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This research is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

Practical Research 1 of the

Senior High School

Betis National High School

Castro, Justine Claire R.

Dayrit, Francheska Marette B.

Dela Pena, Jane Nicole

Digas, James Patrick

Pineda, Pia L.

Yambao, King Jer Q.

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June 2023


The literature explores areas of disagreement among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

Transgender, and Questioning/Queer (LGBTQ) students in school settings, and
the implications of teachers, administrators, and school counsellors for LGBTQ
students. Attitudes and knowledge are highlighted. Overall, most LGBTQ students
experienced bullying, harassment, and/or lack of support during their time in the
K-12 education system. An educator (N = 65) expressed attitudes and knowledge
about her LGBTQ student issues in high school. Respondents indicated different
attitudes toward LGBTQ student issues, policies, and identities. Furthermore, the
results show that school personnel lacks knowledge on the subject, unintentionally
harming LGBTQ students. This indicates more opportunities for professional

For educators, it is necessary to minimize negative experiences for LGBTQ



Grow-ing up can be hard. Grow-ing up iden-ti-fy-ing as les-bian, gay, bisex-u-al,

trans-gen-der, queer or ques-tion-ing (LGBTQ) is even hard-er, accord-ing to
nation-al data. Also referred to as LGBTQIA+, these terms include les-bian, gay,
bisex-u-al, trans, queer, ques-tion-ing, inter-sex, asex-u-al and more identities.
Young peo-ple in the LGBTQ com-mu-ni-ty face high-er rates of rejec-tion,
vio-lence, sui-cide and home-less-ness when com-pared to their gen-er-al
pop-u-la-tion peers. LGBTQ youth are also over-rep-re-sent-ed in the child
wel-fare and juve-nile jus-tice sys-tems and more like-ly to drop out of school than
their fel-low classmates (Casey A, 2023).

The acronym is used to represent a diverse range of sexualities and gender -

identities, referring to anyone who is transgender and/or same/similar gender
attracted (Cherry K, 2023).
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Schools should be a safe place for everyone but in the Philippines, students who
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) have experienced
discrimination (Human Rights Watch, 2017) and these abuses can cause deep
and lasting harm (Human Rights Watch, 2017). Schools nationwide are hostile
environments for a distressing number of LGBTQ students. The overwhelming
majority of whom routinely hear anti-LGBTQ language and experience
victimization and discrimination at school. Discrimination against LGBTQ
individuals remains widespread in our country and in different countries, this leads
the researchers to conduct research on this issue. In this study, the researchers
explored the discrimination among LGBTQ youth senior high school students at
Betis National High School. As of now, there is no study about the discrimination
of LGBTQ in the Betis National High School community.

In today’s higher education institutions, the role of traditional and nontraditional

students is vastly changing. This is since social influences create stressors for
students, especially young adults. As students are in the process to perform
efficiently through their personal student development, many may be experiencing
self-discovery through sexual identity development. This can include coming out
to society, gender expression, and how it affects themselves as students. Though
many institutions are working on creating safe environments for students to
express themselves and their sexual orientation, many institutions experience
hardship. A result of this hardship can potentially be students going through a
negative phase of sexual identity development and experiencing: depression,
anger issues, and most commonly, anxiety. The effect of anxiety on college
students has a negative impact on the students. As a result, students do not
perform productively in school (Ertl & Quinn, 2015). About my study, the history of
anxiety among higher education students is increasing in propensity with serious
consequences for students while developing their sexual orientation.


As the number of international students continues to grow globally and, in the

Philippines, the topic of international students continues to be a recurring area of

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interest among researchers (Healey, 2008). The number of students leaving their
home country to obtain higher education qualifications in other countries has
generally continued to increase over the years despite different national,
institutional, and sociocultural challenges. Among several other challenges that
international students may have to cope with is transitioning into the social and
cultural environment of the host countries (Yam, 2016). One social stigma or
challenge is in relation to sexuality, which has been coined in different studies as
homonegativity, homophobia, heterosexism, or anti-gay prejudice (Van den Akker
et al., 2013) and which could determine the experiences of international students
in a given context. Such social acceptance or nonacceptance, otherwise known
as homopositivity if the experience is positive and homonegativity if negative
(Manalastas et al., 2017), affects international students’ feelings of welcome in the
host country or institution, for instance. Overcoming transitional challenges will
enable institutions to attract and retain international students regardless of their
sexual orientation, among other things (Lee, 2010).

1.1 Statement of the Problem


answer the following questions.

1.Why are members of the LGBT bullied in school?

A. Because gender is not accepted

B. Because they have nothing to do in society

C. Being part of LGBT is bad in people's eyes

2.What can be the effect of being a victim of verbal harassment?

-Abusive relationships cause lasting harm, leading to chronic pain, depression,

and anxiety.
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-Lack of confident

3.How can it be prevented?

-Anti-bullying programs can effectively address bullies.

-By the help of the teacher, guidance counsellor, friends and students.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The result of the study will give advantage to the following:

The Parents: To guide their child properly and recognize misbehaviour at school,
Parental involvement is a critical factor in the success of children’s education.

The Teacher: To teach students how to be kind and avoid being bullied at school.
A teacher is someone who imparts knowledge and information to students and
assist then in their learning.

The students: Let them know this can negatively affect students' mental health
and self-confidence, listening carefully to teachers and parents developing positive
attitude; being cooperative and considerate.

The LGBTQ+ people: This young people who identify LGBTQ+ can experience
various challenges because of how others respond to their sexual orientation or

The future researchers: This research improves service and treatments not just
for you but also for future LGBT generation. It helps develop new tests for
diagnosis, treatment and processes that could eventually help your children, or
even your grandchildren.

School administrators: This research will enable them to identity and meet the
needs of LGBT students and to prevent the bully at the school premises.

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The respondents: When this issue emerge, this research will assist them in
becoming more aware regarding this issue towards the bullying and developing a
new solution or finding a different technique to tackle the difficulties.

The researcher: Fostering critical thinking and analytical skills through hands-on
learning. Defining academic, career and personal interests.

1.3 Theoretical Framework

Gabriele Prati is a fellow researcher at the University of Bologna (Italy). He

received a doctoral degree in social and organizational psychology from the
University of Bologna. He teaches social psychology and work psychology at the
University of Bologna. The results from the multilevel mediation model (1–2–1)
showed that class-level homophobic attitudes toward gay males mediated the
relationship between student observations of peer homophobic aggression and
self-reported engagement in homophobic aggression toward schoolmates
perceived as gay. Student observations of peer aggression toward perceived
lesbians predicted the self-reported engagement in homophobic aggression
toward perceived lesbians. It was found that the social cognitive perspective
provided considerable insights into homophobic aggression at school. Consistent
with this perspective, social and cognitive factors accounted for students'
homophobic aggression (Prati G. 2019).

