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Name (Optional):


1. Do you eat Banana Fries?


2. How often do you eat Banana Fries?

Everyday Once a week Once a month Others: _________

3. Where do you usually buy banana fries?

Selecta Magnolia Thumbs up Others: ___________

4. What flavor of Banana Fries do you prefer?

Chocolate Vanilla Sea Salt Others: ____________

5. How much will you pay for Banana Fries?

P30-50 P60-P100 P100 and above Others: ___________

6. Why do you eat Banana Fries?

Cooling down Habit Health Purposes Others: ___________

Where do you usually obtain information about Banana Fries?

Newspaper Internet Friends and Relatives Others: ________

7. Are you will to try new Banana Fries flavors?

Name (Optional):

1. Do you eat Mega Ball fries?


2. How often do you eat Mega Ball?

Everyday Once a week Once a month Others: _________

3. Where do you usually buy Mega Ball?

Selecta Magnolia Thumbs up Others: ___________

4. What flavor of Mega Ball do you prefer?

Chocolate Vanilla Sea Salt Others: ____________

5. How much will you pay for Mega Ball?

P30-50 P60-P100 P100 and above Others: ___________

6. Why do you eat Mega Ball?

Cooling down Habit Health Purposes Others: ___________

Where do you usually obtain information about Mega Ball?

Newspaper Internet Friends and Relatives Others: ________

7. Are you will to try new Mega Ball flavors?

Name (Optional):

1. Do you drink Jherpipino Juice?


2. How often do you drink Jherpipino Juice?

Everyday Once a week Once a month Others: _________

3. Where do you usually buy Jherpipino Juice?

Selecta Magnolia Thumbs up Others: ___________

4. What flavor of Jherpipino Juice do you prefer?

Chocolate Vanilla Sea Salt Others: ____________

5. How much will you pay for Jherpipino Juice?

P30-50 P60-P100 P100 and above Others: ___________

6. Why do you drink Jherpipino Juice?

Cooling down Habit Health Purposes Others: ___________

Where do you usually obtain information about Jherpipino Juice?

Newspaper Internet Friends and Relatives Others: ________

7. Are you will to try new Jherpipino Juice flavors?

Name (Optional):

1. Do you eat Polvorazo Corn?


2. How often do you eat Polvorazo Corn?

Everyday Once a week Once a month Others: _________

3. Where do you usually buy Polvorazo Corn?

Selecta Magnolia Thumbs up Others: ___________

4. What flavor of Polvorazo Corn do you prefer?

Chocolate Vanilla Sea Salt Others: ____________

5. How much will you pay for Polvorazo Corn?

P30-50 P60-P100 P100 and above Others: ___________

6. Why do you eat Polvorazo Corn?

Cooling down Habit Health Purposes Others: ___________

Where do you usually obtain information about Polvorazo Corn?

Newspaper Internet Friends and Relatives Others: ________

7. Are you will to try new Polvorazo Corn flavors?


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