The First Occurrence, Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Microplastic Particles in Sediments From Banten Bay, Indonesia

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Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304

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The first occurrence, spatial distribution and characteristics of

microplastic particles in sediments from Banten Bay, Indonesia
Dede Falahudin a,⇑, Muhammad Reza Cordova a, Xiaoxia Sun b,c, Deny Yogaswara a, Ita Wulandari a,
Dwi Hindarti a, Zainal Arifin a
Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih 1, Ancol Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jiaozhou Bay National Marine Ecosystem Research Station, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China
Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Microplastics were investigated in a

shallow and semi enclosed bay of the
Banten Bay, Indonesia.
 Mainland distance and river outflows
affecting to microplastics
 Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) was the
most abundant microplastics found.
 The high abundance of EPS confirmed
the aggregation and biofouling

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microplastics (MPs) are recognized as an emerging issue worldwide, including Indonesia. Due to the lim-
Received 31 May 2019 ited of data available regarding MPs pollution in Indonesian waters, we investigated the occurrence, spa-
Received in revised form 28 October 2019 tial distribution, characteristics, and potential ecological impacts of MPs in sediments from 25 stations in
Accepted 29 October 2019
the Banten Bay, a shallow and semi enclosed bay located on the northwestern coast of Java, Indonesia.
Available online 24 November 2019
The bay has experienced very high population pressure due to increasing coastal development in the last
Guest Editor: James Chapman decade. MPs were extracted by flotation methods, observed under a stereomicroscope, and identified by
FTIR imaging. This study showed that MPs pollution is prevalent in the Banten Bay, where all sediments
contained MPs with an average concentration of 267 ± 98 particles/kg dw sediment. The most common
Microplastics shape, size, and polymer type were foam (38% of the observed MPs), size between 500 and 1000 lm
Banten Bay (>50%), and extended polystyrene, respectively. The particles were found to be more highly distributed
Sediment in the stations with fine sediment grain sizes and in locations near the river mouth of the island than
Flotation methods in areas offshore, which suggests that the impact of the MPs currently in the sediments might be harmful
to the benthic community and potentially increase the magnitude into the pelagic community. Moreover,
the river effluent is suggested as a pathway for plastic pollution to the Banten Bay.
Ó 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Falahudin), muhammad.reza.
Plastic marine debris is recognized as an emerging issue in (M.R. Cordova), (X. Sun), deny.yogaswara@lipi. (D. Yogaswara), (I. Wulandari), oceans and must be addressed through an intergovernmental
(D. Hindarti), (Z. Arifin). action framework (Gregory, 2009; Barnes et al., 2009). Once
0048-9697/Ó 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304

