive power. Here, you'll learn to craft ad copy that doesn't just in-
the customer journey and the fundamentals of advertising. This is your cosmic form, but enchants, turning your Facebook and Instagram campaigns into mes-
compass, setting your initial trajectory through the Meta Advertising universe. merising celestial phenomena.
Here, you'll learn to see your customers not just as data points, but as stars in
your galactic narrative, each with its own lifecycle and luminosity.
Day 6: Using ChatGPT & ChatGPT Plus

Day 2: Campaign Objectives

On the fifth day, you'll conduct a cosmic symphony with ChatGPT & ChatGPT
Plus as your orchestral instruments. This is the confluence of human creativity
Embark on Day 2 with laser focus on Meta Advertising Campaign Objectives, the and machine intelligence, a harmonious blend that transcends the boundaries of
linchpin of your advertising success. Dive deep into the metrics that matter, learn- traditional advertising. Here, you'll learn to wield these AI maestros like a virtu-
ing how to align your objectives with quantifiable outcomes. This day is not just oso, orchestrating campaigns that resonate across the digital cosmos in a melody
about understanding; it's about mastering the art of strategic decision-making in of unparalleled innovation.
Meta's advertising landscape. Here, you'll gain the insights to not just participate,
but to excel. Welcome to the day that transforms your Meta advertising journey.
Day 7: Training Copywriting Skills

Day 3: Meta Ads Guide, Inspiration, Reels, Glossary & AI Targeting

On this pivotal sixth day, you'll find yourself in the pulsar of prose, where your
burgeoning copywriting skills are honed to a razor's edge. This is your training
Step into the ultimate toolkit for Meta Advertising mastery. This section is your ground, a celestial dojo where each keystroke is a sword stroke, each sentence a
go-to resource, offering a comprehensive Meta Ads Guide, bursts of creative inspi- duel with mediocrity. Here, you'll engage in rigorous exercises designed to elevate
ration, and a glossary to decode the jargon. Elevate your campaigns with cutting- your copywriting from mere text to transcendent poetry, each word a pulsating
edge Reels and unlock the future of targeting with Meta's AI capabilities. A com- star in your ever-expanding universe of persuasive power.
pact yet powerful guide, this section is your roadmap to advertising excellence.

Day 4: Copywriting for Social Media

Day three catapults you into the nebula where words transform into golden narra-
tives. This is your forge of eloquence, where the raw ore of ideas is smelted into
Day 8: Facebook Business Page Day 12: Meta Pixel, Conversion API, WordPress Plugin

On the climactic seventh day, you'll ignite a supernova as you construct your Face- On this enigmatic eleventh day, you'll delve into the quantum quandary of Meta
book Business Page—a strategic sanctuary in the digital cosmos. This is your com- Pixel, Conversion API, and WordPress Plugins. This is your alchemist's lab, a
mand center, the celestial throne from which you'll govern your Meta Advertising place where the arcane arts of tracking, conversion, and website optimization are
empire. Here, you'll learn to assemble a page that's not just a digital storefront, transmuted into gold. Here, you'll learn to manipulate the very fabric of digital re-
but a magnetic force field, attracting customers and opportunities into your orbit ality, bending the laws of online physics to your will. Each pixel placed, each API
like celestial bodies drawn to a radiant supernova. call, each plugin activated becomes a quantum leap in your never-ending quest for
Meta Advertising mastery.

Day 9: Meta Business Suite & Instagram Marketing

Day 13 - Meta Data Sources & Events

On this transformative eighth day, you'll enter the galactic nexus where Meta
Business Suite and Instagram Marketing converge in a dance of digital nobility. On this twelfth day, you'll explore the intricate tapestry of Meta Data Sources and
This is your royal court, a place where strategy meets aesthetics, where data meets Events. This is your cosmic library, an archive of invaluable insights and action-
design. Here, you'll learn to wield the scepter of Meta Business Suite while don- able metrics. Here, you'll learn to read the celestial script of data, interpreting the
ning the crown of Instagram Marketing, ruling over a kingdom that spans both events that unfold across your digital landscape. Each data point becomes a star,
platforms with grace, wisdom, and unparalleled efficacy. each event a constellation, and together they form the galaxy of your advertising
universe, guiding you toward informed decisions and strategic triumphs.

