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Types of Tourism

The different types of tourism are as follows:
adventure tourism, arts tourism, cultural tourism,
ecotourism, educational tourism, ethnic tourism,
events tourism, factory tourism, festival tourism,
health tourism, heritage tourism, MICE, nature
based, sports tourism, disaster tourism, urban
tourism, rural tourism and gay/ pink tourism etc.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson , the students
should be able to:
➢ explain the different types of tourism
➢ identify the activities in each type of tourism
➢discuss MICE
Adventure Tourism
This type of tourism involves unusual holidays, which are very different
from the typical beach vacation. It is a travel to remote areas:
inaccessible and possible hostile areas where travelers expect the
It is characterized by its ability to provide the tourist with relatively high
levels of sensory stimulation, usually achieved by including physically
challenging experiential components with the (typically short) tourist
Most activities require significant effort and grit and usually involve
some degree of risk.
Example of activities engaged in by tourists:

Hang Gliding


skiing Rock
Rappelling Climbing


Jumping Skydiving
Arts Tourism
This type of tourism focuses on the tourists gaining exposure
to paintings, sculpture and other forms of art.

It is usually considered a sub-category of cultural tourism.

Tourists visit places to appreciate works of famous artists, local

or international.
Example of activities engaged in by
Visits to: museums


Art Galleries

Cultural Tourism
This type of tourism involves experiencing or having contact of
different intensity with the unique social fabric, heritage
and special characteristic of places.

Enriching information and knowledge on other countries as

well as satisfaction of the need for entertainment are two
primary reasons for engaging in this kind of tourism.
Example of activities engaged in by tourists:

Visits to:
archaeological sites

Folk arts, music
and dance

This type of tourism consist of travel to relatively
undisturbed or uncontained natural areas with specific
objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the
scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any
existing cultural manifestation(both past and present)
found in the areas.
Example of activities engaged in by tourists:

Scuba diving



National and Natural Parks

Educational Tourism
The main purpose of this tourism is learning.

It is an organized learning usually made available to students,

not actively seeking a degree, for a duration of not more
than a year.
Ethnic Tourism
Ethnic tourism is when travelers choose to experience
firsthand the practices of another culture, usually
isolated indigenous communities.

It may involve performances, presentations and

attractions portraying or presented by the host
Events Tourism
This type of tourism refers to the travel of tourists to destinations to
attend and/or participate in events, fairs, ceremonies, jubilees,
parties or celebrations, pilgrimages, parades, rituals or rare natural
phenomena like solar eclipses and volcanic eruptions are the
primary tourist attractions.
Categories of Events:

a. Mega-events –events that attract the largest number of

tourists and usually would have a major impact on the
image of the destination.
b. Special events – one time or infrequently occurring events
outside the normal program or activities of the sponsoring
or organizing body; may be a concert, a raffle draw or a
special dinner.
c. Hallmark events – give a particular destination, high
profile and provide the tourism theme for a destination.
Factory Tourism
This type of tourism involves visits to factories to
learn about the production process of products.
One attraction of this type of tourism is factories
sell their products as souvenirs and at a lower
cost which the tourist also take advantage of.
Festival Tourism
This type of tourism focuses on festivals. It is a sub-
category of events tourism.

Tourists travel particularly to join in the celebration of

a certain festival.

Pintados de Passi


Health Tourism
This involves travel for improvement of health. It includes
travel to spas and for massage and, medical treatments.
Health tourism is the travel to a different country or state for
health-related reasons. Lack of facilities in the home
country, exorbitant cost of treatment in the home country,
no or minimal insurance coverage, anonymity, and
possibility of a holiday with health care are some of the
drivers of this kind of tourism
(Meetings, Incentives, Convention and Exhibition) Tourism

This type of tourism involves travel to attend scientific,

professional and even political gatherings.

This is engages in more by business travelers than leisure

Nature-Based Tourism
The main attraction for this type of tourism is nature. It is often
associated with ecotourism and wildlife tourism.

This kind of tourism take place principally on natural resources such as

relatively undisturbed parks and natural areas, wetlands, wildlife
reserves and other areas of protected flora, fauna, and habitats.
This involves varying degrees of interaction of tourists with the
Sports Tourism
This type of tourism includes travel and participation or
attendance at a predetermined sports activity.

The sport can be competitive and/or recreational.

