Speaking Parctice B2

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82 §peaking practice

Here are some examples of common grammar mistakes made by the candidates in the BLIB?
oral exam. Can you correct them?

L l'm living here since 3 years ago.

2 I like very much the nightlife.

3 You can go everywhere walking.

4 ls a lovely place but I don't like the hot.

4 ln the evenings I go to tapas.

5 ln the weekends lgo to my village.

6 I go to Malaga for to buy clothes.

7 I like go to the cinema and read the books.

8 We go all the weekends to the sea.

9 There are two womans who are buying shoes.

L0 Every Sunday I used to play football with friends. I love it!

11 l study informatic and l'm in the 3rd course.

12 ln my family we are 6 persons.

1.3 lt's difficult, are you agree?

L4 |t's depend of the weather.

15 The people is very tired and unhappy.

L6 I love skiing because it's very funny.

How do you pronounce these words:

lnteresting favourite women beach skiing cousln

Library comfortable vegetable child mountain

Climbing practise parents because tourism supermarket

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