A series of contemporary theories that have been used to explain homophobia are
assessed. Structural, feminist, comparative, gender panic, queer, and socio-
historical theories rely on the premises of a diverse set of scholarly disciplines,
and in turn, generate their own objects of analysis, whether homophobia',
heterosexism', or heteronormativity'. While the current flourishing of gay and
lesbian studies has generated important insights into the workings of homophobia,
analyses have also tended to be limited and fragmentary. This paper suggests a
study of homophobic projects that combines theoretical tools able to recognize
experience, discourse, structure, and history (Adam B.1985a).

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The interrelatedness of attitudes toward homosexuals, Blacks, women, and old

people was studied, as well as attitude differences on demographic variables.
Three hundred and nine White undergraduates responded to the Homosexual
Attitude Scale, The Attitudes Toward Women Scale, Multifactor Racial Attitude
Inventory, and two attitudes toward old people scales. Nine of the ten possible
intercorrelations were significant beyond the .01 levels. Prejudice toward quite
distinct outgroups appears to be a generalized attitude. Attitude differences were
found on the demographic variables of sex, political party, and religion. Women
expressed more tolerant attitudes than men toward all four outgroups studied.
Republicans were more prejudiced toward homosexuals and women than were
Democrats or Independents. Participants who identified themselves as Christians
were less supportive of equality between the sexes than were Catholics,
Protestants, or those with no religion Christians were also more prejudiced toward
homosexuals than were Catholics or those with no religion.

1.4 Definition of Terms

LGBTQ - An acronym used to describe les-bian, gay, bisex-u-al, trans-gen-der,

queer or ques­tion­ing per­sons or the com­mu­ni­ty. Avoid using the term “gay

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com­mu­ni­ty,” as it does not accu­rate­ly account for the community’s diversity

(Casey A, 2021).

Homophobic - Homophobia is an irritational dislike of, or prejudice against,

people who are LGBTQIA+. The word "phobia" in the name conveys that fear of
difference leads to hate; homophobic beliefs can be said to originate out of fear
that the white supremacist and colonial status quo regarding gender and sexuality
will be challenged, shattering the worldviews of many people, but homophobia
manifests as actions that are anything but fearful (Resnick A, 2023).

Gender Inequality - refers to the disparities between women and men in a society
in terms of their access and opportunities in the social, economic, and political
spheres and their share in decision-making power at all social levels (INEE 2019).

Discrimination - Discrimination is defined as prejudiced, unfair, or unequal

treatment of people based on their personal characteristics such as race, religion,
disability, age, nation of origin, or gender (gender identity, sexual orientation,
pregnancy) (Cherry k, 2023).


2.1 Research Method

To determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables,

the researchers in this study used a qualitative descriptive correlational research
methodology. Qualitative descriptive research generates data that describe the
‘who, what, and where of events or experiences’ from a subjective perspective
(Kim et al., 2017, p. 23). Furthermore, descriptive qualitative research is a method
of research that is focused on understanding a phenomenon by examining its
characteristics and qualities. We use this type of research when we want to
explore a topic that has not been studied in depth before, or when we want to gain
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a better understanding of a previously studied topic but using a different

perspective (Regoniel P, 2023). Lastly, it is one of the most important steps for
conducting statistical data analysis. It gives you a conclusion of the distribution of
your data, helps you detect typos and outliers, and enables you to identify
similarities among variables, thus making you ready for conducting further
statistical analyses (Rawat A, 2021).

2.2 Survey/Interview

Because the researchers utilize a qualitative strategy, they use an interview

questionnaire (paper-based) in this study. The researchers create a list of ten
questions for the individuals who have been bullied at school to respond during
the interview.

2.3 Participant

The researchers randomly selected a participant from the Senior High School
Students in Betis National High School. They distribute an interview sheet with 10
questionnaires for each participant to answer and each question has a question
regarding the research about The Homophobic Students of Betis National High
School, the researchers randomly selected 5 students per section whether they
are part or LGBT or not. An examiner of the group gives an interview to those
participants randomly during the vacant time to prevent interrupting their class and
those participants were given enough time for them to answer those
questionnaires overall the researchers gather 65 random participants for the

2.4 Research Locale

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The study was conducted at Betis National High School, because many LGBT
students are being bullied and lose their confidence. The research's used an
interview questionnaire and we interviewed several students in Senior High School
Department about the bullying of LGBT students and we asked per section who
wants to participate in the interview. We did the interview with no one will be

2.5 Data gathering procedure

The questionnaire was the tool used to get the data. This was utilized since it
acquired data faster than any other method. Besides the respondents were Senior
High School students. They could read and answer the questionnaire with ease.

The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request letter. The
researchers made a letter for approval from the principal, as well as the class
adviser, to conduct the study at Betis National High School. The principal, as well
class adviser. In administering the questionnaire, the researchers used the time
allotted for vacant to avoid the distraction of class discussion. The student
responses were given enough time to answer the question. It takes a long time to
gather all the interview and photos, it approximately takes a week or two for the
researcher to gather all the data.

The second step is to start tallying all the data that the researchers gather
from those participants. The researchers start of by counting the overall interviews
they gather and how many participants they get per section, after that the
researchers divided those data and starts the tally to get the results from those

The researcher prepared his own questionnaire. To prepare one, he also

sought advice from several expert people. The researcher made sure that there
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were enough items to gather data on all relevant parts of the issue and to address
each of the detailed issues raised in the problem description. The questionnaire
was then finished after being corrected and sent to his adviser.

For validation, the copies of questionnaire were given to the statistician of

Betis National High School a person of authority to validate the self-made
questionnaire. After they had validated the copies, these people were interviewed
by the researchers to find out their assessment of the questionnaire. They were
asked if all the items were clear and unequivocal to them; if the number of items
were adequate to collect data pertinent to the study; if all items were object or not
biased; and if all items were relevant to the research problem. Afterwards, the
items in the questionnaire were revised for more clarity and definiteness.

The copies of the questionnaire were then distributed by the researcher to the


Interview Flow (Q and A) verbatim

Item Open-ended Questions Response TVL 11 A (01-05)
1 What's the most hurtful thing you've None
heard from a homophobic person?
(Ano ang pinakamasakit na bagay na

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narinig mo mula sa isang

homophobic na tao?)

2 Why do you think they bother you? Because they are jealous
(Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you think Jealous
someone is being a homophobic?
(Ano ang mga dahilan kung bakit sa
tingin mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a homophobic Hurting
person makes fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are being Hurting
bullied? (Ano ang pakiramdam mo
kapag ikaw ay binu-bully?)

