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Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

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Reduce production or increase efficiency? Hazardous air pollutants

regulation, energy use, and the synergistic effect on industrial enterprises'
carbon emission
Hao Xu a, Jingxuan Xu b, *, Jie Wang b, Xiang Hou b
School of Economics, Xiamen University, China
School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, China


Keywords: Theoretically, the synergistic reduction strategy aimed at curbing both carbon and air pollutants emissions is
Hazardous air pollutants regulation more cost-effective than a singular emission abatement approach. Using a firm-level panel dataset, we employ
Carbon emissions the difference-in-differences (DID) method to estimate the impact of hazardous air pollutant regulation on carbon
Synergistic emission reduction
and air pollutants emissions in China. We found that the hazardous air pollutant regulation led to a decrease in
Energy efficiency
Source reduction
firm-level carbon emissions and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions of 5% and 10%, respectively. Mechanism analysis
shows that source reduction is the key for firms to achieve synergistic emission reductions. Furthermore, firms'
source reduction strategies lie in improving energy efficiency, rather than reducing output. Environmental policy
instruments should be based on a more synergistic approach.

1. Introduction Carbon and air pollutants emissions are highly correlated, owing to
their common origination in the extensive utilization of fossil fuels. This
Global warming, caused by carbon emissions, is one of the most se­ feature provides a theoretical basis for the synergistic emission reduc­
vere threats to natural ecosystems and human survival (Ballantyne et al., tion. Environmental regulations will be more efficient if it reduces car­
2016; Dimitriou and Kassomenos, 2017). Similarly, hazardous air bon and air pollutants emissions simultaneously. Mao et al. (2013)
pollution may lead to environmental deterioration, higher mortality, found that synergistic emission reduction was more cost-effective than a
and reduced labor productivity (Ramanathan and Feng, 2009; Ander­ single-pollutant abatement strategy. Consequently, the pursuit of syn­
son, 2009; Kan et al., 2012; Franklin et al., 2015; Fu et al., 2021). Several ergistic emission reduction assumes paramount importance in the
countries have implemented a series of greenhouse gas and hazardous domain of environmental regulations.
air pollution regulations to reduce carbon and air pollutants emissions. Synergistic reduction of carbon and air pollutants emission is also
Some studies have focused on the impact of greenhouse-gas regulations crucial for developing countries. It is noteworthy that air pollutants
on carbon emissions (Gerlagh, 2011; Van der Ploeg and Withagen, 2012; emissions in the industrial sectors of major developed countries peaked
Smulders et al., 2012; Van der Werf and Di Maria, 2012; Calderón et al., in the 1970s–1980s (Smith et al., 2005; Fenger, 2009), whereas China
2016; Gao et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2020; Hou et al., 2023) and lagged owing to the rapid progress of industrialization. From 2006 to
hazardous air pollutant regulations on air pollutants (Auffhammer et al., 2015, the China's air pollutants emissions experienced a notable average
2009; Zhou et al., 2016; Calel and Dechezleprêtre, 2016; Wu et al., 2019; annual growth rate of 20.7%, with the total amount remaining sub­
Wang et al., 2022). However, there remains inadequate evidence stantial despite a declining trajectory from 2016 to 2020.1 Less than a
regarding whether the implementation of hazardous air pollutant reg­ decade ago, China's air pollutants emissions reached their peak, whereas
ulations can simultaneously reduce both carbon and air pollutants major developed countries had already reached their peak emissions
emissions. This study aims to address this gap and provides empirical long before. Thus, developed countries might primarily focus on curbing
evidences. carbon emissions, whereas developing countries, exemplified by China,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Xu).
According to the China Statistical Yearbook, in 2020, China's SO2 emissions was 3.1822 million tons, nitrogen oxide emissions 11.8165 million tons, and
particulate matter emissions 6.1335 million tons. For the China Statistical Yearbook, check
Received 30 June 2022; Received in revised form 28 August 2023; Accepted 4 September 2023
Available online 14 September 2023
0140-9883/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

face the dual imperative of mitigating both carbon and air pollutants adopted an end-pipe reduction strategy. On the other hand, the APCMS
emissions. policy has significantly improved energy efficiency (measured at 0.18)
Existing empirical literature has studied the relationship between but has no significant impact on firms' output. Thus, firms' source
hazardous air pollutant regulation and synergistic emission reduction. reduction strategies lie in improving energy efficiency, rather than
Zhang et al. (2021) found that the “Air Pollution Prevention and Control reducing output. Further analysis reveals that the APCMS policy
Action Plan” reduced per-capita carbon emissions. They used city-level significantly increased the number of patent applications by 0.202 and
data to conduct their empirical research. Du and Li (2020) found that the number of green patent applications by 0.011, indicating that
environmental regulations reduce carbon and air pollutants emissions. technological innovation may be an important reason for improving
They used a fixed effect model to estimate the effects of environmental energy efficiency.
regulations. Brunel and Johnson (2019) used data of greenhouse gas To test whether the APCMS policy has a spatial spillover effect, we
emissions in the United States to study the relationship between local use the DID model with spatial spillover effect (Clarke, 2017; Lu et al.,
pollution regulations and greenhouse gas emissions. The results showed 2019; Butts, 2021). The empirical findings demonstrate the coexistence
that local pollution regulations had no significant impact on greenhouse of spatial spillover effects and synergistic emission reduction effects.
gas emissions. Additionally, some studies have focused on the syner­ Employing the DID model with spatial spillover effects, our findings
gistic emission reduction of specific industries. These studies show that reveal that the APCMS policy significantly reduced carbon emissions
structural reductions and market-based regulations are more effective (approximately 4%) and SO2 emissions (approximately 9.6%) of regu­
(Gu et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2015; Du et al., 2021). lated cities, while the adjacent unregulated regions experienced a sig­
However, these empirical studies have several limitations. First, nificant increase in carbon emissions, SO2 emissions, and output by
understanding the mechanism of synergistic emission reduction is 3.5%, 5.5%, and 4%, respectively. Furthermore, we analyze the impact
important for the formulation of environmental policies. However, the of the APCMS policy on firms with different property rights. The
existing literature lacks an analysis of this mechanism. Second, some empirical results indicate that this policy significantly reduced carbon
studies only consider specific industries as the object of analysis, and the emissions of private firms (approximately 10.1%) while showing no
sample selection is not representative (Gu et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2015; significant effects on carbon emissions of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
Du et al., 2021). Third, some studies inadequately addressed the endo­ and foreign-invested firms. In addition, we find that this policy signifi­
geneity issue within the econometric model, resulting in unreliable cantly reduced carbon emissions in high-energy-efficiency regions
empirical findings (Zhao et al., 2015; Du and Li, 2020). (approximately 13.3%) while manifesting no significant impacts on
The extant theoretical literature has analyzed the intricate mecha­ carbon emissions of low-energy-efficiency regions.
nisms underlying synergistic emission reduction. Synergistic emissions This study contributes to the existing literature on hazardous air
reduction can be achieved by changing the energy mix (Nam et al., pollutant regulation and synergistic emission reduction in two ways.
2013; Bollen and Brink, 2014). In addition, Zhang et al. (2015) and Peng First, it provides rigorous and comprehensive empirical evidence on the
et al. (2017) found that implementing more advanced technologies for impact of hazardous air pollutant regulations on synergistic emission
energy efficiency can achieve synergistic emissions reduction. Li and Xu reduction. Compared with previous studies, our research uses richer,
(2020) found that upgrading the industry structure by reducing the more detailed, and more representative firm-level data and provides a
proportion of energy-intensive sectors could achieve synergistic emis­ mechanistic analysis to achieve synergistic emissions reduction. More­
sion reduction. Qian et al. (2021) found that energy intensity over, it focuses on the endogeneity problem and spatial spillover effects
improvement, scale structure adjustment (phasing out small firms and of the APCMS policy. Therefore, our empirical results are more accurate
developing large ones), and electrification can achieve synergistic and credible.
emission reduction. In contrast to these literatures, we provide empirical Second, developing countries need to reduce carbon and air pollut­
evidences concerning the mechanisms of synergistic emissions ants emissions urgently. China is the largest developing country in the
reduction. world. Our research focuses on the APCMS policy, which was a
In this paper, we estimate the impact of a nationwide hazardous air nationwide pollution prevention and control policy implemented in
pollutants regulation on synergistic emission reduction. This study used China at the beginning of this century. This paper indicates that this
three firm-level datasets: China's Enterprise Environmental Statistics policy reduced carbon and air pollutants emissions. Developing coun­
Database (CESD), China's Industrial Enterprise Database (CIED)2 and tries can achieve synergistic emissions reductions through top-down
China's Patent Database (CPD). These provide rich and detailed infor­ environmental regulations. Our research provides a reference for
mation on firm-level pollution emissions, energy use, production, and developing countries to formulate relevant environmental policies.
technological innovation. In January 2003, the Chinese government The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de­
formulated the air pollution control to meet standards (APCMS) policy, scribes the background and main content of the APCMS policy. Section 3
which required 113 key cities to reduce hazardous air pollutants and analyzes the influence mechanism of hazardous air pollutant regulation
meet the national ambient air quality secondary standards within a on synergistic effects. Section 4 describes the data source, main variables
specified time limit. We use the DID method to estimate the impact of and empirical strategy. Section 5 presents empirical results, mechanism
the APCMS policy on carbon and SO2 emissions. The empirical results analyses, robustness checks, and heterogeneity analyses. Finally, Section
show that the APCMS policy significantly reduced carbon emissions 6 provides conclusions and policy implications.
(measured at 5%) and SO2 emissions (measured at 10%). Therefore, this
policy has a synergistic emissions reduction effect. 2. The APCMS policy in China
We analyze the mechanism of synergistic emission reduction. The
results show that firms achieve this through a source reduction rather 2.1. Background of the APCMS
than an end-pipe reduction strategy. On the one hand, we choose
pollutant abatement equipment as a proxy variable for the end-pipe The APCMS, the policy of interest in this study, is hazardous air
reduction strategy. The estimated coefficients of the APCMS policy on pollutants regulation, primarily targeting SO2, total suspended particu­
firms' desulfurization and waste gas treatment facilities are − 0.052 and lates (TSP), and PM10. The central government has selected 113 key
0.01, respectively, and are insignificant, indicating that firms have not cities based on their economic conditions and pollution emissions.
Subsequently, the central government imparts environmental mandates
pertaining to air pollutant emissions to the key cities, requiring key cities
China's Industrial Enterprise Database (CIED) is also called the Annual to meet air quality standards within a time limit.
Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF). In November 1998, the Chinese government selected 47 cities as the