Day 10: Influencer Marketing & Influencer Outreach

Day 14 - Business Support, Ads Library, Ads Manager, Campaign
Structure, Columns
On this exhilarating ninth day, you'll ride the comet of influencer marketing,
streaking across the digital sky in a blaze of charismatic connections. This is your
diplomatic mission, a celestial embassy where you'll learn the art of outreach to On the thirteenth day, you'll immerse yourself in the multifaceted world of Busi-
influencers—those shining stars whose gravity can pull entire audiences into your ness Support, Ads Library, Ads Manager, Campaign Structure, and Columns. This
orbit. Here, you'll master the alchemy of social capital, turning connections into is your operational headquarters, the nerve center from which you'll coordinate
conversions, and influencers into invaluable allies in your cosmic campaign. your advertising campaigns across the Meta universe. Here, you'll learn to master
the intricacies of campaign structure, to navigate the labyrinthine Ads Manager,
and to utilize the Ads Library as your personal treasure trove of inspiration and
Day 11: Meta Business Manager
competitive intelligence. Each column you customize, each support resource you
tap into, becomes a pillar supporting your ever-expanding empire of effective ad-
On the monumental tenth day, you'll venture into the black hole that is Meta vertising.
Business Manager—a realm of boundless possibilities and infinite configurations.
This is your control panel, the cockpit of your starship, where every lever pulled
and button pressed can alter the course of your advertising destiny. Here, you'll
learn to navigate this complex interface with the precision of a cosmic cartogra-
pher, mapping out strategies that not only reach your destination but transform
the journey itself into a tale of triumph.
Day 15 - Meta Reach Ads [Step 1], Inventory Filter, Advantage+ Place- Day 18 - Meta Ads Strategy [Step 2], Retargeting Engagement

On the seventeenth day, you'll dive deeper into Meta Ads Strategy and Retargeting
On the fourteenth day, you'll delve into the specialized realm of Meta Reach Ads, Engagement. This is your strategic think tank, where you'll refine your advertising
Inventory Filter, and Advantage+ Placements. This is your tactical war room, approach and learn the nuances of re-engaging audiences who've interacted with
where you'll strategize on maximizing your advertising reach while optimizing your brand. Here, you'll master the art of the second impression, using retargeting
placement and inventory. Here, you'll learn the art of audience targeting with sur- techniques to rekindle interest and reignite engagement. Each retargeting cam-
gical precision, using Inventory Filters to sift through the noise and Advantage+ paign you deploy becomes a gravitational pull, drawing previously engaged audi-
Placements to position your ads in the most impactful locations. Each Reach Ad ences back into your orbit for a more meaningful and lasting connection.
you launch becomes a scout ship, exploring new territories and claiming them for
your ever-growing dominion in the Meta Advertising cosmos.
Day 19 - Meta Engagement Ads [Step 2]

Day 16 - Dynamic Creative Optimisation

On the eighteenth day, you'll hone your skills in Engagement Ads. This is your so-
cial amphitheater, a stage set for the interactive drama of likes, shares, and com-
On the fifteenth day, you'll enter the dynamic realm of Creative Optimization. ments. Here, you'll learn to craft ads that don't just inform but inspire action,
This is your creative studio, a sandbox of endless possibilities where you'll learn to turning passive viewers into active participants in your brand's narrative. Each
automate the process of ad creation and optimization. Here, you'll master the art engagement ad you create becomes a dialogue, an open invitation for your audi-
of letting Meta's algorithms work in harmony with your creative vision, dynami- ence to join the conversation and become co-authors in your unfolding Meta Ad-
cally adjusting ad elements to resonate with different audience segments. Each vertising epic.
optimized creative becomes a chameleon, seamlessly adapting to its environment
to capture attention and ignite engagement, all while you sit back and watch your
Day 20 - Broad Targeting & Special Ad Categories 1
advertising masterpiece unfold.

On the nineteenth day, you'll explore the expansive territories of Broad Targeting
Day 17 - Brand Awareness [Step 1]
and Special Ad Categories. This is your cartographic chamber, where you'll map
out campaigns that reach far and wide, yet remain compliant with Meta's unique
On the sixteenth day, you'll focus on the foundational element of Brand Aware- ad categories. Here, you'll learn to navigate the complexities of broad audience
ness. This is your branding workshop, where you'll learn to infuse your advertis- targeting while adhering to the specific rules and guidelines for special ad cate-
ing campaigns with the essence of your brand's identity. Here, you'll master the gories. Each campaign you launch in this realm becomes a voyage of discovery,
techniques to not just capture attention but to make a lasting impression, turning sailing into uncharted waters while skillfully avoiding the reefs and shoals of non-
fleeting interactions into enduring brand recognition. Each brand awareness cam- compliance.
paign you initiate becomes a beacon, casting the unique light of your brand across
the vast expanse of the Meta Advertising universe.
Day 21 - Broad Targeting & Special Ad Categories 2 Day 24 - Meta Traffic Ads [Step 2]

On the twentieth day, you'll continue your exploration of Broad Targeting and On the twenty-third day, you'll deepen your expertise in Meta Traffic Ads. This is
Special Ad Categories. This is your legislative chamber, where you'll deepen your your traffic control tower, where you'll orchestrate the flow of digital visitors to
understanding of Meta's nuanced policies and how they apply to different audi- your desired destinations. Here, you'll learn to fine-tune your traffic campaigns,
ence segments. Here, you'll refine your targeting strategies, fine-tuning your ap- optimizing for variables that ensure not just quantity but quality of traffic. Each
proach to ensure that your campaigns are not only expansive but also ethically traffic ad you launch becomes a guided missile, precisely targeted to land on the
sound and compliant. Each ad you create on this day becomes a model of respon- landing pages where they're most likely to convert, turning each click into a step
sible advertising, a testament to your ability to balance broad reach with respect- on the journey toward customer conversion.
ful and inclusive messaging.

