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Noor Mohd Amin bin Moktar SKM UKM 23/24

MANAGEMENT THEORY iii) Speed up condi'on placed undue pressures on employees – will 4) Management Science School
affect the quality of the product. - Def: Approaching management problems using mathema'cal
Defini'on of Theory: iv) The emphasis of produc'vity & profitability led some managers technique for their modeling, analysis, and solu'on.
- Coherent group assump'ons put forth exploit workers & customers. As a result, more workers joined - eg: predic'ng increment of produc'on goods using mathema'cal
- to explain the rela'onship union thus reinforced a pa_ern of suspicious & mistrust on labor- models/ equa'on.
- between 2/> observable facts management rela'ons.
- and to provide a sound basis RECENT MANAGEMENT THEORY (3)
- for predic'ng future events. 2) Classical Organiza5on Theory School (pioneered by Henri Fayol)
- > on Manager/ Management 1) The System Approach
Why study Management Theory? - The need to find guideline for managing complex organiza'ons. - Def: View of the organiza'on as a united directed system of
1) Theories provide a stable focus for understanding what we - Fayol interested in the total organiza'on & focus on management interrelated parts.
experience – people already experience a problems/ situa'on and rather than only concern on organiza'onal func'on like Taylor. - The ac'vity of any segment of an organiza'on affects, in varying
come out with solu'ons. - Fayol produced 14 principles of Management (that can be taught) degrees, the ac'vity of every other segments.
2) Theories enable us to communicate efficiently & thus move into - eg: Produc+on Unit Vs Sales Management
1) Division of Labor 8) Centraliza'on
more complex rela'onship with other people.
2) Authority 9) The Hierarchy 2) The Con5ngency Approach (Situa5onal Approach)
3) Theories make it possible to keep learning about our world – able
3) Discipline 10) Order - Def: View that the management technique that best contributes
to ask ourselves if there are alterna've ways of looking at the
4) Unity of Command 11) Equity to the a_ainment of organiza'on goals, might vary in different
world eg: AI, ML.
5) Unity of Direc'on 12) Stability of Staff type of situa'ons.
6) Subordina'on of individual 13) Ini'a've - Manager’s task is to iden'fy which technique will be the best
The Evolu'on of Management Theory
interest to common good 14) Espirit de Corp (Team Spirit) contributes to the a_ainment of management goals, in par'cular
A) Early Management Theory (end 19th & beginning 20th cent)
B) Recent Management Theory 7) Remunera'on (salary) situa'on, & 'me.

EARLY MANAGEMENT THEORY (4) 3) Behavioral School 3) Dynamic Engagement Approach (DEA)
- Its emerge because Classical approach didn’t achieve sufficient - Def: The view that 'me & human rela'onships are forcing
1) Scien5fic Management School (Formulated by Frederick W produc'on & workplace harmony. management to rethink tradi'onal approaches in the face of
Taylor) - Def – a group of management scholars trained in sociology, constant rapid change.
- > on Employee psychology & related fields, use their knowledge to propose - Managers focus on human rela'onships & quickly adjust to
- Rise due to labor shortage à need to increase produc'vity. effec've way to manage people in the organiza'on. changing condi'on over 'me (dynamic).
- Based on produc'on-line 'me studies. i) The Human Rela5on Movement (How managers interact with - 6 Different Themes under DEA
- Broke job down into components and design the quickest, best employees) 1) New Organiza5onal Environment
method for each component. o The Hawthorne Experiments – A_empt to inves'gate - Organiza'on’s environment is not fixed, impersonal forces.
- Use in modern assembly line produc'on. the rela'onship between the level of ligh'ng in - Managers need to understand what is important to other
workplace & worker produc'vity. managers both within their organiza'ons & at other
- 4 Basic Principle o Hawthorne Effect (controversial): the fact that people organiza'ons.
i) The development of true science of management (segregates will modify their behavior simply because they are 2) Ethics & Social Responsibility
task into parts) being observed. - Pay a_en'on to the values that drive their organiza'ons staff,
ii) The scien'fic selec'on of workers (best suited) o Applica'on on modern research: the Hawthorne Effect culture of society that involves these values and values with
iii) The scien'fic educa'on & development of the worker is the intrinsic bias that researchers must take into people outside the organiza'on provides.
(appropriate training). considera'on when studying their findings. - Managers must exercise moral courage by placing the values of
iv) In'mate, friendly coopera'on between management & labor. ii) Theory X & Theory Y (theory of mo'va'on that incorporates excellence on top of agenda.
both internal and external mo'va'on) 3) Globaliza5on & Management
- Outcome (Contribu5ons) - Managers in 21st cent must think themselves as global ci'zens.
i) Modern assembly line produces finished product much faster. - Borderless world where informa'on can be exchanged between
ii) The efficiency techniques have been applied to many tasks in countries within seconds on internet.
non-industrial organiza'ons eg; fast-food services, surgeon 4) Inven5ng & Reinven5ng Organiza5ons
training (anything that involve steps/ sta5ons) - Managers need to rethink their usual standard organiza'on
- Limi5a5ons - Rigid organiza'on structures can inhibit crea'vity & efficiency.
i) Tend to ignore employees social & psychological needs – division of 5) Cultural & Mul5culturalism
labor creates boredom, constant repe''on on simple movement - Various perspec've & people from different cultural background
dehumanizes workers as they tend to become appendages of the can give a significant contribu'on.
machines they operate. 6) Quality
ii) Unemployment can result from increase industrial efficiency – - Total Quality Management (TQM) can provide product & services
fewer people are needed to produce a given amount of goods. that responsible to tougher customer & compe''ve standard.

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