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Year 9 Maths PSMT Term 1

The best cylinder of a drinking can


Soft drinks that are meant to be consumed on-the-go typically come in aluminium cans. Aluminium
cans maintain the beverage inside. The shape of aluminium cans is called cylinders. Typically,
companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi are the big manufacturers that create aluminium cans. Volume
affects the height of soft drinks as more liquid means taller cans. When cans are being measured the
radius is all ways found. These cans are made with the intention being the lowest surface area to
make cheap cans. The findings of this PSMT used in this study to determine the best cost-effective
method of preserving 500ml in the Pepsi can are presented.


1. Find formula of height and surface area. Refer to the formal

2. Changing values of the radius to find the lowest surface area.
3. A graph was hand drawn with a smooth curve.
4. Radius is chosen based on the graph.
5. A decision was made on which surface area is the lowest.
6. 4 cm radius was chosen as the final product

it was assumed that the pull ring wasn’t taken to consideration.

It was assumed that the top edge wasn’t taken to consideration. Top edge
It was assumed that the base wasn’t taken to consideration.

It was assumed that the bottom edge wasn’t taken to consideration.

Let V be the volume of the cylinder (cm3)
Let r be radius. (cm)

Let h be height (cm) Base

Let SA be Surface area (cm2)

Figure 2

To find height
V =π r h
500=π r h
500=π 1 h
500 2

1 Liam Lazarus
Year 9 Maths PSMT Term 1

h=159.154 …
figure 3

to find surface area

2 π r +2 πrh
2 π ( 3 ) +2 π ( 3 )( 17.68 )=SA
389.80 cm
Figure 4

Radius cm 1 2 3 4 5
Height cm 159.15 39.8 17.68 9.95 6.36
Surface area 1006.25 525.27 389.80 350.60 356.83

6 7 8 9 10
4.42 3.25 2.49 1.96 1.59

392.86 450.73 527.12 620.05 728.32

The 4 cm radius was selected. this is due to 4 cm's 9.95 cm height. The proportions are identical to a
"genuine" can, as that of the radius for the “genuine” can is 5.72 cm, the height is 12.27 cm, as well as
the surface area is 287.3cm 2, which delivers the lowest possible price of aluminium as it is fewer
compared to the others (illustrative Mathematics, n.d.) The cost of aluminium is $4.08 per kilogram.
(Market Insider, 2023) Hence, the cost to supply the can with adequate aluminium was $3.88.C

Cans made from aluminium, this material is used as preservatives for soft drinks and food. The main
point about this report was to see which can was this most cost effective by finding the lowest surface
area possible. A strength of the investigation Is you could compare it to a “real” can. By having that
compare it allowed for accurate results. The weakness of the investigation is finding the surface area
of the can. When using the formula, we had to find the height after that we had to find surface area
using height and it took a long time to calculate and wasn’t efficient. Is was mathematically possible to
find a cheaper option and design to find a new soft drink can the is also portable.

2 Liam Lazarus

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