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Personal Assignment 3

Week 7 Session 11

Listening Skill 5

DO EXERCISES: Passage 1-4 in Listening Skill 5, page 164-167.

(Longman IBT Book)

ENGL6163 - English Professional

ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
Reading Skill 5

DO EXERCISES Passage 1-4 in Reading Skill 5 as follows.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
Reading Skill 6

DO EXERCISES Passage 1-4 in Reading Skill 6, page 59-69.

(Longman IBT Book)

ENGL6163 - English Professional

ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
ENGL6163 - English Professional
Speaking: A Public Presentation

You should give a speaking to your staff. You will be a presenter and delivering
a presentation about what is a good communication? Make 7-10 minutes
individual presentation related to that topic.
1. Use your own idea to explain it.
2. Please record your presentation in video file then upload it in you tube.
3. Put the link of your video together with your Personal Task answers.

ENGL6163 - English Professional


Listening Exercise 5

1. B
Yes No
The way plants respond to water Yes
The way plants respond to cold No

The way plants respond to No


The way plants respond to gravity Yes

The way plants respond to height No

The way plants respond to light Yes


Phototropism Geotropism Hydrotropism

A response to light Yes

A response to Water Yes

A response to gravity Yes




Hard Tissues YES

become buried

The animal dies YES

Minerals replace YES

the bones

Soft tissues YES


ENGL6163 - English Professional


Yes No

After animal dies, its hard No

tissues decompose

Layers of sediment cover the Yes

remains of a dead animal

Minerals from the bones No

dissolve in groundwater

Hard tissues is replaced by Yes


Earth movements cause the Yes

fossils to move



Yes No

A case involving a railway union Yes


A case involving coal miners No

havig an accident

A case involving the murder of Yes

a teenager

A case involving a high – school Yes

biology teacher

A case involving the owner of No

some monkeys

ENGL6163 - English Professional


Railroad strike Evalution in the Murder trial


The scopes case Yes

The loeb –leopold case Yes

The debs case Yes

10. C


Describes amount of Describes number of Describes neither

damage breaks

Simple fracture Yes

Single fracture Yes

Compound fracture Yes

Complex fracture Yes

Double fracture Yes

Multiple fracture Yes

Greenstick fracture Yes


Partical fracture Complete fracture with Complete fracture with

on broke skin broke skin

Simple fracture Yes

Compound fracture Yes

Greenstick fracture Yes

ENGL6163 - English Professional


One break Two breaks Numerous break

Single fracture Yes

Double fracture Yes

Multiple fracture Yes


Less serious Serious More serious

Simple fracture Yes

Compound fracture Yes

Greenstick fracture Yes

ENGL6163 - English Professional


Reading Exercise 5

No Answer No Answer
1D 12 D
2A 13 C
3D 14 B
4C 15 D
5B 16 A
6C 17 B
7A 18 A
8D 19 C
9B 20 D
10 C 21 C
11 A 22 D

Reading Exrercise 6

No Answer No Answer
1D 12 A
2C 13 B
3A 14 D
4D 15 C
5B 16 D
6C 17 A
7A 18 B
8D 19 D
9C 20 D
10 D 21 C
11 D 22 A

ENGL6163 - English Professional


Hai, good morning all.

Today I will do a presentation about “ what is a good communication “

Communication is a very important thing in our daily lives, especially in the working
world and be one of the things that really need to be considered to prevent
misunderstandings that could pose a problem. It is not independent of the
communication between supervisors and employees who often have constraints. No
one worried misspoke against a supervisor, any impression, do not worry your
opinion heard, and many more.

Your boss is the most respected person in a company and must be respected. Here
are some things to consider in order to be able to communicate well against your

1) Listen

Effective communication starts from the ability to hear. You have to listen to every
conversation boss carefully. Show seriousness and enthusiasm for listening to
information or instructions from your boss. Seriousness and enthusiasm of someone
in the hearing, could be seen from his attitude at the time of hearing. People who are
busy playing something, or glancing here and there, or eyes look empty, certainly not
a serious person in listening.

2) inquiry and Responds

A good subordinate is not one who did all the instructions of their superiors without
any consideration. Therefore, if you do not understand what is meant by the boss,
you should ask. Likewise, if you feel the need to give an idea, to strengthen or
change instructions from your boss, do it in a polite manner with strong reasons, so
that you are not considered as employees unruly. For that, you have to learn the
character of the boss, so you can find the time and the right attitude to communicate
with him.

3) Use Sentences are Positive and Effective Language

Avoid using words confrontational, high intonation and argumentative. And avoid
using language or terms that are too high so as not understood by your boss.
Effective communication is not judged by the sophistication of the words or language
used, but on whether or not the language is easily understood by the other person.

4) Keep Professionalism

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Never confuse a personal problem with the affairs in office. If was noisier with your
spouse, do not take the issue when meeting with the boss, it will affect your

5) Body language and facial expressions

Do not bend or perform body movements that cause discomfort to the person you
are speaking especially your boss. And avoid displaying negative facial expressions
that can lead to communicating with your boss.

6) Control Emotions

Do not be carried away, even though you may not like the assigned tasks, or maybe
you do not like your boss. While talking with the boss, avoid expressing how
something as if you level with her position. Avoid overly personal conversation.
Remember that familiarity there are limits on when you are in a work environment.
Let the employer control the conversation, you can anticipate emotion. Customize
your sense of humor. Avoid stories that are insulting your boss.

7) Do not Patronize

Position yourself as a listener. Even if you have a suggestion that will be spoken to
the boss, speak in sentences that do not offend his ego.

8) Report

Techniques and ethics in reporting is something that can be learned easily. Make a
concept or points will you report to your superiors. This method will automatically
make you master the intent and purpose of the report. From this concept, you can
also anticipate a response from your boss.

Obstacles Toward Effective Communication In The Ornagisasi

1. Technical Barriers

Lack of facilities and communication equipment. In terms of technology, diminishing

with their new findings in the field of communications and information technology
advances, so that the communication channel is reliable and efficient as a
communication medium.

2. Barriers Semantics

Semantic interference into bottleneck in the process of conveying meaning or idea in

effectively. The definition of semantics as the study of meaning, which is expressed

through language.

3.Barriers Humane

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Occur because of factors, emotions and personal prejudices, perceptions, skills or
incompetence, the ability or inability of the tools a person's senses

That’s all guys.

Thank you for your attention .

Have a good day !

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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