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The Spread of Islam

1. What do you know about The Battle of Tours, AD

2. What did the Europeans learn about?
3. Where are the best universities in Europe?
4. Where did the scholars travel to study?
5. When did the Arab armies conquered Persia?
6. How did the power of Tang Dynasty end?

The Teaching of Islam

1. For how may years Muhammad (PBUH) preach
Islam in Mecca?
2. Why did Muhammad (PBUH) decide to leave
3. Where did Muhammad (PBUH) migrate?
4. When did prophet Muhammad (PBUH) die?
5. What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

The Beginnings of Islam

1. What is the biggest religion in the world?
2. When did Islam begin?
3. What is Kaaba?
4. Which town is the chief town of all coastal
5. What are the characteristics of a desert?
6. Who did Allah choose as his messenger to
change the society of Arabs?
7. In what age prophet Muhammad (PBUH) get
Allah’s message?
8. Who was Khadija?
9. What is the name of the angel, by whom Allah
sent messages to prophet?
10. What is the holy book of Islam?

Christianity in the Dark age

1. What do you know about the dark age?

2. What are the challenges people faced during

the dark age?

3. How did the Church help the people during

the dark ages?

“The spread of Christianity and

the power of the Pope and The
Conversion of
the Barbarians”

1. Who was Constantinople? How did he

contribute to spread of Christianity?

2. Write any 2 differences between

Orthodox Church and Catholic Church.

3. Show the organizational hierarchy of the

Catholic Church by drawing a flow

4. How did many people from Western

Europe become Christian?

5. How did Roman empire break up into

different countries?

6. What do you know about Holy Roman

7. What are the significant roles played by
the emperor Charlemagne?

8. How did he show respect to the pope?

The Spread of Christianity and the

Power of the Pope

1. Who was Constantinople? How did he

contribute to the spreading of

2. Write any 2 differences between

Orthodox Church and Catholic Church.

3. Show the organization hierarchy of the

Catholic Church by drawing a flow chart.

4.What do you know about the spread of


5.What is persecution?
6.Why Christian people were persecuted?

7.What do you understand about the

concept of secret sign?

8.Why did Christian people use secret


9.How did the Christian Religion become

so popular?

10.What are challenges faced by the

Christians people?
Fill in the blanks

1. About Ad _____ Jesus was arrested.

2. Jesus was born in the town of
3. Christians being killed in an arena near
the town of _________.
4. The word Catholic means __________.
5. The Arabs worshipped many different
6. Muhammad (PBUH) died in AD
7. The Koran is decorated with beautiful
_____ and _______.
8. Muhammad migrated in the oasis of
9. The migration from Mecca to Medina
is called _________.
10. The ___________ calls the people
5 times to pray.

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