Planning Mayet

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In Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements In



Submitted to:
Mrs. Maria Lourdes Agustin, RN

Submitted by:
Gonzales, Maythresha

Date of Submission:
October 9, 2023
What is your planning style? Individually write a plan for the current year. How would you
describe your planning? Which type of planner are you? Write a brief essay that describes your
planning style. Use specific examples.

When thinking about how I plan, the strategic model really hits home. In simpler terms, my
planning approach is like preparing for a journey: I map out the route but stay ready for
unexpected detours.

My Plan for the Current Year:

 Understanding the Terrain: First, I look around, understanding where I am now. This
means considering what's happening in my field and recognizing areas where I can grow
or change. Right now, I am currently taking the path of my dreams and becoming
resilient and flexible is one of the ways to cope and adjust with the happenings in my
field in order for me to grow and change into a better person.
 Checking My Tools and Resources: I take stock of my strengths and challenges. It's like
making sure I've packed the right things for the trip ahead. I am in the process of learning
and as I go through the challenges in this path, I make sure that I gain knowledge, skills
and good attitude to transform me into a capable individual who is able to do her
responsibilities as she lives her dreams in the future.
 Setting the Direction: With a clear sense of where I am and what I have, I start plotting
the path forward. This could be building better relationships or seeking further training.
From the start, my goal is to become a successful Paulinian Nurse having my duty in the
hospital, taking care of patients incorporating all the things I have learned in this nursing
school journey. At the same time, becoming an excellent nursing educator who shares its
knowledge, skills, and attitude that would build excellent nurses in the future.
 Choosing the Route: From the many paths available, I pick the one that feels right,
keeping my long-term dreams in mind. From the beginning, I have stood strong in the
decision that I will take the path of nursing, all the hardships and almost-detours, I stood
firmed with the decision to take this route.
 Walking the Path and Watching My Steps: Once I start, I keep an eye on how things are
going, making small changes if needed. I always make sure to celebrate small wins. I
practice the quote saying “take one step at a time”, it makes me aware of my steps, my
progress, may it be fast or slow and it made me appreciate the little things I do for my
dreams. Taking this path is not an easy thing to do for everybody and achieving small
things slowly but surely is one of the best ways to succeed in this path. It is not a one-
time experience but it takes a long process and experience to undergo this path
So, how do I describe my planning style? Think of it as having a clear map but being ready to
explore interesting side roads. I set goals but remain flexible, adjusting when life throws
surprises. For example, when I looked at my future in nursing, I made a detailed plan. But daily
life isn't always predictable. So, when challenges like managing my emotions or balancing
personal time came up, I adjusted my plans without losing sight of my main goals. In short, my
style is about being prepared but also staying open to change. It's about having a direction but
being ready to explore along the way. I am a type of person who always prepare a contingency
plan, being flexible is always one of my strengths as a person, which is now very helpful in this
journey. As I go on through this path, I have learned that there are no such thing as perfect plans,
but I always have one goal and it is to become a successful Paulinian Nurse. Moreover, I take the
challenge of change, I am always ready to adjust and firm to the goal of being successful no
matter what are the detours for there is always a plan ready may it be from plan A to Z.


Looking ahead to the next 3-5 years, I aim to combine my inherent strengths with the promising
opportunities in the nursing field. I plan to utilize my passion, independence, and ability to
connect with others, aspiring to become a key figure in holistic healthcare. Yet, as with any
journey, it's essential to recognize and navigate around weaknesses and potential roadblocks.
Guided by the strategic planning model, I'm ready to shape my personal and professional path.

Strengths: My deep-rooted passion isn't just limited to nursing—it drives me in everything I do.
This, combined with my independent streak, means I am proactive in tackling challenges,
whether they're in a healthcare setting or day-to-day scenarios. My capacity to genuinely connect
with individuals, be it patients or friends, enriches my interactions and allows me to understand
unspoken sentiments. This empathy, paired with an ever-present desire to learn and adapt,
ensures I'm always growing and evolving, regardless of the context. One of the strengths that I
have is being flexible and resilient who is able to adjust well to the new happenings, situation or
environment and is able to withstand and recover from difficult situations.

Weaknesses: It's essential to build on strengths, but equally vital to address weaknesses. My
sensitivity, while enhancing my connections with people, can at times leave me feeling
emotionally exposed. My tendency to prioritize others, combined with my struggle to assertively
say 'no', can sometimes lead to personal fatigue. An occasional quick temper, overthinking, and
self-critical nature may challenge my interactions and decisions. Knowing these areas of growth,
I plan to engage in self-awareness exercises, perhaps seeking mentorship to develop resilience
and effective communication skills.

Opportunities: By capitalizing on my strengths and working on my weaknesses, I see a world of

opportunities ahead. Building strong relationships, in nursing and life, can lead to collaborations,
community involvement, or even leadership roles. Continual learning, be it professional or
personal, can only open more doors. As I gain experience from different hospitals, it has been
known that they have been waiting for student nurses in their hospitals. As I train myself to
become a professional nurse, these hospitals are also preparing for accepting future nurses like
me. There is also an open opportunity of the vocation and profession of becoming an educator
where I can share, incorporate and also practice all the things that I have learned in the nursing

Threats: One significant threat is complacency. Becoming too comfortable or losing motivation
can jeopardize progress. To prevent this stagnation, it's essential to consistently evaluate and
refine my goals, staying alert to changes around me and continually challenging myself. One of
the threats I experience is financial, having financial problems is inevitable and surely, it is one
of the things that I undergo in this journey which can possibly hinder me or become stagnant
from taking the path successfully.

In summary, the next 3-5 years are set to be transformative. 3-5 years from now, I will be a
successful Paulinian Nurse working at Perpetual Succour Hospital, although, I am still not able
to have an experience there, but it is my priority plan, to successfully become a nurse who works
there who would strive and practice for excellence. One of my contingency plans, or should I say
my childhood dream is to become an educator, if the path of becoming an educator would open
for me, I would take it and grab the opportunity. With careful planning and a balanced approach,
I aim to establish a significant presence, not only in the nursing arena but also in my everyday
endeavors, ensuring growth and positive impact in every sphere of life.

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