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Invitation email
Dear An,
Greeting to you. We cordially invite you to attend the “2023 International Conference on
Radiation Medicine (ICRM 2016)” which takes place at the King Faisal Hall, The
Intercontinental Hotel on February 21st-25th 2023. I don’t want you to miss it!
We are glad to welcome you and share your knowledge and views with respect to the theme
“Building on the celebrated success of the ICRM 2010, ICRM 2012, and ICRM 2014 the King
Faisal Specialist Hospital
ICRM 2016 is a four-day gathering with the participation of leaders who are experts and
distinguished speakers from different leading institutions worldwide and mainly accelerating
the scientific discoveries in the Radiation Medicine
(Doctor Warren Lee, one of the best endocrinologists in the world has been invited to be the main speaker
of this special event. )
We hope that you can join us. Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information
on this event.
We look forward to seeing you in Intercontinental Hotel.
Best regards

Greeting to you. We cordially invite you to our conference which takes place at the Tawn Hall
on September 20th and I do not want you to miss it
The event is all day and free to hundreds people in our area
We are glad to welcome you and share your knowledge and views with respect to the theme
“endocrine system and pheochromocytoma”
Doctor A, one of the best endocrinologist in the world has been invited to be the main speaker
of this event.
We hope that you can join us. Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information
on this event
We look forward to seeing you at the event
Best regards
II. Email of appointment
Dear Mrs. Thao
I am writing this email to request an appointment with you on 10th February 2023 at 8.30 am.
I have profuse bleeding at the time of menstruation and have visited the regular physician, Mr.
Hai, Daycare hospital. In addition to bleeding more than usual, I also had a stomachache. It
was a kind of dull pain. After taking Cataflam for 3 days, I have nausea and diarrhea. I called
my family doctor and he suggested me to visit a specialist as my condition did not improve. It
would be highly appreciated if you book me this slot as I am feeling very tired and you are my
I will be bringing along the test results and the prescription of my previous treatment with the
physician. If you need any further documents, kindly, inform me on my cellphone 0961998378
III. Appoitment Reminder email
Hi Hoang
I am writing to remind you about ra-examination after your prostectomy in my office on
Wednesday at 8.00am.
This re-examination is an essential part of your treatment plan to monitor your recovery and
ensure good health
Please remember to bring a list of any medication you are taking. Additionally, please let me
know if you have any special symptoms or cancerns.
(You are going to have some investigations, so you shouldn’t eat or drink anything before you come.)

If for any reason, you cannot make this appointment kindly inform me at least 24 hours in
advance so we can reschedule it for you
I look forward too seeing you soon and continuing to work towads your good health
Dr Linh
IV. Appology email to the doctor
Dear Dr Chi
I am writing this email to apologize for not being, able to attend the ra-examination after heart
treatment appointment that I had scheduled with you on Friday, February 3rd. I could not
come to the date because I had to go out of tơn on a business trip for 5 days
I understand that your time is very valuable and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience or
discruption that my absence may have caused you.
I will be free on next Tuesday and I would like to make a new appoitment with you. Could I
meet you at your office? Please tell me what i have to bring
Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards

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