introduced into marine ecosystems, plastic polymers are 2. Materials and methods
degraded over a time span of several hundred years (UNEP,
2016; Löhr et al., 2017; Schulz et al., 2017; Iwasaki et al., 2.1. Sampling area and sample collection
2017) and lose their structural rigidity due to physical, chemical
and biological processes (Browne et al., 2008). These processes Samples were collected from the Banten Bay and its surrounding
degrade plastic into microscopic sizes smaller than 5 mm at water depths ranging from 1 to 28 m in April 2016 (First Transi-
(Thompson et al., 2004), which are called microplastics (MPs) tional Monsoon). During this transitional season, the hydrodynamic
(Barnes et al., 2009). condition including current speed and direction in the Banten Bay
In oceans, the distribution of MPs is affected by their size, shape were unstable because the characteristics of the Banten Bay as
and density (Iwasaki et al., 2017, Zhang, 2017). MPs with a density semi-enclosed water area and home of approximately ten small
lower than seawater will be in the surface water, while MPs with a islands with special sites for coral reefs and seagrass (Hoitink and
higher density will subsequently sink to the seafloor (Kaiser et al., Hoekstra, 2005). The water in the bay receives large freshwater
2017). However, a previous study has shown that aggregation and inputs through rivers and canals from shrimp ponds, with the pri-
fouling processes affect the ability of low-density MPs, such as sty- mary river is Ciujung River that discharging freshwater to the east
rofoam, to reach the seafloor (Long et al., 2015). In addition, the part of the bay, the secondary river is Cibanten River and Cika-
size and shape of MPs mimic plankton; therefore, MPs can be easily mayung River, both of them was discharging freshwater in the south
ingested and negatively affect planktivorous biota (Lehtiniemi and south-west part of the bay. In addition, the bay also received
et al., 2018; Setälä et al., 2014). Moreover, benthic biota in the sed- freshwater input from others 11 smaller rivers (Booij et al., 2001).
iment, and pelagic organisms that live in the water column are also The area for sediment sampling was designed for an initial over-
affected (Wright et al., 2013). Various effects will affect not only view of microplastics in the surface sediments of Banten Bay. A
the aquatic ecosystems, coastal fisheries, and aquaculture, but also total of 25 composite sediment samples were collected from sta-
human health through the consumption of MPs-contaminated sea- tion TB-01 to TB-25 with sampling coordinates was listed as sup-
food (Lusher et al., 2017a,b; Carbery et al., 2018; Barboza et al., plementary information in Table SI. To accommodate statistical
2018; Hantoro et al., 2019). Without any prevention strategies, analysis, the stations were divided into 7 sections based on differ-
MPs have already entered the marine ecosystems locally and ent distances to the coastline of Java Island and the influence of
threaten to spread globally to other regions of sea (Horton and river discharge from the Cipontang River and Ciujung River. The
Dixon, 2018; Lusher et al., 2015). sections were BB1 (TB-01 to TB-04), BB2 (TB-05 to TB-08), BB3
Establishing comprehensive data on plastic pollution in differ- (TB-09 to TB-12), BB4 (TB-13 to TB-16), BB5 (TB-17 to TB-19),
ent location and various environmental matrices particularly in BB6 (TB-20 to TB-22) and BB7 (TB-23 to TB-25) (Fig. 1).
marine sediment in Indonesia is needed. At this moment, several The sediment samples were collected using Smith-McIntyre
studies have conducted to estimates plastic pollution in Indone- grabs three times. The top layer of sediment (approximately
sian seas not only based on modeling (Rochman et al., 2015; 10 cm) from each individual grab sampling was taken using a clean
Cordova and Wahyudi, 2016; Syakti et al., 2017; Sur et al., aluminum spoon and well-mixed sediments were combined to
2018; Cordova and Hernawan, 2018; Syakti et al., 2018; form a composite sample. The composite sediment was stored in
Handyman et al., 2018; Khoironi et al., 2018; Bangun et al., closed 1 L NalgeneTM bottles, and kept in an ice box during transfer
2018; Lestari and Trihadiningrum, 2019; Khoironi et al., 2019; to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the sediment was split into
Cordova et al., 2019; Yona et al., 2019; Lubis et al., 2019; several subsamples for analysis of grain size distribution, and
Hastuti et al., 2019; Alam et al., 2019). Moreover, another study microplastics concentration.
also reported that the Southeast Asia region (mainly Indonesia
and Thailand) was the main origin of more than 75% of labeled 2.2. Sediment preparation
stranded debris on Alphonse Island, the Seychelles (Duhec et al.,
2015). However, the data for plastic pollution particularly The grain size of the sediment was analyzed based on granulo-
microplastics in marine sediment are still insufficient and the metric methods (Hsieh, 1995). Briefly, subsamples of sediment
investigations remain challenging due to limited equipment and were taken, dried in an oven for 12 h, T = 80 °C, and weighed. Dis-
large marine ecosystem of Indonesian Seas. A part from previous tillated water were added to the dried sediment (50 g) and were
study, only 25% of plastic studies was determined from marine directly homogenized. Afterward, the slurry were wet sieved
sediment and one study from river sediment in Indonesian seas through a Wentworth series of stainless steel sieves with mesh
compared with other region worldwide (Mohamed Nor and sizes of 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.063, and
Obbard, 2014; Auta et al., 2017; Mistri et al., 2017; Peng et al., 0.004 mm. The remaining particles in each sieve were dried, and
2018; Wang et al., 2019). their percentages were calculated based on the Wentworth scale
Through this study, we investigated the current conditions of (Wentworth, 1922).
plastic pollution, particularly MPs, in the middle part of Indonesia Subsample of wet sediment for microplastics analysis were
with high marine biodiversity, Banten Bay, as field case study. The dried in an oven 24 h at 80 °C and kept in the glass jar for further
bay is a small coastal embayment located on the northern coast of analysis. In addition, a wet/dry factor of sediment which used on
Banten and is 60 km west of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia final calculation of microplastics were determined. Briefly, 10 g
(Hoitink and Hoekstra, 2005). The bay is potentially receive large of wet sediment was transferred to a preweighed porcelain cup,
input of domestic waste including plastic through the river as well weighed (A) and dried in an oven overnight (minimum 12 h) at
as from several ports around the bay. Moreover, waste manage- 105 °C (B). The wet/dry factors were determined by the following
ment in the coastal area in Indonesia is very poor, and people gen- Wetweight
formulas: Dryweight
¼ AB.
erallay prefer to burn, bury or throw waste directly into the rivers
(Lestari and Trihadiningrum, 2019). Therefore, related to this
potential emerging condition, this study was conducted to investi- 2.3. Extraction of microplastics
gate the composition, distribution and characteristics of MPs in the
sediments and to search their relationship with sediment charac- The microplastics were extracted from dried sediments samples
teristics and seawater depth. based on a modified flotation method (Claessens et al., 2011;
D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304 3

Fig. 1. Map of the Banten Bay and locations of the sampling sites in the Banten Bay, Indonesia. The square boxes represent section: BB1 (TB-01 to TB-04), BB2 (TB-05 to TB-
08), BB3 (TB-09 to TB-12), BB4 (TB-13 to TB-16), BB5 (TB-17 to TB-19), BB6 (TB-20 to TB-22) and BB7 (TB-23 to TB-25).

Thompson et al., 2004; Mohamed Nor and Obbard, 2014). Briefly, Thermo Fisher, USA) (Sun et al., 2018). FTIR used to evaluate poly-
250 ml of a filtered NaCl solution (q = 1.2 g/mL) was added to mers due to the capacity to analyze samples effectively (Käppler
250 g of the dry sediment and stirred with a mechanical shaker et al., 2015). FTIR-tested microplastic particles were washed using
at 200 rpm for 10 min. After settling, the supernatant was dec- sterile ethanol (96%). FT-IR was performed on the basis of the
anted, and the extraction was repeated twice more. Then, the experimental configuration of (Käppler et al., 2015; Löder et al.,
supernatant containing the MPs was then filtered under vacuum 2015; Löder and Gerdts, 2015), Cordova et al. 2019), 8 cm resolu-
through sterile cellulose nitrate filter paper (Whatman Ø47 mm; tion single reflection mode, 600–3800 cm1 range, and 16 scans
pore size 0.45 mm). The filters were placed in covered sterile petri per test. The method of defining microplastic polymer categories
dishes to dry overnight at room temperature (Approx. T = 25 °C) with ATR FT-IR was performed by analyzing the prominent pres-
and to prevent air contamination. ence peak (Käppler et al., 2015; Löder et al., 2015); and comparing
In addition, quality control was also applied during the extraction the spectrum of each sample with the Hummel Polymer and Addi-
processes and microscopic examination by using cotton laboratory tives library. Microplastic identification scheme based on a
coats, polymer-free gloves and a clean microscopy room, for exam- research from Käppler et al. (2015) and Löder et al. (2015) by band
ple (Wesch et al., 2017; Lusher et al., 2017a,b). To observe airborne region 1174–1087 cm1 (CF2 stretching vibration), 1400–
contamination, clean filter paper was placed near the filtering appa- 1480 cm1 (CH2 bending vibration), 1670–1760 cm1 (C@O
ratus and microscope (Torre et al., 2016). Then, the filters from a stretching vibration), 1740–1800 cm1 (C@O stretching vibration)
blank sample and the airborne control were examined under a and at band region 2780–2980 cm1 (stretching vibrations of CH/
microscope. No plastic was found on the filters of the air control of CH2/CH3 groups).
the microscopy room, implying that there was no contamination
from the glass jars, filtering processes, or microscopy identification. 2.5. Statistical analysis