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

first batch of key cities for air pollution control, which were first pro­ Table 1
posed in an official document of the Ministry of Environmental Protec­ Differences between regulated and unregulated cities.
tion.3 The first batch of key cities included municipalities directly under Variable Definition Regulated cities Unregulated
the central government, provincial capitals, open coastal cities, key cities
tourist cities, and special economic zone. By the year 2000, these cities Mean Std Mean Std Diff
must comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-
lnCO2 Logarithm of 8.628 2.103 8.513 2.045 − 0.115***
96). carbon
In December 2002, the Chinese government added 66 cities for air emission
pollution control as the second batch of key cities to further improve air lnSO2 Logarithm of 10.068 2.208 10.023 2.214 − 0.045***
quality.4Except Hainan Province, Qinghai Province, and Tibet Autono­ SO2 emission
Rgdp2 Proportion of 0.495 0.078 0.415 0.108 − 0.080***
mous Region, 66 key cities were distributed in all other provinces. The
first and second batches of key cities totaled 113 key cities. industry
In January 2003, the Chinese government proposed a new goal for Rgdp3 Proportion of 0.347 0.042 0.334 0.058 − 0.013***
113 key cities to meet air quality standards within the time limit.5 The tertiary
APCMS policy required the air quality of key cities to meet the national industry
lnpop Logarithm of 6.052 0.475 5.843 0.554 − 0.209***
ambient air quality secondary standards by 2005. Specifically, the population
average annual concentrations of SO2, TSP, and PM10 were 0.06, 0.2, lnrpergdp Logarithm of 0.549 0.235 0.431 0.251 − 0.118***
and 0.1 mg/m3. per capita
The official document mandated that key cities complete their air GDP
Fisself Fiscal self- 0.719 0.181 0.583 0.200 − 0.136***
quality compliance planning before the end of 2003, subject to assess­
ment by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In addition, other capacity
measures were required: strengthening environmental monitoring and
Note: Regulated cities refer to the second batch of key cities under the APCMS
regularly releasing atmospheric quality information; strengthening the
policy. Unregulated cities refer to cities beyond the scope of the 113 key cities.
construction of the environmental legal system; promoting the use of
Std represents the standard deviation. Diff refers to the difference between mean
clean energy such as electricity and natural gas; promoting clean pro­ values of the regulated and unregulated cities.
duction; strengthening the supervision of motor vehicle pollution
emissions; and reducing the concentration of suspended particulates in
per capita GDP (lnrpergdp) and fiscal self-supporting capacity (Fisself)6
the urban atmospheric environment.
from the China City Statistical Yearbook. Carbon emissions, SO2 emis­
Owing to data availability and comparability, we focused on the
sions, population, and GDP per capita take the form of natural loga­
second batch of key cities. On the one hand, the CIED and CESD used in
rithms. The time coverage of the data was 1998–2002.
this paper have been counted since 1998, thus we can only access the
Since the 1990s, the APCMS policy is one of the environmental
second batch of key cities data on carbon and SO2 emissions before and
regulations adopted by the Chinese government to control air pollution.
after the implementation of the APCMS policy. On the other hand, the
In addition to this policy, the Chinese government has introduced other
second batch of key cities are easy to find a similar control group among
environmental regulations. For instance, the Two Control Zones policy,
samples. The first batch of key cities are the richest areas in China. Their
Pollutant Discharge Fees policy, and Environmental Information
economic and social conditions differ from those in other cities. In
Disclosure policy. Considering that other environmental regulations
contrast, the second batch of key cities are more ordinary.
may affect carbon and air pollutants emissions, we conducted a
robustness test to exclude the impact of policies in the same period.
2.2. The differences between regulated and unregulated cities
3. Theoretical analysis
Table 1 provides the means and standard deviations of the city-level
variables for the regulated and unregulated cities before the imple­ Source reduction and end-pipe reduction represent two pivotal
mentation of the APCMS policy. As shown in Table 1, 66 key cities had a methodologies for tackling environmental challenges. Carbon and air
higher level of economic development than other unregulated cities. pollutants emissions mainly generate from the combustion of fossil fuels,
Additionally, these cities experience more severe air pollution and car­ making them homologous. Therefore, source reduction in carbon and air
bon emissions. It is not necessary for the DID method to assume no pollutants emissions is highly consistent and collaborative. However,
significant difference between the regulated and unregulated cities, but the end-pipe reductions in carbon and air pollutants emissions are
only that they follow parallel trends. Section 5 reports the results of the inconsistent. Specifically, for air pollution control, end-pipe reduction
parallel trend tests. According to these results, the regulated and un­ includes dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification. Carbon
regulated cities satisfy the parallel trends assumption. Furthermore, we sequestration and removal technologies such as carbon capture, utili­
use the propensity score matching with a difference-in-differences (PSM- zation and storage can be used to reduce carbon emissions. It is difficult
DID) method for robustness testing in Section 5.3.7. We find that the to coordinate end-pipe reductions in carbon and air pollutants emis­
empirical results are robust. sions. Theoretically, the key to synergetic emissions reduction is that
The carbon and SO2 emissions are from firm-level data averaged by firms implement a source reduction rather than an end-pipe reduction
city. We used information on the proportion of secondary industries strategy.
(Rgdp2), proportion of tertiary industries (Rgdp3), population (lnpop), However, firms may not necessarily choose source reduction strate­
gies. Profit-maximizing firms are inclined to assess and contrast the
marginal net benefits of source reduction and end-pipe reduction stra­
For the official document, check tegies to make a choice between them. If the marginal net benefit of
html. source reduction surpasses that of end-pipe reduction strategies, the firm
For the official document, check will opt for the former. Subsequently, we analyze the respective
For the official document, check
Fiscal self-supporting capacity refers to ratio of fiscal revenue to fiscal

