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Homework: Reported Speech (present, past and future simple)
Objective: The student is able to identify the structure of the sentences when we tell
someone what another person said.

Writing Activity

Do you consider yourself an active person? Are you surrounded by active people?
Because of the rhythm life has taken nowadays, generally people do not have much time
to join a gym and have active lives, however, there are things you can do to keep in
activity and be fit.
Ask people around you what advices they can give you to be more active. Write their
responses in both direct and reported speech. You need to write 5 advices given. This
means you will have 10 sentences in all.
Remember that direct speech needs quotation marks and reported speech has a change in

I dont drink alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, because It is bad for my health

He told me that he didnt drank alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, because it

was bad for his health.

I walk 10 or 15 minutes a day because It is good for my health.

He told me that he walked between 10 and 15 minutes a day is good for

his helth
Carlos drank a lot of water during his sports day

He said he had drunk a lot of water during his sport day.

I eat many vegetables to be healthy and active

He told me that he ate many vegetables to be healthy and active

Karen will change her diet for a healthier one.

She told me that she would change her diet.

Speaking Activity

There are a lot of famous people who have important quotes that inspire us to continue
doing what we do, or that mark our way of living. Have you thought about it? Choose 4
famous quotes and explain what those mean to you.
Record an audio of 2-3 minutes including the given information.
The student needs to record his/her voice on

You don’t have to go backwards or to give yourself momentum (Lao


It is an invitation to always look forward, which means: never stop learning

new things.

There are no roads to peace; peace is the way (Mahatma Gandhi)

You can fight for ideals without ever resorting to violence, for any reason and
from any aspect.
Learn to live and you will know how to die well (Confucius)

It is said that whoever squeezes and enjoys his life fully, lessens his fear of

In life sometimes you win, sometimes you learn (John Maxwell)

The biggest lessons we learn in life are from our losses. Everyone
experiences loss, but not everyone learns from it.

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s
Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher
to verify and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.

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