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2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800

Graduate School



This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the

problems, significance of the study, and the scope and delimitation.

Background of the Study

Deep wells have become integral in all societies. It is a structure in the

ground created through digging, driving, boring, or drilling to access groundwater

in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by a pump, or using containers,

such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand. In many places, water

wells provide an ample supply of water to be used for domestic, irrigation, and


The deep well at Marikina Polytechnic College was conceived on November

2017. The purpose was to construct the well as water source for the nursery of

fruit-bearing plants. It was seen as a cost-effective measure that will lessen the

potable water consumption of the school for watering the nursery of fruit-bearing


Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant.

Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water in

the cells, the plants droop, so water helps a plant stand. Water carries the

dissolved sugar and other nutrients through the plant. So without the proper
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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balance of water, the plant not only is malnourished, but it is also physically weak

and cannot support its own weight.

The intense heat of the sun can bring about plant transpiration as plant parts

need immediate & ample supply of water. Otherwise they wilt & dry-up fast. Water

helps in plant transpiration. This is made possible through the contributions of the

physical & chemical properties of water. The properties of water help alleviate the

hazards of transpiration to the plant itself. Water is being drawn out of the plant,

which will be used to release water molecules into the atmosphere in exchange for

carbon dioxide. Without this process, plants will not be able to complete its food

production or photosynthesis.

Mineral element composition of water is an important factor which has great

effect on fruit quality. The six main nutrients essential to healthy and fruitful plant

development are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Additional major elements plants need in large amounts include calcium and

magnesium. The essential nutrients promote chlorophyll production and the

process of photosynthesis and protect growing plants from environmental

challenges and disease. In addition, the elements are involved in a wide range of

processes in plants including responses to infections, flower induction, fruit yield

and conservation. At the cellular level, it is well established that minerals play roles

in the maintenance of membrane stability, the firmness of cell wall and cell

integrity, activate enzymes that catalyze processes such as respiration,

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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photosynthesis, synthesis of DNA and RNA and part of the ring structure of the

chlorophyll molecule.

It is essential to determine the physico-chemical properties and traces of

minerals in the deep well-water sample at MPC to ensure that it is suitable for

watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants.

This study also aims to help the MPC to lessen their financial obligation by

having the water in the deep well as a water source for the nursery of fruit-bearing

plants. Also by doing this, the MPC can be a distributor of the fruit-bearing plants

for the Marikina community to help them minimize the climate change and flood by

planting it on the appropriate place. With this study, the researchers can analyze

the mineral content of the water in the deep well suitable mainly for watering the

fruit-bearing plants in the nursery at MPC.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aimed to analyze the water from the constructed Deep

Well in Marikina Polytechnic College and determine its suitability in watering fruit-

bearing plants.

More specifically, it tried to answer the following questions:

1. What are the physico-chemical properties of the water samples taken

from of the deep well at MPC in terms of the following criteria:

a. Specific gravity,
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Graduate School

b. Turbidity, 4

c. Odor,

d. Total dissolved solids, and

e. pH?

2. Are there traces of calcium, sodium and potassium in the water samples

collected from the deep well at MPC?

3. Is the water from the deep well at MPC suitable in watering the nursery

for the fruit-bearing plants?

Significance of the Study

This research study entitled “Analysis of the Deep Well-Water at Marikina

Polytechnic College in Watering the Nursery for the Fruit-Bearing Plants” proved

to be very important to the following:

To the school, Marikina Polytechnic College, this study will help the school

to lessen their utility expenses for watering fruit-bearing plants. This also will give

the administrators of the school the idea of the quality of water from the deep well

and to sort for other possibilities to utilize it.

To the instructors, professors and personnel of the Marikina Polytechnic

College, this study will help them to understand the physico-chemical properties of

the water sample from the deep well and the traces of minerals present on it. This

study will help them to decide the intensity and opportunity of using the water aside

from watering the nursery of the fruit-bearing plants.

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Graduate School

To the future researchers, this study will serve as the baseline and

springboard to further determine the suitability of the deep well-water sample at

MPC in terms of its physical and chemical properties, as well the presence of other

minerals and ions. This may also offer them the information to investigate the

suitability of the water for potable use.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is limited in analyzing the physico-chemical properties and the

traces of minerals in the deep well-water sample at MPC.

The physico-chemical properties and the traces of minerals were analyzed

at the Marikina Polytechnic College Chemistry Laboratory. The analysis of

physico-chemical properties was focused on determining the specific gravity,

turbidity, odor, total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH to qualify the water sample from

the deep-well. The traces of calcium, sodium and potassium in the deep well-water

sample were also analyzed to determine the suitability of the deep well water for

watering the nursery of fruit-bearing plants.

This study was conducted summer of 2018.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, relevance

of the cited studies to the present studies, conceptual model of the study and

relevance of the cited studies to the present study.

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

A number of books, journals, theses and the internet were browsed in order

to gain important insights about this research. Those that are found relevant are

presented here.

Related Literatures

Water plays a crucial role in the life of plant. It is the most abundant

constituents of most organisms. Water typically accounts for more than 70 percent

by weight of non-woody plant parts. The water content of plants is in a continual

state of flux. The constant flow of water through plants is a matter of considerable

significance to their growth and survival. The uptake of water by cells generates a

pressure known as turgor. Photosynthesis requires that plants draw carbon dioxide

from the atmosphere, and at the same time exposes them to water loss. To prevent

leaf desiccation, water must be absorbed by the roots, and transported through the

plant body. Balancing the uptake, transport, and loss of water represents an

important challenge for land plants. The thermal properties of water contribute to

temperature regulation, helping to ensure that plants do not cool down or heat up
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

too rapidly. Water has excellent solvent properties. Many of the biochemical

reactions occur in water and water is itself either a reactant or a product in a large

number of those reactions. (Ördög and Molnár, 2011)

The practice of crop irrigation reflects the fact that water is a key resource

limiting agricultural productivity. Water availability likewise limits the productivity of

natural ecosystems. Plants use water in huge amounts, but only small part of that

remains in the plant to supply growth. About 97% of water taken up by plants is

lost to the atmosphere, 2% is used for volume increase or cell expansion, and 1%

for metabolic processes, predominantly photosynthesis. Water loss to the

atmosphere appears to be an inevitable consequence of carrying out

photosynthesis. The uptake of CO2 is coupled to the loss of water. Because the

driving gradient for water loss from leaves is much larger than that for CO 2 uptake,

as many as 400 water molecules are lost for every CO2 molecule gained. (Ördög

and Molnár, 2011)

The quality of some water sources is not suitable for irrigating crops.

