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Ethereum Smart Contract Auditor Roadmap

Secureum Security Pitfalls 101

Secureum Security Pitfalls 201

Step 8 Smart Contract Attack Vectors SWC Registry

Mastering Ethereum Smart Contract Programmer - Hack Solidity
Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake Blockchain Fundamentals Step 1 Kaden: Smart Contract Attack Vectors
Inline Assembly
The Eth2 Book
Step 9 Yul
Solidity Documentation Dynamic Gas Costs & Memory Expansion
Smart Contract Programmer - Solidity 0.8
Solidity Fundamentals Step 2 CTFs & WriteUps - A curated list (for reference)
Secureum Solidity 101
Secureum Solidity 201
Step 10 CTFs Capture The Ether

Aggregated Tricks by pcaversaccio and CipherShastra

Harikrishnan Mulackal
Damn Vulnerable DeFi (After Completing Step 10)
Kaden: Gas Optimization Tips
Gas Optimizations Step 3

Finematics - DeFi
Juan: Advanced Gas Optimizations

Hardhat Docs Smart Contract Programmer - DeFi

Better Programming Hub Step 11 DeFi Deep Dive Protocol Deep Dives:
Uniswap v2/v3/v4, Compound, Curve, Aave,
Code Eater - Hindi Smart Contract Testing/Debugging Step 4 Smart Contract Auditor Balancer, Gearbox

Stablecoins => Algorithmic Stablecoins

Staking Rewards, Vaults

Token Standards - ERC 20, 721, 777, 1155, 4626 Flash Loan => Price Oracle Manipulation
ERC Standards Step 5
Other Standards: ERC2981 Step 12 DeFi Attack Vectors Front-Running => Sandwich attacks

Rug Pulls => Unlimited Token Allowance

Openzeppelin Helper Libraries/Contracts Step 6 Immunefi

Smart Contract Programmer - Upgradeable Step 13 Postmortems & BugFixes SlowMist
Rekt News
Smart Contract Programmer - Risks of
Upgradeable Contracts Step 7
Upgradeable Contracts PeckShield
Different Proxy Patterns - EIPs 897, 1822,
1967, 1538, 2535 VS Code IDE


Secureum Audit Findings 101
Secureum Audit Findings 201
Report Reading Step 14
Step 17 Arsenal
Consensys, Trail of Bits , Openzeppelin, Code4rena,
Database: Solodit

BlockSec ETH/BSC Tx Analysis

ethtx ETH Tx Analysis

SCSVS Core: 150, 1559, 2929, 2930, 3198, 3529, 3675,
Security Standards
Step 15 4399, 1153, 4758
Rari-Capital Solcurity & Checklists
Interface: 712
Step 16
ERC: 165, 1167, 1271, 2535, 2612, 2771, 2981,
4337, 4626

Meta: All

Step 18

Ethereum Magicians
Ethereum Yellow Paper
Eth Research

Newsletters: Blockthreat

Join Security Communities on Discord: Immunefi,

Ethereum Execution Specs Continuous Learning and Research Secureum, Blockchain Pentesting, Eth Security, Eth

Deep Dive Research Papers: Arxiv

Ethereum Consensus Specs Be Active on Twitter & follow up with latest research,
and attack vectors

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