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Assignment #1:

1. Differentiate content from subject in Arts;

- Content in arts focus on the meaning of an art piece while the subject in arts
usually refers to the object or image literally.

2. Search for the meaning of the following:

A. Personal Function of Art
- Personal function is vague for a reason. From artist to artist and viewer to
viewer, one's experience with art is different. And also it is the vehicles for the
artists’ expression of their feelings and ideas. The arts also serve as means of
expression for us.

B. Physical Function of Art

-The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand. Works of art
that are created to perform some service have physical functions. It is also performs
some service or has a specific use - EXAMPLE: Architecture, Interior Design, Furniture
Design, Utilitarian Art, Crafts.

C. Social Function of Art

-It addresses aspects of (collective) life, as opposed to one person's point of
view or experience, enhances the shared sense of identity of those within a family,
community, or civilization - EXAMPLE: Activist Art, Political Propaganda, Ceremonial
Art. And also refers to those that go beyond personal intrinsic value to art's social
benefits. Individuals and their society are dynamically related. Art communicates.
Most often it is constructed with the intention of sharing responses to and opinions
about life with others.

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