Day 25 - Advantage+ Creative, Rules, Dynamic Experience & Detailed

Day 22 - Meta Lead Generation Ads [Step 2] Targeting

On the twenty-first day, you'll revisit the fertile grounds of Meta Lead Generation On the twenty-fourth day, you'll dive into the multifaceted realm of Advantage+
Ads. This is your alchemical lab, where you'll transmute audience interest into ac- Creative, Rules, Dynamic Experience, and Detailed Targeting. This is your innova-
tionable leads. Here, you'll perfect the formula for crafting lead generation ads tion lab, where you'll experiment with advanced features that elevate your adver-
that not only capture attention but also harvest valuable data. Each lead genera- tising campaigns to new heights. Here, you'll learn to combine creative flair with
tion ad you deploy becomes a golden chalice, collecting the elixir of potential cus- algorithmic intelligence, set rules that automate optimization, and employ de-
tomer information, ready to be poured into the cauldron of your sales funnel for tailed targeting to reach your audience with laser-like precision. Each feature you
transformation into loyal clientele. utilize in this section becomes a brushstroke in your advertising masterpiece,
adding layers of complexity and effectiveness that transform your campaigns into
works of art.
Day 23 - Custom & Lookalike Audiences

On the twenty-second day, you'll immerse yourself in the world of Custom and
Lookalike Audiences. This is your hall of mirrors, where you'll learn to create re-
flections of your most valuable customers and then find their twins scattered
across the Meta universe. Here, you'll master the art of audience duplication, us-
ing custom audiences as templates to generate lookalike audiences that expand
your reach without diluting your message. Each custom and lookalike audience
you create becomes a key, unlocking doors to new realms filled with potential cus-
tomers who are already predisposed to engage with your brand.
Day 26 - More Targeting Options & Advantage Detailed Targeting+ Day 29 - Meta Video View Ads [Step 2]

On the twenty-fifth day, you'll expand your horizons with More Targeting Options On the twenty-eighth day, you'll refine your mastery of Meta Video View Ads. This
and Advantage Detailed Targeting+. This is your targeting workshop, where you'll is your director's chair, where you'll learn to craft videos that don't just get
assemble the intricate puzzle pieces of audience segmentation into a coherent and watched—they get absorbed. Here, you'll fine-tune the elements that make your
effective whole. Here, you'll learn to go beyond basic demographics, diving into videos not just visually appealing but emotionally compelling, turning each view
psychographics, behaviors, and other nuanced targeting options. Each targeting into a meaningful engagement. Each Video View Ad you create becomes a mini-
parameter you set becomes a coordinate on your navigational chart, guiding your film festival, a curated experience that captivates your audience and leaves them
advertising vessel through the turbulent seas of the Meta universe to find your with a lasting impression, turning mere viewers into devoted fans.
ideal audience.

Day 30 - Meta Ads for Local Businesses & A/B Testing (Split Testing)
Day 27 - Attractive Video Carousels

On the twenty-ninth day, you'll focus on Meta Ads for Local Businesses and delve
On the twenty-sixth day, you'll step into the realm of Attractive Video Carousels. deeper into A/B Testing, also known as Split Testing. This is your local market-
This is your cinematic studio, where you'll learn to craft compelling narratives place, a vibrant bazaar where community and commerce come together. Here,
that unfold across multiple video frames. Here, you'll master the art of sequential you'll learn to tailor your advertising strategies to the unique needs and prefer-
storytelling, using the carousel format to take your audience on a journey that ences of local audiences, turning neighbors into customers and customers into ad-
captivates their attention and stirs their emotions. Each video carousel you create vocates. Each local ad you create becomes a community event, a gathering place
becomes a mini-epic, a series of interconnected tales that together form a larger, where local consumers can discover what your business has to offer. Coupled with
more impactful story, captivating your audience and leaving them eager for the the scientific rigor of A/B testing, you'll refine these local campaigns to resonate
next chapter. deeply within your community, turning local charm into global impact.

