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Unit Guide


Organisational Behaviour
and Management
Teaching Period: TSA 2023, Singapore

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Handbook as the official source of
information about this unit.
Refer to myMurdoch Learning for on-going communication and your learning and
assessment content.

Unit coordinator: Carel Chan

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge that Murdoch University is situated on the lands of the Whadjuk and Binjareb Noongar people.
We pay our respects to their enduring and dynamic culture and the leadership of Noongar elders past and present.
The boodjar (country) on which Murdoch University is located has, for thousands of years, been a place of learning.
We at Murdoch University are proud to continue this long tradition.

© Published by Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia May 2023.

This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in any form or
by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or be broadcast or transmitted without the prior written permission of the publisher.
1 Unit information ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Unit Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1.3 Aims of the Unit ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Learning outcomes ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Graduate attributes ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 General guidance and requirements ................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.1 Inclusivity Statement .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 In case of unforeseen disruption to learning and teaching .......................................................................... 5
1.4.3 Where to get help for your learning success and wellbeing ........................................................................ 6
1.4.4 Key dates and considerations for withdrawing from this Unit ...................................................................... 6
2 Contact details ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Unit Coordinator ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Teaching team ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 How to study this Unit .................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Approach to learning .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Learning approach underpinning unit .......................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Unit changes in response to student feedback ............................................................................................ 8
3.2 Learning activities & requirements ................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Overall expectations ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Learning activities and details ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Suggested time commitment ............................................................................................................................. 9
4 Unit Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
5 Assessments ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Assessment summary ...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Assessment information .................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2.1 Assessment 1 - Quizzes (40%) .................................................................................................................. 13
5.2.2 Assessment 2 - Professional Practice (35%) ............................................................................................. 13
5.2.3 Assessment 3 - Reflective Journal (25%) .................................................................................................. 15
5.3 Academic integrity ............................................................................................................................................ 17
5.4 Extensions and late submissions ................................................................................................................... 18
5.5 Determination of the final grade ...................................................................................................................... 19
Notation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Grade ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Percentage Range ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
6 Learning resources .................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 All learning resources ...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 Essential learning resources ........................................................................................................................... 20

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7 Email Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
8 Academic Advice and Student Support ..................................................................................................................... 22

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1 Unit information
Welcome to:

Organisational Behaviour and Management

1.1 Unit Overview

1.1.1 Unit description

This Unit focuses on practical techniques for functioning, managing, and leading at the individual, team and
organisational levels. You will explore theoretical frameworks and use your life and work experiences to discuss and
problem-solve contemporary issues affecting people in organisational settings.
In the Unit we will cover what it means to manage in today’s global environment and consider factors involved in relating
with individuals and interacting in organisations. How to deal with organisational dynamics is explored as well as
operating with organisational processes and characteristics. Finally, we consider what it means to work with
organisational behaviour in changing circumstances. A strong focus of this unit is learning about yourself and your
relationships as well as the impacts of your behaviour on others. As part of that learning process, collaboration and
group-work to explore both content and process will be required.
You will have the opportunity to:

• Articulate how people interactions influence organisational capabilities and the way organisations function.

• Analyse the relationship between practice in contemporary organisations and organisational behaviour and
management thinking.

• Appraise the purpose and range of activities associated with effective management of people in
contemporary organisations.

• Critique your own organisational knowledge, skills and abilities and devise strategies for enhancing effective
managerial behaviour.

1.1.2 Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this Unit.

1.1.3 Aims of the Unit

This Unit aims to develop awareness and understanding of the principles and practices of
Organisational Behaviour and Management (OBM) and equip students with the tools to evaluate critically the practice
of OBM. The broad aims of this Unit are to:

• Provide an overview of how people interact and how they influence organisational capabilities and the way
organisations function.

• Facilitate an insight into attitudes, skills, and knowledge that can assist with leadership and management in

• Enable students to examine current OBM issues and practices and develop solutions to problems they have

• Assist new students, and those returning to studying, to develop academic learning skills.

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1.2 Learning outcomes
This Unit enables you to demonstrate your achievement of the following Unit learning outcomes.