• Agritourism or agrotourism tourism normally occurs on
farms. It gives travelers an opportunity to experience rural
life, taste the local genuine food and get familiar with
various farming tasks.
Birth Tourism
• Birth tourism also known as maternity tourism is the practice of
traveling to another country for giving birth.
• The main reason for this practice is to obtain birthright
• Other reasons include access to public schooling, healthcare
and sponsorship for the parents. Some of the countries that
give citizenship by birthright include United States, Canada,
Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Jamaica, and Uruguay.
Culinary Tourism
• Culinary tourism or food tourism is for food enthusiasts who
love to explore new food destinations.
• This is a welcome change from the standard travel itinerary as
the trip involves the opportunity to learn new cooking
techniques or attend a food tasting.
• Some of the top culinary tourism destinations in the world are
Italy, Spain, Dubai, Thailand, India, Tokyo, Bangkok, Japan, Peru,
Ethiopia and New Orleans.
• Enotourism or wine tourism involves tasting, consumption
or purchase of wine. These tourists visit wineries, taste
wine, go on vineyard walks or even take part in the harvest.
Some of the world’s top destinations for wine tastings are
France, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Argentina, Australia, South
Africa, Spain, New Zealand, Moldova and Chile.
Fashion Tourism
• Fashion tourism involves visiting a particular place to
enjoy, experiment, discover, study, trade and buy fashion.
It evolved out of creative tourism, cultural tourism and
shopping tourism sectors.
• The top fashion destinations in the world are New York,
Paris, Barcelona, London, Rome, Milan, Hong Kong, Los
Angeles, Berlin and Toronto.
Halal Tourism
• Halal tourism is geared towards Muslim families who
follow the rules of Islam. The accommodation service
providers in such destinations do not serve alcohol and
have a separate swimming pool and spa facilities for men
and women.
• Famous Halal tourism destinations in the world are
Malaysia, UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco,
Jordan and Qatar.
Celebrity tourism or Film Tourism
• In this tourism prime attraction is celebrities. Sometimes celebrities come
there as tourists and join the event. You can visit that place where the event
happened earlier. Although no celebrities are present, only you can see the
entire studio. Many Destination Management organizations (DMOs) use
celebrity tourism to promote destinations as an attraction.

• Popular celebrity tourism destinations are – Hollywood, Harry Potter

Studios, Ramoji Film City India, Cannes Film Festival, Hong Kong, and
Madame Tussauds, Nami Island
Urban Tourism
This type of tourism involves travel to cities and large towns to enjoy its
landscape and recreational activities
Dubai, UAE

London, United Kingdom

Paris, France

Bangkok , Thailand
Popular Cities in the World for Urban Tourism
Dubai, UAE London, United Kingdom
Paris, France Bangkok, Thailand
Rural Tourism
This is the type of tourism where people who like to escape
their fast-paced urban life engaged in.

Usually this kind of tourism takes place in country sides and far
flung areas.
Characteristics of Rural Tourism
Some reasons why people enjoy the countryside
• Remoteness and solitude
• Peace and quiet, relaxing environment
• Health & fitness concerns; fresh air
• Change from everyday urban life
• Experience of rural communities, culture and
Disaster Tourism
It involves travelling to a disaster scene.

Tourists travel to a disaster area not to help but because it is

interesting to see. They can hinder rescue, relief and
repair work.
Gay Tourism
(Pink Tourism)
It is tourism participated by gays who have been open gay

The primary purpose of travel is to be able to participate to

some extent in the gay life of a certain destination.
Sex Tourism
This is tourism that is partially or fully for the purpose of
having sex, often with prostitutes.
Sex tourism is illegal in many countries. Popular sex tourism
destinations include Amsterdam, Thailand and The Gambia.
Several researchers have enumerated possible reasons for
engaging this kind of tourism (a) more relaxed morality law
in the host community; (b) less rigorous enforcement of
laws; (c.) cheaper rates; (d) more anonymity/privacy;(e)
finding certain ethnic groups more attractive; and (f) finding
sex in tropical surroundings and a hot climate more
Slum Tourism
• Slum tourism or ghetto tourism involves visiting
impoverished areas. The purpose of this tourism is to
provide tourists a chance to see the ‘non-touristy’ areas
of a country. Some of the top slum tourism destinations
in the world are South Africa, India, Brazil, Poland, Kenya,
Philippines and others.
End of Presentation
➢Cruz, Zenaida L. , Macro Perpsective of
Tourism and Hospitality 1st Edition 2018

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