Day 28 - Using Duplicate Function & A/B Testing (Split Testing) Day 31 - Meta Messages Ads [Step 2]

On the twenty-seventh day, you'll delve into the science of Using Duplicate Func- On the thirtieth day, you'll perfect your craft in Meta Messages Ads. This is your
tion & A/B Testing, also known as Split Testing. This is your experimental lab, digital salon, an intimate space where conversations flow and relationships are
where hypotheses meet real-world data. Here, you'll learn to clone successful nurtured. Here, you'll learn to create message ads that invite dialogue, turning
campaigns and tweak variables, setting the stage for head-to-head battles that re- one-way broadcasts into two-way conversations. Each Messages Ad you deploy
veal what truly resonates with your audience. Each A/B test you conduct becomes becomes a virtual handshake, an opening gambit in a longer, more meaningful in-
a crucible of truth, melting away assumptions and impurities to reveal the golden teraction that transforms prospects into partners. This is where your advertising
nuggets of actionable insights. This is where your advertising instincts are vali- becomes personal, where each click on a message ad opens a channel of commu-
dated or refined, sculpting your strategies into ever more effective forms. nication that can lead to lifelong customer relationships.
Day 32 - Chatbot Marketing On the thirty-fourth day, you'll explore the Meta Test & Learn Approach specifi-
cally for Conversion Ads focused on Sales. This is your innovation incubator, a
sandbox where you can experiment without fear, learning from both successes
On the thirty-first day, you'll enter the fascinating world of Chatbot Marketing.
and setbacks. Here, you'll learn to apply the Test & Learn methodology to your
This is your robotics lab, where artificial intelligence meets human conversation.
conversion ads, iterating and optimizing to discover the most effective strategies
Here, you'll learn to design chatbots that not only answer queries but anticipate
for driving sales. Each test you conduct becomes a stepping stone, leading you
needs, turning automated interactions into personalized experiences. Each chat-
closer to the ultimate goal of maximizing conversions. This is where your advertis-
bot you create becomes a virtual concierge, guiding your audience through a cu-
ing campaigns evolve, where each test is a lesson and each lesson a stepping stone
rated journey that feels as natural as speaking to a human. This is where technol-
to greater sales and success.
ogy and empathy unite, where each automated response is a step toward building
a more engaged and satisfied customer base.
Day 36 - E-Commerce Sales: Planning

Day 33 - E-commerce Conversion Ads [Step 3]

On the thirty-fifth day, you'll focus on E-Commerce Sales: Planning. This is your
architect's studio, where blueprints for success are meticulously drafted. Here,
On the thirty-second day, you'll master the final chapter of E-commerce Conver-
you'll learn to plan your e-commerce sales strategies from the ground up, laying a
sion Ads. This is your digital marketplace, a bustling hub where clicks transform
solid foundation upon which to build your advertising campaigns. Each plan you
into carts and carts into conversions. Here, you'll learn to optimize every element
create becomes a roadmap, guiding you through the complex landscape of e-com-
of your e-commerce ads, ensuring that each impression is a potential transaction
merce sales with clarity and purpose. This is where your vision takes shape, where
waiting to happen. Each Conversion Ad you deploy becomes a virtual storefront,
each strategic decision is a building block in the construction of a thriving e-com-
inviting passersby to step in, explore, and ultimately make a purchase. This is
merce business. Your planning today becomes the cornerstone of tomorrow's suc-
where your advertising funnel narrows to its most critical point, where each click
has the potential to ring the cash register and each conversion is a celebration of
your marketing mastery.
Day 37 - E-Commerce Sales: Reaching Out

Day 34 - ROAS & ROI Calculation & Advantage Campaign Budget+

On the thirty-sixth day, you'll delve into E-Commerce Sales: Reaching Out. This is
your virtual megaphone, a platform from which you can broadcast your e-com-
On the thirty-third day, you'll delve into the financial heart of your campaigns
merce offerings to the world. Here, you'll learn the art of outreach, mastering
with ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) & ROI (Return on Investment) Calculation,
techniques to attract and engage potential customers. Each outreach effort you
along with Advantage Campaign Budget+. This is your financial war room, where
make becomes a beacon, drawing people toward your e-commerce platform like
numbers tell the tale of your campaigns' triumphs and lessons. Here, you'll learn
moths to a flame. This is where your e-commerce offerings become irresistible at-
to calculate the true value of your advertising efforts, converting abstract metrics
tractions, where each outreach campaign is a magnetic pull that turns the curious
into concrete dollars and cents. Each calculation you make becomes a compass,
into customers. Your voice, amplified through strategic outreach, becomes the
guiding your future campaigns toward greater profitability. Coupled with the
siren song that lures shoppers into your digital marketplace.
power of Advantage Campaign Budget+, you'll learn to allocate resources where
they yield the highest returns. This is where your marketing acumen meets finan-
cial wisdom, turning each campaign into a profitable investment.