Irrigation water must be compatible with the crops and soils to which it will be

applied. The quality of water for irrigation purposes is determined by its total

dissolved salt content. An analysis of water for irrigation should include the cations

(calcium and sodium) and the anions (bicarbonate, carbonate, sulfate and

chloride). One of the most important factors to look for in an irrigation water quality

analysis is the total dissolved solids (TDS). The TDS of a water sample is
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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a measure of the concentration of soluble salts in a water sample and commonly

is referred to as the salinity of the water. (Scherer)

Irrigation water, whether of good quality or not, can have effects on

plant growth. For example, poor irrigation water quality with excess salts can

damage plants in a variety of ways, but the most common problems are

caused by the salts affecting the osmotic relationship between roots an d the

soil moisture (Malash et al., 2005; AbdelGawad et al., 2005).

Salinity of water is the most important parameter used in determining

the suitability of water for irrigation purposes. The salinity effects are

generally evidenced by reduced transpiration and proportionally retarded

growth, producing smaller plants with fewer and smaller leaves (Rhoades,

1992). In tomato, excess of salts will affect the uptake of nutrients from the

soil by the tomato and may also alter the soils ability to retain nutrients-the

effect is the suppression of the plant growth. (Guodie, 1991 and Rhoades,


This study has drawn information in qualifying the water from the deep well

at Marikina Polytechnic College in terms of physico-chemical properties and traces

of minerals from the aforementioned literatures. These literatures became valuable

especially in determining the parameters and the necessary test methods to be

used in qualifying the deep well water samples.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

Related Studies

The study of Tonog and Poblete (2015) assessed the drinking water quality

of the different water sources in Barangays Vigo, Yapas and Tinoblan in Laoang

Northern Samar. Water sources were: deep well, pump well and communal

faucets. Water quality is based on the physical, chemical and bacteriological

properties for each of the eight sampling stations. Three sampling periods were

made at an interval of at least 15 days from January-February, 2012. Findings

revealed that most water sources were within the permissible limits in terms of

color, odor, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and

nitrite. However, hardness and alkalinity were beyond the allowable limits. All water

samples were positive for fecal coliforms. Thus, this study concludes that all water

sources tested are not safe and not potable.

In the study of Hussain and Rao (2013), the suitability of groundwater for

irrigation is dependent on the effects of the mineral constituents of water of both

the plant and soil. Salt may harm plant growth physically by limiting the uptake of

water through modification of osmotic processes, or chemically by metabolic

reactions effected by toxic constituents. Effects of salts on soils in causing changes

in soil structure, permeability and aeration directly affect the plant growth. The

irrigation water containing a high proportion of sodium will increases the exchange

of sodium content of the soil, affecting the soil permeability, and texture making

the soil hard to plough and unsuitable for seeding emergence. If the percentage of
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Na with respect to Ca+ Na is considerably above 50% in irrigation waters, soils

containing calcium and magnesium take up sodium in exchange for calcium and

magnesium causing deflocculation and impairment of the quality and permeability

of soils. The addition of gypsum or lime may correct the situation of the soil. The

total dissolved solids, measured in terms of specific electrical conductance gives

the salinity hazard of irrigation water. The electrical conductivity is a measure of

salinity hazard to crop as it reflects the TDS in the groundwater. Mushtaq Hussain

and T. V. D. Prasad Rao Arch. Appl. Sci. 236 Scholars Research Library Based

on analytical results, irrigational quality parameters like sodium adsorption ratio

(SAR), electrical conductivity (EC) were estimated to assess the suitability of

groundwater for irrigation.

The study of Bauder & Brock (2010) was conducted with Haverson silty

clay (fine-loamy, mixed, calcareous, mesic Ustic Torrifluvent ) to determine the

effect of combinations of chemical amendments, crop species, and irrigation water

quality on Na+ and salt leaching from salt affected soils. Amendments included

CaSO4 , P-CaSO4 and MgCl2 ; also included was a nonamended control treatment.

Crops included alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) , barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.),

sorghum-sudan grass [( Sorghum vulgare 2 Sorghum drumondii ) (sordan)] ,and a

non-cropped control. All soil columns (0.15 m 2 0.5 m) were irrigated with either

high Na+ adsorption ratio (SAR adj = 16.6), high total dissolved solids (TDS = 1647

mg L-1) water, or low SAR adj (1.15), low TDS (747 mg L -1) water. Drainage
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volume, electrical conductivity (EC), SAR, Na+ of drainage water, and Na+ leaching

were monitored over three crop cycles. Irrigation with high SAR-high TDS water

increased the soil solution EC to approximately 5.5 dS m-1, but did not decrease

crop yields relative to irrigation water having SAR adj and TDS of 0.37 and 747 mg

kg-1, respectively. Magnesium displaced Na+ on the exchange complex, but the

effects were short-term compared to CaSO4 or P-CaSO4. Amendments increased

yields of barley from 14%-27% and alfalfa by 25% but had no effect on sordan.

Columns cropped to barley had 28% greater Na+ leaching than columns planted

to other crops. Noncropped columns accumulated the least net soluble salt and

Na+. Results of this study demonstrate that specific crop and amendment

combinations can significantly affect the efficiency of saline soil reclamation

strategies and impact quality of irrigation return flow.

The study of Makutopora, Dodoma-Tanzania (2015) was carried out in

Dodoma, at Makutopora Agricultural Research Institute. The main objective was

to determine the influence of irrigation water on soil salinization in semi-arid areas.