2.4. Observation and identification of microplastics Statistical analyses and graphical data were conducted using
RStudio (v. 1.2.5001) with package ggplot2, ggstatsplot, and readxl
All recovered MPs on the filter paper were visualized and (RStudio Team, 2019; Wickham, 2016; Patil, 2018; Wickham and
counted under a Nikon Eclipse E600 stereo microscope equipped Bryan, 2019). All data were tested for their normality and homo-
with a digital camera at magnifications up to 100x and were cate- geneity. If the data did not follow a normal distribution and homo-
gorized into different shapes and sizes as previous studies geneity of variance, therefore, it was analyzed with Kruskal–Wallis
(Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012). For the shape composition, the counted non-parametric test. Welch’s ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance
MPs were divided into four categories, including fragments, fibers, was applied to investigate differences between abundance of
granules and foam (Claessens et al., 2013). The sizes of the MPs microplastic shapes in different section along the Banten Bay. Non-
were analyzed from pictures using ImageJ software and were cate- parametric tests were used to analyze the differences between
gorized into five different size classes (<100, 100–500, 500–1000, abundance of microplastic sizes and their total abundance in dif-
1000–5000, and >5000 mm) (Schneider et al., 2012). To distinguish ferent section along the Banten Bay. Correlation analysis was per-
MPs from other particles, some criteria from Cole et al. (2013) were formed using package ggstatsplot:ggcorrmat to determine the
considered during the investigation with a microscope: (a) particle relationship between the abundance of MPs, seawater depth, and
has no organic or cellular structure, (b) particle has a homogenous the grain size of sediment (Patil, 2018). All R scipt were presented
color and is not sparkling or shiny, and (c) plastic fibers are in Supporting Information.
unbranched and have no segments. The number of MPs recovered
from the samples was expressed in particles/kg dry weight (dw). 3. Results and discussion
Based on image analysis using a microscope, plastic-like parti-
cles on the filter paper (n = 85 particles from total 599 particles, 3.1. Concentration and spatial distribution of microplastics
or 14%) were randomly selected as representative of the sample
for polymer verification using micro fourier-transform infrared MPs were found in all sediment samples from the 25 stations (7
microscopy (m-FTIR) imaging under attenuated total reflection group sections), with the number of MPs ranging from 101 to 431
(ATR) mode (Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN10 infrared microscope, particles/kg dw. The average concentration was 267 ± 98 particles/
4 D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304

Fig. 2. Abundance and spatial distribution of microplastics (expressed as number of microplastics/kg dry sediment) along the Banten Bay.

Fig. 3. Comparison between abundance of microplastics in each section from the Banten Bay. No significance was observed. Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test.

kg dw (Fig. 2). The highest number of MPs was at station 23 (431 Ijmuiden, the Netherlands (Karlsson et al., 2017), the Gulf of Thai-
particles/kg dw) in section group BB7, which was located toward land (Matsuguma et al., 2017), the Changjiang estuary (Peng et al.,
the river mouth of the Ciujung River; while the lowest particle 2017), and the North Sea island of Norderney (Nuelle et al., 2014).
number was at station 15 (101 particles/kg dw) in section group However, the mean concentrations of MPs from Banten Bay were
BB4, the offshore station which directly facing the Java Sea. The also lower than those reported in Tokyo Bay (Matsuguma et al.,
abundances of MPs in the sediments were not statistically signifi- 2017), Venice lagoon (Vianello et al., 2013), and the Belgian coast
cant between each section group based on non parametric test (Claessens et al., 2011). The comparison with other location world-
(Fig. 3). However, if we observed on the spatial distribution map, wide presented in the Table 1.
there was slightly trend on microplastics abundances, MPs concen-
tration decreased with increasing distance from the river mouth 3.2. Shapes and sizes of microplastics
and shore, except for stations TB-04 and TB-17 (Fig. 2). Those find-
ing revealed that distribution of microplastic particles in the sedi- The shapes of the MPs present at all sampling stations were
ment of the Banten Bay was homogeneous and did not affected by foam (n = 182 particles, 30.4%), fragments (n = 159 particles,
various distance of group section to the land. Previous study on 26.5%), granules (n = 146, 24.4%), and fibers (n = 112, 18.7%) (Figs. 4
organic pollution in the Banten Bay found that the concentration and 5). A one-way between subjects Welch’s ANOVA was con-
of contaminant was elevated from the river entrances into the ducted to investigate whether the distribution of microplastic
bay. They suggested that well flushing and significant mixing shapes were vary among group section. There was a not significant
between contaminated river particle with sea-borne particle was variation of fibers, foams and granules in each group section at the
occurred in the Banten Bay (Booij et al., 2001). p < 0.05 level, while fragments was significantly different between
The average concentrations of MPs reported in this study were section group at the p < 0.05 level (Fig. 6). Therefore, for the frag-
higher than those reported on the North Sea coast, the south pier of ment microplastics, we conducted a post hoc comparisons using
D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304 5