6 What do you think is the main reason Hurt

they bullied? (Ano sa tingin mo ang
pangunahing dahilan kung bakit sila

7 What are possible ways to ignore Avoid

bullying? (Ano ang mga posibleng
paraan upang huwag pansinin ang
mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? (Ano Not being treated right
masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong palagay
kailangan bang ihinto ang verbal
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Treat them right and don’t
would you give young LGBT people? judge them
(Bilang bahagi ng LGBTQ+, anong
payo ang ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing None
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
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2 Why do you think they bother Because they are jealous

you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why Jealousy
you think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when you Hurting
are being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
5 How do you feel when you Hurting
are being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the They don’t have better things to do
main reason they bullied?
(Ano sa tingin mo ang
pangunahing dahilan kung
bakit sila nang-bubully?)
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? They should stop because it affects
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) another student
9 Do you think it's okay to Yes, so no one get bullied
verbal bullying must stop?
(Saiyong palagay kailangan
bang ihinto ang verbal
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t listen to anything bad to you
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang
bahagi ng LGBTQ+, anong
payo ang ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

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Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Nothing
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why I don’t know
you think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when you Irritated
are being bullied? (Ano angN
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
5 How do you feel when you Annoyed
are being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the They lack attention
main reason they bullied?
(Ano sa tingin mo ang
pangunahing dahilan kung
bakit sila nang-bubully?)
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? I hope you change
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to Yes
verbal bullying must stop?
(Saiyong palagay kailangan
bang ihinto ang verbal
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Continue and ignore the people who
advice would you give young don’t have a part in your life
LGBT people? (Bilang
bahagi ng LGBTQ+, anong
payo ang ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

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Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Nothing
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you I don’t know
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Irritated
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Annoyed
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main They lack attention
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? I hope they change
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Just do what makes them happy
would you give young LGBT because there is many who support
people? (Bilang bahagi ng them
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

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ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang


Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Nothing
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They are annoying
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you I don’t know
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Hurt and irritated
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are None
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)

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10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None

advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang
Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (01-05)
1 What's the most hurtful thing Plague, you won't achieve anything
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)

2 Why do you think they bother Because of my gender

you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Because they believe that there is
think someone is being a only girls and boy
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Hurting
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Hurting
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They don’t accept me
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Avoid them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? They have a bad personality
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyoni

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palagay kailangan bang ihinto

ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Accept who really are
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang
Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (02-05)
1 What's the most hurtful thing Nothing
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Nothing
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Nothing
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Nothing
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Nothing
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Nothing
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Nothing
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong

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palagay kailangan bang ihinto

ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Let them be alum or rexona
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing He said that my boyfriend left me
you've heard from a homophobic
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Because he doesn’t have a
think someone is being a boyfriend that’s why he bullied
homophobic? (Ano ang mga me
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Annoying painful
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are None
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because he didn’t see anyone
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t look at then, they might be
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga doing something worng
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)

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9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes

bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Partner
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You’re a pity because you're
you've heard from a like that
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because of what or what I
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka have
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They lacking of self-
think someone is being a confidence
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a It hurts because they pull you
homophobic person makes down even more
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Painful
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because they don’t have what
reason they bullied? (Ano sa I have
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to There's nothing because you
ignore bullying? (Ano ang know yourself
mga posibleng paraan upang

1 2 3
21 of 104
21 of 104

1 30

huwag pansinin ang mga

8 What can you say for bully? They lower confidence
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t listen t what other say,
advice would you give young it's your own, it’s your life, so
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi it’s your rules, you know
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang yourself better
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Irritating to look
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they don’t accept that
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila there is another gender in this
ginugulo?) society
3 What are the reasons why you It hurts of course but I don’t pay
think someone is being a attention to them because I don’t
homophobic? (Ano ang mga have anything to gain
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a None
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are They lack attention to what they
being bullied? (Ano ang see
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-

1 2 3
22 of 104
22 of 104

1 30

7 What are possible ways to None

ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what In my view they must change
advice would you give young because that is a sin against God,
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi we must be content with the gift
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang that God gave us and we must
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang accept it

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 C (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Gay
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because of y personality
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Because of their behaviour
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Triggered mad
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are I feel sad
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Personality and physical
reason they bullied? (Ano sa appearance
tingin mo ang pangunahing
1 2 3
23 of 104
23 of 104

1 30

dahilan kung bakit sila nang-

7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because bullying can affect
bullying must stop? (Saiyong life
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t listen to others opinion about
advice would you give young who you are
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 C (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Cursed me even though I was
you've heard from a homophobic doing anything to him
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they can't do anything
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Shy
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It hurts because you don’t do
being bullied? (Ano ang anything to them and suddenly,
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay they bully you

1 2 3
24 of 104
24 of 104

1 30

6 What do you think is the main Maybe they are jealous because
reason they bullied? (Ano sa my classmate pays more
tingin mo ang pangunahing attention to me because they
dahilan kung bakit sila nang- don’t pay attention to them
bubully?) because of their behaviour
7 What are possible ways to Don’t hit them and forgive them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? It's hard to be bullied especially
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) when you're not doing anything
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, if they continue to bully, no
bullying must stop? (Saiyong student will enter or study
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice My only advice is that if you are
would you give young LGBT being bullied, don’t fight back,
people? (Bilang bahagi ng stay away from them or report it
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang to the adviser or come to POD
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 C (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Ugly
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Envy
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Bad attitude
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Painful
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Out of his school
being bullied? (Ano ang
1 2 3
25 of 104
25 of 104

1 30

pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw

ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because of envy
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t listen
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Stuoid
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what I don’t know
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 B (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You’re gay, you’re a plague on
you've heard from a homophobic the world
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they hate it
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Because they don’t like being
think someone is being a homophobic
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Used it
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)

1 2 3
26 of 104
26 of 104

1 30

5 How do you feel when you are Disgusted

being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because they don’t Like being
reason they bullied? (Ano sa homophobic
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Avoid them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop your work
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because it hurts
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Show who you are don’t be shy
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 C (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Stupid
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Maybe they were also made or
think someone is being a something in the families
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a It hurts because I don’t do anything
homophobic person makes with them
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
1 2 3
27 of 104
27 of 104

1 30

pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Anger
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They did the same
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore their hurtful words or avoid
ignore bullying? (Ano ang them
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t pay attention to what other
advice would you give young people say to them because it's not
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi their fault to end up in the wrong
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang body
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 D (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Feeding them
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Maybe they’re happy that way
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)

1 2 3
28 of 104
28 of 104

1 30

4 How do you feel when a Nothing just the same

homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are No reaction
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main I don’t know
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t react to what they say
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Goodluck
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, for no hurt
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t pay attention to those who
advice would you give young judge you
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 D (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Why are you like that
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they hate lgbt
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)

1 2 3
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29 of 104

1 30

3 What are the reasons why you They don’t like the way the man
think someone is being a dress
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Hurtful
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are It’s hurt like killing myself
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They’re jealous
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Do not talk to them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Can you stop bullying
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 D (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing When they teasing ashamed
you've heard from a homophobic
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
1 2 3
30 of 104
30 of 104