A total of 80 representative soil samples were randomly collected from study area.

Two water samples were also collected from the study area. The samples were

treated and analyzed for physical and chemical related indices. The results are

grouped into general quality parameters, which included salinity and salt inducing

cations and anions. The findings indicated that the mean pH was 7.53 while the

mean EC value was 944.5 µS/cm. The mean cations in the water were 3.97,
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2.57, and 11.39 meq/l for Ca2+, K+, and Na+, respectively. The Sodium Adsorption

Ratio (SAR) was 5.60. The mean carbonates concentration detected in the

irrigation water was 9.05 meq/l, while the mean chloride and sulfide were 17.20

and 3.6 meq/l, respectively.

The study of Abdullah A. Alsheikh (2011) evaluated the many wells that are

still in use in Aldelam area for quality of irrigation water. The following were

determined: total amount of dissolved salts (TDS) in the water, sodium adsorption

ratio (SAR), sodium concentration (Na%), electrical conductivity (μmhos/cm), and

amounts of individual chemicals, such as, chloride (Cl), sodium (Na), nitrate (NO 3),

calcium (Ca), potassium (K), boron (B), iron (Fe), and sulfate (SO4). They were

measured to identify the characteristics that are important for plant growth, to

determine acceptable levels of concentrations, and to choose irrigation techniques

to avoid crop damage. In the future, water demand for agricultural developments

in the Aldelam area will have to come from local groundwater resources.

The related studies mentioned above are the same with this study in terms

of the parameters and the test methods to be done in qualifying the deep well water

at Marikina Polytechnic College. However, this study is unique because it aimed

to use the water from the deep well at MPC in watering the nursery of the fruit-

bearing plants.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Conceptual Model of the Study

The over-all conceptual framework which served as the guide in conducting

this research is presented in Figure 1:

Input Process Output

Collection of water Physico-chemical Analyzed water

sample from the Analyses of water sample from the
deep well of sample using deep well of
Marikina densimeter, Marikina
Polytechnic LaMotte Turbidity Polytechnic
College test Kit, College suitable in
HM Digital TDS watering the
meter, nursery for the
SPARKvue pH fruit-bearing
meter and plants

Analysis of
calcium, sodium,
and potassium.

Treatment and
Interpretation of
Collected data

Fig. 1: The Conceptual Framework of the Study

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The first box in Figure 1, The Conceptual Framework of the Study, is the

Input. The input variable of this research is the collection of water sample from the

deep water well of Marikina Polytechnic College.

The second box is the processes to be undertaken to obtain the necessary

data for this study. The analysis of Physico-chemical of water sample requires the

use of densimeter, LaMotte Turbidity test Kit, HM Digital TDS meter, SPARKvue

pH meter and thermometer. The traces of calcium, sodium, and potassium were

analyzed qualitatively. The collected data form the analyses were subjected to

statistical procedures, analysis, and interpretation.

The input variables (first box) combined with the methodological steps

(second box) would yield the result for the output as stated in the last box. The

physico-chemical and qualitative analysis of the water sample determined its

effectiveness in watering the fruit-bearing plants in the nursery.

Input Process Output

Collected water Physico-chemical Analyzed Water
sample from the analysis From the deep well
deep well of of Marikina
Marikina Polytechnic
Polytechnic College

Fig. 2: Paradigm showing the collection of water sample from the deep well
of Marikina Polytechnic College
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 2 shows the process of analyzing the water sample. Box 1 in figure

2 is the input. 2 liters of water samples from different levels of the deep well of

Marikina Polytechnic College were collected.

Box 2 shows the processes undertaken to analyze the water sample .The

physico-chemical analysis of the water sample were done using densimeter,

LaMotte Turbidity test Kit, HM Digital TDS meter, SPARKvue pH meter and

thermometer. The Qualitative analysis were done through the determination of


The output was the analyzed water suitable in watering the nursery for the

fruit-bearing plants.

Research Hypothesis

Based on the statement of the problem, the following hypothesis for this

research was formulated:

1. There is no significant difference on the physico-chemical properties and

traces of minerals of the water samples taken from the deep well at MPC in

terms of specific gravity, turbidity, odour, total dissolved solids, and pH.;

there are no traces of calcium, sodium and potassium in the water samples

collected from the deep well at MPC; and the water from the
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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deep well at MPC is not suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing

plants in terms of mineral content.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and better understanding of the study, the

following terms are operationally defined:

Analysis – pertains to the utilization of laboratory methods and techniques

to determine the physico-chemical properties and traces of some minerals present

in the water samples collected from the deep well at Marikina Polytechnic College.

Deep Well – pertains to the water source at Marikina Polytechnic College

which will be used in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants.

Deep Well-Water – pertains to the water sample collected from the deep

well in Marikina Polytechnic College. The physico-chemical properties and traces

of minerals of this water sample were analyzed.

Fruit-Bearing Plants – pertain to the plants that will be nourished by the

water from the deep well at Marikina Polytechnic College.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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Marikina Polytechnic College – pertains to the school where the deep

water-well is located.

Nursery – pertains to the allotted area in Marikina Polytechnic College

where the fruit-bearing plants are being taking care of.

Watering – pertains to the use of the water from the deep well at Marikina

Polytechnic College in nourishing the fruit-bearing plants in the school’s nursery.

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This chapter discusses the Method of Research Used, the Source of

Data, the Data Gathering Instrument, the Data Gathering Procedures, and the

Statistical Treatment of Data.

Method of Research Used

The research aimed to use the well-water sample in MPC as watering

the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants.

The researchers used experimental method for this study.