Table 1 and synthetic cellulosic fibers, and one particle was identified as
Distribution of microplastics in the sediment from other region worldwide. diphenyl sulfide, a colorless crystalline material. Related to cello-
Country/region Concentration Polymer Reference phane, this synthetic particle also was the most common in the
(particles/kg dry sea salt measured in China, up to 43.2% of all identified MPs and
weight) in rock/well salts (Yang et al., 2015). The remaining particles were
Arctic, Chukchi Range: 5.30– PP, PET, RY Mu et al., 2019 identified as synthetic polymers, including polyester terephthalate
Sea and 68.88 (n = 3), polypropylene (n = 1), and polyethylene (n = 1). In addition,
Chunchi Basin
France, Gulf of Mean: 67 ± 76 PP, PE, PS, PVC, Phuong et al.,
38 particles of the foam type were directly identified based on
Giscay PEST 2018 visual identification and were further corroborated by m-FTIR as
Italy, Venice Range: 672–2175 PE, PP (Vianello et al., polystyrene (PS).
lagoon Mean: 1445 2013) Fig. 8 shows two examples of the dominant microplastic poly-
Belgian, the Range: 67–391 PS, PP, Nylon, (Claessens
mers FTIR spectra (cellophane and polystyrene) found in the Ban-
Belgian coast Mean: PVA, PE et al., 2011)
(Harbour) 166.7 ± 92.1 ten Bay sediments. The IR spectrum from the cellophane sample
China, the Mean: 121 ± 9 Rayon, polyester, (Peng et al., showed a prominent peak at 1061 cm1 and 3338.2 cm1. Absorp-
Changjiang Acrylic 2017) tion at wavelength 2912.2 cm1 indicating stretching vibrations of
estuary CH/CH2/CH3 groups cm1; and absorption at wavelengths 1428.3
China, South Range: 560–4205 PP, PE, PS, Nylon (Wang et al.,
and 1319.2 cm1 indicates methylene scissoring or asymmetrical
Yellow Sea 2019)
China, Sishili Bay Mean: Rayon, PE, PP, PA, Zhang et al., methyl CAH bending (Fotopoulou and Karapanagioti, 2015,
499.8 ± 370.1 PET, PS, PMMA, 2019 Käppler et al., 2016, Löder et al., 2015, Syakti et al., 2017). Sample
PU of polystyrene particle shows prominent peak at 1452.9 and
China, Haihe Range: 96.7– PE, PP, PS, PVC, Wu et al., 2019
1494.1 cm1 symbolize aromatic CAH bond stretching vibrations
Estuary 333.3 PET, CPM
Mean: (Fotopoulou and Karapanagioti, 2015); at wavenumber
216.1 ± 92.1 2923 cm1 indicate CAH stretching, symmetrical vibrations, and
China, Range: 56.7– PE, PP, PS, PVC, Wu et al., 2019 asymmetrical stretching (Fotopoulou and Karapanagioti, 2015,
Yondingxinhe 113.3 PET, CPM Käppler et al., 2016, Löder et al., 2015); and peak at wavenumber
Estuary Mean: 85.0 ± 40.1
3062 and 3029.3 cm1 correspond aromatic CAH stretching
Japan, Tokyo Bay Range: 1845– PE, PP (Matsuguma
5385 et al., 2017) vibrations.
Mean: 1900
Singapore, Range: 12.0–62.7 PE, PP, Nylon, (Mohamed Nor
Coastal Mean: 36.8 ± 23.6 PVC and Obbard, 3.4. Relationship of microplastics with grain size of sediment and
Mangrove 2014) seawater depth
Indonesia, Banten Range: 101–431 PS, Cellophane, Present study
Bay Mean: 267 ± 98 PET, PP, PE The grain size distribution of the sediments from Banten Bay is
presented in Table 1. The average percentage of the major fraction
in the sediment was silt (53.25%), followed by clay (26.19%), sand
the Tukey HSD test and indicated that the mean abundance for the (18.38%), pebbles (1.32%), and granules (0.86%) (Fig. S1, SI). Present
fragments in the section group BB4 (M = 32.14, SD = 16.53) was results was coherence with previous study conducted in the Ban-
significantly smaller than the section BB7 (M = 114.83, ten Bay that the predominant type of particle size of sediment
SD = 20.896). Taken together, these results suggest that even in were clays and silts in the size range of 3–55 mm (Hoitink and
similar degree of location between section group BB4 and BB7, Hoekstra, 2005). Microplastics concentrations were significantly
both of them directly facing Java Sea, the river flow from the Ciu- related to the clay and sand of sediment which a positive correla-
jung River was effectively boosting the amount of stranded frag- tion with silt (r = 0.71, p < 0.05) and negative correlation with sand
ments in the seafloor near with river mouth. The present findings (r = 0.7, p < 0.05). However, when we correlated with seawater
seem to be consistent with other research which found that river depth, there was no significant correlation with microplastics in
are the main source of microplastic contamination in the estuary sediment (Fig. 9). Previous study about suspended sediment con-
and adjacent areas (Fok and Cheung, 2015; Simon-Sánchez et al., centration (SSC) and particle size variation in the Banten Bay found
2019; Zhao et al., 2019; Campanale et al., 2019). that the erosion and subsequent deposition was the main trigger
As illustrated in Fig. 4B, most MPs were approx. between 500 on variation of suspended mass concentration (Hoitink and
and 1000 mm in size (53%), and only 1% of the MPs were Hoekstra, 2005). Therefore, in our hypothesis, the distribution of
>5000 mm. Moreover, the category percentages for microplastic microplastics in the sediment might be governed by similar factor
size of <100 mm, 100–500 mm, and 1000–5000 mm were 6%, 17%, that influence sedimentation in the Banten Bay such as sea current
and 23%, respectively. Furthermore, results from non-parametric and tidal flow.
test revealed that there was no significant differences between
microplastic’s size among section groups (Fig. 7). This results indi-
cated that there was no hotspot area for each size of microplastics 4. General discussion
in the seabed of the Banten Bay. However, a spatial trend in the
MPs distribution with a size fraction of 500–5000 mm was found Based on our results, there are several major points that need to
to be more dominant in the inner water of Banten Bay (Section BB1 be addressed, particularly related to the high abundance of EPS
to BB3) than in the outer water, and no trend was found for particle (Expanded Polystyrene) in Banten Bay, reaching up to 30.4%. These
sizes >5000 mm. results are consistent with those found in other studies where mar-
ine aquaculture with a Styrofoam buoyancy aquaculture system is
massively applied in the area (Eo et al., 2018). This finding also pro-
3.3. Composition of microplastics polymer vided information related to the sinking processes of buoyant MPs
to the seafloor and their potential impacts on pelagic and benthic
Subsamples of seventeen potential particles were selected organisms.
based on visual observation to determine the type of polymer Commonly, EPS, with density lower (0.01–0.04 g/cm3) than sea-
using m-FTIR. Of these, 12 fibers were cellophane (CP) (Fig. S2, SI) water (1.02–1.029 g/cm3), will float on the surface (Ashida and
6 D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of microplastic shapes and size in the sediment from Banten Bay.