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

marginal costs and benefits of source reduction and end-pipe reduction and augment their profitability. Under the assumption of the rationality
strategies. of economic agents, firms strive to optimize their profits by meticulously
evaluating the marginal net benefits associated with various strategic
3.1. Firms' end-pipe reduction strategy decisions. Among these three strategies, green innovation may possess
the highest marginal net benefits for firms, thus making it the prime
An end-pipe reduction strategy involves the implementation of preference for firms.
effective pollution control measures at the end of the manufacturing Innovation is an important factor for improving energy efficiency
process. As an illustration, industrial plants may release air pollutants (Mandal, 2010; Zhang et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2021).
through their chimneys. In response, factories can opt to install desul­ Hence, source reduction entails the initial implementation of green
furization equipment on the chimneys to reduce SO2 emissions. If firms innovation, followed by the enhancement of energy efficiency, culmi­
procure pollution abatement equipment encompassing waste gas treat­ nating in the reduction of carbon and air pollutants emissions. A firm's
ment equipment, waste water treatment equipment, and desulfurization source reduction strategy is key to achieving synergetic emission
equipment, firms' pollutant emissions may be reduced. This is a bene­ reduction. Based on the above analysis, we propose the following
ficial aspect of the end-pipe reduction strategies. hypothesis:
However, end-pipe reduction strategies also have the potential to
Hypothesis. Firms opt for enhancing energy efficiency and fostering
augment the costs incurred by firms. Certain pollution abatement
green innovation rather than adopting end-pipe reduction strategy or
equipment is considerably expensive, and the associated operation and
reducing output. In this context, firms can achieve synergistic emissions
maintenance costs for such equipment are notably high, thus aug­
menting the production cost of firms. Moreover, pollution abatement
equipment may consume a large amount of energy, which increases the We have conducted a comprehensive empirical test of the afore­
carbon emissions of firms. Zhao et al. (2017) found that the end-pipe mentioned hypotheses. Fig. 1 shows mechanisms of the synergistic
facilities of coal-fired power plants increased carbon emissions owing emission reduction.
to increased electricity use and chemical reactions.
4. Data and methodology
3.2. Firms' source reduction strategy
4.1. Data
Firms' source reduction strategy pertains to firms' endeavours to
curtail carbon and air pollutants emissions during production and sup­ We combined three firm-level panel datasets–CESD, CIED, and
ply processes. For instance, firms employ low-carbon technologies, CPD–from 1998 to 2010 to examine the impact of hazardous air pol­
materials, and methodologies to curtail the emission of greenhouse lutants regulations on carbon and air pollutants emissions.
gases such as CO2 and methane. In addition, using clean energy and
streamlining production processes to mitigate energy wastage are all 4.1.1. CESD
encompassed within the ambit of source reduction strategies. Firms' CESD data are reported quarterly by firms, and are collected and
source reduction strategy that this paper focuses on are output reduction monitored by environmental protection departments to ensure data
and green innovation. quality. There are three methods for ensuring the data quality. (1) By
Output reduction has both positive and negative effects on firms. On conducting unannounced inspections and other monitoring activities,
the one hand, curbing output can lead to a reduction in emissions of the local environmental protection bureau ensures the quality of the
carbon and air pollutants, aligning with environmental regulatory data reported by firms. (2) National and provincial environmental pro­
standards. On the other hand, reducing production may engender tection departments often review the statistical work of local environ­
diminished operational revenue and profitability. mental protection bureaus through various methods, including random
Likewise, green innovation entails both costs and benefits for firms. inspections. If problems are found, the relevant staff conduct on-site
The marginal revenue of green innovation has two aspects. First, envi­ inspections. (3) Governments at higher levels directly conduct flight
ronmental regulations increase firms' compliance costs. Green innova­ inspections, cross-inspections, and on-site verifications of local firms.
tion may produce an “innovative offset” effect, weakening or offsetting Therefore, the data on pollutant emissions and energy use are robust and
the impact of compliance costs (Ambec et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2019). reliable.
Finally, without reducing output and profits, the firm meets the re­ The CESD provides data on firms' energy consumption and pollutant
quirements of the environmental regulations. This view is consistent emissions. The indicators include SO2 emissions, energy input (coal and
with Porter hypothesis. This hypothesis asserts that well-designed oil), and pollution abatement equipment. Owing to the high data quality
environmental regulations stimulate firm innovation which, by of the CESD, many scholars have used this database for empirical
enhancing firm productivity, increases firms' private benefits (Porter research (Liu et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2021; Shi et al.,
and Linde, 1995; Ambec and Barla, 2002). Second, green innovation 2021).
improves firm performance. For example, it may increase a firm's sales
growth rate and net profits (Ar, 2012; Zhang et al., 2019). On the other 4.1.2. CIED
hand, green innovation is poised to augment the operational costs of Another important dataset, the CIED, provides information on the
firms. Specifically, innovation may entail significant investments, production and finances of all state-owned and nonstate-owned firms
encompassing research and development, market analysis, and the with annual business income greater than 5 million Chinese Yuan (CNY).
acquisition of talent, among other factors. Furthermore, the outcomes of Based on the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Chinese yuan
innovation frequently manifest as uncertain. In the event of the failure of in 2006, 5 million RMB is approximately tantamount to 627,211 US
innovation projects, resources have the potential to be squandered. dollars. Likewise, considering the exchange rate between the Euro and
the RMB in 2006, 5 million RMB is roughly equivalent to 4991 euros.
3.3. Firms' choice of strategies The CIED includes over 40 industries and 600 subindustries, accounting
for approximately 90% of China's total industrial output. More than 100
Firms' end-pipe reduction strategy, output reduction, and green variables related to financial and economic indicators, such as industrial
innovation all hold the potential to curtail the air pollutants emissions. added value, wages, and depreciation, were included in the CIED.
However, firms' green innovation yields supplementary benefits, as it Following Brandt et al. (2012), we matched firms in the CIED over time
possesses the capability to elevate the total factor productivity of firms to form an unbalanced panel. Checking firm names avoids interpreting

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Fig. 1. Theoretical mechanisms of the synergistic emission reduction.

name changes as different companies. Following the literature (Cai and GDP per capita, population, proportion of secondary industry, propor­
Liu, 2009; Brandt et al., 2012; Yu, 2015), we excluded observations with tion of tertiary industry, and fiscal self-supporting capacity. The socio­
missing or unreliable data. For example, we deleted samples missing economic status of cities may affect carbon and air pollutants emissions;
important indicators like total assets, number of employees, total in­ therefore, in Section 5.3.6, we add city-level variables to test whether
dustrial output, operating profits, and total profits. the empirical results are robust.
In the DID model, we add firm-level control variables to reduce the
endogeneity problems caused by possible omitted variables. The firm-
level control variables come from the CIED, including the asset- 4.2. Variables
liability ratio, firm age, capital intensity, ratio of sales, nature of prop­
erty rights, and whether it is an exporting firm. 4.2.1. Carbon emissions of industrial enterprise
By adding all the carbon emissions generated by various energy
4.1.3. CPD consumptions, we can calculate the total carbon emissions. Therefore,
To analyze the impact mechanism of carbon emissions, this study this study uses CESD's fossil fuel consumption data to calculate the
uses CPD data from 1998 to 2010. CPD provides patent-related infor­ carbon emissions of firms. Wu et al. (2016) and Zhou et al. (2023) also
mation, such as patent name, patent number, application time, public used this method to measure carbon emissions. The carbon emission
announcement number, public announcement date, international patent calculation formula is as follows:
classification number, and patent reference information. Based on the ∑m 44
background of this study, green patents can better reflect the output of CO2i = Eij × NCVj × CCj × COFj × (1)
j=1 12
firms' green innovation activities. Green patents are an indicator in
CO2i represents carbon emissions from industrial enterprises. Eij
existing research that measures green innovation (Aghion et al., 2016).
represents the j type of energy used by firm i. NCVj × CCj × COFj × 44 is
This study calculates the number of green patents of Chinese industrial 12

enterprises by referring to existing literature (Aghion et al., 2016; the CO2 emissions factor. More specifically, NCVj is the net calorific
Kesidou and Wu, 2020). Based on the green patent classification stan­ value of j energy consumption, expressed in System International (SI)
dard issued by the WIPO,7 this study uses the International Patent units or multiples of SI units (e.g., TJ/Mg). CCj is the carbon content per
Classification (IPC) classification number to classify patents as green or unit of energy produced during the combustion of each energy source j
non-green. and is usually expressed in kg/GJ units. The carbon oxidation factor
Based on CPD, it calculated the total number of patent and green (COFj) is the rate at which carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide during
patent applications. If the APCMS policy significantly increases the total combustion. The IPCC8 assumes 100% oxidation, suggesting that the
number of patents application, it indicates that the APCMS policy carbon oxidation factor (COFj) is 1.
stimulates firm innovation. To obtain the net calorific value and carbon content of coal and fuel
oil, we referred to the IPCC guidelines. We calculated the CO2 emission
4.1.4. China's city-level data factor of coal by taking the average values of anthracite and other
This study employed city-level data from the China City Statistical bituminous coals. The parameter for fuel oil is provided in the IPCC
Yearbook covering 1998–2010. Based on these data, we calculated the guidelines and is used to directly calculate their CO2 emission factors.
The estimated CO2 emission factors for coal and fuel oils were 2.533 and

7 8
For classification scope of green patent, check Data Source:2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas
/classifications/ipc/green-inventory/home. Inventories.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