Day 35 - Meta Test & Learn Approach for Conversion Ads (Sales)
Day 38 - E-Commerce Sales: Selling gallery of achievements, a curated collection of your finest moments in digital
salesmanship. This day is not just an end, but a beginning, a launching pad for
even greater accomplishments in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.
On the thirty-seventh day, you'll immerse yourself in E-Commerce Sales: Selling.
This is your virtual sales floor, a dynamic space where browsers become buyers.
Here, you'll learn the psychology of selling, mastering the art of turning interest Day 41 - E-Commerce Sales: Reaching More
into action. Each sales technique you employ becomes a key, unlocking the doors
of hesitation and inviting customers to step into the world of ownership. This is
On the fortieth day, you'll venture into E-Commerce Sales: Reaching More. This is
where your e-commerce platform transforms into a bustling marketplace, where
your digital lighthouse, a beacon that extends your reach beyond the familiar
each click is a step closer to a sale and each sale a testament to your mastery of the
shores. Here, you'll learn strategies to expand your audience, casting a wider net
digital sales process. Your virtual sales floor becomes a theater of dreams, where
to capture hearts and carts from far and wide. Each strategy you employ becomes
customers find what they've been searching for and you celebrate each sale as a
a beam of light, guiding new customers through the vast ocean of online options
standing ovation.
straight to your e-commerce haven. This is where your e-commerce platform be-
comes a global marketplace, where each new reach is a bridge to different cul-
Day 39 - E-Commerce Sales: Optimization tures, tastes, and wallets. Your digital lighthouse becomes a symbol of hope and
discovery, illuminating paths for those in search of what you offer. On this day,
your e-commerce world grows larger, yet more connected, as you learn to reach
On the thirty-eighth day, you'll fine-tune your mastery with E-Commerce Sales:
more, achieve more, and be more.
Optimization. This is your digital tuning fork, a space where you harmonize every
element of your e-commerce sales strategy to resonate with your audience. Here,
you'll learn to optimize every touchpoint, from landing pages to checkout pro- Day 42 - E-Commerce Sales: Selling More
cesses, ensuring that each interaction is a crescendo in the customer's journey.
Each optimization you make becomes a note in a symphony, contributing to a
On the forty-first day, you'll focus on E-Commerce Sales: Selling More. This is
seamless and delightful shopping experience. This is where your e-commerce
your alchemist's lab, a place where you transmute interest into gold. Here, you'll
platform becomes a masterpiece, a perfectly orchestrated performance that leaves
learn advanced techniques to not just make sales, but to multiply them, turning
your audience not just satisfied, but enchanted. Your optimized e-commerce site
single transactions into recurring revenue. Each technique you master becomes
becomes a concert hall, where each transaction is a standing ovation and each
an elixir, a magical formula that transforms casual browsers into loyal patrons.
customer leaves humming the tune of your brand.
This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a realm of abundance, where
each sale is not an end, but a beginning—a portal to upsells, cross-sells, and repeat
Day 40 - E-Commerce Sales: Accomplishing business. Your alchemist's lab becomes a fountain of prosperity, where you learn
the secret alchemy of turning customer satisfaction into customer loyalty, and loy-
alty into a never-ending stream of sales. On this day, you don't just sell; you en-
On the thirty-ninth day, you'll arrive at E-Commerce Sales: Accomplishing. This is
chant, turning each customer interaction into a spell that conjures more and more
your victory lap, a moment to reflect on the milestones reached and the summits
conquered. Here, you'll learn to measure and celebrate your accomplishments,
turning data into trophies and metrics into milestones. Each accomplishment you
acknowledge becomes a landmark, a point on your journey that marks how far
you've come and sets the stage for how far you'll go. This is where your e-com-
merce endeavors culminate, where each sale is a testament to your skill, each sat-
isfied customer a tribute to your expertise. Your e-commerce platform becomes a
Day 43 - E-Commerce Sales: Accomplishment nity. Here, you'll learn to harness the power of Meta AI and optimize your cam-
paign budgets for stellar results. Each budgeting decision you make becomes a ce-
lestial body in your digital universe, exerting its own gravitational pull on your
On the forty-second day, you'll embrace E-Commerce Sales: Accomplishment.
ROI. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a cosmic dance of algo-
This is your mountaintop moment, a time to stand tall and gaze upon the empire
rithms and analytics, where artificial intelligence meets human intuition in a bal-
you've built. Here, you'll learn to quantify your triumphs, turning your victories
let of bytes and beliefs. Your digital observatory becomes a lens through which
into valuable lessons for future conquests. Each accomplishment you celebrate
you view the future, a telescope that brings distant opportunities into sharp focus.
becomes a star in your personal constellation, a point of light that guides you
On this day, you become not just a strategist, but a visionary—each budget a blue-
through the vast landscape of e-commerce possibilities. This is where your e-com-
print, each AI algorithm a glimpse into the future, each decision a step toward a
merce platform becomes a monument to your mastery, where each sale is a stone
destiny written in the stars.
in the edifice of your enduring success. Your mountaintop becomes a vantage
point, offering you a panoramic view of what you've achieved and what still lies
ahead. On this day, you don't just look back in satisfaction; you look forward in Day 46 - Facebook Shop, Advantage+ Catalog Sales [Step 3]
anticipation, knowing that every accomplishment is but a stepping stone to
greater glory.
On the forty-fifth day, you'll immerse yourself in Facebook Shop and Advantage+
Catalog Sales [Step 3]. This is your digital bazaar, a bustling marketplace where
Day 44 - Bidding, Experiments & A/B Testing (Lead Generation on goods and ideas exchange hands in a symphony of clicks and scrolls. Here, you'll
Website) learn to curate your Facebook Shop and optimize your catalog sales, turning each
product listing into a digital storefront that beckons with promise. Each item you
feature becomes a gem in your digital treasure chest, a unique offering that glit-
On the forty-third day, you'll delve into Bidding, Experiments & A/B Testing, fo-
ters with the allure of discovery. This is where your e-commerce platform be-
cusing on Lead Generation on Website. This is your digital laboratory, a space
comes a tapestry of tastes and textures, where each product tells a story and each
where curiosity meets calculation. Here, you'll learn to conduct experiments, run
sale is a chapter in your ongoing saga of success. Your digital bazaar becomes a
A/B tests, and master the art of bidding to optimize lead generation. Each experi-
crossroads of culture and commerce, where you learn the art of digital merchan-
ment you conduct becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of your e-commerce strat-
dising and the science of sales optimization. On this day, you become not just a
egy, adding depth and detail to your understanding of what truly engages your au-
seller, but a storyteller—each product a character, each sale a plot twist, each cata-
dience. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a living hypothesis, a
log a narrative that captivates and converts.
question posed to the world that returns answers in the form of leads and conver-
sions. Your digital laboratory becomes a playground of possibilities, where you
test theories, validate assumptions, and discover the secret formulas for success. Day 47 - Meta Instant Experience
On this day, you become not just a merchant, but a scientist—each test a quest for
truth, each bid a calculated gamble, each lead a validation of your ever-evolving
On the forty-sixth day, you'll enter the realm of Meta Instant Experience. This is
your digital theater, a stage where every ad becomes a performance, every click an
applause, and every conversion a standing ovation. Here, you'll learn to craft im-
Day 45 - Advantage Campaign Budget+ & Overview of Meta AI mersive Instant Experiences that captivate your audience from the first act to the
final curtain. Each Instant Experience you create becomes a scene in your digital
drama, a moment of magic that transports your audience into the world you've
On the forty-fourth day, you'll explore Advantage Campaign Budget+ & Overview
of Meta AI. This is your digital observatory, a place where you gaze into the cos-
mos of artificial intelligence and budgeting to discover new galaxies of opportu-
This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a spectacle of sights and become not just a creator, but a curator—each creative asset a brushstroke, each
sounds, where each Instant Experience is a choreographed dance of visuals, text, insight a hue, each campaign a curated exhibition that invites the world to see,
and interactivity. Your digital theater becomes a venue for virtuosity, where you feel, and believe in your vision.
learn to direct the spotlight, command the stage, and captivate the crowd. On this
day, you become not just a marketer, but a maestro—each Instant Experience a
Day 50 - 410-101: Meta Media Buying Professional (General Overview)
symphony of strategy and creativity, each audience member a willing participant
in the extraordinary show you've orchestrated.
On the forty-ninth day, you'll engage with 410-101: Meta Media Buying Profes-
sional (General Overview). Imagine this as your digital commencement ceremony,
Day 48 - Meta Ads Reporting
a grand event where you don the cap and gown of expertise, ready to receive the
diploma of your dreams. Here, you'll learn to synthesize all the knowledge, skills,
On the forty-seventh day, you'll delve into Meta Ads Reporting. This is your digital and insights you've gained throughout the course, preparing you for the ultimate
newsroom, a hub of analytics and insights where each click, conversion, and cus- examination that awaits. Each topic you review becomes a feather in your aca-
tomer interaction becomes a headline in your ongoing narrative of success. Here, demic cap, a symbol of the wisdom you've acquired and the mastery you've
you'll learn to dissect your ad campaigns with the precision of an investigative achieved. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a podium of prestige,
journalist, turning raw data into compelling stories that inform your future strate- a stage where you deliver your valedictory address, summarizing your journey and
gies. Each report you generate becomes a chapter in your ever-unfolding tale of outlining your future. Your digital commencement ceremony becomes a moment
triumph, a detailed account that chronicles your victories and lessons learned. of reflection and revelation, where you look back on your educational odyssey
This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a living archive, a repository of with pride and look forward to your professional adventure with anticipation. On
knowledge that you consult to make informed, impactful decisions. Your digital this day, you become not just a student, but a scholar—each review a rite of pas-
newsroom becomes a beacon of clarity, illuminating the path ahead with data- sage, each question a quest for knowledge, each answer a key that unlocks the
driven insights and actionable intelligence. On this day, you become not just an door to your destiny as a Meta Media Buying Professional.
analyst, but a storyteller—each report a revelation, each insight a plot point, each
strategy a storyline that shapes the epic saga of your brand's journey.
Day 51 - Day 54 - 410-101: Meta Media Buying Professional (Explana-
tions & Study Guide)
Day 49 - Meta Creative Hub & Meta Insights