Fig. 5. Types of microplastics in the sediment from the Banten Bay: a. granules (n = 146), b. fibers (n = 112), c. foam (n = 182), and d. fragments (n = 159).
D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304 7

Fig. 6. Comparison of different types of microplastics between section site along the Banten Bay; significance was observed for (a) fragment; no significance was observed for
(b) fiber, (c) foam, and (d) granule. Welch’s ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance.

Fig. 7. Comparison of different sizes of microplastics between section along the Banten Bay; no significance was observed. Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test.

Iwasaki, 1995). However, most of the foam’s MPs surface observed 2015). These processes are defined as ‘‘fouling”, where increasing
during this analysis was mainly covered by the sediment layer. numbers of MPs with densities reaching the density of water
Based on these findings, the EPS density could be changed via directly caused the MPs to sink and settle in the sediment (Fazey
aggregation processes in the water column between EPS MPs, sed- and Ryan, 2016). As a result of this kind of process, buoyant MPs
iment particles, and microorganisms. Moreover, a previous study in the ocean will be distributed both horizontally in the water sur-
reported that microorganisms are able to attach to MPs and create face and vertically through the water column. Therefore, these pro-
a biofilm surface (Rummel et al., 2017). Similar processes were also cesses will allow the impacts of MPs to spread outside their source
found in other experimental studies with phytoplankton location and increase their bioavailability to be ingested by a large
aggregations. range of biota (Kooi et al., 2017). Moreover, this mechanism (aggre-
Two different algae species were used (the diatom Chaetoceros gation and fouling processes) also provides information for further
neogracile and the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina) (Long et al., monitoring MPs in sediments. Areas with high percentages of total
8 D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304

Fig. 8. FTIR spectra of selected microplastic particles, cellophane (left) and polystyrene (right) from sediment in the Banten Bay.

MPs (Crawford et al., 2017). Moreover, due to their size being sim-
ilar to natural prey and their high concentration in the sediments,
the MPs in sediments will have a high bioavailability and be
ingested by benthic organisms in the sediment and could be toxi-
cologically affected by the co-pollutants present in the MPs, such
as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (Andrady, 2011). As a con-
sequence, the ingestion of MPs-associated contaminants in sedi-
ments increases the exposure of benthic organisms to hazardous
chemicals and possibly the threat of bio magnification throughout
the food web. Finally, further research is needed to validate the
methodology used in the current study and to observe the tempo-
ral conditions of MPs pollution in coastal ecosystems in other loca-
tions in Indonesian waters.

5. Conclusions

The results of this study indicate that the MPs found in the sed-
iments of Banten Bay are present at relatively low concentrations
compared to the levels found other regions. Furthermore, the high
abundance of EPS particles in the sediment confirmed the aggrega-
Fig. 9. Correlation graph between microplastics abundance with sediment charac- tion and biofouling mechanism in the water column that made the
teristics and seawater depth. Positive correlation between total microplastics with
low-density MPs sink to the seafloor. A clear significant relation-
silt and clay, and negative correlation with sand.
ship between the MPs concentrations and the sediment grain size,
but not with seawater depth. Finally, further research is needed to
organic carbon (TOC) contents and the finest sediment grain sizes validate the methodology used in the current study, to observe
will be hotspots for MPs monitoring in marine environment (Maes interaction between different microplastic shape and size with
et al., 2017). As mentioned in a previous study, sediment character- grain size of sediments, and to observe the temporal conditions
istics, including TOC content and grain size, have important roles in of MPs pollution in the shallow water of the Banten Bay.
the distribution and accumulation of MPs on the seafloor
(Vermaire et al., 2017). Though different interaction between
MPs, TOC and sediment grain size have already been reported
(Maes et al., 2017), in this study, we conducted a correlation anal-
This project was funded by a Research Center for Oceanography,
ysis and found that the abundance of MPs was negatively corre-
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) DIPA grant 2016 (No. B-B-
lated with sand and positively correlated with clay (p < 0.01).
5291/IPK.2/SK/XII/2016) and the Strategic Priority Research Pro-
This condition indicates that the abundance of MPs increased with
gram of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA19060204).
decreasing sediment particle size. Moreover, Eo et al. (2018)
observed that fine grain size was associated with a high proportion
of TOC and contaminants. CRediT authorship contribution statement
In addition, Rochman et al. (2013) stated that EPS MPs acted not
only as a sink location but also as a source of polycyclic aromatic Dede Falahudin: Investigation, Resources, Formal analysis,
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment. Thus, the impact of PS Writing - original draft. Muhammad Reza Cordova: Conceptual-
particles, including EPS, will potentially pose a greater risk to the ization, Resources, Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original
environment than other types of MPs because of their dual- draft. Xiaoxia Sun: Resources, Funding acquisition, Supervision,
action. Therefore, the impact will be even more severe for benthic Writing - review & editing. Deny Yogaswara: Visualization, Data
organisms because of the physical stressor of MPs in addition to curation. Ita Wulandari: Visualization. Dwi Hindarti: Supervision,
chemical contaminants being transferred from water when moving Funding acquisition, Writing - review & editing. Zainal Arifin:
through the water column and partitioning from the sediments to Supervision, Writing - review & editing.
D. Falahudin et al. / Science of the Total Environment 705 (2020) 135304 9