3.126, respectively. 4.3. Methodology

Drawing upon data from the China Energy Statistical Yearbook, we
computed the energy consumption structure of the industrial sector in 4.3.1. Benchmark model setting
2005, which revealed that coal and oil consumption accounted for This paper constructs a DID model to test the impact of the APCMS on
approximately 90% of the total energy consumption, while electricity firms' carbon and air pollutants emissions.
consumption constituted about 8.7% of the overall energy usage.9 Thus,
Yitjp = β0 + β1 Treati × Postt + β2 Xitjp + αi + γt + ηpt + λjt + εitjp (2)
this study uses coal and oil to estimate firms' carbon emissions. Indus­
trial enterprises' electricity consumption also accounts for a certain
where i represents firms, t represents the year, j represents the industry
proportion of the total energy consumption, but CESD does not provide
code, and p represents the province. Yitjp is the carbon emissions, SO2,
firms' electricity consumption data. As a result, in Section 5.3.5, we
total industrial output value, and energy efficiency of the i firm in year t.
conducted a robustness check by excluding industries with high elec­
Selecting the firms' total industrial output value and energy efficiency as
tricity consumption from the analysis. Furthermore, we winsorize the
the explained variables, tests whether the hazardous air pollutant
upper and lower 1% of the firms' carbon emissions.
regulation reduces the firms' output or improves energy efficiency. We
CESD only provides data on firms' total coal consumption from 2001
could not obtain data before 1998 and deleted the first batch of key city
to 2010, and not 1998–2000; therefore, we add up the raw material coal
samples. Treati equals 1 if the firm is located in the second batch of key
and fuel coal consumption. The sum is a firm's total coal consumption
cities in the APCMS policy and 0 otherwise. Postt equals 1 for all years
from 1998 to 2000. To ensure the accuracy of this method, we add up
after 2003 and 0 otherwise. Treati × Postt is the interaction between
the consumption of raw material coal and fuel coal in the CESD from
Treati and Postt. The coefficient β1 measures the APCMS policy effects.
2001 to 2010 and compared it with the total coal consumption data of
Since carbon emissions, SO2 emissions, and total industrial output value
2001–2010. We found that 99.93% of the data were consistent.
are all logarithmic, the coefficient β1 suggests that the carbon emissions
(SO2, industrial output value) of regulated firms are lower(higher) than
4.2.2. Energy efficiency and industrial output
those of unregulated firms β1%.
Based on Lyubich et al. (2018), this study uses energy productivity to
Xitjp is used as the control variable. αi and γt represent firm fixed ef­
measure firms' energy efficiency. Energy productivity is the ratio of in­
fects and year fixed effects, respectively. This paper incorporates the
dustrial output value to energy input. Given the availability of data and
cross-product term (ηpt) of year fixed effects and province fixed effects in
energy consumption structure of China's industrial sector, this study
the model to control the macroeconomic influencing factors of different
selected coal and oil consumption as energy input. The energy input is
provinces. In addition, we add the cross-product(λjt) of year fixed effects
the sum of coal and oil multiplied by the corresponding standard coal
and industry fixed effects to control the unobservable factors in the in­
conversion coefficient.
dustry. The industry classification of industry fixed effects is based on
This paper selects the total industrial output value in the CIED as the
two-digit industry codes. Since the APCMS policy is implemented at the
explained variable to estimate the impact of the APCMS policy on firms'
prefecture-level city level and we refer to Brandt et al. (2017), standard
total output. In the robustness test, we use the industrial sales output
errors are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level.
value as a proxy variable for total industrial output. Furthermore, the
total industrial output and industrial sales output values take the form of
4.3.2. DID with spatial spillover model
natural logarithms. We winsorize the upper and lower 1% of the firms'
As mentioned in Section 2, the APCMS policy mandates that regu­
energy efficiency and output.
lated cities reduce their air pollutant emissions to meet corresponding
air quality standards within a specified time limit. As local governments
4.2.3. Control variables
require firms to reduce pollutant emissions, they may transfer output
To reduce the endogeneity problem caused by possible omitted
and pollutants to neighboring unregulated cities. Consequently, unreg­
variables, this study uses the asset-liability ratio (Lev), age of the firm
ulated cities in close proximity to regulated cities may experience an
(Age), capital intensity (CI), ratio of sales (Rprofit), nature of property
increase in output and pollutant emissions, resulting in what is
rights (Own), and whether it is an exporting firm (EX). Specifically, the
commonly known as “pollution shelters”. This phenomenon is known as
asset-liability ratio is the ratio of a firm's total liabilities to total assets.
the spatial spillover effect. Some scholars have focused on pollution
Firm age is the number of years since the firm was established. Capital
transfer due to regional differences in environmental regulations. For
intensity is the ratio of the total fixed assets to the number of employees.
example, Cai et al. (2016a) found that environmental regulations are
The ratio of sales is the ratio of operating profits to sales revenue. We
more lenient downstream of rivers. More polluting activities were
used the natural logarithms of age and capital intensity. Own equals 1 if
transferred to this area. Chen et al. (2018) discovered that water
the firm is state-owned, and 0 otherwise. EX equals 1 if the firm's export
pollution regulations in China have shifted polluting activities to areas
value is greater than 0, while it equals 0 otherwise.
with more relaxed environmental regulations. Then whether there is a
Table 2 reports the results of descriptive statistics of firm-level var­
spatial spillover effect of the APCMS policy, we need further empirical
iables. Std refers to standard deviation and Obs refers to sample size. The
data on firms' carbon emission, SO2 emission, and coal consumption
We use the methods proposed by Butts (2021), Clarke (2017), and Lu
come from the CESD. The data on firms' total industrial output, total
et al. (2019) to build a DID with a spatial spillover model. First, we
assets, total liabilities, firm age, fixed asset, number of employees, sales
obtained the geographical coordinates of Chinese industrial enterprises
revenue, sales profit, property right and export come from CIED. The
using Baidu Maps. Second, ArcGIS software was used to measure the
time coverage of data is 1998–2010.
distance between these geographic coordinates and the boundaries of
the 66 regulated cities. Third, we used this distance to construct a ring
indicator (e.g 0–20 km, 0–25 km, and 0–30 km from the nearest treated
unit) to estimate spatial spillover effects. Finally, the DID with the
spatial spillover model is as follow:

In 2021, the coal and oil consumption in China's industrial sector accounted Yitjp =β0 + β1 Treati × Postt + β2 (1 − Treati ) × Ringi × Postt + β3 Xitjp + αi
for approximately 82% of the total energy consumption, while electricity + γt + ηpt + λjt + εitjp
consumption constituted about 12.6% of the overall energy consumption. (3)
Indeed, up to this juncture, China's industrial enterprises lean heavily on coal
and oil as their energy sources. Eq. (3) introduces an additional term, (1-Treati) × Ringi × Postt, into

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 2
Summary statistics.
Variable Definition Mean Std Minimum Maximum Obs

lnCO2 Logarithm of firms' carbon emission 8.735 2.071 3.945 14.305 225,627
lnSO2 Logarithm of firms' SO2 emission 10.102 2.131 1.792 15.297 225,627
Output Logarithm of total industrial output 10.748 1.459 5.948 15.402 225,627
Efficiency Energy efficiency 1.654 4.693 0.003 35.437 225,627
Lev Asset-liability ratio 0.824 1.144 0.032 9.672 225,627
Age Age of firm 2.453 0.908 0 4.060 225,627
CI Capital intensive 4.115 1.192 0.751 7.143 225,627
Rprofit Ratio of sales 0.011 0.134 − 0.708 0.354 225,627
Own State-owned enterprises 0.152 0.359 0 1 225,627
EX Export firms 0.216 0.412 0 1 225,627

Eq. (2), to evaluate the spatial spillover impacts of the APCMS policy.

Ringi is a binary variable that takes the value of 1 if industrial firms are in Yitjp = β0 + β1 Treati × γt + β2 Xitjp + αi + γt + ηpt + λjt + εitjp (t ∕
= 2002)
close proximity to any of the 66 regulated cities, and 0 otherwise. To t=1998
establish this proximity, a specific distance must be calculated. Clarke (4)
(2017) proposed a method for calculating the optimal distance. The
We take 2002 as the base year, and β1 represent a series of estimated
optimal distance was determined by minimizing the Root Mean Square
values from 1998 to 2010. The definitions of the other variables in Eq.
Error (RMSE). This minimum-RMSE technique is closely related to the
(4) are the same as those in Eq. (2).
bandwidth search in regression discontinuity design. According to this
method, the optimal distance was calculated to be 37 km based on SO2
5. Results and analysis
emissions. In other words, Ringi equals 1 if the distance between in­
dustrial enterprises and the boundaries of the 66 regulated cities is less
5.1. The main results of carbon emission and SO2
than or equal to 37 km; otherwise, it equals 0. The definitions of the
other variables are the same as in Eq. (2). The coefficient β2 measures the
First, we reported the average effect of the APCMS policy on firm-
spatial spillover effects of the APCMS policy. The policy has a spatial
level carbon emissions. Table 3 presents the results of DID analysis for
spillover effect if β2 is significantly greater than 0, and no spatial spill­
carbon emissions. Columns 1 and 2 show the results without spatial
over effects if β2 is not significantly different from 0.
spillover effects using Eq. (2). Columns 3 and 4 present the results of the
spatial spillover effects using Eq. (3). Columns 5 and 6 show the results
4.3.3. Dynamic effects model
of the deleted 0–37 km samples using Eq. (2).
To verify that the above DID model satisfies the parallel trend hy­
The results in Column 1 indicate that the estimated coefficient of
pothesis and tests the dynamic effects of the APCMS on firms' carbon
Treat×Post (− 0.054) is significantly negative. This coefficient implies
emissions, SO2 emissions, energy efficiency, output, patents, and
that, on average, firms in the treatment group decrease their carbon
pollution abatement equipment at different times, we built the following
emissions by 5% relative to the controls. To further alleviate the endo­
model (Greenstone and Hanna, 2014):
geneity problem, we control for firm-level characteristics, including the
asset-liability ratio (Lev), age of the firm (Age), capital intensity (CI),

Table 3
The impact of APCMS on carbon emissions.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Without Spatial Spillover Effect With Spatial Spillover Effect Delete 0-37 km Sample

lnCO2 lnCO2 lnCO2 lnCO2 lnCO2 lnCO2

Treat×Post − 0.054*** − 0.054*** − 0.040** − 0.041** − 0.050** − 0.052**

(0.019) (0.018) (0.020) (0.019) (0.021) (0.021)
(1-Treat) × Ring×Post 0.037** 0.035**
(0.017) (0.017)
Lev − 0.003 − 0.003 − 0.005
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Age 0.225*** 0.225*** 0.229***
(0.014) (0.014) (0.016)
CI 0.011*** 0.011*** 0.016***
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Rprofit 0.384*** 0.384*** 0.378***
(0.023) (0.023) (0.025)
Own 0.034** 0.034** 0.025
(0.016) (0.016) (0.017)
Ex 0.080*** 0.080*** 0.080***
(0.010) (0.010) (0.010)
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 225,627 225,627 225,627 225,627 183,655 183,655
Adj.R2 0.898 0.899 0.898 0.899 0.898 0.899

