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 Ano ba ang mga bagay na limitado

 Try to understand the limitation ang possibilities of man


Man is considered limited because of he is composed of a material component. Man, as a material being, is a corporeal
reality, what makes man material and corporeal is the body that he has. (Sa makatuwid, ang body that we have are
limited. There are things that we cannot do)

As a material component, he is considered as vegetative organism and a sentient organism. (We need to eat) (kaya natin
makaramdam ng pleasure and pain)

Man, like the plants, is subject to nutrition, growth and reproduction (we should eat nutritious food)

Man, like the plants, is subject to nutrition, growth and reproduction

As a sentient (nakakapag-isip) being, man, like the animals, has sense – knowledge and appetency. It refers to one’s
capacity to feel and experience pleasure and pain. Animals do not have emotions but they have sense experience in
which they can experience pleasure ad pain. Plants do not have the capacity to experience sensation. They cannot
move. They only grow (there are things that man can do, that animals and plants cannot do)


o Fish ay nabubuhay sa water

o Tao ay bawal mabuhay sa tubig

- limited pero minimal lang


- open yourself for possibilities

According to Aristotle, Man is a rational animal. What makes man similar with animals is because of capacity to feel
pain and pleasure, that is, sense experience

- yung difference natin is meron tayong rationality (think and reason out in things) ayan lang ang pinagkaiba natin sa

As Descartes said, I think, therefore, I am. Because of this rationality, humans are able to dominate the world. We live in
a world that is called as Anthropocene, in which humans are able to control the world through the use of technology

- ganun katalino ang tao kasi nakakapagimbento ang mga tao ng mga bagay-bagay

Man is not just a material component but rather he is also composed of a non-material aspect, and it is because of his

- Soul is the mind itself

This rationality is what differentiates us from other creatures, from animals. Plants and animals do not have the capacity
to think. Only humans think. This rationality is what leads us to transcendence- the ability to think and reason, to
organize things in order to accomplish ends such as the whole world of arts and crafts, manufacturing and industry

Only man has oral and written language which enables him to communicate and preserve ideas

- very practical

- kaya natin mag stored and shared ng ideas sa pakikipagcommunicate sa iba

He, alone, establishes permanent institutions corresponding to his own nature, such as family, civil society, law, etc.

- nakakatulong sa tao, sila ang gumawa din

Man is open to the world, not limited to any particular environment for his experience and behavior

Lastly, he is endowed with the most universal human phenomenon religion or the worship of God

- tayo lang nakakaintindi na merong Diyos, animals hindi naiintindihan yun

- why is it sometimes we limit ourself to the possibilities?

- Kahit ano pang nagging result, ok lang - We are afraid of taking risk

- take it as a challenge

What makes man spiritual or non-material is because of his intellect, his capacity to know, and his will, his capacity to
choose and to decide. The human intellect is capable of knowing reality. The human will to strive towards the good. The
human will be free because it strives towards the good

- importante yun kaya dapat wag tayo matakot. Meron naman tayong knowing properties

(Embodiment, monism)

The non-material aspect of man speaks of man’s subjectivity. Man is considered as a subject. A person is an individual
being. An individual being is a being which is one in itself and distinct from all other beings. All real beings are
individuals; general entities exist only in the mind. A person is an individual possessing a spiritual nature. What do we
mean by a spiritual nature? Spiritual means immaterial. A spirit exists not only in itself (it is a substance), and for itself (it
is self-conscious), but also by itself (it posits itself). Spirit is essentially self-knowledge, self-volition, self-consciousness,
and self-position. It is EGO (yourself) or I. The person is not essentially biological, but also spiritual, not in the sense of
being religious, but rather being immaterial

- Spiritual na sinasabi is yung mind ng person

The “I” is open to the whole of reality. It opens up into the infinite. Its capacity is unlimited. The "I" is essentially self-
conscious. Consciousness is the core of being. Every being is conscious, each according to its degree. The “I” is open to
the whole of reality. It opens up into the infinite. Its capacity is unlimited. The "I" is essentially self-conscious.
Consciousness is the core of being. Every being is conscious, each according to its degree

- affirmation (ako ay ako)

As a person, we have our own limitations and possibilities since we are not created by God as perfect human beings.
Our limitations and possibilities are what make us as human persons.

- since we are not perfect iacknowledge natin yung iba pang possibilities

We have the abilities and capabilities to transcend our own existence. According to Niestche, we are ubermensch, the
superman, not in the sense of comic hero or film hero, but as person endowed with reason and passion to choose
whatever goal or purpose the person has. This is what we mean by existentialism

- hindi dapat tayo susuko lang

We are free to choose whatever we want to choose in spite of our limitations and weaknesses. This kind of
transcendence is what will separate us from the rest of other creatures - walang ganyan ang mga animals and plant
Now, what is important is to recognize all these limitations and possibilities. This is what we call as self-awareness. Self-
awareness is the capacity to recognize our own imitations and possibilities. Self-awareness refers also to be conscious of
our subjectivity and individuality. Self-awareness is to look at oneself, of being a person.

- dapat aware and conscious tayo sa paligid natin at syempre sa sarili natin

- as an individual, mas maiintindihan mo ang mga tao sa paligid mo kapag inintindi mo yung sarili mo (point)

- yes, we are limites in some point

- maraming possibilities wag tayong matakot kasi kung bumagsak ka it’s normal ang part of a human’s life. Dapat moving
forward tayo lagi

- Determinado

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