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The line graphs show the average monthly amount that parents in Britain spent on their child’s sporting

activities and the figure of British children who took part in three different was over the period 2008 to

It is undeniable that parents invest more money each year in their children’s participation in sports
during the six-year period. In term of the quantity of children’s participation, football was obviously
more popular than athletics and swimming.

In the year 2008, British parents pay an average of around 20 pounds on their child’s sporting activities
and this trend was rose gradually over the following six years. By 2014, the average monthly amount
reached over 30 pounds.

Looking at the second line graph, in 2008, there was over 7,5 million British children played football
meanwhile only 2 million were enrolled in swimming clubs and just under 1 million practised athletics.
The number of football player remained relatively stable during the time given. In contrast, the
swimming participation almost doubled, just under 4 million, and there was a near fivefold jump in the
number of children doing athletics.

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