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

ratio of sales (Rprofit), nature of property rights (Own), and whether it is that the spatial spillover effect of SO2 emissions was significantly posi­
an exporting firm (EX). Column 2 shows that the estimated coefficient of tive. Firms in the treatment group decrease their SO2 emissions by 9.6%
Treat×Post (− 0.054) is significantly negative. These results provide ev­ relative to the controls. The SO2 emissions in adjacent unregulated re­
idence that the APCMS significantly reduces regulated firms' carbon gions increase by 5.5%. The result in Column 5 indicates that the esti­
emissions. These point estimates suggest that carbon emissions declined mated coefficient of Treat×Post (− 0.107) is significantly negative.
by 5% due to the APCMS policy. Column 6 adds the firm-level control variables on the basis of Column 5.
The first concern is that a firm may transfer its production to an The estimated coefficient of Treat×Post (− 0.107) is significantly nega­
adjacent unregulated city, resulting in a reduction in its carbon emis­ tive. The results in Columns 5 and 6 show that excluding adjacent un­
sions. To address this concern, Columns 3 and 4 of Table 3 show the regulated firms does not substantially affect the SO2 estimates.
results for the specification corresponding to Eq. (3), which allows for The results in Tables 3 and 4 show that the APCMS reduced carbon
the direct estimation of the spatial spillover effect. The results in Column and SO2 emissions. This policy not only reduced air pollutants emissions,
3 indicate that the estimated coefficient of (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.037) but also carbon. Thus, the APCMS has achieved a synergistic emission
is significantly positive, and that of Treat×Post (− 0.040) is significantly reduction.
negative. These coefficients imply that the spatial spillover effect is Fig. 2 shows the parallel trend test for CO2 and SO2 emissions. The
positive and significant, suggesting a slight upward bias of APCMS estimated results were under the 95% confidence interval (CI). The
policy effects in the estimations of Columns 1 and 2. This empirical parallel trend test of CO2 and SO2 emissions deleted the sample of 0-37
result indicates that firms in the treatment group decrease their carbon km (The 0-37 km means that the distance between industrial enterprises
emissions by 4% relative to the controls. The carbon emissions in and the boundaries of 66 regulated cities is less than or equal to 37 km).
adjacent unregulated regions increase by 3.7%. These results mean that In the case of CO2, the estimated results were not significantly
both spatial spillover effects and carbon emission reduction exist different from 0 during 1998–2004, indicating no significant differences
simultaneously. Considering the endogeneity problem, we control for between the treatment and control groups before the implementation of
firm-level characteristics in Column 4. The results in Column 4 indicate the policy. Thus, the parallel trend hypothesis was supported. The
that the estimated coefficient of Treat×Post (− 0.041) is significantly estimated coefficient β1 after the implementation of the policy is sig­
negative and the estimate for (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.035) is signifi­ nificant until 2005 and afterward, indicating that the impact of the
cantly positive. These results provide evidence that the APCMS had APCMS policy on reducing carbon emissions lags behind two years.
spatial spillover effects. When the spatial spillover effect is controlled For SO2, the estimated results were not significantly different from
for, this policy is effective in reducing firm-level carbon emissions in 0 during 1998–2004. Thus, the parallel trend hypothesis was supported.
regulated cities. The estimated coefficients after the implementation of the APCMS policy
Our estimated magnitude is comparable to those found in the liter­ were significant until 2004 and afterward, indicating that the impact of
atures. For example, Huang and Yi (2023) found that the low-carbon the APCMS policy on reducing SO2 lagged by one years.
pilot (LCP) and carbon emission trading (CET) policies reduced CO2 The APCMS policy imposed strict requirements for the air quality of
emissions by an average of 3.4% and 4.1%, respectively. Dong et al. key cities, and SO2 emissions are one of the primary factors affecting air
(2022) discovered that the CET policy significantly reduced carbon quality. After the implementation of the APCMS policy, SO2 emissions in
emissions in pilot areas (measured at 4.1%). The magnitude of the the pilot areas were significantly lower than those in the non-pilot re­
decrease in carbon emissions is similar to our empirical results. gions, thus confirming the effectiveness of the APCMS policy.
A spatial spillover effect violates the stable unit treatment value
assumption (SUTVA) of the DID model. This may lead to an estimation 5.2. Mechanism analysis
bias. To obtain a clean treatment effect, we deleted the samples with a
spatial spillover effect. Specifically, we deleted the 0–37 km sample (The In this section, we further analyze the mechanism of reducing carbon
0-37 km means that the distance between industrial enterprises and the and SO2 emissions from the perspective of firms' source and end-pipe
boundaries of 66 regulated cities is less than or equal to 37 km) in reduction strategies. We estimate firms' source reduction strategies in
Columns 5 and 6. The result in Column 5 indicates that the estimated Sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, followed by estimating the firms' end-
coefficient of Treat×Post (− 0.050) is significantly negative. This coeffi­ pipe reduction strategies in Section 5.2.4.
cient implies that the APCMS policy reduced the carbon emissions of
regulated firms. Considering the endogeneity problem, we controlled for 5.2.1. Total industrial output
firm-level characteristics in Column 6. As shown in Column 6, we found Table 5 reports the average effect of the APCMS policy on firm
little evidence that undermines the basic conclusion. After excluding the output. Columns 1 and 2 show results without spatial spillover effects
spatial spillover effect, these results indicate that the APCMS policy using Eq. (2). Columns 3 and 4 show results with spatial spillover effects
reduced carbon emissions. using Eq. (3). Columns 5 and 6 show results of deleted 0-37 km samples
Table 4 reports the average effect of the APCMS policy on firm-level using Eq. (2).
SO2 emissions. Columns 1 and 2 show results without spatial spillover The results in Column 1 indicate that the estimated coefficient of
effects using Eq. (2). Columns 3 and 4 show results with spatial spillover Treat×Post (0.002) is insignificant. Column 2 adds firm-level control
effects using Eq. (3). Columns 5 and 6 show results of deleted 0-37 km variables based on Column 1. The estimated coefficient of Treat×Post
samples using Eq. (2). (0.003) is also insignificant. These results show that this policy has little
The results in Column 1 indicate that the estimated coefficient of impact on firm output. Column 3 estimates the spatial spillover effects of
Treat×Post (− 0.118) is significantly negative. Column 2 adds firm-level firm output. The results in Column 3 indicate that the estimated coef­
control variables on the basis of Column 1. The estimated coefficient of ficient of (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.050) is significantly positive, and that
Treat×Post (− 0.117) is significantly negative. These results show that of Treat×Post (0.021) is insignificant. Column 4 adds the firm-level
this policy reduces the SO2 emissions of regulated firms. Column 3 control variables based on Column 3. The estimated coefficient of (1-
presents the estimates of spatial spillover effects of SO2 emissions. The Treat) × Ring×Post (0.040) is significantly positive and that of Treat×­
results in Column 3 indicate that the estimated coefficient of (1-Treat) × Post (0.018) is insignificant. These coefficients imply that the spatial
Ring×Post (0.058) is significantly positive, and the estimated coefficient spillover effect of firm output was significantly positive. The output of
of Treat×Post (− 0.096) is significantly negative. Column 4 adds the firm- adjacent unregulated regions increased significantly by 4%. Combining
level control variables on the basis of Column 3. The estimated coeffi­ the findings from columns 3 and 4 of both Tables 3 and 4, we find that
cient of (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.055) is significantly positive and that of regulated firms export their carbon and air pollutants emissions to
Treat×Post (− 0.096) is significantly negative. These coefficients imply adjacent regions. The results in Column 5 indicate that the estimated

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 4
The impact of APCMS on SO2.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Without Spatial Spillover Effect With Spatial Spillover Effect Delete 0-37 km Sample

lnSO2 lnSO2 lnSO2 lnSO2 lnSO2 lnSO2

Treat×Post − 0.118*** − 0.117*** − 0.096*** − 0.096*** − 0.107*** − 0.107***

(0.031) (0.031) (0.032) (0.032) (0.034) (0.034)
(1-Treat) × Ring×Post 0.058** 0.055*
(0.029) (0.028)
Lev − 0.000 − 0.000 − 0.004
(0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
Age 0.312*** 0.312*** 0.304***
(0.022) (0.022) (0.023)
CI 0.006 0.006 0.011*
(0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
Rprofit 0.366*** 0.365*** 0.362***
(0.034) (0.034) (0.037)
Own 0.003 0.003 − 0.008
(0.025) (0.025) (0.027)
Ex 0.070*** 0.070*** 0.078***
(0.014) (0.014) (0.015)
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 225,627 225,627 225,627 225,627 183,655 183,655
Adj.R2 0.755 0.756 0.755 0.756 0.762 0.763

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

Fig. 2. Parallel trend test of CO2 and SO2.