Unit Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of OBM principles
2. Apply OBM knowledge in practical contexts (e.g., workplace)
3. Exhibit effective verbal, written, digital, and team interpersonal skills in working with stakeholders in a variety of
4. Evaluate issues and problems and structure evidence-based conclusions
5. Employ individual and team learning strategies that promote intentional learning
6. Display the capability to think across cultures and contexts
7. Integrate knowledge of ethical and sustainability issues into professional and personal practices

1.3 Graduate attributes

This Unit will contribute to the development of the following Graduate Attributes:

• Communication
• Critical and creative thinking
• Social interaction
• Independent and lifelong learning
• Ethics
• Social justice
• Global perspective
• Interdisciplinarity
• In-depth knowledge of a field of study

1.4 General guidance and requirements

1.4.1 Inclusivity Statement

Murdoch University strives to be a place of belonging for all staff and students. We are committed to supporting and
celebrating all community members including all abilities, ethnicities, or religions, sexual or gender identities.
Homophobia, transphobia, racism, and ablism are not tolerated.
For help and support, please see information and contacts in Health & wellbeing in myMurdoch.

1.4.2 In case of unforeseen disruption to learning and teaching

A university or campus wide disruption may occur due to natural, political, or other human crisis (e.g., COVID-19). Where
it impacts our learning, teaching, and assessment plans, then we will communicate changes relevant to this unit via
myMurdoch Learning. Also pay attention to student announcements and myMurdoch for university wide information.
For individual needs, consult with Access and Inclusion to see if an individual Access and Inclusion (EQAL) plan is
appropriate, or for specific assessment item adjustments, see your Unit Coordinator.

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1.4.3 Where to get help for your learning success and wellbeing

Please refer to Support & Advice via myMurdoch for all the information you need for your studies.
This includes:

• Student admin, Exams, Policies (refer to Assessment Policy and others), Key dates, Complaints and appeals
• Learning and study support, including information about Academic Integrity and Murdoch Academic Passport
• Health and wellbeing information, including Accessibility services, Medical and counselling services, Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander support, and Sexuality and gender diversity support
o Contact Access and Inclusion if you have a disability, Specific Learning Disorder or health condition
(including mental health condition), are pregnant or breastfeeding or are caring for a person with a
disability, and require support in accessing your studies.
o Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre provides support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

1.4.4 Key dates and considerations for withdrawing from this Unit

If you are considering withdrawing from this unit, see the Withdrawing page for general information and implications.
See the Teaching Periods page for implications of withdrawing at different times of the teaching period, including Census
Date, and search for the specific dates for your current teaching period.

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2 Contact details

2.1 Unit Coordinator

Name: Ms. Carel Chan

Discipline: Management
School College of Business, Murdoch Business School
Campus: Perth, Western Australia

2.2 Teaching team

You will be notified who the Unit Local Affiliate Lecturer in our teaching team is at the beginning of the teaching period.
The teaching team member – Unit Local Affiliate Lecturer will provide you with the contact details.

Name: Dr. Charles Chee Ming Ong

Discipline: Management
School College of Business, Murdoch Business School
Campus: Singapore

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3 How to study this Unit

3.1 Approach to learning

3.1.1 Learning approach underpinning unit

Your success in this Unit will depend on the value of your contributions. Quality contributions depend on quality
preparation. If you are to make the most of the opportunities this unit offers you to develop the ability to understand,
predict, and influence behaviour within organisations, then you need to read and think about the material that relates to
each of the sessions BEFORE you engage in the session.
As you go through the materials, think about how the ideas and concepts relate to your experiences; whether particular
theories or ideas help you to better understand something that has happened in your life; whether in the light of what
you have read you might handle a particular situation more effectively than you otherwise did or might do. You should
engage in the sessions and be prepared to contribute to discussion based on your own reflections on the materials and
to learn from the contributions of others.

3.1.2 Unit changes in response to student feedback

This unit has been produced by Dr. Moira Watson in December 2016 and subsequently revised in response to student
feedback respectively in July 2017, March 2018, July 2018, February 2019, July 2019, December 2019, April 2020, July
2020, November 2020, January 2021, May 2021, January 2021, April 2021, December 2022, May 2022, December
2022. It has since been updated in May 2023 and July by Dr. Stephen Tan.

