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Fitri Amalia, Fariha Ramadhani, Bintang Ula Nur Maghfiroh, Zaffa Shofia Al-Widad,
Natasya Fadila Riska
Advisor : Muhammad Risyad Rahaf Faldi
The recent season changes are not the same as ordinary season changes. This has an impact on changes
in terms of geography, quantity and quality of water and also on people’s health. Uncertain seasonal changes can
disrupt the human immune system. Drastic changes in body temperature can cause several infectious diseases
such as flu, cough, and fever. The process occurs very quickly and does not give time for the body to adjust,
causing fever. Fever is usually an early symptom of a mild cold that can become a severe cold if not treated
immediately. A severe cold can be bad if it leads to COVID-19, where the presence of the virus is characterized
by a low-grade fever like a normal fever. For this reason, this paper aims to innovate to make extraction from
Kalanchoe pinnata, which contains antipyretics that can be used to reduce fever. By using the transdermal patch
method, which is treatment by transferring drugs through the skin which are then flowed into the blood. We also
used a quantitative descriptive analysis method, by dividing a questionnaire containing several questions about
the treatment among 81 respondents. And as result, 81.2% of respondents agreed with the treatment method. So,
it can be concluded that “Cocor Bebek” leaves can be innovated as a fever-relieving compress that can relieve
fever quickly and efficiently.
Keywords: Kalanchoe pinnata, antipyretics, transdermal method