coefficient of Treat×Post (0.028) is insignificant. Column 6 adds the 5.2.2. Energy efficiency
firm-level control variables based on Column 5. The estimated coeffi­ Table 6 reports the average effect of the APCMS policy on firms'
cient of Treat×Post (0.024) is also insignificant. The results in Columns 5 energy efficiency. Similarly, energy efficiency regression results are also
and 6 show that excluding adjacent unregulated firms does not sub­ divided into three groups: without spatial spillover effect, with spatial
stantially affect firm output estimates. spillover effect and with deleted 0–37 km samples.
Fig. 3 shows the parallel trend test of output, energy efficiency, and The results in Column 1 indicate that the estimated coefficient of
patents. The estimated results were under the 95% confidence interval Treat×Post (0.171) is significantly positive. Column 2 adds the firm-level
(CI). These parallel trend tests delete the sample of 0–37 km (The 0-37 control variables based on Column 1. The estimated coefficient of
km means that the distance between industrial enterprises and the Treat×Post (0.171) was also significantly positive. Based on these co­
boundaries of the 66 regulated cities is less than or equal to 37 km). efficients, we observe that the APCMS policy significantly improves the
For output, we find that the estimated results are not significantly energy efficiency of regulated firms. Column 3 estimates the spatial
different from 0 during 1998–2010, and the estimated results change spillover effect of energy efficiency. The results in Column 3 indicate
slightly. This shows that the APCMS policy had little impact on the total that the estimated coefficient of (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.025) is insig­
industrial output. nificant, and that of Treat×Post (0.180) is significantly positive. Column
4 adds the firm-level control variables based on Column 3. The estimated
coefficient of (1-Treat) × Ring×Post (0.019) is insignificant and that of

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 5
The impact of APCMS on industrial output.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Without Spatial Spillover Effect With Spatial Spillover Effect Delete 0-37 km Sample

Output Output Output Output Output Output

Treat×Post 0.002 0.003 0.021 0.018 0.028 0.024

(0.015) (0.014) (0.016) (0.015) (0.017) (0.016)
(1-Treat) × Ring×Post 0.050*** 0.040***
(0.014) (0.013)
Lev 0.074*** 0.074*** 0.079***
(0.012) (0.012) (0.012)
Age 0.307*** 0.307*** 0.309***
(0.012) (0.012) (0.013)
CI 0.055*** 0.055*** 0.058***
(0.005) (0.005) (0.005)
Rprofit 1.458*** 1.458*** 1.447***
(0.025) (0.025) (0.027)
Own 0.010 0.010 0.010
(0.013) (0.013) (0.014)
Ex 0.194*** 0.194*** 0.195***
(0.011) (0.011) (0.012)
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 225,627 225,627 225,627 225,627 183,655 183,655
Adj.R2 0.886 0.897 0.886 0.897 0.885 0.897

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

Fig. 3. Parallel trend test of output, energy efficiency and patent.

Treat×Post (0.179) is significantly positive. These coefficients imply that The results in column 5 indicate that the estimated coefficient of
the spatial spillover effect of energy efficiency is negligible. In theory, Treat×Post (0.192) is significantly positive. Column 6 adds the firm-level
the increase in output in adjacent unregulated regions could lead to control variables based on Column 5. The estimated coefficient of
economies of scale effects, potentially enhancing energy efficiency. Treat×Post (0.191) was also significantly positive. The results in col­
Firms' energy efficiency may have a positive spatial spillover effect. umns 5 and 6 show that excluding adjacent unregulated firms does not
However, our empirical findings suggest that energy efficiency in substantially affect energy efficiency estimates.
adjacent unregulated regions has not shown improvement. According to Fig. 3, the estimated results for energy efficiency

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 6
The impact of APCMS on energy efficiency.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Without Spatial Spillover Effect With Spatial Spillover Effect Delete 0-37 km Sample

Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency

Treat×Post 0.171*** 0.171*** 0.180*** 0.179*** 0.192*** 0.191***

(0.061) (0.061) (0.065) (0.065) (0.070) (0.070)
(1-Treat) × Ring×Post 0.025 0.019
(0.060) (0.060)
Lev 0.066** 0.066** 0.084***
(0.028) (0.028) (0.028)
Age − 0.050 − 0.050 − 0.031
(0.048) (0.048) (0.053)
CI 0.071*** 0.071*** 0.060***
(0.017) (0.017) (0.019)
Rprofit 1.074*** 1.074*** 1.045***
(0.088) (0.088) (0.096)
Own − 0.049 − 0.050 − 0.011
(0.059) (0.059) (0.067)
Ex 0.173*** 0.173*** 0.201***
(0.043) (0.043) (0.047)
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 225,627 225,627 225,627 225,627 183,655 183,655
Adj.R2 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.671 0.672

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

5.2.3. Technological innovation

Table 7 We find that the APCMS policy improved energy efficiency. A
Result of technological innovation. possible reason for this is that environmental compliance pressure forces
(1) (2) (3) (4) firms to engage in green technological innovation. We merged the three
Patent applications Green patent applications databases –CIED (1998–2010), CESD (1998–2010), and CPD
(1998–2010) – to obtain a 12-year panel data set. We selected the
Treat×Post 0.203** 0.202** 0.011* 0.011*
(0.082) (0.082) (0.006) (0.006) number of patents and green patent applications as proxy variables for a
Control variables No Yes No Yes firm's technological innovation.
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 7 reports the average effect of the APCMS policy on firms'
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes technological innovation. Columns 1 and 2 report the results of the
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
number of patent applications. Columns 3 and 4 report the results of the
Obs 183,655 183,655 178,020 178,020 number of green patent applications. The results in Columns 1–4 indi­
Adj.R2 0.451 0.452 0.266 0.266 cate that these estimated coefficients of Treat×Post are significantly
Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, positive. The APCMS policy significantly increased the number of patent
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors applications. This policy encouraged firms to innovate technologi­
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level. cally.10 Fig. 3 reports the parallel trend of the number of patent and
green patent applications. We deleted the 0-37 km sample in this test.
support the parallel trend hypothesis. The estimated coefficients have The estimated results are under the 95% confidence interval (CI). We
been significant since the second year (2004) after the policy, indicating found that the estimated results were not significantly different from
that the impact of the APCMS policy on firms' energy efficiency lags by 0 before implementing the APCMS policy. Thus, the parallel trend hy­
one year. This is probably because industrial enterprises improve their pothesis is supported.
energy efficiency through technological innovations. Technological There may be two reasons for the technological progress of firms.
innovation is characterized by significant investment and a long cycle; First, the APCMS policy provides firms with more market information
therefore, the APCMS policy effect may have a certain hysteresis (Bansal for technological upgrades, thereby reducing innovation uncertainty.
and Hunter, 2003; Anh, 2015). This viewpoint is verified in the Section Second, the APCMS policy imposes high compliance costs on firms and
5.2.3. Furthermore, from 2003 to 2007, the estimated coefficients reduces profits. Consequently, firms innovate to reduce compliance
increased, indicating that the APCMS gradually improved energy costs, increase productivity, and gain competitive advantages in the
efficiency. market.
The impact of the APCMS on energy efficiency decreased signifi­
cantly in 2008, perhaps as a result of the global financial crisis, which 5.2.4. End-pipe reduction strategy
severely impacted firms' operations. The Chinese government deregu­ To verify whether the firm implements an end-pipe reduction strat­
lated firms in 2008 to reduce their burden. As shown in Fig. 2, compared egy, we adopted the DID model for empirical analysis. Our analysis used
to the other years, carbon and SO2 emissions increased in 2008. This
increase serves as evidence of the Chinese government's relaxation of
regulations on pollutant discharge during the 2007–2008 financial 10
We conducted an investigation into the spatial spillover effects of techno­
crisis. logical innovation, and the empirical findings indicate the absence of any
spatial spillover effect. Considering the length of the article, this result was not