3.2 Learning activities & requirements

3.2.1 Overall expectations

All students are expected to engage in the seminars. The seminars are designed to assist you in completing
assessments and your contribution is required. If you are unable to meet this requirement for any particular week you
must advise your Lecturer ahead of time by email providing details of the particular session you will miss and the reason.
In your email ensure you include your student ID, full name, class day and time.

3.2.2 Learning activities and details

You are required to complete several hours of learning before and after each seminar. Each seminar has three
interconnected components: pre-seminar, seminar, and post-seminar.

Pre-seminar includes video podcasts, online readings, discussions, and other collaborative
learning activities.
Seminars include a review of the pre-seminar materials, discussion questions, case studies,
and other applied learning activities.
Post-seminar includes summarising, collaborating, and reflecting on the topics covered.

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This Unit uses experiential learning and problem solving learning strategies. This means you learn through active
participation and relating your learning to your experiences. Sessions combine a topic overview, discussions and case
analysis, group exercises, simulations, and experiential or skill development exercises. The sessions aim to assist you
to develop your open-mindedness, inquiry skills (reading, active listening, observation, critical thinking), balanced self-
analysis, empathy, communication, and teamwork, which are fundamental skills for managing complex contemporary
organisational issues.

3.3 Suggested time commitment

As this is a 3-credit point unit, we expect you to spend on average 12 to 15 hours per week for the total weeks of this
teaching period (or 150 hours overall) working on this unit.

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4 Unit Schedule
See myMurdoch Learning for details of all learning activities and assessments.

Topic Topic Name Text Session Date

1 What is organisational behaviour and management? Ch 1 Monday, 04 September 2023

2 What are the challenges for managers? Ch 2 Monday, 04 September 2023

3 How do you understand individual characteristics? Ch 3 Monday, 18 September 2023

4 How do you motivate for performance? Ch 4 & 5 Monday, 18 September 2023

5 How do you work In teams? Ch 6 Monday, 02 October 2023

6 How do you make decisions and solve problems? Ch 7 Monday, 02 October 2023

7 How do you communicate and negotiate conflict? Ch 8 & 9 Monday, 16 October 2023

8 How do you use power and leadership? Ch 11 & 10 Monday, 30 October 2023

9 What’s involved in organisational culture? Ch 13 Saturday, 18 November 2023

10 How do you manage change? Ch 14 Saturday, 18 November 2023

11 How do you structure an organisation? Ch 12 Sunday, 19 November 2023

How can you use what you’ve learned from

12 All Sunday, 19 November 2023
Organisational Behaviour and Management?

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5 Assessments
Assessment for this Unit is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Policy.

The aim of the assessment process is for you to consolidate your learning, and to demonstrate that you have assimilated
the principles and concepts required for this Unit. The assessment in this Unit is continuous.
All assignments in this Unit use the same general criteria for assessment and a specific rubric for each assignment is
provided on the LMS.

Presentation, format,
Content/ Research Critical Analysis grammar, spelling and

Includes excellent level of Demonstrates high level Demonstrates excellent

High content and provides in understanding and develops standard suitable for an
Distinction depth coverage of excellent line of critical evaluation academic essay at post
selected topic based on references. graduate level.

Includes good level of Demonstrates good understanding Demonstrates good standard

Distinction content and provides good and develops good line of critical suitable for academic essay at
overview of selected topic evaluation based on references post graduate level.

Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates adequate

Includes adequate level of
understanding and develops line of standard required for an
Credit content and covers key
critical evaluation based on academic essay at post
elements of selected topic
references. graduate level.

Demonstrates basic standard

Demonstrates basic understanding
Includes basic level of required for an academic
Pass and develops basic line of critical
content. literature essay at post graduate
evaluation based on references

Demonstrates insufficient Does not meet standard

Does not include sufficient
Fail understanding or does not develop required for an academic essay
critical evaluation at post graduate level.