Experimental method is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which

the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any

change in other variables. The purpose of using control and manipulation on the

variables of the experiment is to see if the variables that are being manipulated

influence the data of the results. This way, any researcher can formulate a

hypothesis and analyze outcomes to make new inferences from the research. This

technique ensures the subjects of an experiment are always randomly assigned,

or that the methodology is always random to ensure that there will be no bias or

error in the experiment that would otherwise compromise the results of the

research. (Srinagesh, 2006)

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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Source of Data

The data of this research were obtained from the analysis of deep well-

water samples. Each water sample were collected from the three levels of the deep

well in MPC. The pH of the deep-well water sample measured using the

SPARKvue pH meter. The Turbidity was measured using LaMotte Turbidity test kit

(drop count method). The odor examined using the sense of smell. The specific

gravity was measured using pycnometer and hydrometer. The total dissolved

solids was measured using the TDS meter. The presence of calcium, sodium and

potassium in the deep well-water samples were determined using the cation

analysis techniques. The tests were conducted in the Laboratory of Marikina

Polytechnic College.

Data Gathering Instruments

The data in this study were gathered through Laboratory experiment.

The deep-well water samples and the variety of laboratory tools, equipment and

chemicals were used during the experimentation to determine the physico-

chemical properties and presence of calcium, sodium and potassium in the water.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Table 1. Raw materials, the tools, equipment and chemicals used during


Raw Materials Tools and Equipment Chemicals

 Deep- well water  Sparkvue pH  6 M HCl

samples meter  Distilled water

 LaMotte turbidity  1 M NaOH

test kit (drop  UniVer 3 reagent

counted method)  Titrant solution

 Beakers

 Densimeter

 Round flask

 Laboratory


 Test tubes

 Centrifuge


 Droppers

 Test tube rack

 Graduated

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Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the experimental procedures that the researchers

have undertaken to determine the physico-chemical properties and presence of

calcium, sodium and potassium in a deep-well water.

Collection of water samples

The water samples were collected from the constructed deep-well at

Marikina Polytechnic College.

 Determination of specific gravity using pycnometer

Density determination by Pycnometer is a very precise method. It uses a

working liquid with well-known density, such as water. The Pycnometer is a

glass flask with a close-fitting ground glass stopper with a capillary hole

through it. This fine hole releases a spare liquid after closing a top-filled

Pycnometer and allows for obtaining a given volume of measured and/or

working liquid with a high accuracy.

The measurement of specific gravity of water was done by the following

recommended manufacturer’s procedure:

1. Set-up and level the balance on a solid surface.

2. Ensure the Pycnometer is dry enough, complete with its stopper and

record its weight.

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3. Fill the Pycnometer with the distilled water and stopper fully, ensuring no

bubbles is visible or present.

4. Wipe it from the outside properly and record the weight.

5. Determine the density using this formula:

(𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑷𝒚𝒄𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒅)−(𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒚 𝑷𝒚𝒄𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓)

pLiquid = 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 (𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚)𝒐𝒇 𝑷𝒚𝒄𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓

6. Repeat the procedure for the liquid with unknown density.

 Determination of specific gravity using Hydrometer

A hydrometer is an instrument whose function is based on Archimedes

principle. This principle states that a body (the hydrometer) immersed in a

fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. The

hydrometer measures the weight of the liquid displaced by the volume of

the hydrometer.

The measurement of specific gravity of water was done by the following

recommended manufacturer’s procedure:

1. Pour a sample of your liquid into a container. Make sure that the liquid in

the container is deep enough to allow the hydrometer to float. If the

hydrometer rests on the bottom of the container, you will not get an accurate

reading. Leave room in the container for the hydrometer to displace some

of the liquid, otherwise, you’ll end up with a spill. The shape, and material
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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of the container is irrelevant as long as there is enough liquid present for


the hydrometer to float properly.

2. Check that your liquid is the correct temperature. Your hydrometer will be

calibrated to a specific temperature. If your liquid is at a different

temperature, the density of the liquid will not match the calibration of the

hydrometer this will cause your reading to be incorrect. A common

hydrometer calibration is 60 degrees Fahrenheit (or 15.6 degrees Celsius).

You can use a thermometer to check the temperature of your liquid, and

then heat or cool as needed.

3. Place the hydrometer in the liquid the hydrometer is a specialized glass

tube that has a weighted end. Place it in the water with the weighted end

down. Allow the hydrometer to settle and stop the bobbing before taking a


4. Read the specific gravity from the hydrometer. The hydrometer is marked

with different specific gravity measurements at different intervals. Once it

stops floating, the water line will be at one of these marks. The number

corresponding to this mark is the specific gravity of your liquid. Observe the

plane of the liquid surface. Your eye must be horizontal to this plane. The

point at which this line cuts the hydrometer scale is your reading. The

reading on the hydrometer is usually a decimal, but it us derived as a ratio

of the density of water at a given temperature. In other words, if your

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
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hydrometer reads, that means your liquid was 1.1 that means your liquid

was 1.1 times as dense as water at the temperature. Note find specific

gravity is a unitless measurement.

 Determination of Turbidity

The measurement of the turbidity of the water samples was done using

LaMotte Turbidity Test Kit. This test performed by comparing the turbidity

of a measured amount of the sample with an identical amount of turbidity-

free water containing a measured amount of standardized turbidity reagent.

The readings are made by looking down through the column of liquid. Small

amounts of turbidity will cause a “blurring” of the black dot in the bottom of

the tube. Large amounts of turbidity may provide sufficient “cloudiness” so

that it is not possible to see the black dot when looking down through the

column. Any color that may be present in the sample should be disregarded.

This determination is concerned only with the haziness or cloudy nature of

the sample.

The LaMotte Turbidity Test Kit is based on the original method to

measure the turbidity, the Jackson candle method, which was devised

around the turn of the century. The Jackson Candle Method consists of flat-

bottomed glass tube that sits over a candle. A water sample is poured into

the tube until the visual image of the candle flame diffuses into a uniform

glow. The depth of the sample corresponds to a certain number of Javkson

turbidity unit, or JTU.

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The measurement of the Turbidity was done by the following

recommended manufacturer’s procedure:

1. Fill one Turbidity Column to the 50-ml line with the sample water. If the

black dot on the bottom tube is not visible when looking down through the

column of liquid, pour out a sufficient amount of the test sample so that the

tube is filled to the 25-ml line.