1 30

2 Why do you think they bother None

you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a None
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are None
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice None
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 D (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing None
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay

1 2 3
31 of 104
31 of 104

1 30

na narinig mo mula sa isang

homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they’re jealous
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Jealous
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Heart breaking
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Heart breaking
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They can't do anything
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? The bully must stop
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, so that there are no more bully
bullying must stop? (Saiyong people
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 11 C (05-05)

1 2 3
32 of 104
32 of 104

1 30

1 What's the most hurtful thing Insulted and wanted to be kicked

you've heard from a homophobic
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother None
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Maybe that’s way they’re happy
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Angry but I let them go
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Painful
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Maybe that’s the way they’re
reason they bullied? (Ano sa happy
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just leave and avoid them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Change
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, ofcourse you can
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Don’t imitate them because there
would you give young LGBT are already many of them
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

1 2 3
33 of 104
33 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 11 A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing When you don’t do anything to
you've heard from a them and then you will be
homophobic person? (Ano slandered by the people which is
ang pinakamasakit na bagay not true and has nothing to do with
na narinig mo mula sa isang your own life
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They just want your attention and
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka when they got you, they will tease
nila ginugulo?) you for life
3 What are the reasons why you They just wat to embarrass people
think someone is being a and they want to ruin your other
homophobic? (Ano ang mga life
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a You'll just be shocked because you
homophobic person makes have no idea why they’re making
fun of you? (Ano ang fun of you; you'll suddenly think
pakiramdam mo kapag they might be crazy
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Nothing because I don’t affect
being bullied? (Ano ang those who bully me
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Don’t be affected by what they tell
reason they bullied? (Ano sa you if you know for yourself that
tingin mo ang pangunahing it’s not true
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to One of their ways to destroy
ignore bullying? (Ano ang someone is to create a story
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, but it still depends on who will
bullying must stop? (Saiyong do it
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Whether they respect you or not,
advice would you give young think about it, you just fixed it
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi yourself, it’s your life, just accept
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang who you are, there's nothing they
ibibigay mo sa mga can do
kabataang LGBT?)

1 2 3
34 of 104
34 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 11 A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I haven't heard anything that hurts
you've heard from a me from homophobic person
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They don’t bother me
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you I don’t know the reason behind
think someone is being a this, but maybe it’s because of
homophobic? (Ano ang mga lack of attention
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I don’t feel anything
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are When I'm being bullied, I just stay
being bullied? (Ano ang silent
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Lack of attention from others
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just ignores them they’re just
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga waste of time
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop the bullying it’d not worth
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, it affects the academic
bullying must stop? (Saiyong performances of another student
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just be yourself ignore them
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

1 2 3
35 of 104
35 of 104

1 30

ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang


Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 11 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You’re gay, you’re weak
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They just want to be noticed
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Lack of attention or sometime they
think someone is being a just got that from their parents
homophobic? (Ano ang mga especially they don’t like the other
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin gender
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a He is funnier because he has
homophobic person makes nothing to laugh at and he laugh
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Sad
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Lack of parental care
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Every time you see them, don’t
ignore bullying? (Ano ang look at them
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Avoid bullying because they have
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) nothing to gain
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)

1 2 3
36 of 104
36 of 104

1 30

10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t be bother by the homophobic

advice would you give young people and just be yourself
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 11 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing They are pest in society
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They just want your attention
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Because of abusing them
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I don’t feel anything else
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Hurt
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because they lack, that’s why
reason they bullied? (Ano sa they do it
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just let them be
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? I hope bullying will stop
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong

1 2 3
37 of 104
37 of 104

1 30

palagay kailangan bang ihinto

ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just let those who bully or abuse
advice would you give young them
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 11 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You are worthless son
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they lack attention
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Because there is an anger issue or
think someone is being a poor patience
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Annoying
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Just let it go
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They have nothing to do in life and
reason they bullied? (Ano sa they are clout seekers
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Do not be affected by their words
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga

1 2 3
38 of 104
38 of 104

1 30

8 What can you say for bully? Just let it go

(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Be proud of themselves and ignore
advice would you give young who judge them and no one can't
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi stop lgbtq people beacause they
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang are they
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Stupid, Dumb, Useless
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I Dunno
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Bored with his own life
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Nothing at all
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Nothing at all
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main People who have nothing
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga

1 2 3
39 of 104
39 of 104

1 30

posibleng paraan upang huwag

pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Crazy people
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice I hope they will proud of
would you give young LGBT themselves
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Gay
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Just tripping's
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Happy
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Napkin
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Tawas
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
1 2 3
40 of 104
40 of 104

1 30

7 What are possible ways to Rexona

ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Just use tawas
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal I don’t know
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Hundred fifty (150)
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Pest, Gay, Gay, Hundred fifty
you've heard from a (150)
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Attention seeker
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you They want your attention
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Painful
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Hurt
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Jealous
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing

1 2 3
41 of 104
41 of 104

1 30

dahilan kung bakit sila nang-

7 What are possible ways to Just let it go
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? You must change because that’s
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) mot will make you rich
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Stay pretty, and don’t be bothered
advice would you give young to the homophobic
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Hundred fifty (150)
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They want to be noticed
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They are worthless
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Painful
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Heartache
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)

1 2 3
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42 of 104

1 30

6 What do you think is the main They have nothing to do in life

reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just let it go
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? I hope they change
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Be yourself, Be strong
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing The most painful thing I've heard
you've heard from a from a homophobic person is that
homophobic person? (Ano ang you’re worthless
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They tease me because they
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila know that I don’t like fighting very
ginugulo?) much
3 What are the reasons why you They judge you right away
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Maybe that’s because of my
homophobic person makes fun gender or actions
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Sad because I could be afraid to
being bullied? (Ano ang fight back

1 2 3
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43 of 104

1 30

pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay

6 What do you think is the main The reason why they are bullying
reason they bullied? (Ano sa because they don’t know what's
tingin mo ang pangunahing right and wrong
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Learn to fight back or teach them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga the difference of right and wrong
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Nothing will happen if you bully
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) others
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because some people take
bullying must stop? (Saiyong suicide of these bullies
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Forget about the bullies sad past
advice would you give young and just focus on keep moving
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi forward
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Being part of this is a sin
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They are just bored in their life
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They don’t have an idea about this
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I don’t care, I always ignore them
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
1 2 3
44 of 104
44 of 104

1 30

5 How do you feel when you are I didn’t get experience bullying
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They have wrong and rough
reason they bullied? (Ano sa attitude
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? This one need attention and needs
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) to be done
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just ignore them
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Hypocrite
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because I'm part of LGBTIQ
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you They cannot accept us
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I feel like they are discouraging
homophobic person makes fun me
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam

1 2 3
45 of 104
45 of 104

1 30

mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Weak
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just ignore them, and leave them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? They are insecure from their self,
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) that is why they judge other
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Just be happy and proud of who
would you give young LGBT you are homophobic people
people? (Bilang bahagi ng doesn’t have the beauty and
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang uniqueness you have
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Gay, the term that I always hear
you've heard from a ever since I'm a child. I always
homophobic person? (Ano ang tried not to cry but ended up
pinakamasakit na bagay na crying
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I always think that they are
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila annoyed and they don’t want me
3 What are the reasons why you Lack of knowledge
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)

1 2 3
46 of 104
46 of 104

1 30

4 How do you feel when a I feel sad but at the same time
homophobic person makes fun mad, because I am asking myself
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam why do they do that
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Pathetic
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because of my gender
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just keep on ignoring them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Be kind and understand that we
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) are completely living in a modern
world where we accept peple
came from LGBTQ Community
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Of course, because it is still
bullying must stop? (Saiyong bullying
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what As a young student who is also a
advice would you give young part of LGBTQ community, my
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi advice to the young LGBTQ
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang people I to be strong and
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang powerful

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Not part of the society
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother To the point that I am distracted
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila

1 2 3
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47 of 104

1 30

3 What are the reasons why you The culture and belief
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Anger
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Sad
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Differences
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Be strong and ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? They are the problem
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal It should be
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Be strong, bold, and be who you
advice would you give young are
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing LGBTQ people are sinner
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because I'm part of LGBTQ and
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka they don’t want it
nila ginugulo?)

1 2 3
48 of 104
48 of 104

1 30

3 What are the reasons why you Because other people are religious
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a It hurts but I just choose to ignore
homophobic person makes them
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are It hurts
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because I’m a LGBTQ and people
reason they bullied? (Ano sa think that I'm not pretty
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t listen to them and ignore
ignore bullying? (Ano ang them
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga

8 What can you say for bully? Bullying should be done, because
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) it affects people's life
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just ignore them
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You’re a waste
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na

1 2 3
49 of 104
49 of 104

1 30

narinig mo mula sa isang

homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know, I guess they don’t
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila better thing to do
3 What are the reasons why you Lack of attention
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Ashamed, scared
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Ashamed even if what they say is
being bullied? (Ano ang not true
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main They don’t have better things to
reason they bullied? (Ano sa do and they lack at attention
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Please stop
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Please stop
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing About the people whose part of
you've heard from a the LGBTQ that they are saying
homophobic person? (Ano ang that they are plague

1 2 3
50 of 104
50 of 104

1 30

pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They don’t accept it
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Disgusted and they don’t accept
think someone is being a them
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I just let them be
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It hurts
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main I don’t know
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Report them to the higher ups
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice None
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing There is no homophobic that said
you've heard from a anything about me

1 2 3
51 of 104
51 of 104

1 30

homophobic person? (Ano

ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Maybe because they don’t have
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka better thing to do
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you I don’t know
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a It's insulting
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are It hurt my feelings and lower my
being bullied? (Ano ang self esteem
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because of their personality
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what They must be respected to be
advice would you give young respected
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

1 2 3
52 of 104
52 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing They don’t belong in this world
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because it is normal for the
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila people to be judgemental
3 What are the reasons why you Sometime its genetic or maybe
think someone is being a they just want to be that way
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a It hurts
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Inspired
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main They hate you
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Do it for yourself, just ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)

8 What can you say for bully? They reflecting to themselves

(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) what they are saying
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Depends
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what You are blessed and you are
advice would you give young greatful in God
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

1 2 3
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53 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Plague
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Thet don’t want me
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you I don’t know
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I ignore them
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It's hard
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Yes
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Let them be
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Nothing
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what I'm not part of it
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

1 2 3
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54 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 B (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I'm not experiencing any kind of
you've heard from a hurtful words but my friends do
homophobic person? (Ano experience discrimination and they
ang pinakamasakit na bagay are saying uncomfortable words
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they found it amusing and
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka they are seeking attention
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you I think because of their
think someone is being a environment some of them are not
homophobic? (Ano ang mga open minded what it comes to
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin sexuality
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a My friends felt uncomfortable
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are My friend felt humiliated and they
being bullied? (Ano ang are lacking self esteem
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They need some attention
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Let them, but if they hurt you
ignore bullying? (Ano ang physically you need to address it
mga posibleng paraan upang being
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Bully doesn’t make you cool
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because it might affect your
bullying must stop? (Saiyong mental health
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t let them across then line
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

1 2 3
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55 of 104

1 30

ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 B (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing The most hurtful thing that I've
you've heard from a heard to those homophobic
homophobic person? (Ano ang persons is they don’t know how
pinakamasakit na bagay na to addressed people based on
narinig mo mula sa isang their gender
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they can't accept the
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila fact that some of the people come
ginugulo?) out to their real self
3 What are the reasons why you Because of their age, some of the
think someone is being a homophobic are the old ones
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Well, I don’t feel ashamed since
homophobic person makes fun that is who I am
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are I feel lost sometimes, I got
being bullied? (Ano ang confused it I'm taking the right
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay path
6 What do you think is the main I think they can't adopt or accept
reason they bullied? (Ano sa what is happening in the world
tingin mo ang pangunahing like the LGBTQ Community
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t listen to them and be
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga yourself
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None, I don’t care about them
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, Verbal bullying is bad and it
bullying must stop? (Saiyong can cause a lot of damage to the
palagay kailangan bang ihinto people like us
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just be yourself and don’t listen
advice would you give young to others
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi

1 2 3
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1 30

ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 B (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing The most hurtful ive heard from a
you've heard from a homophobic person is we’re
homophobic person? (Ano different from others or they called
ang pinakamasakit na bagay us plague
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I think it just because we are
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka different or we’re gay
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you It just because they are focusing
think someone is being a that God create only two sex which
homophobic? (Ano ang mga is male and female
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I lose my confidence and I have
homophobic person makes some felt insecurities to myself
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Nothing, because nowadays I don’t
being bullied? (Ano ang care what they say to me
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main It's about they wearing style and
reason they bullied? (Ano sa sometimes they’re attitude
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t listen to them and don’t mind
ignore bullying? (Ano ang or think what they say
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? They lack of love and discipline
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because it is hurtful
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
1 2 3
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57 of 104