Introduction the coronavirus or Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus with
Lately, the weather has often changed due symptoms and a method of spread similar to other
to drastic climate change. Climate change is a tropical fever diseases.
change in long-term weather patterns that occurs on
a global scale (Setiani, 2020). The effect of global The impact that can be caused if fever is
climate change is multi-sectoral and affects the not treated appropriately is that it can cause brain
quality of human life and the environment in damage and hyperpyrexia which will cause shock,
general (Setiani,2020). Climate change is directly epilepsy, mental retardation, or learning disabilities
related to changes in environmental conditions. (Mulyani and Lestari, 2020). Many methods can be
Climate and weather are the physical components done to deal with fever. Currently, transdermal is a
of ecosystems, it will affect the incidence and method that is widely used by the public in the form
pattern of the spread of influenza (Hijrawati et al, of patches. Patch preparations have advantages
2020). Influenza is an example of a disease with compared to oral dosage forms including avoiding
fever symptoms. the gastrointestinal tract, the drug can be degraded,
increasing bioavailability, the best route for
Fever is one of the most common paediatric patients, the possibility of overdosage
symptoms that bring patients to health services. smaller and the drug being easy to detect (Jawal,
Fever is defined as an increase in rectal temperature 2010; Sharma, 2018)
above 38°C (Karyanti, 2019). The causes of fever
can vary. Fever can occur due to infection, According to Dr Merry Dame Christy
autoimmune, metabolic processes, malignancy, Pane in 2020, antipyretics are a class of drugs that
neurological, to inflammatory conditions which are function as anti-fever. Antipyretics are drugs that
the causes of fever (Karyanti, 2019). These various can reduce high body temperature and return body
fevers can be grouped into one tropical fever. temperature to normal body conditions
Tropical fevers were defined as infections prevalent (Bella,2021). Kalanchoe pinnata or commonly
in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions. called Cocor Bebek in Indonesia can act as an
Some of these occur throughout the year, especially antipyretic. Kalanchoe pinnata is known to have a
in rainy and post-rainy seasons (Singhi, 2014). This variety of pharmacological activities including
situation is exacerbated by the pandemic caused by wound healing, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and
good analgesic, and even empirically effective as an
antipyretic. Prostaglandins, as one of the mediators
of pain, also play a role in the mechanism of
pyrexia (Maulidina, 2016). There are also many Research Method
other contents. Flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols,
quinones, and steroids have been shown to exist in The study uses a quantitative descriptive
Cocor Bebek leaf extract (Fitriani, 2021). Cocor analysis method. The study consists of several
Bebek or commonly recognize as Life Plant is a stages that involve the extraction of Kalanchoe
common plant in tropical climates such as Asia, pinnata leaves, the making of fever gel with the
Australia, New Zealand, West India, Macaronesia, extraction of Kalanchoe pinnata leaves, and the
Mascarenes, Galapagos, Melanesia, Polynesia, and making process of KAPILEXTRAP.
Hawaii. Cocor Bebek reproduces vegetatively using
adventitious shoots. Because of its easy breeding, in Data Collection and Data Analysis Techniques
several of these regions, the species is widely
Questionnaire’s Method
naturalised and regarded as invasive. It forms dense
strands in dry and disturbed areas (Majaz et al, A questionnaire is a method of data
2011). collection conducted by giving a set of written
statements or questions to the respondents to
Furthermore, in 2015, the United Nations
respond according to user requests (Widyoko,
Development Program (UNDP) along with all the
countries in the United Nations adopted the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals or Observation Method
commonly called SDGs 30. With 169 countries as
targets around the world, SDGs 30 contains 17 Observation is a direct observation at the
goals. One of the points, Goal 3, discussed Good research site with the intent to know and understand
Health and Well-Being. The main determination of the knowledge of a phenomenon based on
Goal 3 is to ensure healthy lives and promote well- previously known ideas and to obtain needed
being for all at all ages. According to WHO, some information (Syafnidawaty, 2020). The purpose of
novelties such as scientific research and innovation this observation is to utilize Kalanchoe pinnata leaf
that include a balance of research on medical, social as a fever patch and to identify its efficiency.
and environmental determinants and solutions can
Documentation Method
leverage to benefit health.
The method of documenting is one of the
Based on the background by looking at the
methods of collecting data by viewing or analyzing
various advantages and benefits of Cocor Bebek
a document made by the subject itself or someone
above, the researchers intend to develop a product
else by the subject. By this method, researchers
KAPILEXTRAP: (Kalanchoe pinnata Leaves
collect data from available documents, making it
Extraction with Transdermal Patch). The
possible to obtain records relating to the research
superiority of our product is that it has antipyretic
such as school overview, the organizational
and other properties to treat fever to support
structure and school personnel, the circumstances
UNDP’s goal to ensure good health. Moreover,
of teachers and learners, notes, photos, and so forth.
Cocor Bebek breeds easily so they are often found
This method of documentation is employed to
anywhere. So, they will have more selling value
acquire unobtained data through observation and
when processed into a product which can improve
interview methods (Herdiansyah, 2010).
people’s welfare which is in line with UNDP’s goal
to promote well-being.

Making Procedure
Method and Experimental Details The making process is divided into several
stages, the first stage is the Kalanchoe pinnata
Tools and Materials
extraction process which uses the distillation
The ingredients that are used in this method, continue with the second stage is gelatin
research are 60-gram Cocor Bebek leaves, 40-gram making process. Then, finish with the
gelatin powder, and 100ml aquades. KAPILEXTRAP-making process.

The tools that are used in making

KAPILEXTRAP are a knife, mortar and pestle, pot,
Kalanchoe pinnata Extraction Process
heat-resistance hose, pan, condenser, glass
container, plaster, and plastic safety cover. Prepare a 60-gram fresh Kalanchoe
pinnata leaf. Clean Kalanchoe pinnata leaf with
clean water to remove any impurities present. After
that, mash Kalanchoe pinnata leaf until the juices
come out then add 100ml water to the juice, and KAPILEXTRAP Making Process
place it in a pot which has been perforated and
Prepare a 10×5 cm-sized plaster as the
given a heat-resistant hose and a simple condenser.
media for the Kalanchoe pinnata extraction gel.
Cover the pot and bring it to boil at 100°C. Wait
Slice the Kalanchoe pinnata extraction gel into 4×4
until the water vapours. The steam will come out of
cm-sized sheets. Place the Kalanchoe Pinnata
the hose into the glass container.
extraction gel sheet on the plaster. Coat with plastic
safety cover.
Gelatin Making Process
Mix gelatin powder and 100ml distilled
Kalanchoe pinnata extract, and stir until the gelatin
dissolve. Then pour Kalanchoe pinnata extraction
gel into the pan, sit for several minutes and wait
until it chills.
• Prepare a 60-gram fresh Kalanchoe pinnata leaf. Clean Kalanchoe
pinnata leaf with clean water to remove any impurities present.
• Mash Kalanchoe pinnata leaf until the juices come out.
• Add 100ml water to the juice, and place it in a pot which has been
perforated and given a heat-resistant hose and a simple condenser.
Kalanchoe pinnata Cover the pot and bring it to boil at 100°C. Wait until the water
vapors. The steam will come out of the hose into the glass