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

the desulfurization and waste gas treatment facilities in the CESD as energy under the APCMS policy. Gas is a cleaner energy source than
explained variables. coal. Firms conceivably have the potential to substitute high-pollution
Table 8 reports the average effect of the APCMS policy on firms' energy sources (such as coal) with cleaner energy (such as gas). In the
pollution abatement equipment. Columns 1 and 2 report the results of next section, we delete all gas-using firm samples to determine any en­
the desulfurization equipment. Columns 3 and 4 report the results of the ergy structure adjustment or efficiency improvement.
waste gas treatment facilities. The results in Columns 1–4 indicate these
estimated coefficients on Treat×Post are insignificant. The APCMS pol­ 5.3.2. Delete samples of firms using gas or raw material coal
icy had no significant impact on pollutant abatement equipment. As a The Columns 1–3 of Table 10 report the regression results for the
result, the firm did not implement the end-pipe reduction strategy. deleted samples of firms that use gas. These results show that the APCMS
Fig. 4 shows the parallel trend results for pollution abatement policy significantly improved firms' energy efficiency and reduced car­
equipment. Similarly, we deleted the 0–37 km sample, and the estimated bon emissions. Regulated firms improve energy efficiency rather than
results were under the 95% confidence interval (CI). These results also replace highly-polluting energy with clean energy. One possible reason
indicate that they were not significantly different from 0 during for this is that few firms use gas as an energy source. The sample of firms
1998–2010. This implies that the APCMS policy had little impact on using gas represents a mere 1.4% of the total sample size.
pollution abatement equipment. The Columns 4–6 of Table 10 report the results for deleted samples of
Based on the empirical findings from Sections 5.1 and 5.2, it is firms using raw material coal. Raw material coal serves two primary
evident that the marginal net benefits derived from source reduction purposes. First, raw material coal is utilized as a raw material by certain
surpass those of end-pipe reduction strategies. Source reduction emerges firms, such as coal chemical firms, wherein coal serves as a key input.
as the pivotal mechanism for achieving synergistic emissions reduction. However, it is important to note that this application is limited to only a
Furthermore, both output reduction and green innovation fall within the fraction of firms. Second, coal is employed as a fuel source by various
ambit of source reduction strategies employed by firms. The marginal firms. If firms use coal as a raw material, it should not be included in the
net benefits of green innovation outweigh those of output reduction. As calculation of carbon emissions. However, we could not distinguish
a consequence, firms ultimately opt for green innovation and enhanced between the usage of raw material coal by firms. We deleted all firms
energy efficiency, as opposed to end-pipe reduction strategies and using raw material coal. These results are still robust.
output reduction. These findings substantiate the hypotheses posited in
the third section of this paper. 5.3.3. Exclude samples bordering regulated cities or environmental
In 5.1, 5.2.1, and 5.2.2, we used the distance between industrial
5.3. Robustness checks enterprises and the boundary of 66 regulated cities to estimate the
spatial spillover effect. In this section, we change the calculation method
5.3.1. Alternative variables for spatial spillover effects. We use the cities bordering the 66 regulated
In this section, we test the robustness of the model by changing the cities to estimate the spatial spillover effect. For example, we delete the
measurements of carbon emissions, energy efficiency, and total indus­ sample from Zhangjiakou City because it is non-regulated and adjacent
trial output. In Section 5.1, we use coal and oil consumption to measure to the regulated Baoding City. Columns 1–3 of Table 11 show that the
the carbon emissions of firms. In Column 1, we use coal, oil, and gas APCMS policy reduced carbon emissions and improved energy effi­
consumption to measure carbon emissions. In Column 2, we use the ciency when the city samples bordering the 66 regulated cities were
logarithm of the industrial sales output value as a replacement. In Col­ deleted.
umn 3, we calculate the firms' energy efficiency based on industrial sales In addition to the APCMS policy, the Chinese government has
output value. Moreover, we estimate the impact of the APCMS policy on implemented the “Two Control Zones” policy in 2000 and the “Regu­
the consumption of coal, oil and gas in Columns 4–6. lations on the Collection and Use of Pollutant Discharge Fees” of 2003
Table 9 reports the regression results of replacing the explained (referred to as the “Pollutant Discharge Fees” policy). The goal of the
variables. The results of Columns 1–3 show that the APCMS policy “Two Control Zones” policy is to reduce acid rain and SO2 in the pilot
reduced the carbon emissions, improved the energy efficiency, and had areas. The “Pollutant Discharge Fees” policy in 2003 is a reform of the
no significant impact on the output. Therefore, the conclusion is still charges for pollutant discharge by firms.
robust. To exclude the influence of other environmental regulations, this
The regression results in Columns 4–6 of Table 9 show that the study adds control variables. The “Two Control Zones” policy is repre­
APCMS policy reduced coal consumption and increased gas consump­ sented by the multiplication of two dummy variables (Fujii et al., 2013;
tion. One possible explanation is that firms are encouraged to use clean Tanaka, 2015; Cai et al., 2016b). Similarly, the “Pollutant Discharge
Fees” policy is represented by the intersection of two dummy variables
Table 8 (Wang et al., 2022).
Result of pollution abatement equipment. Columns 4–6 of Table 11 report the estimated effects after excluding
(1) (2) (3) (4) the “Pollutant Discharge Fees” policy and the “Two Control Zones”
policy. These results were consistent with the basic regression results.
Desulfurization Desulfurization Waste gas Waste gas
treatment treatment
5.3.4. Exclude the impact of energy regulation or financial crisis in the same
Treat×Post − 0.050 − 0.052 0.021 0.010
(0.044) (0.045) (0.202) (0.204)
Control No Yes No Yes In the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”,11 China took the reduction of en­
variables ergy consumption per unit of GDP as a legally binding goal for the first
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes time. Since then, the pursuit of low-carbon development has been in­
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
tegrated into the governance of macroeconomic objectives. Considering
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes China has implemented the “energy saving and emission reduction”
Obs 91,470 91,470 166,060 166,060 policy after 2006, we deleted the samples after 2006.
Adj.R2 0.611 0.611 0.687 0.688 The 2008 Financial Crisis led to an economic downturn. According to
Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels,
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level. The time range of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan is from 2006 to 2010.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Fig. 4. Parallel trend test of pollution abatement equipment.

Table 9
Result of alternative variables.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency lncoal lnoil lngas

Treat×Post − 0.052** 0.026 0.180*** − 0.118** − 0.004 0.072***

(0.021) (0.016) (0.064) (0.050) (0.065) (0.015)
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 183,655 183,655 183,655 183,655 113,870 78,357
Adj.R2 0.899 0.894 0.672 0.858 0.804 0.712

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

Table 10
Result of delete samples of firms using gas or raw material coal.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Delete firms using gas Delete firms using raw material coal

lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency

Treat×Post − 0.045** 0.024 0.169** − 0.040* 0.022 0.172**

(0.021) (0.016) (0.068) (0.022) (0.018) (0.087)
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 180,729 180,729 180,729 146,813 146,813 146,813
Adj.R2 0.899 0.894 0.672 0.885 0.894 0.679

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

the World Energy Outlook 2009 published by International Energy electricity for their energy consumption in China. However, the CESD
Agency (IEA), the economic downturn led to a drop in energy use, CO2 provides data on coal and oil consumption but does not include data on
emissions, and energy investment. To test whether the 2008 financial electricity consumption. The China Energy Statistical Yearbook provides
crisis or the APCMS led to a reduction in carbon emissions, we deleted data on total energy consumption and electricity consumption by in­
the 2008 and 2009 samples. Table 12 results show that after excluding dustry. We converted the industry's electricity consumption into stan­
the “energy saving and emission reduction” policy or 2008 Financial dard coal. Using this dataset, we identified industries that accounted for
Crisis, the result of this paper is still robust. more than 30% of total energy consumption from electricity. Then we
deleted these industries for a robustness test. Table 13 results show that
5.3.5. Delete the high electricity consumption industries after deleting the high electricity consumption industries, the result of
We use coal and oil consumption to calculate firms' carbon emis­ this paper is still robust. Even in the absence of electricity data provided
sions. China's industrial enterprises primarily rely on coal, oil, and by CESD, it will not lead to bias in the estimation results.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 11
Result of delete samples bordering regulated cities or environmental regulations.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Deletes the cities bordering the regulated cities Exclude Environmental Regulations

lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency

Treat×Post − 0.058* 0.026 0.260** − 0.046** 0.030 0.190***

(0.030) (0.022) (0.103) (0.021) (0.025) (0.070)
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pollutant Discharge Fees No No No Yes Yes Yes
Two Control Areas No No No Yes Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 129,466 129,466 129,466 183,655 183,655 183,655
Adj.R2 0.904 0.900 0.691 0.899 0.897 0.672

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

Table 12
Results of the impact of energy regulation or 2008 Financial Crisis.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Delete Samples After 2006 Delete the sample in 2008 and 2009 (Financial crisis)

lnCO2 Output Energy Efficiency lnCO2 Output Energy Efficiency

Treat×Post − 0.044** 0.033 0.147** − 0.051*** 0.029 0.169***

(0.018) (0.021) (0.060) (0.020) (0.023) (0.065)
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Obs 109,363 109,363 109,363 143,429 143,429 143,429
Adj.R2 0.917 0.918 0.709 0.899 0.919 0.663

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors are clustered two-
ways at the city-year and the firm level.

5.3.6. Controlling the characteristics of prefecture level cities

Table 14
The economic conditions of prefecture-level cities may affect their
Results of controlling the characteristics of prefecture level cities.
carbon emissions, energy efficiency and total output. Therefore, in this
section, we add the control variables of per capita GDP, population, (1) (2) (3)
proportion of secondary industries, proportion of tertiary industries, and lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency
fiscal self-supporting capacity of prefecture-level cities. Table 14 reports Treat×Post − 0.055*** 0.026 0.211***
the results of controlling for the characteristics of prefecture-level cities. (0.020) (0.016) (0.069)
These results are consistent with those presented in Tables 3, 4, and 5. Firm control variables Yes Yes Yes
Our regression model does not control the economic variables of prefecture cities control variables Yes Yes Yes
Obs 182,698 182,698 182,698
prefecture-level cities because the APCMS policy may affect the socio­
Adj.R2 0.899 0.897 0.672
economic situation of cities and block the impact mechanism of this
policy. Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels,
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level.

