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* AT
 with particular points on the clock:
I’ll see you at five o’clock.
 with particular points in the day:(mốc thời gian nhất định trong ngày)
(at night, at noon, at luchtime, at midday, at the moment, at present,at
times, at dawn, at dusk, at the same time)
The helicopter took off at midday and headed for the island.
 with particular points in the week:
What are you doing at the weekend?
 with special celebrations:(trước các ngày lễ)
At the New Year, millions of people travel home to be with their families (but we
say on your birthday).
* ON
 with dates:
We moved into this house on 25 October 1987.
 with a singular day of the week to refer to one occasion:
I’ve got to go to London on Friday.
 with a plural day of the week to refer to repeated events:
 with special dates:
What do you normally do on your birthday?
* IN
 with parts of the day:
I’ll come and see you in the morning for a cup of coffee, okay?
 with months/years:
We usually go camping in July or August.
The house was built in 1835.
 with seasons:
The garden is wonderful in the spring when all the flowers come out.
 with long periods of time:
The population of Europe doubled in the nineteenth century.


In -Dùng trong 1 khoảng - In the bedroom, in

không. hospital, in the rain,
-Dùng trước các địa danh - In a town, in Hanoi, in
như thị trấn, thành phố, VietNam.
quốc gia.
- Dùng trước các từ chỉ -In the
phương hướng. west,/east/north/south…
In the middle of : ở giữa.
- Dùng trước nơi làm -in an office, in a
việc. company.
Trường hợp đặc biệt: on
- Dùng trong một số cụm farm.
AT -Đứng trước các địa At the airport, at the part,
điểm, vị trí cụ thể: at the cinema, at the
station, at the bus stop, at
the meeting, at home,…
- Dùng trước trường - at school, at university,
at college.
-Đứng trước địa chỉ nhà - at
-Dùng trong một số cụm - at the end of:
từ: - at the beginning of:
- at the top of
- at the botttom of:
- at the age of :
- at the center of:
ON -Chỉ vị trí trên bề On the table, on the wall,
mặt( trên/ở trên) on the beach.
-Chỉ các vị trí trên các -On the first/second
tầng nhà. /thirth / 15th floor.
-Dùng trong 1 số cụm từ -On the left/on the right.

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