2. Fill the second Turbidity column with an amount of turbidity-free water

that is equal to the amount of sample being measured. Distilled water is

preferred; however, clear tap water may be used. This is the “clear water”


3. Place the two tubes side by side and note the difference in clarity. If the

black dot is equally clear in both tubes, the turbidity is zero. If the black dot

in the sample tube is less clear, proceed to Step 4.

4. Shake the Standard Turbidity Reagent vigorously. Add 0.5 mL to the

“clear water” tube. Use the stirring rod to stir contents of both tubes to

equally distribute turbid particles. Check for amount of turbidity by looking

down through the solution at the black dot. If the turbidity of the sample

water is greater than that of the “clear water”, continue to add Standard

Turbidity Reagent in 0.5 mL increments to the “clear water” tube, mixing

after each addition until the turbidity equals that of the sample. Record the

total amount of Standard Turbidity Reagent added.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


5. Each 5.0 mL addition to the 50-mL size sample is used, each 0.5 mL

addition of the Standard Turbidity Reagent is equal to 10 Jackson Turbidity

Units (JTUs). See Table 2.

Table 2. Conversion Table for LaMotte Turbidity Test Kit

6. Rinse both tubes carefully after each determination.

 Determination of odor

The odor of water is a subjective property which is recognized as having a

significant effect on its quality. This test is intended to provide a reproducible

test method for determining the intensity of odor in waters for comparative

or control purposes. The test may be useful in checking the quality of raw

or treated waters, determining the effectiveness of treatment procedures, or

in tracing sources of contamination or leaks in industrial processes. The

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


results of the test are very dependent upon the observers, since the

sensitivity of individuals to odor is highly variable and changes from day to

day. Careful standardization of the conditions is essential.

The determination of odor was done by the following recommended

manufacturer’s procedure:

1. Fill the cork a bottle with some of the suspected water, and place it for a

few hours in a warm place.

2. Shake it, remove the cork, and if the odor is in the least repulsive, the

water should be rejected.

3. By heating the water to boiling, an odor is evolved that otherwise does

not appear.

 Determination of total dissolved solid

The total dissolved solids of the treated water sample was measured using

HM Digital TDS meter. This method is based on ASTM D5907-13 Standard

Test Methods for Filterable Matter (Total Dissolved Solids) and Non-

filterable Matter (Total Suspended Solids) in water. The measurement of

the TDS was done by the following recommended manufacturer’s


1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Press the ON/OFF switch to turn the meter on.

3. Immerse the meter into the water sample up to the maximum immersion

level of 2 inches.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


4. Lightly stir the meter to dislodge any air bubbles.

5. Wait until the display stabilizes. Once the reading stabilized

(approximately 10 seconds), press the HOLD button to view the reading out

of the water.

6. If the meter displays a flashing ‘x10’ symbol, multiply the reading by 10.

7. After usage, shake off any excuses water from the meter. Replace the


 Determination of pH

The concentration of hydrogen (pH) of the deep-well water sample was

determined using Sparkvue pH meter. The pH electrode produces a voltage

proportional to the pH of the solution that is immersed in. This voltage is

measured by the multi-sensor, which computes the pH. The pH

measurement was done by the following recommended manufacturer’s


1. Unscrew and remove the storage bottle from the electrode (be careful not

to spill the storage solution).

2. Push the O-ring and bottle cap up the electrode handle.

3. Rinse the electrode tip with distilled water. If you see bubbles in the

electrode bulb, gently shake the electrode downward (similar to shaking

down a thermometer).
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


4. Start data collection. Place the tip of the electrode in the solution to be

measured and wait for the reading on to be displayed on the screen or

interface to stabilize.

5. Rinse the electrode with distilled water before measuring another


6. The reading at 30 Seconds is recorded.

Qualitative analysis procedure, the chemical properties of an unknown

substance are determined by systematically reacting the unknown with a

number of different reagents. By predetermining what the particular reaction

will produce if a specific ion is present, the ions that actually are in the

solution can be identified.

 Determination of Calcium Ion

1. Fill the test tube to the TOP with sample.

2. Pour sample into the mixing bottle.

3. Add 1 level spoonful of UniVer 3 Reagent.

4. Add the Titrant Solution to the mixing bottle dropwise while swirling the

mixing bottle. When the sample color changes from pink to blue, it

indicates there is a presence of Calcium ion.

 Determination of Sodium and Potassium Ion

1. Set a few water sample from the deep well and separately place each

sample in a spot plate.

2. Pour about 10 ml of 6 M hydrogen chloride into a clean 50 ml beaker.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


3. Dip the wire loop or metal rod into 6 M HCl solution and then heat it in a

hot flame of a gas burner. Continue this procedure until no colour from the

wire when it is put into the flame.

4. Dip the clean wire loop into each water sample, heat the water sample in

the burner flame and record the colour of the flame in the tabulated data and


Statistical Treatment

The statistical tools used to treat the data of this research are the


Percentage difference. The percent increase and percent decreases

are measures of percent change, which is the extent to which a variable gains or

loses intensity, magnitude, extent or value. The figures are arrived at by comparing

the initial (or before) and the final (or after) quantities according to a specific


One- tailed test. It indicates that the H0 should be rejected when the

test value is in the critical region on one side of the mean. A one tailed test is either

right or left, depending on the direction of the inequality of the H a.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School




This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

gathered data.

A. Preparation of Deep Well Water Sample.

1. Building a deep well water at MPC.

Figure 3. The Deep Well Water

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


2. Collecting water sample from the deep well at MPC.

Figure 4. Collecting of the deep well water sample at MPC

3. The collected water sample from deep well at MPC.

Figure 5. The collected water sample taken from the deep well
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


B. Analysis of Physico - Chemical Properties of the Water Sample taken

from the Deep Well at MPC

Water sample taken from the deep well at MPC were tested for the

physico- chemical properties of the five treatments: specific gravity, turbidity,

odor, total dissolved solids and pH. The treatments were done using different

proportions of water sample. The water quality were compared with the

international standard permissible levels.