Table 13 5.3.7. PSM-DID

Result of delete the high electricity consumption industries. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) has been widely used in policy
(1) (2) (3) analyses in recent years. For example, Greenstone (2004) used PSM to
lnCO2 Output Energy Efficiency study the impact of the U.S. Clean Air Act on SO2 emissions. Ferris et al.
(2014) used PSM to study the impact of environmental regulations on
Treat×Post − 0.054** 0.025 0.153**
(0.022) (0.017) (0.068)
employment in the power industry. To overcome the observable omitted
Control variables Yes Yes Yes variable problem, this study uses the PSM-DID method for robustness
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes testing (Dehejia and Wahba, 2002).
Year FE Yes Yes Yes According to the relevant policies, the selection of the second batch
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes
of key cities was based on the economic conditions and pollution
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes
Obs 157,577 157,577 157,577 emissions of prefecture-level cities in 2000. Subsequently, we calculate
Adj.R2 0.898 0.899 0.651 propensity scores and use a one-to-one nearest-neighbor matching
method. Finally, 60 cities were successfully matched. Table 15 reports
Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels,
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors the regression results of PSM-DID. These results are consistent with
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level. those presented in Tables 3, 4, and 5.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 15 political connections with the government. In China, some government

Results of PSM-DID. officials have previously held positions as executives in SOEs. Therefore,
(1) (2) (3) the environmental department has the weakest supervision over SOEs
(Deng and Li, 2020; Chen et al., 2022). The empirical results support the
lnCO2 Output Energy efficiency
latter view. This means that more political connection led to the
Treat×Post − 0.127*** 0.027 0.386*** insensitivity of SOEs to the APCMS policy. In China, SOEs bear social
(0.032) (0.024) (0.103)
Control variables Yes Yes Yes
responsibilities. Duanmu and Pittman (2019) believed that SOEs may
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes pay more attention to employment and not pursue efficiency. This may
Year FE Yes Yes Yes explain why these are insensitive to this policy. By contrast, private
Industry×Year Yes Yes Yes firms with weaker political connections are exposed to more stringent
Province×Year Yes Yes Yes
environmental regulations. These firms have greater incentives to
Obs 96,133 96,133 96,133
Adj.R2 0.907 0.901 0.672 improve their energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels,
5.4.2. Heterogeneity of region
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors
Regional differences in energy efficiency may affect policy effects.
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level.
Therefore, we divide the sample into high and low-energy-efficiency
areas based on the median of their average energy efficiency before
Table 16 the APCMS policy. Specifically, we calculated the average energy effi­
Heterogeneity of property rights.
ciency of each prefecture-level city in 2002. If it exceeds the median,
(1) (2) (3) energy efficiency is high; otherwise, it is a low-energy-efficiency area.
State-owned Private Foreign Table 17 reports the results of regional heterogeneity. This demon­
Panel A: InCO2
strates that the APCMS policy effect is driven solely by the high-energy-
− 0.006 − 0.101*** 0.058 efficiency regions. There may be two reasons for regional heterogeneity.
Treat×Post (0.033) (0.026) (0.058) First, technological innovation is one of the influencing factors of energy
Control Variables Yes Yes Yes efficiency. Firm's innovation decision depends on the comparison of cost
Obs 43,025 115,149 21,596
and benefit. Generally speaking, the high-energy-efficiency region tends
Adj.R2 0.921 0.893 0.910
to have the high technological level. Specifically, these regions have
more scientific research institutes, innovative talents, and funds. Firms
Panel B: Energy efficiency
in these regions have lower innovation costs. Stimulated by environ­
0.169 0.173* − 0.114
Treat×Post (0.125) (0.098) (0.200) mental regulations, firms in these regions are easier to carry out green
Control Variables Yes Yes Yes innovation and improve energy efficiency. As a result, carbon emissions
Obs 43,025 115,149 21,596 in these cities decreased more. On the contrary, firms in low-energy-
Adj.R2 0.672 0.661 0.760
efficiency regions have higher innovation costs. Environmental regula­
tions may not provide enough incentives to these firms, so they are not
Panel C: Output sensitive to the APCMS policy. Second, the high-energy-efficiency region
0.001 0.019 0.091*
may have higher per capita income.12 Compared with economic devel­
Treat×Post (0.026) (0.022) (0.049)
Control Variable Yes Yes Yes opment, local governments may pay more attention to environmental
Obs 43,025 115,149 21,596 pollution, which leads to stricter environmental supervision.
Adj.R2 0.935 0.885 0.915

Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, 6. Conclusions and policy implications
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level. This study examined the impact of the APCMS policy on carbon and
air pollutants emissions. We used rich and detailed firm-level pollution,
5.4. Heterogeneity analysis energy use, production, and innovation data. The empirical research
results showed that the APCMS policy significantly reduced carbon and
5.4.1. Heterogeneity of firm property rights air pollutants emissions and achieved a synergistic emission reduction.
Table 16 shows the results of the grouping regression based on the The mechanism analysis showed that firms achieve simultaneous
nature of property rights. For brevity, only the coefficients of the key reduction through their source reduction strategies. The source reduc­
explanatory variables are reported in Table 16. Column 1 shows the tion of firms is mainly achieved by improving energy efficiency rather
results for SOEs. Column 2 shows the results for private firms. Column 3 than reducing output. Firms' carbon emissions, SO2 emissions, and
presents the results for foreign-invested firms. output all exhibit positive spatial spillover effects. This indicates that
The results in Table 16 show that the APCMS policy significantly regulated firms export their carbon and air pollutants emissions to
reduced the carbon emissions of private firms and improved their energy adjacent regions. After excluding the spatial spillover effect, the APCMS
efficiency. However, this policy had no significant impact on foreign- policy still achieves synergistic emission reduction. Furthermore, a
invested and SOEs. heterogeneity analysis showed that private firms and regions with high
The energy efficiency of foreign-invested firms is relatively high energy efficiency are more sensitive to the APCMS. Based on these
(Zhou et al., 2021). Thus, there is little room for a continued increase in conclusions, this study proposes the following policy recommendations:
the energy efficiency of foreign-invested firms. We calculated the First, source reduction is the key to achieving synergistic emission
average energy efficiency of the three types of firms before imple­ reduction. Energy efficiency improvements and green innovation are
menting the APCMS. The average energy efficiencies of state-owned, essential channels for source reduction. Therefore, the government
private, and foreign-invested firms were 1.04, 1.15, and 1.99, respec­ should encourage firms to focus on green innovation and improve their
tively. There data confirm the findings of this study.
The situation of SOEs is more complex. On the one hand, SOEs may
comply with environmental regulations the most. This policy had the 12
Prior to the enactment of the APCMS policy, the per capita GDP in high-
greatest impact on the SOEs. On the other hand, SOEs have closer energy-efficiency regions was 12,700 CNY, whereas the per capita GDP in
low-energy-efficiency regions was 7356 CNY.

H. Xu et al. Energy Economics 126 (2023) 107027

Table 17 of production factors towards high-efficiency firms and regions.

Regional heterogeneity.
(1) (2) Funding
High-energy-efficiency Low-energy-efficiency
This research was funded by the Project of Cultivation for young top-
Panel A: InCO2 motch Talents of Beijing Municipal Institutions (Grant number
Treat×Post − 0.129*** 0.025
(0.025) (0.033)
BPHR202203057), the Innovation Centre for Digital Business and Cap­
Control Variable Yes Yes ital Development of Beijing Technology and Business University (Grant
Obs 116,707 64,037 number SZSK202221), the National Natural Science Foundation of
Adj.R2 0.899 0.900 China (Grant number 71903008) and the National Social Science Fund
of China (Grant number 22BJY230).
Panel B: Energy efficiency
Treat×Post 0.270*** 0.117 Declaration of interest
(0.101) (0.095)
Control Variable Yes Yes
Obs 116,707 64,037 The authors declare no conflict interest.
Adj.R2 0.688 0.616
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Panel C: Output
Treat×Post 0.015 0.043 Hao Xu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation,
(0.021) (0.027) Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Jingxuan Xu:
Control Variable 0.015 0.043
Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing –
Obs 116,707 64,037
Adj.R2 0.896 0.900 review & editing. Jie Wang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing –
original draft, Writing – review & editing. Xiang Hou: Conceptualiza­
Note: ***, **, and * represent the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels,
tion, Methodology, Writing – review & editing.
respectively. The standard errors are reported in parentheses. Standard errors
are clustered two-ways at the city-year and the firm level.

energy efficiency. For example, the government could institute prefer­

This research was supported by the Project of Cultivation for young
ential tax policies on green innovation and provide fiscal subsidies for
top-motch Talents of Beijing Municipal Institutions (Grant number
green R&D activities.
BPHR202203057), the Innovation Centre for Digital Business and Cap­
Second, China has implemented a series of environmental and en­
ital Development of Beijing Technology and Business University (Grant
ergy regulations, such as the two control zones policy, pollutant
number SZSK202221), the National Natural Science Foundation of
discharge fee policy, top 1000 energy savings program, carbon emis­
China (Grant number 71903008) and the National Social Science Fund
sions trading scheme, and low-carbon city pilot policy. Regrettably,
of China (Grant number 22BJY230). Besides, we thank the anonymous
these energy and environmental regulations do not explicitly prioritize
reviewers for their valuable comments that have important significances
energy efficiency as a policy objective. Specifically, the top 1000 energy
to our research.
savings program solely necessitates these selected 1000 firms to
decrease their energy consumption within a specified time limit, without
Appendix A. Supplementary data
mandating them to enhance their energy efficiency.
In accordance with our empirical findings, the enhancement of en­
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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