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List And Linked List

Definition :

The list is a collection of data,

elements, components or
objects of the same type.


Example :

i. List a group of student which will have

same data such as name, matric number.

ii. List a group of staff which will have same

data such as name, staff number, identity
card number.

The Operations Can Be Performed On The
List Are:
Num Operation Description

a. insertion Adding new items to the list

b. deletion • Removing an item from the list,

• This operation involves identifying the location
of the next item to delete, and
• Next item should be shifted upward.

c. retrieval Identify the item from the list and displays

d. traversal • All items will be listed in an orderly manner.

• This operation requires an algorithm repeats
An array would be boxes in a bookcase.

When you remove the box from the n-th row, all boxes from n+1 up need
to be moved one shelf down (so you don't have a troublesome empty

A linked list, conversely, would be a necklace.

When you find you don't like that blue jewel anymore, take it out of the
sequence and tie the resulting two ends together. No need to loop through each
pearl and displace it just so you can fix your necklace.

Implement Operations List As An Array

• The list can be implemented by arrays of

sequential items.

• First item in the input will be in first position

in the array, and so order the next item.

Implement Operations List As An Array

Senarai P0 P1 P2 ………….. Pn

X[0] X[1] X[2] X[3] ….. X[MAKS]

Illustration Of How Data Inserted Into List

Using The List Of Operations
Operations involved in implementing the list as an array is:

i.Create a list
ii.Check list

iii.Adding items on the list

iv.Deleting item from the list

Create List

• Create a list will involve the process of determining the

maximum number of items to be used in the list.

• The next process is to identify the types of items needed.

Create List

-number of items
-types of item Operation
-Create an empty list Output
-List is created

Operations To Create A List

Check List

• The process of reviewing the list is to identify

whether the list is empty or full.

• The process is divided into two ways:

a. Process to determine the list is empty or
b. Process to determine the list is full or not.
Check List

-receive a list
- Determining if the Output
first item exists or -if the first item
not. exists the list is
not empty

Operations To Check A List Is


Check List

-receive a list
- Determining if the Output
last item exists or -if the last item
not. exists the list is

Operations To Check A List Is


Adding Items On The List

• The process to add the item involves the

acquisition of new items.

• The last item in the list of positions identified

for the process of adding an item in the list.

Adding Items On The List

-receive a list Operation
-Make sure the list is not
-Receive new item
-The last item in the list of
positions identified
- The list has
-Adding new item
been updated
(new items

Operations To Add Items On

The List
Deleting Item From The List

• List received must be checked to determine

the list is not empty.

• Items to be removed should be identified.

• Delete those items and the list updated.

Deleting Item From The List

-receive a list Operation
-Make sure the list is not
-Identify items
-Items checked in the list
to determine the position
- The list has
-Delete item and shifted
been updated
next item
(items have
been removed)

Operations To Delete Items

From The List
• Lists is a group of objects which is organized in sequence.

• List categories

i. Linear list

A list in which the data is organized in sequence, example:

array, linked list, stack and queue

ii. Non-linear list

A list in which the data is stored not sequence, example:

tree and graph

Introduction to Linear List

• Array and linked lists are linear lists that doesn’t

have any restrictions while implementing operations
such as, insertion, deletion and accessing data in the

Introduction to Linear List

• The operations can be done in any parts of the lists,

either in the front lists, in the middle or at the back of
the lists.

Introduction to Linear List

• An array named Pelajar which contains

attributes nama, pelajar, kursus and tahun
Pelajar. #
Introduction to Linear List
• The array is sorted and can only be accessed
based on the index or subscript of the array.

• Example: to access information for a student

named Mohd Saufi, we can use:
Pelajar[3].Nama, Pelajar[3].Kursus and

Introduction to Linear List

• Linked lists which contain several nodes which

is sorted in ascending order.

