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Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in carbon monoxide

poisoning – Does it really matter?

David Lysander Freytag a, Jennifer Lynn Schiefer b, Justus P. Beier c,

Gerrit Grieb a,c,
Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhoehe, Kladower Damm 221,
14089 Berlin, Germany
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, Hand and Burn Surgery, Hospital Cologne Mehrheim, University of Witten,
Herdecke, Germany
Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - Burn Center, University Hospital RWTH Aachen,
Pauwelsstrasse 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany

a rt i cl e in fo ab strac t

Article history: Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless and colorless gas that can lead to fulminant and life-
Accepted 12 June 2023 threatening intoxications. Besides an early diagnosis, an appropriate treatment of the in­
toxication is important. In this context the reduction of CO concentration in blood and
Keywords: tissues is crucial revealing hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO) as a highly promising tool.
Carbon monoxide However, the benefit of HBO in CO intoxications is still considered controversial. In this
Carbon monoxide intoxication review, we discuss the evidence of the role of HBO treatment in isolated CO intoxication.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy © 2023 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


1. Carbon monoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
2. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
3. HBO in CO intoxication treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
4. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Corresponding author at: Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhoehe, Kladower
Damm 221, 14089 Berlin, Germany.
E-mail addresses:, (G. Grieb).
0305-4179/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
2 burns xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

