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Statistix 8.

1 8/6/2023, 6:23:58

LSD All-Pairwise Comparisons Test of Yield for Boron

Boron Mean Homogeneous Groups

3 931.89 A
4 896.78 A
2 798.67 B
1 752.33 B

Alpha 0.05 Standard Error for Comparison 30.375

Critical T Value 2.074 Critical Value for Comparison 62.994
Error term used: Blocks*Boron*Cultivar, 22 DF
There are 2 groups (A and B) in which the means
are not significantly different from one another.

LSD All-Pairwise Comparisons Test of Yield for Cultivar

Cultivar Mean Homogeneous Groups

1 871.92 A
2 869.92 A
3 792.92 B

Alpha 0.05 Standard Error for Comparison 26.305

Critical T Value 2.074 Critical Value for Comparison 54.554
Error term used: Blocks*Boron*Cultivar, 22 DF
There are 2 groups (A and B) in which the means
are not significantly different from one another.

LSD All-Pairwise Comparisons Test of Yield for Boron*Cultivar

Boron Cultivar Mean Homogeneous Groups

3 1 949.00 A
3 2 936.67 AB
4 2 911.33 ABC
3 3 910.00 ABC
4 1 903.67 ABC
4 3 875.33 ABCD
2 2 862.67 ABCD
1 1 830.00 BCDE
2 1 805.00 CDE
1 2 769.00 DE
2 3 728.33 EF
1 3 658.00 F

Alpha 0.05 Standard Error for Comparison 52.611

Critical T Value 2.074 Critical Value for Comparison 109.11
Error term used: Blocks*Boron*Cultivar, 22 DF
There are 6 groups (A, B, etc.) in which the means
are not significantly different from one another.

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