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Name of agency: Samaritan Society of Mizoram

Duration of field work: 20 days

Submitted by: Ricky Lalhriatpuia, R/no-25,

1st semester, MSW

Submitted to
Faculty Supervisor:
Prof. C. Devendiran, Dept of social work, MZU

Submitted on: 15th November,2023

Attendance Sheet
Individual Conference Sheet
Objectives of the Fieldwork
Profile of the Agency
Work Done
Evaluation of Self
Evaluation of Agency

Student’s Date Present/Absent supervisor’s
1 01.09.2023 Present
2 02.09.2023 Present
3 08.09.2023 Present
4 09.09.2023 Present
5 15.09.2023 Present
6 16.09.2023 Present
7 22.09.2023 Present
8 23.09.2023 Present
9 29.09.2023 Present
10 30.09.2023 Present
11 06.10.2023 Present
12 07.10.2023 Present
13 13.10.2023 Present
14 14.10.2023 Present
15 20.10.2023 Present
16 21.10.2023 Present
17 27.10.2023 Present
18 28.10.2023 Present
19 03.11.2023 Present
20 04.11.2023 Present


Topic Student’s Date Present/absent supervisor’s
discussed signature
1 30.08.2023 Objectives Present
of field
2 14.09.2023 Work done Present
and future
3 14.11.2023 Review field Present
work reports

Objectives of field work:

• To have an understanding of the agency’s missions, functions, objectives,

structure and composition
• To have an understanding of the agency’s field of working
• To develop an understanding of the administrative process
• To improve one’s own knowledge and skills required for the practice of
social work


The trainee was placed to have fieldwork at Samaritan Society of Mizoram

with one co-trainee Vanlalnghakrengi from 1st September, 2023 to 4th
November, 2023, a total of 20 days, under the supervision of
Prof.C.Devendiran (Faculty supervisor) and Mr John Thansanga (Agency

The purpose of the fieldwork was to understand the agency’s works and
functions as well as to develop and carry out the social work theories,
methods, skills and techniques taught in the classroom.

The trainee was able to build good relationship with the agency’s staff and
was also able to participate in numerous programmes and works of the
agency. He also had a chance to experience different new things.



• Date of Establishment - 15th January, 1990
• Postal Address – C-103/A, Y-Road, R. Zatawna Bldg,
Chanmari, Aizawl
• Registration:
A)No.SR.7/95/MZ-RFS under Society Regn.Act 1860
B)Deduction u/s 80G(vi)(5) Dt.27.7.2005, IT ACT 1961
C) PAN No. AACAS 1425L
D) NGO DARPAN – MZ/2017/0180119
• No. of staff – 124


Back in the year 1980’s, a group of four friends in Bungkawn, Aizawl started a
Philanthropic work by collecting the donations from well wishers and
distributing new dresses bought with this donations to the poor, which later
paved the way for the birth of this voluntary organization. But with the passage
of time, Firm and Societies registration was done on 1995 with the hope of
increasing this philanthropic work. After this registration, the organization
started to take projects and became one of most well known agencies in the


1. Mizoram state Aids Control Society(MSACS)

2. Social Welfare

3. National Aids Control Organization


• To work for economic upliftment of the poor and needy

• To work for the welfare of women and children
• To work for the general healthcare of the common masses and for
prevention of HIV/AIDS
• To lay emphasis on charity works
• To work for welfare of the youth community


Rapport building:

The trainee and the co trainee had an interaction with the agency supervisor and
staff of the agency and after a brief introduction about personal self and also
about the agency functions the trainee could build rapport with the agency’s
staff and also made interaction by helping them in different tasks. The trainee
was able to establish and maintain good rapport with both of the FSW project
staff and TI Migrants staff.

Syringe/insulin distribution:

During the night outreach services, the trainee helped the peer educators and
outreach workers of the FSW project in distributing condoms and insulins to the
clients and female attendes who were substance abusers and sex workers. The
trainees also sometimes helped with distribution of foods and drinks during the
night outreach services.


• Day: The trainees along with 2 peer educators from the FSW project
went on a day outreach service at Bawngkawn, Brigade road and Sairang

road to search for the agency’s clients and other unregistered female
substance abusers and sex workers. The purpose of the outreach was also
to give the clients condoms and insulins and to have a short counseling.

• Night: The trainees attended the “Feed the need” night outreach service
organized by the FSW project and the SAY. The trainee was able to
observe the activities and needs of the attendees who were mostly
substance abusers and sex workers. The trainee was able to gain a better
understanding of those people’s struggles and how the agency’s staff were
giving assistance to them.

Staff inhouse training:

The trainee also attended the monthly staff inhouse training of the agency. In the
training, he was able to learn and develop a greater understanding about
HIV,STI, Communication skills, NACP and different subjects relating to the
agency’s concern.