Introduction to Linear List
• Stack and queue is a linear lists that has
restrictions while implementing its operations.
Stack - to insert, delete and access data can only be
done at the top of the lists.

Queue - Insert data in a queue can be done at the

back of the lists while to delete data from a queue
can only be done at the front list.
Linear List

Example code 1 (To Add Value In A List):

using namespace std;
void main(){
int Senarai[5];
int Penanda=0; //Pembolehubah yg menunjukan kpd ruangan kosong terakhir
int Nilai;
int Ulangan;

0 1 2 3 4

Linear List

for(int s=0; s < 6; s++){

//check list is full or not
if(Penanda == 5){
cout<<"Senarai Telah Penuh\n";
cout<<"Kedudukan \t\t Nilai\n";
//display list
for (Ulangan = 0; Ulangan < Penanda; Ulangan ++){
cout<<Ulangan<<"\t\t\t "<<Senarai[Ulangan]<<"\n";


Linear List

cout<<"Apakah nilai yang hendak dimasukan dalam senarai: ";

cin>>Nilai; Senarai 23
0 1 2 3 4
//display list
cout<<"Kedudukan \t\t Nilai\n"; Penanda++
for (Ulangan = 0; Ulangan < Penanda; Ulangan ++){
cout<<Ulangan<<"\t\t\t "<<Senarai[Ulangan]<<"\n";

Linear List

Example Code 2 (Delete Item From List):

using namespace std;
void main(){
int Senarai[5]={23,34,45,55,100};
int Penanda=5;
int Nilai;
int anjak;
int ulang; Senarai 23 34 45 55 100

0 1 2 3 4 5


Linear List

//check list is empty or not

//if list is empty
if (Penanda == 0){
cout<<"Senarai Kosong !!, Tidak Dapat Buang Nilai";

}else{ //if list is not empty

cout<<"Apakah nilai yang hendak dikeluarkan :";

Linear List

for(ulang = 0; ulang < Penanda; ulang++){

if(Nilai == Senarai[ulang]){
//display position item to delete
cout<<"Kedudukan nilai ini adalah di kedudukan ke:"<<ulang<<endl;
//Anjakan nilai pada kedudukan dibelakangnya satu tempat hadapan
for (anjak=ulang; anjak < 5; anjak++)
cout<<"Nilai Tiada Dalam Senarai\n";
Linear List

//display list
cout<<"Kedudukan \t\t Nilai\n";
for (ulang = 0; ulang < Penanda; ulang ++){
cout<<ulang<<"\t\t\t "<<Senarai[ulang]<<"\n";

Linked List
• A linked list is a series of connected nodes

• Linked list consist of at least one head node.

• Head node acts as a pointer to the first node in

linked list and contains the address of the nod.


Head Nod

Linked List
• Linked list is said to be empty when it does not
contain any node or head node contains the
value NULL.


Head Nod

Linked List

• The most important concept in linked list is

the instances that point/link to other

• In linked list this kind of instances usually

referred as nodes.

• Example : Grocery List

For example:

• A list of images that need to be burned to a CD in a

medical imaging application

• A list of users of a website that need to be emailed some


• A list of objects in a 3D game that need to be rendered to

the screen

A linked list can be used to implement a queue.

The canonical real life example would be a line for a cashier.

A linked list can also be used to implement a stack.

The cononical real ife example would be one of those plate

dispensers at a buffet restaurant where pull the top plate off
the top of the stack.

Linked List

Name Matric
Data field Link field


Linked List

• Linked list can be constructed using

i. A pointer or

ii. Array

Linked List Constructed Using Pointer

• Linked list constructed using pointers is a

dynamic data structure that does not limit the
list size, and node components can be added
and removed easily.

Linked List Constructed Using Pointer

• Figure 1 shows the linked list is constructed

using pointer which is contains four nodes.
10 24 40 50 NULL

Figure 1

Linked List Constructed Using Array

• Linked list built using the array is a static data

structure because the list size is limited.