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5.1 Assessment summary

No. Assessment Description Unit Weight % Individual / Due

Name Learning Group

Multiple Choice Questions End of each

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
1 Quizzes (MCQ) Quizzes covering the 40 Individual group of
6, 7
topics in the Unit topics

Multisource evaluation of input

and contribution to the unit in
two parts

Ongoing with
• Appraisal of input to key
Professional discussions – 10% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
2 35 Individual of Discussion
Practice 6, 7
• Selection of Discussion Forums due

Forums covering mid trimester

designated topics and

consolidated into one final
submission – 25%

Reflection on OBM events in

two parts

• Part A (RJ A): Reflection

on Topic 1 or 2 (1 x 500
Reflective 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
3 words) – 5% 25 Individual Part A: Early
Journal 6, 7
• Part B (RJ B): Reflection
on 2 Topics from 3, 6, 8, 9 Part B: End

or 10 (2 x 500 words) – of trimester


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5.2 Assessment information

5.2.1 Assessment 1 - Quizzes (40%)

At the end of each of each group of topics, you will be expected to complete a quiz comprising multiple-choice questions
that cover key concepts from the relevant text chapters. You will access each quiz through the LMS and be required to
complete it within a designated time.

You will access each quiz through the LMS and be required to complete it within a designated time.


Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via myMurdoch Learning - Unit Learning Management System and

See myMurdoch Learning for further details, such as instructions, communication, resources, guides, exemplars and a
descriptive rubric assessment tool.

5.2.2 Assessment 2 - Professional Practice (35%)

Throughout the Unit you will be assessed on your contribution to professional practice. You are expected to participate
in each session and complete activities and discussion forums. Your contribution will be observed and noted by the Unit
Lecturer. Your ability to contribute to a learning situation by providing comments, answering questions, asking questions,
and engaging in discussion will be assessed.

For designated topics you need to post your response to the discussion forum topic and make a response to something
someone else has posted for the discussion forum topic. The LMS site has a portal for entry for each required
session and shows the topic details.
You are required to complete discussion forum A and B and choose 2 out of the remaining 3 topics in discussion forum
C, D and E to make a submission total of 4 discussion forum entries.


• Discussion forum A and B run for a limited period, and you must submit your entries within this period for each
topic. You must also post a response to someone else’s post for the topic within this period. The forum posting
on that topic will be closed after the designated date and you will then be unable to submit.

• Discussion forum C, D and E have closing dates of towards the middle of the trimester. You will be able to
submit your response and respond to someone else’s post for the topic up until the closing date.

Marks will be allocated based on whether you respond for each topic, the depth of your response to the topic and the
level of critical analysis shown in your own response and your response to someone else’s post.

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• It is expected that at least one high quality academic reference i.e., peer-reviewed journal article at five
or less years will be used for all the discussion forum responses, i.e., for each of your posts and replies.

• Only your original post is considered in the word count.

• The rubric for this component is on the LMS site under Assessment.

Important: You are required to submit all your discussion forum entries (original and your response to someone else
and their responses to your posts) as ONE Microsoft Word document by end of the teaching period. To facilitate the
creation of your consolidated assignment, you should create your entries in Word before posting to the discussion forum.

As the discussion forums will close throughout the teaching period, it is recommended that you keep a Word
copy of all your submissions and before each discussion forum closes take a copy of what others have posted
on your posts. You should clearly note in your consolidated assignment what entry relates to what topic.
Presentation of the overall submission is assessable. Your consolidated submission should be like a book and
include five (5) sections - a University assignment coversheet, a cover depicting the essence of your submission,
a table of contents, the content with DF entries – posts and replies clearly labelled, and a reference list at the end.

Submit through the LMS under the relevant assignment portal. Size 12 Times New Roman or Arial fonts are required.
So your work doesn't get mixed up with others', use a filename which follows the convention: UnitCode_Assignment
Number_FirstNameLastName_StudentNumber. E.g., MBS538_Assign2_JuneChong_12345678 for student
Upload your assignment to LMS. You must wait for confirmation from LMS that your upload has been successful i.e., a
“Submitted for Grading” status and NOT “Draft (Not Submitted). And you should keep a copy of both your
assignment and the confirmation from LMS. It is often best to log out and log in again to make sure it is there.