• Mix gelatin powder, and 100ml distilled Kalanchoe pinnata extract,

and stir until the gelatin dissolve.
• Pour Kalanchoe pinnata extract gel into the pan, sit for several
minutes and wait until it chills.

• Prepare a 10×5 cm-sized plaster as the media for the Kalanchoe

pinnata extract gel.
• Slice the Kalanchoe pinnata extract gel into 4×4 cm-sized sheets.
• Place the Kalanchoe pinnata extract gel sheet on the plaster. Coat
with plastic safety cover.

Responses Chart
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Q1 above Q4 shows the result of 83.3% of the

respondents agreeing. This means KAPILEXTRAP
Based on the data collection results with the could embrace the goals of SDGs: Good Health and
researcher’s questionnaire method, the diagram Well-being, this is in line with Katherine White
above Q1 shows that 87% of respondents agree. from Harvard Business Review (2019) that certain
This means KAPILEXTRAP does not cause an product categories like green products with
irritating reaction after use. This is because sustainability claims showed twice the growth of
Kalanchoe pinnata contains flavonoids, tannins, their conventional counterparts and are more
and saponins that have an anti-inflammation preferred by consumers.
mechanism (Gideon, 2018.
Based on the result of data collection with the
Based on the data collection results with the researcher’s questionnaire method, the diagram
researcher’s questionnaire method, the diagram above Q5 shows the results of 90.7% of
above Q2 shows that 91.6% of respondents agree. respondents agreeing. This means the invention of
This means KAPILEXTRAP is effective in KAPILEXTRAP can improve the welfare of
lowering body temperature due to fever. This is society. According to Green Business Bureau,
because Kalanchoe pinnata is known to have purchasing local products can help stimulate the
various pharmacological activities which are regional economy, and create and retain valuable
empirically effective as antipyretics that prevent or jobs for the community.
reduce fever (Maulidina, 2016).
KAPILEXTRAP does not cause an
Based on the result of data collection with the irritating reaction after use and is effective in
researcher’s questionnaire method, the diagram lowering body temperature due to fever.
above Q3 shows the result of 85.18% of KAPILEXTRAP is also preferred by students of
respondents agreeing. This means students of Amanatul Ummah because of its benefit to the
Amanatul Ummah prefer using KAPILEXTRAP environment as a natural medical product. In turn, it
over other products on the market as an effort to may also support one of the SDGs programs,
support green products, this is in line with the “Good Health and Well-being”
opinion of Daniel (2007) that people tend to buy
products that are related to their aspirations, culture,
values, and many things that define themselves.

Based on the result of data collection with the
researcher’s questionnaire method, the diagram
This work would have not been possible
without the support of our advisor, Mr Muhammad
Risyad Rahaf Faldi S.Pd, his advice, knowledge,
and exacting attention have been enthusiastic for us
to complete this research. We would especially like
to thank Mr Mauhiburrahman Lc, the coordinator of
Madrasah Aliyah Istimewa Amanatul Ummah, who
has been supportive and actively provide us with
the time and materials needed to finish this paper.
We are exclusively indebted to Ms Ismi Zahria
M.T, our science teacher for sharing her pearls of
wisdom with us during the course of this research.


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