1 30

10 As part of LGBTQ+, what My advice to LGBTQ is doesn’t

advice would you give young listen and don’t mind what other
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi saying, because you can't get
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang anything to there and just focus to
ibibigay mo sa mga your goal and dream
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 B (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You are a sinful person
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I think they do not understand my
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila situations and they have different
ginugulo?) opinion and beliefs
3 What are the reasons why you Just like my answer number two
think someone is being a (2) they don’t know how to
homophobic? (Ano ang mga understand that it's okay to fall in
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo love in a same gender
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Sometimes it hurts but most of
homophobic person makes fun the time I don’t feel any emotions
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam maybe because I don’t mind them
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are I feel pity for myself and I don’t
being bullied? (Ano ang think I deserve that kind of
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay treatment
6 What do you think is the main I think the main reason is that the
reason they bullied? (Ano sa lacks of attention
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t mind them and know your
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga worth
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? I feel pity for them
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Verbal or physical you still
bullying must stop? (Saiyong hurting a person so yet, we need
to stop this bullying

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1 30

palagay kailangan bang ihinto

ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Be who you are and don’t mind of
advice would you give young what they say if you are happy
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi and if you don’t hurt other people
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 B (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You’re a waste
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They think you're not belong in
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka their society
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They don’t like other people
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Getting angry
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Hurt
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They don’t have manners
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Tell to your teachers what they
ignore bullying? (Ano ang doing to you to prevent more
mga posibleng paraan upang action like that
huwag pansinin ang mga

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8 What can you say for bully? Don’t do it if you don’t like to do
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) that to you
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yeah
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Show yourself
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 C (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Nothing, because it’s only
you've heard from a homophobic natural
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They’re not bothering me, their
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila just jealous
3 What are the reasons why you Because my friends are like that
think someone is being a too
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a If they are happy just understand
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are I was hurt because I was being
being bullied? (Ano ang bullied
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main For my beauty
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them or fight them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga

1 2 3
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60 of 104

1 30

posibleng paraan upang huwag

pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Their just judgemental
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because their doing that is
bullying must stop? (Saiyong not right
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Keep going and you will achieve
would you give young LGBT a lot in life
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 C (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I don’t know because I don’t have
you've heard from a experience
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They are jealous
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They lack discipline
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I don’t care about them
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are I don’t think it's because I'm being
being bullied? (Ano ang bullied
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main They think it's funny
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
1 2 3
61 of 104
61 of 104

1 30

7 What are possible ways to Don’t pay attention

ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Harmful to mental-health
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Of course, yes that's right
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what I don’t know
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 C (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing You haven’t studied enough
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they notice the things
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila that are wrong with us
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a None
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Ashamed of himself
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because they lack attention and
reason they bullied? (Ano sa they lack nurture
tingin mo ang pangunahing

1 2 3
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62 of 104

1 30

dahilan kung bakit sila nang-

7 What are possible ways to Keep quiet and avoid them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop the bullying and just focus
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) on studying and make friends
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 C (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing It seems like they just go along
you've heard from a with the LGBTQ people they
homophobic person? (Ano supposedly support, but that truth
ang pinakamasakit na bagay is they don’t support it
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because I'm not gay
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They bully
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Chill but painful
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are They hurt feelings
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)

1 2 3
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63 of 104

1 30

6 What do you think is the main None

reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response TVL 12 C (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing None
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother None
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a None
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are None
being bullied? (Ano ang

1 2 3
64 of 104
64 of 104

1 30

pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay

6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice None
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 12 A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Shaming my body to the fullest and
you've heard from a my identity
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Maybe they’re being gross for who
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka I am
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Maybe they just want to or they’re
think someone is being a just being toxic
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I don’t mind them at all
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
1 2 3
65 of 104
65 of 104

1 30

5 How do you feel when you are Hurt and sad

being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Maybe they are just being ignorant
reason they bullied? (Ano sa to feeling of the people around
tingin mo ang pangunahing them
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just let them be, just be your own,
ignore bullying? (Ano ang just be you
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Continue what you're doing it will
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) come back to you
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, it's okay, it really needs to be
bullying must stop? (Saiyong stop
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just be you, you’re beautiful for
advice would you give young who you are you're doing fine
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 12 A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing It’s a sin to be gay
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Religious?
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a It lowers my self confidence
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam

1 2 3
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66 of 104

1 30

mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Sad
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Insecure?
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop making to others
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Be yourself
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 12 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing They body shaming, told me to die
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Probably due to my difference
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you Probably due to lack of attention
think someone is being a that’s why rather than doing
homophobic? (Ano ang mga something meaningful they bully
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I want to beat them up I feel angry
homophobic person makes
1 2 3
67 of 104
67 of 104

1 30

fun of you? (Ano ang

pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are I just want to beat them up as well
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main For being part of LGBTQ+
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Transferring to schools that way
ignore bullying? (Ano ang accepts LGBTQ+ students or just
mga posibleng paraan upang feel numb about it
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Well, you can do whatever you want
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) careless about your f-word antics
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, verbal abuse way led to suicide
bullying must stop? (Saiyong of a student with potential
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Speak out when you get bullied
advice would you give young report them if possible
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 12 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Your ugly
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila

1 2 3
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1 30

3 What are the reasons why you They think they are better than
think someone is being a anyone
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I feel weak and lower my self-
homophobic person makes fun esteem
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It lowers my self confidence
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Just let them be
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop bullying
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Be proud of yourself
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response STEM 12 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Disgusting, girl to girl
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)

1 2 3
69 of 104
69 of 104

1 30

2 Why do you think they bother Because they can't accept that
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila there is a person that like others
ginugulo?) in the same gender
3 What are the reasons why you They been brought up like that
think someone is being a too maybe their religious
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a I feel that I don’t belong in this
homophobic person makes fun world
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It hurt
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Maybe because of perspective or
reason they bullied? (Ano sa because of religion
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? None
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because there is many
bullying must stop? (Saiyong LGBTQ+ that has been affected
palagay kailangan bang ihinto mentally or physically
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just ignore them if you don’t hurt
advice would you give young other people
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM 12 A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing Gay are worser than animals
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay

1 2 3
70 of 104
70 of 104

1 30

na narinig mo mula sa isang

homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother It's because they don’t give people
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka belonging to the LGBTQ+ to live
nila ginugulo?) normal life
3 What are the reasons why you It's because they don’t give people
think someone is being a belonging to the LGBTQ+ to live
homophobic? (Ano ang mga normal life
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Anxious
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Aggressive and full of emotions
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Envy, jealousy and against their
reason they bullied? (Ano sa wills
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to ???
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Stop
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Just be yourself love
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM 12 A (02-05)

1 2 3
71 of 104
71 of 104

1 30

1 What's the most hurtful thing Disgusting

you've heard from a homophobic
person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother It's not good to fight anyone
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila whether it’s a man or a woman
3 What are the reasons why you Because they believe what god
think someone is being a says
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a It hurts because they don’t
homophobic person makes fun accept me
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Irritated
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Because they don’t believe that
reason they bullied? (Ano sa there is another gender than a
tingin mo ang pangunahing man or a woman
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore them because the more
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga you refute them the more that
posibleng paraan upang huwag they bully you
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Stop bullying other people
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) because you can't get anything
out of it
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, of course to stop the fight
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Do what you want and don’t
would you give young LGBT listen to those people who want
people? (Bilang bahagi ng you to change in short do what
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang makes you happy and don’t let
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang others to lower your confidence

