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Ame attitude about human & crimes

 Stats
- FBI: violent cr rate ↓ 13,4% (2001 - 2010) Ex : ag assault, rob,
rape & murd , …..
 US pop older/older peo ↓ cr than younger
 ↑ enfrcmnt & penalts rep in genr
- The encg stat for vio crime for wh - c :brib , pol comp,embaz,
dang, corp pol’s
 2 theor C bsd on hum ntr - pers beliefs
- Theory 1: ppl good
- Theory 2 :ppl aggress ,so can be v
- Pos solutions to C in US

1. The 1st theory

 S.O com a cri or beh violently ,per’s envior into heart
 In US: racism, pove & injust
 Unemployment causes: drug and vio TV,breakd fam & pr edu
 Peo bec alienated → vio react against social , forgtt.
Und cls U.S
 Is the part of the pop prof: poor, unemployed, badly edu, nonw &
liv in other city neigh
 Both gangs & drugs com undercls
 The cris :rich fam all bene in society do sth vio crimi
2. The 2nd theory
2 ways agg & poten viol: Socialing & punishing
- Ex: Socialing giv value , pre kilg & stelg
 It give the values for honesty, comp & kindness → a consc, a
sense of rig & wr
 If soc fails, fear of punt keep us fr commiting a cr who ‘s not ade
socialized or isn’t afr of the punishment .Depe on how
punishment is used as a deter.
 Easy to understand wh - c cr which are busm, polis & bankers.
 Eny many of mater such as good edu & peacf childhood <>not
to have a w - d conscience .
 Without can take per over and lead to crime

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