You will be assessed on the key criteria stated in the Marking Rubric.
A Marking Rubric is available on the Unit Learning Management System (LMS) site under Assessment. The latest
edition of APA referencing format must be used for all work submitted for this Unit - details are available online at:
The assessment may include a moderation process to ensure reliable, just, and fair outcomes.
Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via myMurdoch Learning - Unit Learning Management System and


Via myMurdoch Learning - Unit Learning Management System and Gradebook, feedback for learning will be given with
the Marking Guide.


See myMurdoch Learning for further details, such as instructions, communication, resources, guides, exemplars and a
descriptive rubric assessment tool.

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5.2.3 Assessment 3 - Reflective Journal (25%)

This assessment comprises three reflections divided into Part A and Part B. For Part A you are required to produce a
reflection for Topic 1 or 2. For Part B you need to produce two reflections from a choice of Topic 3, 6, 8, 9 or 10. Each
reflection must be from a different topic.
1. Pt A (RJ A): 1 x Topic 1 or 2 (5 marks) – see LMS
2. Pt B (RJ B): 2 x Topic 3, 6, 8, 9 or 10 (20 marks) – see LMS.
Each reflection should be about individual, different events from each nominated topic, be 500 words, and focus on a
specific aspect of your learning.
The theme of this journal is how this Unit has assisted you to become an effective manager, leader, or employee
in a globalised world. Each of your 3 entries will take an aspect of your journey. You need to reflect on the cognitive
and affective dimensions of your learning experiences during this unit. It is a critical reflection of your own learning using
a set framework (DIEP – Describe, Interpret, Evaluate, Plan) to demonstrate what you have learnt and how this
learning will impact on your future management and goals, supported by academic references.
You need to reflect on the unit content including the text, LMS material, group discussions, activities and assessments
using the DIEP model (see LMS). You may reflect on questions such as the following:

• How have these sessions helped me to understand key aspects of organisational life differently?

• What models, key ideas or notions have been transformed through my experience with this unit?

• How have these sessions helped me to engage differently with my organisation (or any organisation that I know

• What skills, personal and organisational capabilities may be more relevant to confront some of my professional
challenges – and those of the organisation I work for/or those of a given organisation I know well?

• How do I feel now with regards to certain organisational issues that are important for my life, as a result of taking
this unit?
You must submit Part A (RJ A) and Part B (RJ B) through the LMS assignment submission portal.
Your entries will show progression in your ideas and abilities as an employee, leader, or citizen (including your skills in
reflecting) over this Unit. It is not, though, designed to show only advances; identifying questions, doubts, blocks,
mistakes will also be useful in appreciating and exploring the unknowns.
Before you make your reflection entries, you should spend some time thinking back on the experience or event about
which you are writing. In broad terms, see if you can identify different perspectives in the situation or find explanations
for the specific nature of the experience. Your entries should reflect your own views and observations, your own
experience and insights, the meaning that you make of the learning events that you experience.
You must support your reflections by reference to at least two high quality academic sources per entry i.e.,
peer-reviewed journal articles at five or less years will be expected. These references need to be cited in
accordance with APA 7.
Note: Presentation of the overall submission is assessable. Your consolidated submission should be like a book and
include five (5) sections - a University assignment coversheet, a cover depicting the essence of your submission,
a table of contents, the content with entries clearly labelled, and a reference list at the end.
Like all writing, it is easy to get stuck. When this happens, you could use the following techniques:

• Write a first draft, then go back to review it, making sure that it does not merely describe the events or the
experience. It should focus on what the experience meant to you, what you learned from it, why you think it
worked or did not work well.

• If you have difficulty, try making a list of the events, then write down your own response to each of the events.
Your response is the part that you write in the reflective journal, not the list of events with which you started.

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• Do some reading of various related academic sources as they often provide you with different perspectives for
understanding what is occurring.

• Question whether you are writing things that you feel are safe or that you think the Lecturer wants to read. This
is not what the reflective journal is for. Dare to write something unusual that makes sense to you.