if respiratory insufficiency occurs [9,20]. To determine neu­

1. Carbon monoxide
rological status, the value of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
can be obtained easily [9]. Furthermore, cognitive function
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, tasteless and colorless
should be checked regularly, especially after four to six
gas, which is generated due to the incomplete combustion of
weeks, to evaluate the mid- and long-term effects of CO in­
carbon-based compounds. It has an affinity to the he­
toxication [21]. Due to its potential to quickly reduce the half-
moglobin molecule that is approximately 240-fold higher
life of COHb and other CO-hem-containing proteins, the use
than that of oxygen forming carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) [1].
of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO) is a promising tool.
CO can lead to tissue hypoxia mostly affecting tissue areas of
However, the use of HBO in treating CO intoxication is cur­
high blood flow and oxygen need [2]. However, the reduction
rently being debated and will be discussed further in the
of oxygen-carrying capacity is only one of the toxic effects of
following section.
CO, the main pathomechanism is the binding of CO to hem-
containing proteins, such as myoglobin or cytochrome oxi­
dase [3]. In addition, CO also inhibits the intercellular O2- 2. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
transfer, which results in O2 molecules remaining in the
blood stream not reaching the intracellular space for cellular Hyperbaric oxygen therapy or hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO)
respiration [4]. Furthermore, CO inhibits the Krebs-Cycle means breathing 100% oxygen under an elevated ambient
through inhibition of cytochrom-c-oxydases and thus re­ pressure of between 2 and 3 atm in a specific hyperbaric
duces the intramitrochondrial metabolization of O2 [5]. oxygen chamber [22]. Arterial oxygen partial pressure in­
On a cellular level, CO activates neutrophils and lympho­ creases, in direct correlation with pressure elevation. At a
cytes and can lead to peroxidation of lipids and mitochon­ pressure of 2 atm absolute (ATA) oxygen dissolves in plasma,
drial dysfunction [6,7]. Furthermore, the formation of oxygen increasing the arterial pO2 to 1400 mmHg, while at 3 ATA, it
radicals and oxidative stress is somehow comparable to an increases arterial pO2 to approximately 2000 mmHg [23,24].
ischemia/reperfusion injury [7,8]. Inflammatory mechnisms Increased arterial pO2 results in elevated tissue oxygenation
can result in malfunction of granulocytes and intravascular and may last for several hours [25]. However, the mechan­
clotting [4]. isms of HBO activity at a molecular level are not yet fully
Intoxication with CO can cause a broad spectrum of un­ understood. HBO leads to vasodilation in hypoxic tissue and
specific symptoms, such as dyspnea, headache, and nausea to vasoconstriction in tissue with increased perfusion. How­
including vertigo and vomiting [9]. Specific symptoms can ever, HBO supports the preservation of ATP, the down­
affect the cardiovascular system (e.g., myocardial ischemia or regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the
ventricular arrhythmia) [10,11] and the neurologic system upregulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore,
(e.g., status epilepticus, MS-like syndromes, and Parkinson´s HBO promotes an unspecific antibacterial effect since bac­
syndrome) [12]. Late and severe symptoms can include teria are not able to cope with high levels of oxygen [26,27].
chronic fatigue, emotional distress, memory deficits, sleep While problems due to nasopharyngeal swelling in the
disturbances, peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss, vestibular middle ear during HBO treatment may occur, side effects
abnormalities, dementia,and psychosis [4]. Since the variety such as paraesthesia or seizures are rare if an ATA of 3 atm is
of symptoms can be so diverse and different in CO intoxica­ not exceeded [22].
tion, a correct diagnosis is crucial. From a historical point of view, the first medical applica­
The easiest and fastest way to detect CO intoxication is tion of HBO was done in 1622 and was used for the treatment
the measurement of the percentage of COHb. This can be of anemia, tuberculosis and cholera [28]. Moreover, in 1895,
performed through an invasive blood gas analysis or quickly Haldaene et al. discovered the protective effect of highly
via non-invasive pulse CO-oximetry [13]. The level of COHb is concentrated oxygen against CO [29]. Today HBO also is
physiologically below 5% in non-smokers and up to 9% in commonly used in the surgical field including the treatment
smokers [14]. Besides COHb measurement, laboratory mar­ of chronic wounds, diabetic ulcers and compromised flaps
kers, such as CRP serum concentration, liver enzymes, urea and grafts [26]. Furthermore it is very promising in in vitro
and glucose levels, lactate blood level as well as leukocyte and in vivo experimental settings [30].
count or pulmonary infiltrates on chest X-rays can give an However, the use of HBO treatment in CO intoxication is
indication of the severity of an intoxication [9]. still a controversial topic.
The treatment of CO intoxication includes inpatient
treatment in a specialized center as well as a detailed med­
3. HBO in CO intoxication treatment
ical history evaluation and physical examination [15]. Vital
parameters, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and electro­
The higher the oxygen partial pressure in tissue, the shorter
cardiography should be monitored continuously. Cardiac is­
the elimination time of CO. This leads to the hypothesis that
chemic parameters [16] and lactate level [17,18] of blood
the use of HBO in CO intoxication treatment is extremely
should be checked. These ischemic parameters are not able
promising [16,31]. However, pure elimination of CO from
to detect a CO intoxication per se, but they allow an overview
hemoglobin is not the only therapeutic aspect of HBO. Dif­
about potential side effects and are able to rule out differ­
ferent pathomechanisms of CO as the inhibition of the in­
ential diagnoses [19]. Percutaneous oxygen saturation (with
tercellular O2-transfer, the cytochromec-coxidase, and the
CO-oximetry) and frequent blood gas analysis is re­
intramitrochondrial metabolization of O2 are being reversed
commended. Intubation and ventilation (100% O2) is required
[4]. Thus, intracellular hypoxia, oxidative stress, and tissue
burns xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1 – Election of studies performed for Evidence of HBO in CO treatment.

Author Year Design No of subjects HBO beneficial in CO treatment (+/-)
Raphael et al. [31] 1989 randomized 629 no
Scheinkestel et al. [33] 1999 double-blinded ranodmized controlled 191 no
Thom et al. [36] 1995 randomized 60 yes
Weaver et al. [37] 2002 double-blinded randomized controlled 152 yes
Huang et al. [39] 2017 retrospective multicenter 25,737 yes

