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Year 10 Physics Revision - Energy

Memorise everything on this sheet first, then turn to your textbook for more detail.

Symbols and units to memorise

Quantity Symbol Unit Unit

Kinetic energy Ek joules J
Gravitational potential energy Ep joules J
Elastic potential energy Ee joules J
Mass m kilograms kg
Speed v metres per second m/s
Height h metres m
Gravitational field strength g newtons per N/kg
power P watts W
distance s metres m
extension e metres m
work done W joules J
force F newtons N
Note – unless the question tells you otherwise, g = 9.8 N/kg

Equations to memorise

Equation for… Symbol Word equation

Kinetic energy Ek = ½ m v2 ½ × mass × speed squared
Gravitational potential Ep = m g h mass × gravitational field strength x height
Work done W=Fs force × distance moved along the line of action
of the force
Power (1st equation) P = E/t energy transferred / time
Power (2nd equation) P = W/t work done / time
Efficiency (2 equations) efficiency = useful output energy transfer OR useful power output
total input energy transfer total power input
(multiply by 100 to get the efficiency as a %)
Note – the equation for elastic potential energy (Ee = ½ke2) is on the formula sheet, so you don’t
need to learn it. It is important that you can rearrange any of these equations.

Key revision questions

Question Answer
How can you increase kinetic energy? Increase speed or mass
How can you increase gravitational Increase height or mass
potential energy?
How can you increase elastic potential Increase extension or spring constant
How can you increase thermal energy? Increase temperature
What number should you use for g (unless 9.8 N/kg
they give you a different number)?
Work done is the same as… Energy transferred. Work can be done by heating
or when a current flows, not just by a force.
How is energy is usually “wasted”? It is wasted as thermal energy to the surroundings,
sometimes due to friction, air resistance or
electrical resistance.
Describe the change in the way energy is Chemical energy store in body decreases
stored when a ball is thrown. Kinetic energy store of ball increases
Describe the change in the way energy is Kinetic energy store of ball decreases
stored when a ball moves upwards after it Gravitational potential energy store of ball
is thrown increases
Describe the change in the way energy is Gravitational potential energy store of object
stored as something falls. decreases
Kinetic energy store of object increases
Describe the change in the way energy is Chemical energy store in fuel decreases
stored when a car accelerates. Kinetic energy store of car increases
Describe the change in the way energy is Kinetic energy store of car decreases
stored when a car brakes. Thermal energy store of brakes, road and
surrounding air increases (Exam questions would
often say “work is done by the car against friction”
and “energy is dissipated to the surroundings as heat”)
Describe the change in the way energy is Kinetic energy store decreases.
stored when there is friction. Thermal energy store increases.
State the “principle of conservation of Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or
energy” *memorise these exact words * dissipated, but cannot be created or destroyed.
If kettle A boils water faster than kettle B, Kettle A, because power P=Energy/time, and
which is more powerful? kettle A takes less time.
How could you increase the efficiency of Lubricate the moving parts with oil.
an engine? This reduces the amount of friction, so less energy
is wasted as thermal energy.
What does it mean if a material has high The rate of heat transfer through it is high. This
thermal conductivity? means heat can get through it easily.
What is thermal insulation? Materials with a low thermal conductivity that are
designed to stop heat getting through them. For
example, loft insulation stops heat escaping
through the roof of a house. A winter coat is
stuffed with insulation to keep body heat in.
Name 5 ways houses can be insulated. Loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, double or
triple glazing, closing (thick) curtains, draft-
What does “renewable” mean? An renewable energy resource is one that is
being (or can be) replenished as it is used.
Name 7 renewable energy resources. Wind, solar, biofuel, hydro-electricity, geothermal,
tidal, wave
Name 4 non-renewable energy resources. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), nuclear
Give three uses of energy resources Transport (e.g., petrol in cars)
Heating (e.g., heating in homes)
Electricity generation (e.g., power stations or solar
Name two energy resources that are Wind – doesn’t work when it’s not windy
unreliable, and say why they’re unreliable. Solar – doesn’t work at night or when it’s cloudy
Describe the environmental impact of They release carbon dioxide, which is a
burning fossil fuels greenhouse gas and contributes to global
They (coal especially) release sulphur dioxide,
which can cause acid rain.

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