On days fifty to fifty-three, you'll immerse yourself in 410-101: Meta Media Buying
On the forty-eighth day, you'll explore the Meta Creative Hub & Meta Insights. Professional (Explanations & Study Guide). Envision this as your digital expedi-
Picture this as your digital art gallery, a sacred space where creativity and data tion into the heart of a sacred mountain, a quest for the legendary gemstone of
waltz in a mesmerizing dance of endless possibilities. Here, you'll learn to blend Meta Media Buying Professional Certification. Here, you'll delve deeper into the
the artistry of your creative campaigns with the precision of data analytics. Each labyrinthine corridors of the exam's intricacies, armed with a study guide that
creative asset you develop becomes a masterpiece in your gallery, a work of art serves as your enchanted map. Each explanation you encounter becomes a clue, a
that speaks volumes through its visual language. Each insight you glean is like a riddle solved in your ongoing treasure hunt.
visitor to your gallery, offering a unique perspective that enriches your under-
standing of what truly resonates. This is where your e-commerce platform be-
comes a canvas for your imagination, a blank slate that you fill with the vibrant
colors of your creativity and the intricate patterns of your insights. Your digital art
gallery becomes a sanctuary of self-expression and self-discovery, where you learn
to see the world through the lens of data and the eyes of an artist. On this day, you
Each section of the study guide is a chamber in this mountain, each filled with your vision. Each story you create becomes a short film, a visual narrative that
golden nuggets of wisdom and jewels of insight. This is where your e-commerce captivates your audience and conveys your message. Each square video is a cine-
platform becomes a landscape of learning, a terrain that you navigate with the matic masterpiece, a work of art that combines visual aesthetics with marketing
agility of an explorer and the acumen of a sage. Your digital expedition becomes a acumen. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a theater of dreams, a
journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, where you learn to overcome obstacles, stage where you premiere your stories and square videos to a global audience.
solve puzzles, and unlock secrets that bring you closer to your coveted gemstone. Your digital film festival becomes a gala of glamour and genius, where you learn
On these days, you become not just an examinee, but an adventurer—each expla- to tell stories that touch hearts, move minds, and inspire action. On this day, you
nation a stepping stone, each study guide section a milestone, each mock test a become not just a marketer, but a filmmaker—each story a scene, each square
dragon slain on your epic quest for the Meta Media Buying Professional Certifica- video a reel, each Adobe Premier Pro project a ticket to your own blockbuster
tion. Meta Advertising campaign.

