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Criterio 1: Module Activities.

Este criterio representa 10 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student worked on every E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and posted them in the forum on
time, with the right answers and according to the instructions.

The student worked on some E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and posted them in the forum on
time, with the right answers and according to the instructions.

The student worked on the E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and posted them in the forum on
time, with some mistakes in the answers but according to the instructions.

The student did not work on the E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and either posted them in the
forum as requested in the instructions.

Criterio 2: Academic Contents.

Este criterio representa 15 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student worked on every step (1-5) requested in the activity guide using the appropriate grammatical
structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.

The student worked on some steps (1-5) requested in the activity guide using the appropriate grammatical
structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.

The student worked on the steps (1-5) requested in the activity guide but did not use the appropriate
grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.

The student did not work on steps (1-5) requested in the activity guide using the appropriate grammatical
structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.
Criterio 3: Language Development.

Este criterio representa 15 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student is able to describe very well his/her ideas and real or imaginary situations in written manner
using the appropriate grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents. His/Her sentences
or paragraphs are really organized, following a coherent order and the message is easy to understand.

The student is able to describe his/her ideas and real or imaginary situations in written manner using the
appropriate grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents. His/Her sentences or
paragraphs are organized, following a coherent order and the message is easy to understand.

The student is barely able to describe his/her ideas and real or imaginary situations in written manner using
the appropriate grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents. His/Her sentences or
paragraphs are well organized, following a coherent order and the message is not easy to understand.

The student did not make or share any written product, either in the forum or the final document.

Criterio 4: Forum participation and final document

Este criterio representa 10 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student posted his/her activity advances in the forum, exchanged comments with other students and
took into account his/her tutor’s and classmates corrections and suggestions. The student organized and
uploaded a final document according to the instructions given and before the due date.

The student posted some of his/her activity advances in the forum, exchanged a few comments with other
students and took into account his/her tutor’s and classmates corrections and suggestions. The student
organized and uploaded a final document according to the instructions given and before the due date.

The student barely posted his/her activity advances in the forum, exchanged comments with other students
or took into account his/her tutor’s and classmates corrections and suggestions. The student did not
organize and upload a final document according to the instructions given and before the due date.

The student did not post in the forum or submit any final document either in the forum, the evaluation
environment or mail.
Criterio 5: Reflection and personal growth.

Este criterio representa 10 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student demonstrated reflective thinking in all of the questions included in step 5. The student self-
assess critically his/her score for this criteria.

The student demonstrated reflective thinking in some of the questions included in step 5. The student self-
assess quite critically his/her score for this criteria.

The student did not share or answer the questions included in step 5.

Criterio 6: Online space.

Este criterio representa 10 puntos del total de 70 puntos de la actividad.

The student created his/her online space using all 5 steps in the activity. He/She was creative and neat. The
content can be clearly understood and fulfills the expectations.

The student created his/her online space using some of the 5 steps in the activity. He/She was creative and
organized. The content can be understood and according to the instructions given.

The student did not create his/her online space using some of the 5 steps in the activity, neither shared the
link nor in the forum, the environment or mail.

Dear *******.
According to your performance on this activity, I’d like to share with you my feedback comments
taking into consideration the evaluation rubrics criteria:
1. The student worked on every E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and posted them in the forum
on time, with the right answers and according to the instructions.
2. The student worked on every step (1-5) requested in the activity guide using the appropriate grammatical
structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.
3. The student is able to describe very well his/her ideas and real or imaginary situations in written manner
using the appropriate grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents. His/Her sentences
or paragraphs are really organized, following a coherent order and the message is easy to understand.
4. The student did not post in the forum or submit any final document either in the forum, the evaluation
environment or mail.
5. The student demonstrated reflective thinking in all of the questions included in step 5. The student self-
assess critically his/her score for this criteria.
6. The student created his/her online space using all 5 steps in the activity. He/She was creative and neat.
The content can be clearly understood and fulfills the expectations.
Best Regards.

Dear …...
According to your performance on this activity, I’d like to share with you my feedback comments
taking into consideration the evaluation rubrics criteria:
1. The student did not work on the E-Book exercises chosen from the Anexo 1 and either posted them in
the forum as requested in the instructions.
2.The student did not work on steps (1-5) requested in the activity guide using the appropriate grammatical
structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents.
3. The student did not make or share any written product, either in the forum or the final document.
4. The student did not post in the forum or submit any final document either in the forum, the evaluation
environment or mail.
5. The student did not share or answer the questions included in step 5.
6. The student did not create his/her online space using some of the 5 steps in the activity, neither shared
the link nor in the forum, the environment or mail.
Best Regards.

Dear …..
According to your performance on this activity, I’d like to share with you my feedback comments
taking into consideration the evaluation rubrics criteria:

Best Regards.

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