1. Determination of Specific gravity of the Water Sample taken from the

Deep Well at MPC using Pycnometer and Hydrometer

Figure 6. Measuring the pycnometer and the pycnometer with distilled

water (from left to right)

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 7. Measuring the pycnometer and the pycnometer with water sample

taken from the deep well

Figure 8. Measuring the specific gravity of the water sample using

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 6 and 7 shows the specific gravity of water sample using pycnometer

is 998.78x10-3 g/ml. Figure 8 shows the specific gravity of the water sample using

hydrometer is 1 g/ml. The standard specific gravity of water is 1 g/ml. The

computed specific gravity of the water sample taken from the deep well are still

below the standard specific gravity of water.

2. Determination of Turbidity of the Water Sample taken from the Deep Well

at MPC using LaMotte Turbidity Test Kit

a. Determination of the Turbidity of the water sample taken from deep well at

MPC (Treatment 1)

Figure 9. The water sample, the distilled water and the LaMotte Turbidity

test kit
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


a.1. The first column, on the left was filled with 25 ml of water sample since the

black dot below the column was not visible upon inspection. The second column

was filled with 25 ml of distilled water.

Figure 10. The column (left) containing the 25 ml of water sample and the

column (right) containing the 25 ml distilled water

a.2. 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent was incrementally added to the

second column containing the distilled water, with stirring after each addition,

until its turbidity equals that of the sample.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 11. Addition of 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent to the

distilled water

a.3. The total amount of the Standard Turbidity Reagent added to the distilled

water was recorded and used to calculate the turbidity of the water sample in

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 12. The column (left) containing the 2 ml water sample and the

column (right) containing the 25 ml distilled water after the addition of 16 x

0.5 ml Standard Turbidity reagent

b. Determination of the Turbidity of the water sample taken from deep well at

MPC (Treatment 2)

b.1. 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent was incrementally added to the

second column containing the distilled water, with stirring after each addition,

until its turbidity equals that of the sample.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 13. Addition of 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent to the

distilled water

b.2. The total amount of Standard Turbidity Reagent added to the distilled water

was recorded and used to calculate the turbidity of the water sample of

Treatment 2 in JTU
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 14. The column (left containing the 25 ml water sample of treatment

2 and the column (right) containing 25 ml distilled water after the addition

of 17 x 0.5 ml Standard Turbidity reagent

c. Determination of the Turbidity of the water sample taken from deep well at

MPC (Treatment 3)

c.1. 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent was incrementally added to the

second column containing the distilled water, with Stirring after each addition,

until its turbidity equals that of the sample.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 15. Addition of 0.5 ml of the Standard Turbidity Reagent to the

distilled water

c.2. The total amount of Standard Turbidity Reagent added to the distilled water

was recorded and used to calculate the turbidity of the water sample of

Treatment 3 in JTU.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 16. The column (left) containing the 25 ml water sample of treatment

3 and the column (right) containing the 25 ml distilled water after the

addition of 16 x 0.5 ml Standard Turbidity reagent

Table 3. Turbidity of the Water Sample taken from the Deep Well at MPC

Replicate Sample size, Equivalent JTU Number of Turbidity,

ml per 0.5 ml STR Drop (s) JTU


1 25 10 16 160

2 25 10 17 170

3 25 10 16 160

Average 25 10 16.33 163.33

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


The table 3 shows the results of the Turbidity measurement of the water

sample. The test was done three times for the sample. For the first run, the

Turbidity is 160 JTU. For the second run, the Turbidity is 170 JTU. For the third

run, the Turbidity is 160 JTU. The average Turbidity for the three runs is 163.33



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3


Figure 17. Variation of the Turbidity of the Water Sample

Figure 17 shows the variation of the average of the Turbidity of the water

sample. Turbidity is an optical determination of water clarity. Turbid water will

appear cloudy, murky, or otherwise coloured, affecting the physical look of the

water. Suspended solids and dissolved coloured material reduce water clarity by

creating an opaque, hazy or muddy appearance. Turbidity measurements are

often used as an indicator of water quality based on clarity and estimated total
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


suspended solids in water. Representative of the contaminants are oils and

greases, heavy metals such as lead, cadmium or zinc, suspended soils such as

dirt, hydrocarbon solvents, organic materials and others. It was observed that after

the treatment there was an increase of 6.0% in Trial 2, while in Trial 3 there was

nothing change. The EPA Secondary Regulations advise a maximum turbidity of

10 JTU in water for domestic use. None of the water sample from the three

treatments passed the advisable limit for the turbidity of the water for domestic use.

This means that the water sample taken from the deep well at MPC still require

further treatments to reduce the turbidity in order to meet the EPA standard.

3. Determination of Odor of the Water Sample taken from the Deep Well at


Figure 18. Smelling the odor of the water sample taken from the deep well

Figure 18 shows that the odor of the water sample taken from the deep

well water at MPC is odorless.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


4. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids of the Water Sample taken from

the Deep Well at MPC using HM Digital TDS meter

T1 T2 T3

Figure 19. The TDS readings of the (from left to right) water samples, the

Trial 1 deep well water sample, the Trial 2 deep well water sample and the

Trial 3 deep well water sample using HM Digital TDS meter.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Table 4. Average Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of the Water Sample taken

from the Deep Well at MPC

Trial 1, Trial 2, Trial 3, Average

378 ppm 378 ppm 377 ppm 377.67

Table 4 shows the results of the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measurement

of the water sample taken from the deep well at MPC using HM Digital TDS meter.

The measurement was done three times using the water sample. The average

TDS of the water sample is 377.67 ppm.










Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3


Figure 20. Variation of the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 20 shows the variation of the average Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

of the water sample. Trial 2 there is no changes the TDS, while Trial 3 decreased

the TDS by 0.3%. The EPA Secondary Regulations advise a maximum

contamination level (MCL) of 500 mg/liter or 500 parts per million (ppm) for TDS in

water for non-potable use. The TDS of the water sample are still below the EPA


5. Determination of pH of the Water Sample taken from the Deep Well at

MPC using Sparkvue meter

Figure 21. pH measurement of the water sample taken from deep well at

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 22. pH measurement of the water sample of Trial 1

Figure 23. pH measurement of the water sample of Trial 2

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 24. pH measurement of the water sample of Trial 3

Table 5. Average pH of the water sample taken from the Deep Well at MPC

Trial 1, Trial 2, Trial 3, Average

pH pH pH

8.55 8.51 8.41 8.49

Table 5 shows the results of the pH measurement of the water sample using

Sparkvue pH meter. The measurement was done three times. The average pH of

the water sample is 8.49.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School





8.55 pH
8.4 8.51

8.35 8.41

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Figure 25. Variation of the pH of water sample

Figure 25 shows the variation of the pH of water sample. Trial 2

decreased the basicity of the water sample by 0.5% and Trial 3 decreased the

basicity of the water sample by 2%. According to Food and Agricultural

Organization, the normal pH range for irrigation water is from 6.5 to 9.0. Irrigation

water with a pH outside the normal range may cause a nutritional imbalance or

may contain toxicity ion.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


C. Analysis of Minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, and Potassium of the

Water Sample taken from the Deep Well at MPC

1. Determination of Calcium ion

a.1. Fill the test tube to the TOP with water sample

Figure 26. Putting the water sample in a test tube

a.2. Pour the water sample into the mixing bottle

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 27. Putting the water sample in a mixing bottle

a.3. Adding 1 level spoonful of UniVer 3 Hardness Reagent

Figure 28. Adding 1 spoonful of UniVer 3 Reagent to the water sample

a.4. Add the Titrant Solution to the mixing bottle dropwise while swirling the
mixing bottle.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 29. Adding Titrant solution dropwise to the mixing bottle while
a.5. When the sample colour cchanges from pink o blue it indicates the presence
of calcium ion.

Figure 30. The solution turns to blue and indicates the presence of calcium
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

2. Determining the sodium ion and potassium ion.
a.1 Dry the water sample until it turns into powder

Figure 31. Drying the water sample in evaporating dish

a.2. Scrape the precipitate in evaporating dish

Figure 32. Scraping the precipitate in evaporating dish

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

a.3. Testing the precipitate for the presence of sodium through flame test 55

Figure 33. A Bright yellow flame produced from the precipitate

a.4. Through flame test, the presence of potassium ion produce a pale violet color.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Figure 34. The flame color is yellow orange. This means there was no
presence of potassium ion.

D. Papaya Plant Using Deep Well Water from MPC.

1. Planting papaya seeds.

Figure 35. Papaya Seeds

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

2. Papaya Plant.

Figure 36. Papaya plant day 8

E. Physico-chemical Properties of the Water Sample taken from the Deep


The physico-chemical properties of the water sample taken from the deep

well of Marikina Polytechnic College in terms of specific gravity, turbidity, Odor,

Total dissolved Solids (TDS) and pH were determined using t- test method.

Table 6. Turbidity of the water sample taken from the deep well of Marikina

Polytechnic College

n Pop. Sample Computed Critical t value Decision Interpretation

Mean Mean t value (α=5%)

3 50 163.33 33.98 -2.920 Fail to Not

Reject Significant

the H0
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Table 6 has the degrees of freedom of 2 with the t critical value of -2.920. The t

critical value is less than the computed t-value of 33.98. The researcher found out

that the turbidity of the water sample form the deep well of Marikina Polytechnic

College Is not suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants and the

decision is not to reject the null hypothesis.

Table 7. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of the water sample taken from the

deep well of Marikina Polytechnic College

n Pop. Sample Computed Critical t value Decision Interpretation

Mean Mean t value (α=5%)

3 500 377.67 -366.52 -2.920 Reject Significant

the H0

Table 7 has the degrees of freedom of 2 with the t critical value of -2.920.

The t critical value is greater than the computed t-value of -366.52. The researcher

found out that the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of the water sample form the deep

well of Marikina Polytechnic College Is suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-

bearing plants and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Table 8. pH of the water sample taken from the deep well of Marikina

Polytechnic College

N Pop. Sample Computed Critical t value Decision Interpretation

Mean Mean t value (α=5%)

3 9 8.49 -11.99 -2.920 Reject Significant

the H0

Table 8 has degrees of freedom of 2 with the t critical value of -2.920. The

t critical value is greater than the computed t-value of -11.99. The researcher found

out that the pH of the water sample form the deep well of Marikina Polytechnic

College is suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants and the

decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

The researchers aimed to analyze the water from the constructed Deep

Well in Marikina Polytechnic College and determine its suitability in watering fruit-

bearing plants.

More specifically, it tried to answer the following questions:

1. What are the physico-chemical properties of the water samples taken

from of the deep well at MPC in terms of the following criteria:

a. Specific gravity,

b. Turbidity,

c. Odor,

d. Total dissolved solids, and

e. pH?

2. Are there traces of calcium, sodium, and potassium in the water samples

collected from the deep well at MPC?

3. Is the water from the deep well at MPC suitable in watering the nursery

for the fruit-bearing plants?

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


This study made use of experimental research method specifically

comparative tests to prove the possibility of the water in the deep well at MPC as

a water source for fruit-bearing plants in the nursery.

The findings of the study revealed the following:

1. The physico-chemical properties of the water samples taken from of the

deep well at MPC in terms of the following criteria:

a) Specific gravity

i. Using pycnometer, the specific gravity is 998.78x10-3

ii. Using hydrometer, the specific gravity is 1.0

b) Turbidity of the sample water is 163.33 JTU

c) Odor of the sample water is odorless using Sniff test

d) Total Dissolved Solid using HM Digital TDS meter is 377.67 ppm

e) pH of the sample water is 8.5 using SparkVue meter.

2. There are traces of Calcium and Sodium minerals in the water collected in

the deep well at MPC by using Titrant Solution and Flame test respectively.

However, there are no traces of Potassium mineral found in the water

sample collected in the deep well at MPC.