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Molecular characteristics and stable carbon isotope compositions of dicarboxylic acids and
related compounds in the urban atmosphere of the North China Plain: Implications for aqueous
phase formation of SOA during the haze periods
Jingjing Meng, Xiaodi Liu, Zhanfang Hou, Yanan Yi, ... Gehui Wang
Article 135256

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Ultraviolet/peroxydisulfate degradation of ofloxacin in seawater: Kinetics, mechanism and
toxicity of products
Yunjie Zhu, Min Wei, Zihan Pan, Leiyun Li, ... Yuanyuan Zhang
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The first occurrence, spatial distribution and characteristics of microplastic particles in
sediments from Banten Bay, Indonesia
Dede Falahudin, Muhammad Reza Cordova, Xiaoxia Sun, Deny Yogaswara, ... Zainal Arifin
Article 135304

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Microplastics (MPs) are recognized as an emerging issue worldwide, including Indonesia. Due to the
limited of data available regarding MPs pollution in Indonesian waters, we investigated the occurrence,
spatial distribution, characteristics, and potential ecological impacts of MPs in sediments from 25 stations
in the Banten Bay, a shallow and semi enclosed bay located on the northwestern coast of Java, Indonesia.
The bay has experienced very high population pressure due to increasing coastal development in the last
decade. MPs were extracted by flotation methods, observed under a stereomicroscope, and identified by
FTIR imaging. This study showed that MPs pollution is prevalent in the Banten Bay, where all sediments
contained MPs with an average concentration of 267 ± 98 particles/kg dw sediment. The most common
shape size and polymer type were foam (38% of the observed MPs) size between 500 and 1000 μm (>50%)

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Long-term decomposition captures key steps in microbial breakdown of seagrass litter
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Sanitary effect of FE-DBD cold plasma in ambient air on sewage biosolids
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Estimation of urine volume in municipal sewage originating from patients receiving antibiotics
at a private clinic in Crete, Greece
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Chitin degradation and the temporary response of bacterial chitinolytic communities to chitin
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Novel electrochemical aptasensor with dual signal amplification strategy for detection of
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Removal of phosphate by aluminum-modified clay in a heavily polluted lake, Southwest China:
Effectiveness and ecological risks
Haiquan Yang, Kangkang He, Dingpan Lu, Jingfu Wang, ... Jingan Chen
Article 135850

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Female harbour porpoises pass deadly cocktail of PCBs to calves in their milk

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Modalities to bio-transform waste to sustainable energy with a zero-waste approach: A step forward to meet circular
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Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health ( )

Science of the Total Environment - Editorial Board


Damià Barceló ( /science-of-the-total-

Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Barcelona, Spain
Email Damià Barceló ( /science-of-the-total-
Environmental analysis; Water and soil quality; Organic mass spectrometry; Emerging organic
contaminants; Nanomaterials; Biosensors for: Analysis, Fate and Risk of Emerging Pollutants
such as Pharmaceuticals and Nanomaterials in the Environment Water Pollution Control and
Protection Bridging analytical chemistry with ecotoxicology- toxicity identification; Evaluation
techniques used: GC and LC tandem MS, biosensors, sample preparation, automated on-line
techniques for water analysis environmental samples (water, including marine waters, sediments
soils, biota samples)

Jay Gan ( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-

University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, United States
Email Jay Gan ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Organic Contaminants; Pesticides; Emerging Contaminants; Adsorption;
Transformation; Mitigation; Water Quality; Aquatic Toxicology; Remediation;
Water Reuse

Special Issues Editor

Elena Paoletti ( /science-of-the-total-

Research Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants National Research Council
Florence Unit, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
Email Elena Paoletti ( /science-of-the-total-
Plant health; Plant ecophysiology; Forests; Climate stressors; Air pollution impacts on terrestrial
ecosystems; BVOC; Ground-level ozone

Associate Editors

Lotfi Aleya ( /science-of-the-total-

Franche-Comte University, Besancon, France
Email Lotfi Aleya ( /science-of-the-
Microbiology, Protistology, Secondary metabolites, Embryology, Marine
and Freshwater Ecosystems, Harmful microrganisms, Ecotoxicology,

Julian Blasco ( /science-of-the-total-

Institute of Marine Science of Andalucia, Puerto Real, Spain
Email Julian Blasco ( /science-of-the-total-
Metals; Pharmaceuticals; Nanoparticles; Pollution; Ecotoxicology; Risk assessment; Seawater;
Baoliang Chen ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China
Email Baoliang Chen ( /science-of-the-total-
Soil pollution control and remediation; Traditional and novel functional materials and
environmental applications (biochar, graphene, biosorbent, and organoclay); Sorption and
reactions of organic and inorganic contaminants with natural and synthesised media; Novel
membrane and pollutant abatement

