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To, The Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India
Address of Supreme Court
Subject: Application for Quashing of FIR No. 123/2021 under Section-376D and Section-307
of IPC
Respected Sir/Madam,
I, on behalf of the three accused individuals, A, B, and C, humbly submit this application to
the Honourable Supreme Court of India seeking justice and redressal of the grave injustice
meted out to our clients. Our clients have been charged
or an offence under Section-376D (Gang Rape) and Section-307 (Attempt to Murder) of the
Indian Penal Code (IPC) through FIR No. 123/2021. We beseech this esteemed court to
consider our plea to quash the said FIR in the light of a subsequent compromise reached by
the parties involved.
The allegations against the accused individuals, A, B, and C, stem from an incident that took
place on 15th May 2021, wherein the complainant, Ms. Z, was reportedly attacked while on
her way to buy household groceries in the Local Market Megacity, Greater Kailash. The
incident led to Ms. Z sustaining injuries, which resulted in the registration of FIR No.
123/2021, encompassing charges under Sections 376D and 307 of IPC.
After a thorough investigation, charges were framed by the Fast Track Court, Saket, and the
trial proceedings commenced. However, during the pendency of the trial, the matter was
amicably resolved through a compromise between the accused and the relatives of Ms. Z,
with the intervention of the Panchayat on 1st June 2022.
The compromise reached between the parties is comprehensive and unequivocal, with all
parties involved expressing their willingness to put the past behind them and move forward in
harmony. Importantly, the prosecutrix, Ms. Z, has explicitly stated that she has no objection
to the quashing of the FIR in question, thereby underscoring her agreement with the
Despite this resolution, the High Court rejected the plea for quashing the FIR, citing the non-
compoundable nature of offences under Section-376D and 307 of IPC. We respect the law,
but we believe that justice should be tempered with compassion and an understanding of the
parties' intentions. The accused individuals have, through their actions, demonstrated remorse
and a commitment to mending their ways.
Our plea to this Honourable Court is based on the following grounds:
The compromise reached between the parties is a genuine and voluntary effort to reconcile
and put the past behind, reflecting the parties' sincere intentions.
Ms. Z, the prosecutrix, has unequivocally stated her willingness to have the FIR quashed,
underscoring her desire to move forward without further legal proceedings.
Quashing the FIR will not undermine the principles of justice and fairness but, on the
contrary, will serve the cause of justice by preventing further protracted legal proceedings.
In light of the above, we earnestly request this Honourable Court to consider our plea for
quashing the FIR No. 123/2021 under Section-376D and Section-307 of IPC. The
compromise reached is a testament to the parties' desire to put this painful episode behind
them and strive for a harmonious future.
We humbly implore this Honourable Court to grant justice to the parties involved and quash
the FIR in the interest of fairness and the principles of natural justice.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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