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Expo’s Tech 2023 Essay

Thesis Statement:

Expo Tech 2023, performed by Superate students in El Salvador, was really awesome! It shared
many interesting projects and made me believe that understanding computers and technology is a
very important tool these days. This event left me feeling joyful and made me think that I have
already achieve incredible things too, and also, I can achieve another new ones if I want it.

Body Paragraph 1:

In the beginning, they talked about a group of students, more than 200, working together to make
Expo Tech 2023 a reality. They got help from the United States, and it was all about showing how
what they learn in Supérate is helpful in real life. I thought that was amazing because it made me
remember that what I study at Superate really matters even I sometimes feel down about it. I
especially liked when they talked about how education and learning digital stuff are important for
young people. It made me agree a lot because I think learning new things can help us have a better
future. I feel proud to be part of Superate because it's not just about books; it's about getting
ready for what comes next.

Body Paragraph 2:

Then, they talked about some projects. One project called "PLM Plus" wants to help us think and
do computer stuff better, especially in Python. They want to help not only young people but also
adults get ready for jobs in technology. That sounded great to me because I want to learn things
that can help me get a cool job one day. Another project, "Super Tools," is like a bunch of useful
things in one app. It's all about keeping things safe and easy to use. I thought that was smart
because sometimes apps are hard, but if they are easy, more people can use them.

Body Paragraph 3:

In the last part of the video, they talked about Expo Tech ending and a project called "Easy Meal"
winning. Everyone clapped, which was nice. But what I liked the most is that they clapped for
everyone, not just the winners. It made me feel that even if I'm not the best, trying hard is still
important. I also learned that success is not only about winning but about trying and learning. It
made me happy to see everyone working together and being proud of what they did, because I
already passed through all those intensive feelings.


So, to sum up, Expo Tech 2023 was really cool. It made me feel proud of Superate and me to being
part of it. Knowing that learning about computers and technology is not just for fun; it's for our

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