Jianmin Chen ( /science-of-the-total-

Fudan University Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai,
Email Jianmin Chen ( /science-of-the-total-
Gaseous and particulate air monitoring and chemistry (particularly urban); Secondary aerosol;
Haze formation and fog chemistry; Human toxicity of atmospheric particulates; Aerosols and
climate impacts

Frederic Coulon ( /science-of-the-total-

Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Email Frederic Coulon ( /science-of-the-total-
Remediation, hazardous waste, water and wastewater treatment ; Risk assessment and
remediation; Bioaerosols; Hydrocarbons; Environmental microbiology; Antarctic science

Adrian Covaci ( /science-of-the-total-

University of Antwerp Toxicological Centre, Wilrijk, Belgium
Email Adrian Covaci ( /science-of-the-total-
Human exposure; Exposure assessment; Human health effects; Biomarkers; Food safety;
Biomonitoring; Indoor pollution; Emerging contaminants; Legacy contaminants; Wastewater

Martin Drews
Technical University of Denmark Department of Environmental Engineering, Kogens Lyngby,
Email Martin Drews ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
( /science-of-the-total-
Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, China
Email Xinbin Feng ( /science-of-the-total-
Mercury biogeochemical cycling in the environment and its health impact; Mercury stable
isotope geochemistry and remediation of mercury contaminated lands; Cd, Pb, As and Sb
biogeochemical cycling in the environment

José Virgílio Matos Figueira Cruz ( /science-

University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Email José Virgílio Matos Figueira Cruz
( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-
Groundwater geology; Groundwater geochemistry; Surface water chemistry; Water quality; Water
pollution; Water management; Water planning

Pingqing Fu ( /science-of-the-total-

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Email Pingqing Fu ( /science-of-the-total-
Organic aerosols; Atmospheric chemistry; Isotopes of atmospheric aerosols; Fog water; Ice-core
organics; Dissolved organic matter; Biomarkers

Ashantha Goonetilleke ( /science-of-the-total-

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Email Ashantha Goonetilleke ( /science-of-
Water quality; Water pollution; Water reuse; Water treatment; Stormwater pollutant processes;
Integrated Water Resources Management; Water infrastructure resilience; climate change

Mae Sexauer Gustin ( /science-of-the-total-

University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada, United States
Email Mae Sexauer Gustin ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Biogeochemical cycling of mercury, metals, and isotopes; Air pollution
Patricia A. Holden
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, United States
Email Patricia A. Holden ( /science-of-the-total-
Water quality; Environmental microbiology; Fecal pollution, Biodegradation and
bioremediation; Soil pollution and soil processes; Nanomaterials; Wastewater treatment;
Biogeochemistry; Emerging contaminants; Hydrocarbons; Metals

Henner Hollert ( /science-of-the-total-

Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty Bio Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany
Email Henner Hollert ( /science-of-the-total-
Bioanalytical environmental toxicology; Aquatic toxicology; Triad (Weight of evidence)
approaches; Effect directed analysis; Sediments; In-situ investigations and monitoring; In-vitro
bioassays; Waste- and ground water investigations (advanced wastewater treatment); Ecology

Deyi Hou
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Email Deyi Hou ( /science-of-the-total-
Sustainability assessment; Life cycle assessment; Environmental footprint
analysis; Risk management; Contaminated soil and groundwater remediation; Heavy metal
contamination; Biochar production and application; Green synthesis of environmental
functional materials; Fate and transport of volatile organic compounds in porous media

Ching-Hua Huang ( /science-of-the-total-

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Email Ching-Hua Huang ( /science-of-the-
Environmental chemistry; Water quality; Physicochemical treatment processes; Drinking water
quality; Wastewater reuse; Contaminants of emerging concern; Reaction kinetics and
Wei Huang ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Peking University,
Beijing, China
Email Wei Huang ( /science-of-the-total-
Exposure assessment; Environmental epidemiology; Health intervention

G. Darrel Jenerette
University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, United States
Email G. Darrel Jenerette ( /science-of-the-total-
Land use/ land cover; Carbon and nitrogen cycling; Ecohydrology; Drylands; Urbanization;
Spatial analysis; Remote sensing

Pavlos Kassomenos ( /science-of-the-total-

University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Email Pavlos Kassomenos ( /science-of-the-total-
Air pollution; Meteorology; Environmental health; Climate change; Particulates; Ozone;
Bioaerosols; Dust transportation; Vehicle emissions; Noise

Ewa Korzeniewska ( /science-of-the-total-

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
Email Ewa Korzeniewska ( /science-of-the-
Air pollution quality and human health; Contaminant (bio)monitoring and assessment;
Ecotoxicology and risk assessment; Environmental management and policy; Human health risk
assessment and management; Waste and water treatment; Antibiotic resistance; Biogas

Christian Herrera Lameli

Universidad Católica del Norte, Fac. de Ciencias del Mar, Coquimbo, Chile
Email Christian Herrera Lameli ( /science-of-the-total-

Jurgen Mahlknecht
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Email Jurgen Mahlknecht
( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Groundwater chemistry, Isotope hydrology, Groundwater flow,
Groundwater management, Groundwater pollution, Groundwater
planning, Urban groundwater, Surface water chemistry,
Groundwater policy

Lidia Morawska ( /science-of-the-total-

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Email Lidia Morawska ( /science-of-the-total-
Air pollution; Air quality; Indoor air pollution; Exposure assessment; Contaminated particulates;
VOC; anthropogenic; Characterization; Automotive; Apportionment; Pollution transport;
Monitoring: Analytical