• Try discussing the topic with a friend. Often the process of expressing yourself in words, of articulating your
understanding, will make your thinking clearer to yourself.
It might well happen that you read your entry from a few weeks previously and disagree with yourself! That is part of the
learning process and shows growth in your understanding and insight. When that happens, do not change your original
entry. Include a bit in your next entry to explain why you have changed your mind or how your thinking has changed
since the previous entry.
DIEP provides a framework for writing effective reflections:

• D = describe (describe the setting and event objectively and briefly; say what is the event and why it is important
to your journey)

• I = interpret (explain the things that happened; the things your learned from it; how this event relates to other
events and to your feelings and what you learned; any conclusions that you arrived at; the meaning you make
of the event; why did things happen as they did)

• E = evaluate (how effective or efficient was the event or your actions; what is the value of what you learned
from the experience)

• P = plan (how this will be useful to you; what would you do differently in future because of this experience.
Note: you should use SMART in your plan).

Submit through the LMS under the relevant assignment. Size 12 Times New Roman or Arial fonts are required.
So your work doesn't get mixed up with others', use a filename which follows the convention: UnitCode_Assignment
Number_FirstNameLastName_StudentNumber. E.g., MBS538_Assign2_JuneChong_12345678 for student
Upload your assignment to LMS. You must wait for confirmation from LMS that your upload has been successful i.e., a
“Submitted for Grading” status and NOT “Draft (Not Submitted). And you should keep a copy of both your
assignment and the confirmation from LMS. It is often best to log out and log in again to make sure it is there.


Your reflections should show increasing ‘depth’ of insight into your OBM practice and the workplace environment that
shapes it, focusing on the subjects covered in the seminar such as theories and styles of leadership, personality
differences, interpersonal skills, and emotional intelligence. Clarity and detail in presentation are also important. Each
entry will be considered against the DIEP framework, with the most important elements being evaluation and planning.
Describe should be concise and serve only to set the context. Interpret should reflect your understanding of what you
have learned and how you can relate this to other events, concepts, and patterns. Evaluate demonstrates your ability
to critically analyse on the basis of logic and reason and draw your own conclusions. Plan reflects your personal
motivation to make changes as a result of what you have learnt, and most importantly, to commit to personal change.
It is difficult to be precise about the format of journals as they should be highly personalised. The only requirement is
that you use the DIEP model. The quality of the reflections and the adherence to the DIEP model, including referencing,
will impact on marks. Under Assignment Support on the LMS you will find some further explanation of DIEP and some
samples of DIEP entries.

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• The references contained in the “references” at the end of the assignment need to be on a separate page and be
alphabetically ordered by surname.

• Student ID and Name/Last Name need to be on every page (footer).

• Front assignment cover needs to indicate word count (number of words of the assignment)
Marks (10% or more) may be deducted if this is ignored.
You will be assessed on the key criteria stated in the Marking Rubric.
A Marking Rubric is available on the Unit Learning Management System (LMS) site under Assessment. The latest
edition of APA referencing format must be used for all work submitted for this Unit - details are available online at:
The assessment includes a moderation process to ensure reliable, just, and fair outcomes.
Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via myMurdoch Learning - Unit Learning Management System and


Via myMurdoch Learning - Unit Learning Management System and Gradebook, feedback for learning will be given with
the Marking Guide.


See myMurdoch Learning for further details, such as instructions, communication, resources, guides, exemplars and a
descriptive rubric assessment tool.