Day 55 - Day 56 - 410-101: Mock Exam 1 & Mock Exam 2 (Complete Day 58 - Using AI for Logo Creation & Ad Creation (AI Looka & Ad Cre-
Training of the Exam) ative AI)

On days fifty-four and fifty-five, you'll engage in 410-101: Mock Exam 1 & Mock On the fifty-seventh day, you'll explore the realm of Using AI for Logo Creation &
Exam 2 (Complete Training of the Exam). Picture this as your digital Olympic Ad Creation with AI Looka & Ad Creative AI. Imagine this day as your digital art
Games, a grand arena where you'll compete in the ultimate test of your Meta Me- gallery, a sanctuary of creativity where you become the curator and creator of your
dia Buying prowess. Here, you'll experience the adrenaline rush of a live exam set- own brand's visual identity. Here, you'll wield the brush of AI Looka to paint the
ting, armed with the strategies and techniques you've honed throughout your logo that becomes the face of your brand, a symbol that captures its essence and
training. Each question you encounter becomes an Olympic event, a challenge expresses its ethos. With Ad Creative AI, you'll sculpt the ads that become the
that tests your speed, accuracy, and endurance. Each mock exam is a decathlon of masterpieces of your marketing campaign, works of art that resonate with your
digital marketing disciplines, a series of trials that measure your mastery in every audience and reflect your vision. This is where your e-commerce platform trans-
facet of the field. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a stadium of forms into a canvas of possibilities, a blank slate where you sketch your dreams
glory, a venue where you showcase your skills, break your records, and chase your and color your aspirations. Your digital art gallery becomes an exhibition of excel-
dreams. Your digital Olympic Games become a spectacle of skill and spirit, where lence and elegance, where you learn to create logos that leave a lasting impression
you learn to compete with yourself, conquer your fears, and claim your victories. and ads that become iconic. On this day, you become not just a marketer, but an
On these days, you become not just a contender, but a champion—each mock artist—each logo a brushstroke, each ad a palette, each AI tool a muse that in-
exam a medal event, each correct answer a point on the scoreboard, each moment spires your journey towards a Meta Advertising campaign that's nothing short of a
a step closer to standing on the podium of your Meta Media Buying Professional masterpiece.