1 2 3
72 of 104
72 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM 12 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing When they humiliate me by
you've heard from a saying that I can't accomplish the
homophobic person? (Ano ang things that I want to do
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Maybe, because they can’t do
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila things that I can that’s why they
ginugulo?) humiliate me because they are
jealous of me
3 What are the reasons why you They always think that they are
think someone is being a right and they don’t want anyone
homophobic? (Ano ang mga to be smarter than them
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a It hurts my feeling because I
homophobic person makes fun didn’t do anything wrong to them
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are It lowers my confidence and I
being bullied? (Ano ang want to cry because it hurts
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Maybe they are influence by the
reason they bullied? (Ano sa people around them
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Ignore the and show them that
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga you are not affected to everything
posibleng paraan upang huwag that they are saying about you
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? It's not good because there are
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) so may life that can be lost
because of it
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because if it's not stop it can
bullying must stop? (Saiyong affect so many lives
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Just do what you love and who
would you give young LGBT you really are and don’t be
people? (Bilang bahagi ng affectedly to those people who
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang don’t know anything but say an
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang insult to you show them that you
LGBT?) are a good person

1 2 3
73 of 104
73 of 104

1 30

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM 12 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I haven’t heard or experience that
you've heard from a kind of manner in a homophobic
homophobic person? (Ano person
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother They're against to it
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you It's just because they don’t really
think someone is being a like or they hate those people that
homophobic? (Ano ang mga are part of LGBTQ+
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a For me, I feel so down and
homophobic person makes discriminated
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Pressured and hurt
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because you are better than them
reason they bullied? (Ano sa that’s why are bullying you
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Don’t mind them and do your own
ignore bullying? (Ano ang business
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Bullying is not good
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what You don’t own an explanation to
advice would you give young each everyone lives your life and
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi let them wonder
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

1 2 3
74 of 104
74 of 104

1 30

ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response ABM 12 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I experience an indirect insult
you've heard from a which meant to have a painful
homophobic person? (Ano ang meaning
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they feel irritated and
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila jealous of what I have
3 What are the reasons why you Because of their belief a religion
think someone is being a belief rather
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a Isn't obvious? Of course, it hurts.
homophobic person makes fun It hurts a lot
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Frightened
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main They don’t have anything to do
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Set a rule and regarding with this
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Kindly stop to lessen the trauma
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?) of other and become peaceful
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, because I believe that words
bullying must stop? (Saiyong can kill
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Be strong and have a courage
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng

1 2 3
75 of 104
75 of 104

1 30

LGBTQ+, anong payo ang

ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS 12 A (01-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing That they can't remove me as
you've heard from a family
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because I'm the only gay in our
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka family
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They cannot be happy for others
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a Hurt
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Self-absorb
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because of who I am
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Focus on yourself
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Lower self esteem
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, so that no one else gets hurt
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
1 2 3
76 of 104
76 of 104

1 30

10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Don’t afraid to show who you really

advice would you give young are
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS 12 A (02-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I always hear that they are plague
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Because they are jealous
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you Because of how they feel
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a First, they irritating and annoying
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka ng
isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are I will get a trauma because it huts
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Since they are jealous and lack
reason they bullied? (Ano sa of care from their parents
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Let them be and ignore them
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga
posibleng paraan upang huwag
pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Bullying is a crime
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes, to avoid giving other people
bullying must stop? (Saiyong trauma

1 2 3
77 of 104
77 of 104

1 30

palagay kailangan bang ihinto

ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Actually, I'm not a fan of LGBTQ+
would you give young LGBT but I respect their culture and I
people? (Bilang bahagi ng also respect who they are and
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang respect as a human
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS 12 A (03-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing I don’t hear anything in school but
you've heard from a outside I do a lot
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother I don’t know maybe they are
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka jealous
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I'm not a gay but I can fight for the
homophobic person makes LGBTQ+
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are None
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main None
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to None
ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga

1 2 3
78 of 104
78 of 104

1 30

8 What can you say for bully? None

(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal None
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what None
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS 12 A (04-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing No dignity
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano ang
pinakamasakit na bagay na
narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Envy
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka nila
3 What are the reasons why you None
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin mo
ang isang tao ay homophobic?)
4 How do you feel when a It hurts n
homophobic person makes fun
of you? (Ano ang pakiramdam
mo kapag pinagtatawanan ka
ng isang homophobic?)
5 How do you feel when you are Happy
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw ay
6 What do you think is the main Your better than them
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
7 What are possible ways to Maybe
ignore bullying? (Ano ang mga

1 2 3
79 of 104
79 of 104

1 30

posibleng paraan upang huwag

pansinin ang mga bully?)
8 What can you say for bully? Give up
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal No
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what advice Push your goal
would you give young LGBT
people? (Bilang bahagi ng
LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga kabataang

Item Open-ended Question Response HUMSS 12 A (05-05)

1 What's the most hurtful thing No dignity
you've heard from a
homophobic person? (Ano
ang pinakamasakit na bagay
na narinig mo mula sa isang
homophobic na tao?)
2 Why do you think they bother Envy
you? (Sa tingin mo bakit ka
nila ginugulo?)
3 What are the reasons why you They way they act
think someone is being a
homophobic? (Ano ang mga
dahilan kung bakit sa tingin
mo ang isang tao ay
4 How do you feel when a I don’t know
homophobic person makes
fun of you? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag
pinagtatawanan ka ng isang
5 How do you feel when you are Irritated
being bullied? (Ano ang
pakiramdam mo kapag ikaw
ay binu-bully?)
6 What do you think is the main Because they experience it
reason they bullied? (Ano sa
tingin mo ang pangunahing
dahilan kung bakit sila nang-
1 2 3
80 of 104
80 of 104

1 30

7 What are possible ways to Let them be

ignore bullying? (Ano ang
mga posibleng paraan upang
huwag pansinin ang mga
8 What can you say for bully? Stop what they are doing
(Ano masasabi mo sa bully?)
9 Do you think it's okay to verbal Yes
bullying must stop? (Saiyong
palagay kailangan bang ihinto
ang verbal bullying?)
10 As part of LGBTQ+, what Do what you what
advice would you give young
LGBT people? (Bilang bahagi
ng LGBTQ+, anong payo ang
ibibigay mo sa mga
kabataang LGBT?)


1. Harsh homophobic person lowers the confidence of an LGBTQ students

by saying mean words.