5.3 Academic integrity

“Academic integrity is an adherence to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in all
work. Academic integrity is fundamental to the operation of all scholarship, whether it be original research or
undergraduate assignments. It ensures that proper credit is given to those who do the work and that their intellectual
contribution is acknowledged. It ensures that proper evaluation and feedback of performance can be given, and it
buttresses the worth and reputation of academic awards on the basis they have been honestly earned. Murdoch
University regards academic integrity as a fundamental value of student learning. It requires all students enrolled in the
University to adhere to academic integrity in fulfilling each assessment task.
The University regards most seriously any acts of dishonesty relating to assessment of University courses and research.
This includes plagiarism, unauthorised collaboration, examination misconduct, theft of other students' work and
misconduct in research. Acting unfairly or dishonestly in assessment is defined as misconduct under University
Depending on the seriousness of the case, dishonesty in assessment can lead to a requirement to undertake additional
work, failure in a unit or in a part of it, suspension from the University or even permanent expulsion from the University.
The University regards any form of cheating as a serious matter of academic dishonesty that threatens the integrity of
the assessment processes and awards of the University, to the detriment of all other students and graduates of the
Plagiarism constitutes using the work of another without indicating by referencing (and by quotation marks when exact
phrases or passages are borrowed) that the ideas expressed are not one's own. Students can use the ideas and
information from other authors, but this use must be acknowledged. It is also not acceptable to submit an assignment
(or exam) that is simply a paraphrasing of extracts from other authors: the work submitted must include some intellectual
contribution of the student's own. The Foundation and Transition units in particular assist students in identifying what is
considered plagiarism at Murdoch University.

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Re-submission of previously marked work — the submission of the same or substantially the same piece of work for
assessment in two different units by the student author — is not acceptable practice.
Unauthorised collaboration ('collusion') constitutes joint effort between students, or students and others, in preparing
material submitted for assessment, except where this has been approved by the Unit Coordinator. Students are
encouraged to discuss matters covered in units, but when writing an assignment, computer program, laboratory report
or other piece of assessed work, the recording and treatment of data and the expression of ideas and argument must
be the student's own. Dishonesty in assessment applies to work in any medium (for example, written or audio text, film
production, computer programs, etc.)

Murdoch University expects students and staff to pursue the highest standards of integrity in all academic activity.
Academic integrity involves behaving ethically and honestly in scholarship and relies on respect for others’ ideas through
proper acknowledgement and referencing of publications.
Academic misconduct is treated seriously, and penalties may apply.
More information about academic integrity can be found at To help you learn
about academic integrity practices, all students are required to complete the Murdoch Academic Passport (MAP100).
Please also note the library citation guide.
Murdoch University makes use of content matching software to detect submitted work that is not original. When you
submit an assessment to myMurdoch Learning, it is checked by this software. Your Unit Coordinator may apply other
processes to verify that your submitted assessment is your own work.

In this Unit, we undertake these practices to assure academic integrity:

• use Ouriginal content matching software

• scaffolding activities to help students learn how to do the assessment
• provide available resources and opportunities for students to seek help and feedback

5.4 Extensions and late submissions

In this Unit, extensions and late submissions follow these requirements:

• If you are facing difficulties in completing your assignments, you should consult your Unit Lecturer before the
due date.
• Requests for extensions to submission deadlines must be made before the due date through your Unit
Lecturer to the Unit Coordinator, in writing, providing evidence to substantiate the reasons for the request.
It is at the Unit Coordinator’s discretion whether an extension is granted.
• Any assignment that is received after the due date and time without a formally approved extension by the Unit
Coordinator is deemed to be late. The time and date as recorded by Unit Learning Management System (LMS)
will be used to make the determination of timeliness.
• Late assignments will be penalised 10% of the total available mark for each calendar day or part thereof that
the assignment is late.
• Where an assignment is submitted later than one week past the due date, without a granted extension, staff
may choose to provide feedback only on the assignment with no mark.
This Unit follows Murdoch policies and procedures with regards to extensions and late submissions, supplementary and
deferred assessment.
Students who feel that their disability, medical condition or disability caring responsibilities may impact on their capacity
to meet assessment submission are strongly advised to visit Access and Inclusion as early as possible to discuss
potential needs and assistance.

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5.5 Determination of the final grade
Students are required to achieve an aggregated mark of 50% or more to pass this Unit. For further information on these
requirements please refer to the assessment policy. Marks are moderated across the various offerings of this unit to
achieve an equitable result for all students.

Notation Grade Percentage Range

HD High Distinction 80 – 100

D Distinction 70 – 79

C Credit 60 – 69

P Pass 50 – 59

N Fail Below 50

DNS Fail Fail, the student failed to participate in assessment components that had
a combined weighting of 50% or more of the final mark.