Staff review meeting:

Weekly staff review meeting, held every Friday at the FSW project office was
also attended by the trainee. During the review meeting, each peer educators
and outreach workers reported their weekly activities such as their outreach,
home visiting, client caring, medication supplying, etc. Because of the weekly
review meeting, the trainee was able to meet with every peer educators and
outreach workers of the FSW project and learned about the nature of their work.

Data entry:

The trainee was also given task to enter the client’s data in the register book of
the TI Migrants project. The trainee had registered data of migrant workers from
Assam who were working at various construction sites in Aizawl.

Visiting ART center: The trainees also visited ART center at Civil Hospital.
They were guided by Mr.Lalchhanhima, outreach worker from TI Migrants
project of the agency. Mr. Lalchhanhima coached the trainees throughout the
visit and the trainee had learned how the process of collecting ART medicine is

HIV/syphilis testing:

The trainee accompanied the outreach workers of the agency during their
HIV/Syphilis testing conducted at Lawipu Quarry and construction sites at
Lawipu and Bawngkawn. During those, the trainee gave assistance by filling up
the consent forms of the clients, carrying the test kits and instruments and
helped opening the test kits’ packages.

Home visit:

The trainees conducted home visit under the guidance of Miss Jennifer and Miss
Hruaii, both peer educators of the agency. They visited a client’s home at
Bawngkawn. Unfortunately, the client was away from the home for quite a
while so the trainees were unable to get much information from the home visit.

Free Health Clinic:

The trainee attended a one day “Free Health Clinic” at Laipuitlang Community
Hall. The event was organized by the Samaritan Society of Mizoram along with
Laipuitlang YMA. The trainees and the agency’s staff were in-charge of blood
testing and the trainee gave hand by cleaning the glass slabs for blood testing .
Later, he was assigned to be in-charge of weight checking of clients and
successfully completed the assignment. The trainee also got the opportunity to
interact with each clients who went for the weight check.


1) The fieldwork enabled the trainee to understand how the agency started
and how it was administrated and grew through the years.
2) This fieldwork increases the trainees knowledge on the current condition
of HIV/AIDS in Mizoram and how much more effort is still need to be
given on its elimination.
3) The trainee also came to learn how much care and support substance
abusers and sex workers need both physically and mentally.

Throughout this fieldwork, the trainee put several theories into practice, such

a) Principle of Communication:

The trainee made use of the principle of communication in having

interactions with the
supervisor, staff and clients.

b) Active listening skills:

The trainee maintained active listening skills during the training, meeting
and interacting sessions with the staff and supervisor. This had helped him a
lot in understanding the rules, functions and activities of the agency.

c) Rapport building:

The trainee was able to foster friendly relationship and teamwork with the
agency’s staff. It benefitted him with comfortable and positive atmosphere
during the working hours.

d) Recording skills:

The trainee was able to apply recording skills while collecting information
about the agency and while collecting data from outreach and home visits.

e) Observation skill:

The trainee applied observation skill on different occasions like, night

outreach service, home visits, free health clinic, etc.



The first thing that the trainee had noticed about the agency is that the staff
member maintained good friendship towards each one of them. They were
always ready to guide the trainees at times of uncertainty and confusion. Even
though they treated each other like a friend, they were still able to keep
punctuality and discipline when required. They were also sincere in their work
and very professional in dealing with the clients.


Although the office opened at 10:00 am, there were several times when the staff
would lost sincerity when the Project director is not around. Some peer
educators of the FSW project were also frequently late for the weekly staff
review meeting. Some staff were also negligent and will not be able to complete
works in given time.

The agency also required some renovation of their building and facilities. The
trainees were also told that the agency could no longer get their clients to clean
up and eat at the agency as some neighbor tend to feel uncomfortable and
unsupportive of it as the clients were usually HIV positives and substance

Executive Board

Project Director

IDU with SA
Migrants(Aizawl) Migrants(Mamit) FCC(Serchhip) FSW(Aizawl) LWS(Mamit)
OST(Aizawl) ICTC(Aizawl)

Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Counsellor(2) Project Manager DRP
Lab Tech(1)

MRE Accnt,
M&E Accnt, MRE Accnt,
M&E Accnt, Counsellor, ORW(6) M&E Accnt, Zonal Supp(2)
Nurse(1+5) Counsellor,ORW(3) Counsellor(2)
Medical Officer(PT) ORW(4) ORW(5)
Medical Officer(PT)
Medical Officer(PT) Medical Officer(PT) Cluster Link

Peer Peer Leader(9) Peer

Peer Leaders(16) Educators(17) Educators(12)


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