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Jakarta: Jakarta residents have been advised to be on the alert for flood-born diseases, including
leptospirosis, which is transmitted through rat urine. “Aside from diarrhea, residents must be wary of
leptospirosis since the flood water could contain the leptospirosis bacteria,”a senior official with Central
Jakarta Health Office, Maryana, was quoted as saying by Berita
Maryana said residents could avoid contracting the disease by ensuring good hygiene in their
environments. “They should wear boots when walking through water that might be contaminated by rat
urine,” he said.
Those infected by the disease display various symptoms, including a prolonged fever, yellowish eyes
and pallor and require immediate medical treatment.

A. Choose the best answer!

1. Who issued the warning?
a. Jakarta residents
b. The writer
c. Maryana
d. Flood victims
e. Medical team
2. What was the warning about?
a. The hazard of rat urine
b. The hazard of flood
c. The effect of rat urine
d. The effect of flood
e. The diseases caused by flood
3. What kinds of diseases does the flood cause?
a. Leptospirosis
b. Diarrhea
c. Itching
d. Leptospirosis and diarrhea
e. Diarrhea and itching
4. How do the Jakarta residents avoid the diseases when flood?
a. They keep hygiene
b. They wear boots
c. They check up regularly
d. They require medical treatment
e. They take some medicines

5. The followings are not the symptoms of Leptospirosis?

a. A prolonged fever
b. Yellowish eyes
c. Watery eyes
d. Pallor

B. Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. Who has been advised to be on the alert for flood-born diseases?
2. What disease is mentioned in the first paragraph?
3. What causes leptospirosis?
4. How can residents avoid contracting the disease?
5. Do you agree with Maryana’s statement that residents must be worried about getting
leptospirosis? why?
6. Mention the symptoms of residents who get infected?
7. Which is a suitable title for this text?
a. Official informs the danger of lepstospirosis
b. Official warns of flood-borne diseases
8. The third paragraph tells about
a. Newsworthy events
b. Background events
c. Sources events
9. The writer’s purpose in writing this text is
a. To inform the readers about events of the day which are considered important
b. To share with others as unusual or amusing incident
c. To describe a particular thing
10. “They should wear…………”(paragraph 4)
What does the word They refer to?

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word in the box!

Alert :
Contaminate :
Advise :
Contain :
Transmit :
Resident :
Quote :
Ensure :
Immediate :
Avoid :

2. The patients in the emergency room should be given ________ treatment
3. My mother advices me continuously to be ___________ in facing my life
4. The food served by Rita at her feast _____________ too much fat
5. You have to ___________ your children that they have to become successful person
6. The official warns the ____________ to be wary of the bad results of the flood danger
7. The head of the neighborhood ___________ his residents to keep the environment clean
8. People along Citarum river complain because the water in Citarum is ___________ by industrial
9. Where did you _____________ an article about the environment?
10. To ______________ your children from Polio, you have to give them enough vitamins
11. Parents _____________ some of their characteristics to their children

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