Day 59 - Meta Ads Agency & How to Setup Accounts with Clients
Day 57 - Stories & Square Videos (Adobe Premier Pro)

On the fifty-eighth day, you'll step into the world of Meta Ads Agency & How to
On the fifty-sixth day, you'll delve into Stories & Square Videos using Adobe Pre- Setup Accounts with Clients. Envision this day as your grand symposium, a gath-
mier Pro. Imagine this as your digital film festival, a cinematic celebration where ering of minds where you become the orchestrator of your own Meta Advertising
you become the director, producer, and star of your own Meta Advertising stories. agency.
Here, you'll learn the art and craft of storytelling through the lens of Adobe Pre-
mier Pro, turning your e-commerce platform into a silver screen that showcases
Here, you'll learn the art of diplomacy and negotiation, turning your e-commerce learned becomes a medal, an honor that adorns your academic robe. Each skill
platform into a forum where you engage with clients and forge alliances. Each you've acquired is a tassel, a token that signifies your expertise and experience.
client meeting becomes a dialogue, a conversation that explores mutual interests The Summary serves as your commencement speech, a monologue that encapsu-
and identifies shared goals. Each account setup is a treaty, a pact that seals your lates your journey and celebrates your achievements. The Congratulations are
partnership and sets the terms of your collaboration. This is where your e-com- your standing ovation, a round of applause that acknowledges your hard work and
merce platform evolves into a chamber of commerce, a venue where you host your heralds your future success. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes an
clients and negotiate your deals. Your grand symposium becomes a marketplace auditorium of accolades, a venue where you bask in the glory of your graduation
of ideas and opportunities, where you learn to build relationships that last and and look forward to the grandeur of your goals. Your graduation ceremony be-
create partnerships that prosper. On this day, you become not just a marketer, but comes a festival of fulfillment and fruition, where you learn to appreciate your ac-
a statesman—each client a delegate, each account a constituency, each Meta Ads complishments and anticipate your aspirations. On this day, you become not just
Agency setup a cornerstone in the edifice of your empire. a marketer, but a graduate—each lesson a lecture, each skill a seminar, each con-
gratulations a conferral of your Meta Advertising degree.

Day 60 - Careers & Freelancing & Writing Sales Letter

On the fifty-ninth day, you'll embark on a journey through Careers & Freelancing,
culminating in the art of Writing Sales Letters. Picture this day as your career
Unlock Your Digital Marketing Potential:
fairytale, a narrative where you become the hero of your own professional destiny. A Comprehensive Journey into Meta Ad-
Here, you'll learn the skills to craft your career path or freelance journey, turning
your e-commerce platform into a storybook filled with opportunities and adven- vertising Mastery
tures. Each job application becomes a chapter, a tale of trials and triumphs that
brings you closer to your dream role. Each freelance gig is a subplot, a side quest
By completing this comprehensive course, you're not just learning, you're evolving.
that enriches your experience and expands your portfolio. Writing Sales Letters You're equipping yourself with the most advanced, Meta digital advertising tools and
becomes the climax of your story, the pivotal moment where you learn to per- strategies that will catapult your efficiency and productivity to new heights. This isn't just
suade with the power of words, turning prospects into customers and skeptics into about gaining knowledge; it's about transforming your potential into action.
believers. This is where your e-commerce platform becomes a library of life
But this course goes beyond just skills. It opens doors. With the knowledge you gain here,
lessons, a collection of stories that guide you through the labyrinth of careers and
you'll stand out in the job market, attract exciting career opportunities, and be able to offer
freelancing. Your career fairytale becomes a saga of success and satisfaction, unique value to employers or your own business.
where you learn to write your own destiny and live your own dream. On this day,
you become not just a marketer, but a storyteller—each job a character, each gig a
setting, each sales letter a plot twist in the epic of your life.

Day 61 - Summary & Congratulations

On the sixtieth day, you'll arrive at the grand finale: Summary & Congratulations.
Imagine this day as your graduation ceremony, a momentous occasion where you
become the valedictorian of your own Meta Advertising journey. Here, you'll re-
flect on the wisdom you've gained, turning your e-commerce platform into a stage
where you receive your diploma in Meta Advertising mastery. Each lesson you've

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