3. The researcher found out that the pH and the total dissolved solids of the

water sample from the deep well of Marikina Polytechnic College is suitable

in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants and the decision is to

reject the null hypothesis. However, the turbidity of the water sample fail to

reject the null hypothesis.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


The collected water sample from the deep well at Marikina

Polytechnic College was proven suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-

bearing plants. This was because the Papaya seeds were propagated after

days of watering it using the collected water sample from the deep well at

Marikina Polytechnic College.


Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that the physico-

chemical properties of the water sample collected in the deep well at MPC in

terms of the following criteria:

a) Specific gravity

iii. Using pycnometer, the specific gravity is 998.78x10-3

iv. Using hydrometer, the specific gravity is 1.0

b) Turbidity of the sample water is 163.33 JTU

c) Odor of the sample water is odorless using Sniff test

d) Total Dissolved Solid using HM Digital TDS meter is 377.67 ppm

e) pH of the sample water is 8.5 using SparkVue meter.

There are traces of Calcium and Sodium minerals in the water collected in

the deep well at MPC by using Titrant Solution and Flame test respectively.

However, there are no traces of Potassium mineral found in the water sample

taken from the deep well at MPC.

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


The pH and the total dissolved solids of the water sample from the deep well of

Marikina Polytechnic College is suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing

plants and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. However, the turbidity of

the water sample fail to reject the null hypothesis.

The collected water sample from the deep well at Marikina Polytechnic

College was proven suitable in watering the nursery for the fruit-bearing plants.

This was because the Papaya seeds were propagated after days of watering it

using the collected water sample from the deep well at Marikina Polytechnic



Based on the findings and conclusions derived from the study, the following

recommendations are offered:

1. Further treatment is advised to the turbidity of the deep well water at MPC.

2. Look for possible treatment for determining the Potassium, and other

Anions such as, bicarbonate, carbonate and nitrites.

3. Further research on microbiological aspect of the water sample taken from

the deep well at MPC.

4. The researchers highly recommend to test for the analysis of heavy metals,

such as Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg).

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School



A. Unpublished Theses/ Studies

Bacadon, Larry DA. (2017). Saging na Saba Peels, and Malunggay Seeds and
Leaves as Biocoagulant for Laundry Wastewater. Marikina Polytechnic
College, Marikina City, Philiippines.

Rhoades, J.D., A. Kandiah and A.M. Mashali, (1992). The use of saline
waters for crop production. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), Irrigation and Drainage Paper 48. FAO,
Rome, Italy.
Yurtseven, E., G.D. Kesmez and A. Unlukara, (2005). The effects of water
salinity and potassium levels on yield, fruit quality a nd water
consumption of a native central Anatolian tomato
species(Lycopersicon esculantum). Agric. Water. Manage., 78:
Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh (2013). Assessment of the ground water quality
and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. India.
Makutopora, Dodoma-Tanzania (2015). Influence of irrigation water quality on
soil salinization in semi-arid areas.

B. Journal/ Periodicals

Mushtaq Hussain and T. V. D. Prasad Rao Arch. Appl. Sci. 236 Scholars
Research Library

J. W. Bauder &T. A. Brock (2010). Irrigation Water Quality, Soil Amendment, and
Crop Effects on Sodium Leaching
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


C. Other Sources

Scherer, Thomas F. (2017). Soil, Water and Plant Characteristics Important to

Irrigation. Extension Agricultural Engineer.
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

Letter of Request to Collect the Water from the Deep Well at MPC
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School

2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School




19 C. Reyes St. San Rafael II Rodriguez, Rizal
Contact No. : 09491148713/ 09174577616
Email Address:


 Master of Arts in Teaching

Major in Chemistry

Marikina Polytechnic College

Marikina City
2017- Present

 Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

in Chemistry for Technology
Marikina Polytechnic College
Marikina City
2009- 2013
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School



Professional Teacher
Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers,
Professional Regulation Commission
March 2016


Birth Date : December 14, 1992

Place of Birth : Rodriguez, Rizal
Civil Status : Single
Age : 25 yrs. Old
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female
Height : 5’2’’
Weight : 40 kg
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Filipino and English
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Nuestra Señora De Guia Academy of Marikina June 2016- April 15, 2018
Nangka, Marikina City
Science Teacher, SHS

St. Scholastica's Academy November 2015- March 2016

Marikina Heights, Marikina City
Teacher Assistant/Substitute Teacher

Global Project Incorporated April 2013-November 2014

San Rafael Rodriguez, Rizal
Sales Clerk
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School



5 Lot 1 C4 G. Fernando St., Malanday, Marikina City
Contact No. : 09086676604
Email Address:


 Master of Arts in Teaching

Major in Chemistry

Marikina Polytechnic College

Marikina City
2017- Present

 Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

in Chemistry for Technology
Marikina Polytechnic College
Marikina City
2009- 2014
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Professional Teacher
Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers,
Professional Regulation Commission
March 2015


Birth Date : July 3, 1989

Place of Birth : Marikina City
Civil Status : Single
Age : 28 yrs. Old
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Male
Height : 5’4”
Weight : 80 kg
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Filipino and English


Infant Jesus Academy Antipolo June 2014- present

Antipolo City, Rizal
Science Teacher
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


122 Purok Silangan Brgy. Dela Paz, Antipolo City
Contact No. : 09437098717/09452385209
Email Address:


 Master of Arts in Teaching

Major in Chemistry

Marikina Polytechnic College

Marikina City
2017- Present

 Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

in Chemistry for Technology
Marikina Polytechnic College
Marikina City
2009- 2013
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School



Professional Teacher
Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers,
Professional Regulation Commission
April 2014


Birth Date : September 24, 1993

Place of Birth : Antipolo, City
Civil Status : Single
Age : 24 yrs. Old
Religion : Reformed Baptist
Gender : Male
Height : 5’7’
Weight : 57 kg
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Filipino and English
2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Graduate School


Bagong Nayon II National High School August 1,2016- Present

Lower San Idiro, Antipolo City

University of Rizal System-Antipolo Campus June 2014- March 2015

San Roque, Antipolo City

Shepherd Angels Christian School June 2013- March 2015

Nha Ave. Dela Paz, Antipolo City

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