Group 7 Gen Bio

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G E N E R A L B I O L O G Y 1

– Characterizing Oxidation/Reduction
(redox) Reactions
– Balancing Redox Equations
at the end of the lesson you
are expected to...
1. define oxidation and reduction;
2. identifying rules for assigning oxidation states;
3. balancing simple redox reaction
Characterizing Oxidation/
Reduction Reaction
what is it?
An oxidation–reduction or redox reaction
is a reaction that involves the transfer of
electrons between chemical species (the
atoms, ions, or molecules involved in the
Redox reactions are all around us: the burning of fuels, the
corrosion of metals, and even the processes of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration involve oxidation and reduction.
what is it?
We have seen that many important substances are iconic.
Sodium chloride, for example, can be formed by the reaction
of elemental sodium and chlorine:
what is it?

In this reaction, solid sodium, which contains neutral sodium

atoms, reacts with chlorine gas, which contains diatomic Cl2
molecules, to form the ionic solid NaCl, which contains Na+
and Clions. Reactions like this one, in which one or more
electrons are transferred, are called oxidation-reduction
reactions or redox reactions.
what is it?
→ NaCl
Na + Cl
↑ ↑ ↑↑
0 0 +1 -1
Sodium(Na) and Chlorine(Cl) starts in the process as being electrically
neutral atoms or having no charge. And as the process goes, the
Sodium(Na) gives one of his electrons to Chlorine(Cl), making the
process of oxidation or losing of an electron. After that, the
Chlorine(Cl) takes the electron that was given by the Sodium(Na),
leading into the process of reduction or the gaining of an electron.
what is it?

Remember that electrons have negative charge,

thus as we add electrons to something, its charge
goes down. The more electrons you add, the lower
the charge. As the electrons gains, therefore the
charge is reduced.
what is it?
Factors influencing
Oxidation rate
Because the oxygen diffusion rate in silicon dioxide is
exponentially related to temperature, D exp(-Ea/kt),
the rate of oxidation is particularly sensitive to
temperature. Here, T is the temperature, k=2.38X10-
23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant, Ea is the activation
energy, and D is the diffusion coefficient. Temperature
increases have a substantial impact on the growth of
oxide as well as B and B/A.[1]
The oxygen source has an impact on the rate of oxidation as
well. The rate of oxide development is slower during dry
oxidation with O2 than during wet oxidation with H2O. This is
true because oxygen molecules diffuse more slowly in silicon
dioxide than they do in the hydroxide HO produced by the high-
temperature dissociation of water molecules. For instance, the
wet oxide layer grows to »2.2 mm with 100 silicon at 1000 °C
after 20 hours, whereas the dry oxide layer only grows to
»0.34 mm. In order to generate thick oxide layers, such as
masking oxide and field oxide, the wet oxidation technique is
Oxide growth rate is also influenced by the orientation
of the single-crystal silicon. Normally, <111> orientation
silicon has a higher oxide growth rate than <100>
orientation silicon. This is because the <111> silicon
surface has higher silicon atom density than that of the
<100> silicon surface. Thus <111> can provide more
silicon atoms to react with oxygen and form a thicker
silicon dioxide layer.[2]
In general, silicon with heavy doping oxidizes more quickly
than silicon with low doping. Boron in silicon has a tendency
to be pulled up to silicon dioxide during oxidation, which
lowers the amount of boron at the silicon-silicon dioxide
contact. The opposite is true for N-type dopants like
phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony. The n-type dopant
concentration in the silicon-silicon dioxide interface can be
much higher than its initial value as oxide grows into the
silicon and drives these dopants deeper into the material.
Additionally, the use of HCl can raise oxidation by 10%[2].
Can be utilized to regulate the rate of oxide
formation. Oxidation rates can be accelerated
by high pressure. Low-pressure is being
researched for developing the extremely thin
oxide needed for VLSI since it slows down
Oxidation states
what is it?
Oxidation states ,also called oxidation numbers, is a
way to assign a numerical value to the apparent
charge of an atom in a compound or ion. It is used to
keep track of electron flow, particularly covalent
substances. which helps in understanding the role of
electrons in chemical reactions and in balancing chemical
what is it?

Oxidation states are assigned to individual atoms

based on a set of rules and can be positive, negative,
or zero. It is a useful tool to analyze and predict the
behavior of chemical substances in various reactions.
Oxidation Number (O.N.) or
Oxidation State:
The total number of electrons that an atom either
gains or loses in order to form a chemical bond with
another atom (charge).
General Rules of
Oxidation Number
1. For an atom in its elemental
form, the O.N. is equal to 0
Elemental form may refer to either atoms or
molecules of an element. It is the native state of
an element which contains one or more atoms of
the same element and not any other. (Examples:
Na, N2, and H2)
2. For a monatomic ion, the O.N.
is the ion charge
A monatomic ion (also called simple ion) is an ion
consisting of exactly one atom. (Examples:
sodium ions and hydrogen ions that have positive
3.The sum of O.N. values for the atoms in a
molecule or formula unit of a compound
equals to zero. (equals to the ion’s charge
if it is a polyatomic ion)
The formula unit is the absolute grouping of atoms or ions
represented by the empirical formula of a compound, either
ionic or covalent. Butane, for example, has the empirical
formula C2H5, but it contains two C2H5 formula units, giving a
molecular formula of C4H10
Rules for Specific
Atoms or Periodic
Table Groups
1. For Group 1A(1): O.N. = +1 in all compounds
2. For Group 2A(2): O.N. = +2 in all compounds
3. For hydrogen: O.N. = +1 in combination with nonmetals O.N. = -1
in combination with metals and boron
4. For fluorine: O.N. = -1 in all compounds
5. For oxygen: O.N. = -1 in peroxides O.N. = -2 in all other
compounds (except with F)
6. For Group 7A(17): O.N. = -1 in combination with metals,
nonmetals (except O), and other halogens lower in the group

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