• The maximum number of nodes in the linked

list depends on the size of the array that has
been declared.
Linked List Constructed Using Array

• Figure 2 shows linked list constructed using

Head node
an array.
index item link
3 50 -1
2 40 3
1 24 2
0 10 1
Figure 2

Linked List Constructed Using Array

• Head node contains value 0 indicates the first

node in linked list is at index 0.

• Link to the index value 0 is the value of 1

indicates a link to that node is at index 1 and
so on;
Linked List Constructed Using Array

• Head node contains value 0 indicates the first

node in linked list is at index 0.

• Link to the index value 0 is the value of 1

indicates a link to that node is at index 1 and
so on;
Linked List Constructed Using Array

• Link on the index value 3 is value -1 indicates

that the node is the last node in the list and
has no links.

Linked List Constructed Using

Head Nod Head Nod


Pointer Array

Figure 3 : Shows an empty linked list constructed using a pointer and array

Characteristics Of Non-empty Linked List

1. Must have a head node that is not

valued null. Starting from the head node,
all information in the linked list can be
2. Each node in the linked list has at least
one data field.

Characteristics Of Non-empty Linked List

3. Each node in the linked list has at least

one field that stores link next node

Characteristics Of Non-empty Linked List

Head node Name Age cpa link

Fasehah 20 3.25 NULL

Data Field Link Field

Figure 4 : Shows a Non-empty linked list of a node

Characteristics Of Non-empty Linked List

Head node Name Age cpa link Name Age cpa link

Fasehah 20 3.25 Nina 25 3.5 NULL

Data Field Link Field Data Field Link Field

Figure 4 : Shows a Non-empty linked list with two nodes

Linked list variations

• Singly linked list

• Doubly linked list

• Circular linked list

• Circular doubly linked list

• Sorted linked list

• Unsorted linked list

Singly linked list

A B C ∅

• The last pointer of node points to NULL

Doubly linked lists
∅ A B C ∅


• Each pointer of node points to not only successor

but the predecessor.
• There are two NULL: at the first and last nodes in
the list.
Doubly linked lists

• Advantage: given a node, it is easy to visit its

predecessor. Convenient to traverse lists

Circular linked lists


• The last pointer of node points to the first node

of the list.
• How do we know when we have finished
traversing the list? (Tip: check if the pointer of
the current node is equal to the head.)
Circular doubly linked list

• No NULL value at the first and last nodes in

the list.
• Convenient to traverse lists backwards and
Sorted Linked list :

• The nodes in the lists is sorted in certain


UnSorted Linked list :

• The nodes in the lists is not sorted in any order.

Defining The Data Structure For A Linked
struct Node
char name[20]; // Name of up to 20 letters
int age; // D.O.B. would be better
float height; // In meters
Node *next; // Pointer to next node
Node *start_ptr = NULL; // Start Pointer (root)

Defining The Data Structure For A Linked
int main(){
if(start_ptr == NULL){
start_ptr = new Node;

Node *temp;

return 0;

Real world example of the Linked List?

The simplest and most straightforward is a train.

Train cars are linked in a specific order so that they may be loaded, unloaded, transferred, dropped off, and
picked up in the most efficient manner possible.

For instance, the Jiffy Mix plant needs sugar, flour, cornmeal, etc. Just around the bend might be a paper
processing plant that needs chlorine, sulfuric acid, and hydrogen.

Now, we can stop the train, unload each car of its contents, then let the train go on, but then everything else on
the train has to sit while flour is sucked out of the caisson, then the sugar, etc.

Instead, the cars are loaded on the train in order so that a whole chunk of it can be detached, and the remainder of
the train moves on.

The end of the train is easier to detach than a portion in the middle, and vastly easier than detaching a few cars in
one spot, and a few cars in another spot.

If needed, however, you can insert and remove items at any point in the train.

Much like a linked list.

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