Huu Hao Ngo

University of Technology Sydney School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Broadway, Australia
Email Huu Hao Ngo ( /science-of-the-total-
Water and wastewater treatment and reuse technologies; Alternative water resources; Water
management and impact assessment; Solid waste management; Specific green technologies;
Water – waste – energy nexus; Greenhouse gas emission control and minimisation

Jose Julio Ortega-Calvo ( /science-of-the-

Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Sevilla Agrochemistry
Environmental Microbiology and Soil Conservation, Sevilla, Spain
Email Jose Julio Ortega-Calvo ( /science-of-
Biodegradation and biotransformation of organic pollutants in soils and sediments;
Bioremediation; Environmental microbiology; Bioavailability and persistence; Risk assessment

Wei Ouyang ( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Email Wei Ouyang ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Water environment
ww.elsevi and climate risk; Watershed environment management; Non-
modeling and control; Diffuse pollution assessment

Elena Paoletti ( /science-of-the-total-

Research Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants National Research Council
Florence Unit, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
Email Elena Paoletti ( /science-of-the-total-
Plant health; Plant ecophysiology; Forests; Climate stressors; Air pollution impacts on terrestrial
ecosystems; BVOC; Ground-level ozone

Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira ( /science-of-

Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Email Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira
( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-
Soil degradation, Soil erosion, Soil processes, Forest Fires, Spatial Analysis, Mapping,
Geostatistics, Ecosystem Services

Yolanda Picó ( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-

University of Valencia Faculty of Pharmacy, Burjassot, Spain
Email Yolanda Picó ( /science-of-the-total-
Media / Habitats: drinking water, water quality, water pollution, rivers, lakes, sediments,
watersheds, soils, exposure assessment, human health effects, biomarkers, bioindicators, dietary
exposure, food contamination, food safety; Human Health Effects: pesticides, endocrine
disruptors, pharmaceutical residues, organics, analytical, surveys
(https://w SEARCH MENU

Charlotte Poschenrieder ( /science-of-the-

Autonomous University of Barcelona Faculty of Biosciences, Bellaterra, Spain
Email Charlotte Poschenrieder ( /science-of-
Plant-Environment Interactions; Plant-Soil Relationships; Salinity; Plant- Microbe Interactions;
Plant Toxicology; Crop Production; Plant Natural Adaptation

Sergi Sabater ( /science-of-the-total-environment/editorial-

University of Girona, Girona, Spain
Email Sergi Sabater ( /science-of-the-total-
River and stream ecology; Biofilm ecology and ecotoxicology; Mediterranean; Water scarcity;
Ecosystem functioning; Bioidiversity; Conservation of rivers
Scott C. Sheridan ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Kent State University,
Kent, Ohio, United States
Email Scott
C. Sheridan ( /science-of-the-
Human biometeorology, climate change, synoptic climatology, extreme temperature events

Filip M.G. Tack ( /science-of-the-total-

Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
Email Filip M.G. Tack ( /science-of-the-total-
Heavy metals; Trace element biogeochemistry; Dredged materials; Soil and sediment
remediation; Phytoremediation

Kevin Thomas ( /science-of-the-total-

University of Queensland Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences,
Woolloongabba, Queensland, Australia
Email Kevin Thomas ( /science-of-the-total-
Contaminants of emerging concern; Non-target analysis; High resolution Mass Spectrometry;
Microplastics; Biomonitoring

Daniel Tsang
( /science-of-the-
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Email Daniel Tsang
( /science-of-the-
Green chemistry/engineering; Soil/sediment
remediation; Engineered biochar; Waste valorization;
Resource recovery; Wastewater/stormwater treatment;
Catalytic conversion/degradation; Pollutant transport;
Environmental pollution | Sustainable urban
development, urban wastes, contaminated land and
water, waste management (food, wood, plastic agro,
sludge), green remediation, wastewater treatment.
Paola Verlicchi ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
University ofww.elsevi
Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Verlicchi ( /science-of-the-total-
Water treatment; Wastewater treatments; Reuse of reclaimed water; Occurrence and removal of
pharmaceuticals from (waste)water; Hospital effluent management and treatment; Petrochemical
wastewater treatment; Environmental risk assessment

Jan Vymazal ( /science-of-the-total-

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Praha, Czech Republic
Email Jan Vymazal ( /science-of-the-total-
Constructed and natural wetlands; Plant nutrient uptake; Heavy metals in
macrophytes; Macrophyte biomass and production; Eutrophication

Fang Wang ( /science-of-the-total-

Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Email Fang Wang ( /science-of-the-total-
Soil pollution and remediation; Persistent organic pollutants; Polycyclic aromatic compounds;
Antibiotics; Antibiotic resistance; Phthalate ester; Emerging Contaminants; Biochar;
Bioavailability; Biodegradation and biotransformation of organic pollutants; Biofilms; Signaling
molecules; Analytical method; Environmental monitoring

Daniel A. Wunderlin ( /science-of-the-total-

National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina
Email Daniel A. Wunderlin ( /science-of-the-
Tracing pollutants from their source to foods; Food Integrity, including the evaluation of
bioactive compounds in foods; Studying links between food production and environmental

Daqiang YIN
Tongji University School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai, China
Email Daqiang YIN ( /science-of-the-total-
Shuzhen Zhang ( /science-of-the-total-
(https://w SEARCH MENU
Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, China
Email Shuzhen Zhang ( /science-of-the-total-
soil contamination; Sorption/desorption of organic contaminants; Bioaccumulation and
transformation of organic contaminants in the terrestrial environment; Applications of
synchrotron-based spectroscopy techniques in environmental chemistry, NOM analysis and
effects on contaminant behaviors

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