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P K Mahato
Equation used in the Theory of Elasticity

• First introduce the basic constitutive equations for a general isotropic

• Then three-dimensional anisotropic material with and without material

Isotropic: Strain-stress Relationship (From previous class concept)
Stress strain relationship Stress-strain
Strain stress Relation - Orthotropic


• The stress- strain relations for a three-dimensional orthotropic material,

in terms of engineering constants, can be written as follows:

• Nine independent compliances and therefore elastic constants listed

are now expressed in terms of nine independent engineering constants.
1 −𝜈21 −𝜈31
𝐸11 𝐸22 𝐸33
𝜈12 1 −𝜈32
0 0 0
1 − 0 0 0
𝐸11 𝐸22 𝐸33
2 𝜈13 −𝜈23 1 0 0 0
3 −
𝐸11 𝐸22 𝐸33
4 = 1
5 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0
We know that, in terms of compliances, the stress-strain relations are
{ij} = [Sij ] {ij}
Comparing above equations, we can express the compliances in terms of engineering
1 1 1
S11 = ; S22 = ; S33 = ;
11  22 33

 21  12
S12 = S 21 = − =− ;
 22 11

 31  13
S13 = S 31 = − =− ;
 33 11

 32  23
S 23 = S 32 = − =− ;
 33  22

1 1 1
S 44 = ; S 55 = ; S 66 =
G23 G13 G12
The elastic constants can then be derived by inversion of the compliance matrix
i.e. [ Cij ] = [Sij] and are given as follows:

C11 = 11[1 − ( 33 / 22) 2

23 ] 

C12 = C 21 = [ 22 12 + 3313 23 ]

C = C =  [  + ]
13 31 33 12 23 13
C 22 =  22 [1 − ( 33 / 11) ]132  

C 33 =  33 [1− ( 22 / 11) 2
12 ] 

C44 = G23 ; C55 = G13 ; C66 = G12


( )−1 = 1− 2( 33 / 11 )12 2313 − 132( 33 / 11 ) −  2

23 ( 33 / 22 ) −  12 ( 22 / 11)

In terms of engineering constants, the elastic constants and compliances for an isotropic
material are given by

(1− ) 
C11 = ; C12 =
(1+ )(1− 2 ) (1+ )(1− 2 )

and S11 =
; S12 = −

 
For a three-dimensional elastic anisotropic body, the generalized Hook's law is
expressed as

3 3
 ij =  Cijkl k l (i, j = 1,2,3)
k =1 l =1
where  ij and kl are the stress and strain tensors, respectively, and Cijkl are the elastic
constants. Here the indices i, j, k and l can assume values of 1, 2 and 3. This implies that
there may exist 34 = 81 independent elastic constants.
However, it is known from the theory of elasticity, that both stress tensor  ij and strain tensor
kl are symmetric. As

 ij = ji , Cijkl = C jikl

and as kl = lk , Cijkl = Ciflk (6.2)

Thus, Cijkl = C jikl = Cijlk = C jilk (6.3)

This results in reduction of possible independent elastic constants to thirty-six.

Further, if there exists a strain energy U such that
U = C  (6.4)
2 ijkl ij kl

with the property that =  ij, then
 ij

Cijkl = Cklij (6.5)

Equation 6.5 in conjunction with Eq. 6.3 finally reduce the total number of
independent elastic constants from thirty-six to twenty-one only. Such an anisotropic
material with twenty-one independent elastic constants is termed as triclinic. Now, using
the following contracted single index notations

the constitutive relations for the general case of material anisotropy are expressed as
or, { 1} = [Cij ]{j } ; i, j = 1, 2,….,6 (6.8)

Here, [ Cij ] is the elastic constant matrix.

Conversely, { i } = [Sij ] { j } ; i, j =1, 2,…..,6

where [Sij] is the compliance matrix.

Note that [Sij] = [Cij ]-1

Also, [ Cij ] =[ C ji ] and [Sij] = [Sji] due to symmetry.

There may exist several situations when the distribution and orientation of
reinforcements may give rise to special cases of material property symmetry. When there
is one plane of material property symmetry (say, the plane of symmetry is x3 = 0, i.e.,
the rotation of 180 degree around the x3 axis yields an equivalent material), the elastic
constant matrix [ Cij ] is modified as
C11 C12 C13 0 0 C16 
 
 C22 C23 0 0 C26 
 C33 0 0 C36 
[Cij ]
one plane 

C44 C45 0 
of symmetry  symmetry C55 0
( X 3 = 0)  
 C66 

Thus there are thirteen independent elastic constants, and the material is monoclinic.
The compliance matrix [Sij] for a monoclinic material may accordingly be written
from Eq. 6.11 by replacing 'C ' with 'S '.
If there are three mutually orthogonal planes of symmetry, the material behaviour
is orthotropic. The elastic constant matrix [Cij ] is then expressed as

C11 C12 C13 0 0 0

 0
C22 C23 0 0 

C33 0 0 0
[C ij ]orthotropic
C44 0 
symmetry C55 0

 C66 

Thus there are nine independent elastic constants. Correspondingly there exist nine
independent compliances.
Two special cases of symmetry, square symmetry and hexagonal symmetry, may
arise due to packing of fibres in some regular fashion. This results in further reduction of
independent elastic constant. For instance, if the fibres are packed in a square array (Fig.
6.2) in the X2X3 plane. Then
C11 C12 C12 0 0 0
 
 C 22 C 23 0 0 0
 C22 0 0 0
[ Cij ] square array =
C 44 0 
symmetry C66 0

C66 

There exist now six independent elastic constants. Similarly, when the fibres are packed
in hexagonal array (Fig. 6.3),
C C12 C12 0 0 0

C22 C23 0 0 0

C22 0 0 0
Cij hexagonal array 1 (C 2 − C23 ) 0
2 2
symmetry C66


In the case of hexagonal symmetry, the number of independent elastic constants is

reduced to five only. The material symmetry equivalent to the hexagonal symmetry, is
also achieved, if the fibres are packed in a random fashion (Fig. 6.4) in the X2X3 plane.
This form of symmetry is usually termed as transverse isotropy. The [ Cij ] matrix due to
the transverse isotropy is the same as that given in Eq. 6.14. The compliance matrices
corresponding to Eqs. 6.12 through 6.14 can be accordingly written down. However,it
may be noted that in the case of rectangular array (Fig. 6.5), C12 ≠ C13, C22 ≠ C33 and C55 ≠
C66 (Eq. 6.13).
Material Isotropy
The material properties remain independent of directional change for an isotropic material. The
elastic constant matrix [ Cij ] for a three dimensional isotropic material are

expressed as
11 C12 C12 0 0 0

C11 C12 0 0 0

C11 0 0 0
Cij isotropy 1
(C − C )12 0
2 11
symmetry (C11− C 12) 0
(C11 − C12 
2 

The compliance matrix [Sij] for an isotropic material can be accordingly derived
Thank you

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