inflammation are reduced [32,33]. Furthermore, HBO induces recommendations of the U. K. Department of Health and NHS
neuroprotective and neurogenetic effects [33]. This may ex­ England, a COHb concentration of > 20% should be an in­
plain the reduced occurrence of late neurologic sequelae dication to consider HBO, and the decision should be taken
after HBO observed in clinical settings [34]. on the basis of specific indications namely neurological signs
The most criticized aspects of HBO are its high costs, or symptoms other than a headache, myocardial ischemia/
complex logistics (a HBO center is not always near), and lack arrhythmia diagnosed using ECG, loss of consciousness at
of evidence. Indeed, studies are very heterogenous con­ any stage, or pregnancy [45,46]. The U.S. Centers for Disease
cerning observation period, severity of intoxication, time Control and Prevention has published the guideline “Clinical
before starting treatment, and duration and intensity of HBO Guidance for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning”, which states
treatment [35,36]. A selection of the studies is presented in that HBO therapy shall “be considered when the patient has a
Table 1. COHb level of more than 25–30%, there is evidence of cardiac
Some studies do not reveal any positive effect of HBO involvement, severe acidosis, transient or prolonged un­
treatment. An older study from 1989 could neither demon­ consciousness, neurological impairment, abnormal neu­
strate a positive nor a negative effect on neuropsychiatric ropsychiatric testing, or the patient is ≥ 36 years of age. HBO
sequelae (asthenia, headaches, memory impairment, dis­ is also administered at lower COHb (< 25%) levels if suggested
turbed sleep, visual disturbances) one month after intoxica­ by clinical condition and/history of exposure”. This points to
tion with CO [37]. A randomized study evaluated the use of the high relevance of the clinical condition of a patient [47].
HBO after domestic CO intoxication. No benefit from HBO Moreover, in Germany, a national guideline under the
treatment could be shown compared to regular normobaric auspices of the DIVI (“German Interdisciplinary Association
applied oxygen. A second HBO session seemed to even for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, which re­
worsen the outcome (headaches, memory impairment, dis­ commends HBO in adults if signs of severe CO poisoning
turbed sleep, visual disturbances) [38]. Scheinkestel et al. occur (continued impaired consciousness, metabolic
performed a double-blinded randomized controlled trial and acidosis, respiratory insufficiency, and/or cardiac ischemia)
could not prove any benefit of HBO one month after in­ and during pregnancy. HBO should be initiated within 6 h
toxication and showed instead that the outcome (headache, after poisoning und should be performed three times within
fatigue, difficulty in thinking, dizziness, nausea) might even the first 24 h [48].
be worse [39]. However, this study was conducted in Aus­ However, the recommendations of the guidelines are
tralia and time from injury to treatment varied between pa­ limited, since most of the published literature focus on iso­
tients because of long transportation times, which could lated CO intoxication. In a clinical setting most cases with CO
have affected the outcome and the conclusion of the study. intoxication are combined with other inhalation injury
On the other hand, studies showing the positive effect of or burn.
HBO treatment in CO intoxication have been published Another limitation of the recommendation and the dis­
[31,40,41]. A prospective randomized trial demonstrated fa­ cussed studies might be the fact that only few clinical centers
vorable neurological results and a delayed appearance of have direct access to hyperbaric chambers and thus only few
neurological symptoms (headache and nausea/vomiting) clinicians are familiar with the potential, as well as the side
after HBO treatment [42]. One important trial supporting HBO effects of HBO. This could explain the reason why few data
was published in the New England Journal of Medicine by exist on this topic in general and many centers developed
Weaver et al. [34]. In that study, normobaric (NBO) was own clinical approaches. However, international guidelines
compared with HBO therapy with respect to cognitive se­ based on further profound clinical trials will be necessary to
quelae after acute CO intoxication. The results revealed that define the role of HBO in CO intoxication in the future.
six weeks after CO poisoning, neurological pathologies (neu­
ropsychological tests, activities of daily living, geriatric de­
presseion scale) occurred at a significantly reduced frequency 4. Conclusion
in the HBO group compared to the NBO group (25 vs. 46.1%;
p = 0.007). A retrospective study by Rose et al. showed a re­ Numerous hints concerning the benefit of HBO treatment in
duced lethality after HBO treatment [43]. A retrospective CO intoxication exist. However, the definite benefit of HBO
multicenter study including more than 20,000 patients with has not been fully proven yet. National guidelines re­
CO intoxication demonstrated the benefit of HBO therapy on commend HBO treatment in high COHb levels (> 20%) and
long-term mortality [44]. severe clinical cases, such as respiratory insufficiency, car­
Extremely few national and no international guidelines on diac ischemia, or particularly neurological deficits. CO in­
how to treat CO poisoning exist. According to the toxication is a diagnosis to always bear in mind and treat
4 burns xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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