SX Supplementary Exam *

SA Supplementary Assessment *

* Students who achieve a final grade of 45 to 49% may be offered a supplementary examination or supplementary
assessment, at the Unit Coordinator’s discretion, in which case a 50% pass in the supplementary assessment
is required to pass the Unit.
Refer to Reporting of Results in the Assessment Policy for information about marks and grades.

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6 Learning resources

6.1 All learning resources

Your learning resources and any updates are provided through myMurdoch Learning (LMS) in the myMurdoch portal.
Learning resources within the myMurdoch Learning online environment for this unit will be

1. integrated within the sections and learning activities

2. through tools such as:
o My Unit Readings
o Teams
o Echo360

6.2 Essential learning resources

Essential to success in this unit are these learning resources:

Resource details Resource type Available

• Organisational behaviour: Engaging people and

organisations (Australia and New Zealand Edition),

By: Griffin, Phillips, Gully, Creed, Gribble, Watson Essential Textbook Print, eBook or University Library

2021, 1E

ISBN - 9780170440028

The following will be provided via LMS, My Unit Readings, library database or web links during the period:

• session slides and recording

• electronic journal articles and readings

• links to resources on the web.

Other resources and further recommended resources are in our myMurdoch Learning.

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7 Email Protocols
All emails should be sent from your Murdoch student email account, otherwise anti-spam filters may prevent it from
being delivered to your Unit Lecturer. When using email to communicate with the Unit Lecturer or Unit Coordinator, you
should always make sure that your message contains the following:
1. A subject that contains the Unit Code, and clearly describes the nature of your query or request. Your Unit
Lecturer receives many emails a day, and may also teach more than one unit, so if your email does not contain
the unit code, it is not possible to place your message in context. If the subject does not indicate the nature
of the message, it may well remain unanswered.
2. Change the default setting on your email program to include previous messages in replies, and make sure that
previous messages are included in an ongoing exchange. Your Unit Lecturer deals with many students. Having a
copy of the previous exchanges included in your message will expedite a response. You should still make sure that
the subject indicates what the email is about.

3. Address your Unit Lecturer appropriately and respectfully.

4. State your question or request clearly and concisely.
5. Insert a signoff at the end of your email that contains:

• your Name in full as it appears on the Murdoch system

• if you have a name that is different to your legal name, include that
• your Student Number
• Class Day & Time
Your Unit Lecturer will inform you if there are additional requirements for communicating by email.
While Lecturers cannot be available online all day, in normal circumstance your Unit Lecturer will reply within 2 working

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8 Academic Advice and Student Support

Need guidance on study related issues?

Use this flowchart or seek direct assistance from
Student Support Services or MyMurdochAdvice
If you have…?
• Questions about content covered in tutorials or practical sessions.
• General questions about completing assessments. Lecturer
• Concerns about another student or your learning needs. (Local Affiliate)

• Positive and constructive feedback.

• Questions about unit content, assessments, attendance, or tutorial times.

• Questions on marked assessments.
(Local Affiliate)
• Request a re-mark/review of a marked assessment. or Local
• Academic issues with your learning in this Unit. Administration Office

• Positive and constructive feedback.

• Academic and assessment issues that haven’t been adequately addressed by the Unit Coordinator or
Affiliate/Local Lecturer Local Administration
• Academic issues relating to progression through your degree, withdrawal from a Unit or Officer or
intermission. Academic Chair
• Positive and constructive feedback.

• Academic, assessment or other issues that haven’t been adequately addressed by your
Affiliate/Local Lecturer and or Academic Chair or you aren’t comfortable discussing with
your Academic Chair.
Local Administration
• Formal request for re-mark/review in accordance with policy and procedure, where Unit Office
Coordinator has not undertaken. or Head of Discipline
• Complaints or appeals relating to your studies that haven’t been adequately addressed.
Visit Complaints and Appeals for more advice.
• Positive and constructive feedback.
To further escalate an appeal or complaint, contact the Dean Learning and Teaching
and/or see Complaints and Appeals for formal appeals procedures.

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