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Animal: African Elephant

Type: The African elephant is a large land mammal. It is a kind of animal that gives birth to live babies
and feeds them with milk. The African elephant belongs to the same family as the Asian elephant.

Status: African elephants are currently at risk. This means that there are not many of them left in the
wild. The main reasons for their decline are the loss of their homes and the killing of these animals for
their valuable tusks. It is estimated that there are between 415,000 and 450,000 African elephants still
living in the wild.

Habitat: African elephants can be found in different places in Africa, like grassy plains, forests, wetlands,
and deserts. They live in many countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, and South Africa.

Habits: African elephants are known for being social animals. They live in groups led by a female leader.
They have strong relationships with each other and do things like grooming, playing, and talking to each
other through sounds and body movements. These animals are also really clever and remember things
for a long time.

Diet: African elephants are plant-eaters. They mainly eat grass, leaves, tree branches, and fruits. They eat
a lot of food each day to support their big bodies, ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 pounds of plants every

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