‘’Bayot’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Nakakairitang tignan’’ (TVL11-03

‘’Bakla’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Bakit ka ganyan’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Wala kang kwenta’’ (STEM11-02)

‘’Bakla’’ (ABM11-01)

‘’Makasalan ang LGBTQ+’’ (HUMSS11-02)

‘’Wala kang kwentang tao’’ (TVL12-01)

‘’The most hurtful thing that I’ve heard to those homophobic is they don’t know
how to address people based on their gender’’ (TVL12-03

‘’Salot’’ (TVL12-05)

1 2 3
81 of 104
81 of 104

1 30

‘’Kasalanan ang pagiging bakla’’ (STEM12-05)

‘’Walang dignidad’’ (HUMSS12-05)

‘’Gays are worser than animals’’ (ABM12-02)

2. Homophobic person bothers LGBTQ+ because they want an attention

‘’Hindi ko alam’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Hindi ko alam’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Dahil nandidiri sila’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Gusto lang nila ng pansin’’ (STEM11-02)

‘’Hindi ko alam’’ (ABM11-03)

‘’Dahil parte ako ng LGBTQ+’’ (HUMSS11-05)

‘’Wala silang magawa’’ (TVL12-03)

‘’Because they found it amusing and they are seeking attention’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Inggit kase sila’’ (TVL12-05)

‘’Diko alam’’ (STEM12-01)

‘’Inggit’’ (HUMSS12-03)

‘’They’re against to it’’ (ABM12-05)

3. The reason why homophobic person being a bully

‘’Diko alam’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Dahil naniniwala sila na babae at lalake lang ang nilikha’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Dahil sa kilos nila’’ (TVL11-03)

1 2 3
82 of 104
82 of 104

1 30

‘’Siguro dahil masaya sila sa ganon’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Diko alam ang dahilan siguro dahil sa kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (STEM11-05)

‘’Their culture and belielf’’ (ABM-05)

‘’Wala silang magawa sa buhay’’ (HUMSS-03)

‘’Hindi ko alam’’ (TVL12-03)

‘’I think because of their environment some of them are not open-minded when
sexuality’’ (TVL-03)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL12-01)

‘’Pinalaki silang ganun o dahil sa religious’’ (STEM-05)

‘’Naiinggit’’ (HUMSS12-01)

‘’Because they don’t really like or they hate LGBTQ+’’ (ABM12-02)

4. The LGBTQ+ student feel hurts when a homophobic person makes fun of

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL111-01)

‘’I don’t feel anything’’ (STEM11-01)

‘’Sad’’ (HUMSS11-01)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (ABM11-01)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL12-01)

‘’Nagagalit’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL12-01)
1 2 3
83 of 104
83 of 104

1 30

‘’Nakakababa ng kumpyansa sa sarili’’ (STEM12-05)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (HUMSS12-02)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (ABM12-03)

5. The LGBTQ+ student feel irritated and hurt when someone bullied them.

‘’Naiirita’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Nalulungkot’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Masakit’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Nalulungkot’’ (STEM11-01)

‘’Pathetic’’ (HUMSS11-02)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (ABM11-03)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL12-04)

‘’Nasasaktan’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Nakakasakit ng damdamin’’ (TVL12-05)

‘’Nalulungkot’’ (STEM12-01)

‘’Naiirita’’ (HUMSS12-03)

‘’Anxious’’ (ABM12-03)

6. The main reason why they bully is lack of attention.

‘’Kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Naiinggit sila’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (TVL11-05)

1 2 3
84 of 104
84 of 104

1 30

‘’Diko alam’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (STEM11-01)

‘’Because of my gender identity’’ (HUMSS11-01)

‘’Diko alam’’ (ABM11-01)

‘’Wala silang magawa sa buhay at kulang sa atensyon’’ (TVL12-05)

‘’Kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (TVL12-01)

‘’Akala nila nakakatawa’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Dahil sa pagiging parte ng LGBTQ+’’ (STEM12-05)

‘’Kulang sila sa atensyon’’ (HUMSS12-03)

‘’Maybe they are influence by people around them’’ (ABM12-01)

7. The possible ways to pay no attention to the homophobic person is just

to ignore them.

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Iwasan sila’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Wag pansinin at iwasan’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (STEM11-02)

‘’Wag pasinin’’ (HUMSS11-02)

‘’Dedma’’’’ (ABM11-03)

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (TVL12-01

‘’Don’t listen to them be yourself’’ (TVL12-03)

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (TVL12-05)

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‘’Wag pansinin’’ (STEM12-05)

‘’Wag pansinin’’ (HUMSS12-05)

‘’Ignore them’’ (ABM12-03)

8. The LGBTQ+ student says that we should stop bullying.

‘’Stop’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Panget ugali nila’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Magbago’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Stop bullying it’s not worth it’’ (STEM11-02)

‘’Be kind and understand that we are completely living in a modern world which
we accept people like form LGBTQ+ community’’ (HUMSS11-02)

‘’Mag bago na kayo hindi yan ang kakayaman nyo’’ (ABM11-05)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Don’t do it if you don’t like to do that to you’’ (TVL12-03)

‘’Stop bullying focus on studying and make friends’’ (TVL12-05)

‘’Stop bullying and change’’ (STEM12-01)

‘’Wala’’ (HUMSS12-03)

‘’Panget ugali nila’’ (ABM12-05)

9. We should stop the verval bullying.

‘’Oo’’ (TVL11-02)

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‘’Oo’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Oo, dahil nakaka apekto ito ng buhay’’ (TVL11-05)

‘’Oo, para walang ma bully’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Oo’’ (STEM11-01)

‘’Yes’’ (HUMSS11-05)

‘’Oo’’ (ABM11-02)

‘’Oo’’ (TVL12-03)

‘’Yes, because it might affect your mental health’’ (TVL12-04)

‘’Yes, because doing that is not right’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Yes’’ (STEM12-01)

‘’Yes, to avoid giving other people trauma’’ (HUMSS12-02)

‘’Yes’’ (ABM12-01)

10. The advice that LGBTQ+ students will give to the young LGBTQ is just
be yourself.

‘’Pagpatuloy molang at wag mong pansinin ang mga taong walang ambag sa
buhay mo’’ (TVL11-01)

‘’Wag makinig sa sasabihin ng iba sarili moyang buhay mas kilala mo sarili mo
kaysa sakanila’’ (TVL11-04)

‘’Wag kang makinig sa opinyon ng iba tungkol sa iyo’’ (TVL11-03)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL11-02)

‘’Just be yourself ignore them’’ (STEM11-01)

‘’Just ignore them’’ (HUMSS11-02)

‘’Be yourself, Be strong’’ (ABM11-02)

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‘’Wala’’ (TVL12-02)

‘’Be yourself and don’t listen to others’’ (TVL12-01)

‘’Wala’’ (TVL11-03)
‘’Just be yourself’’’ (STEM12-01)

‘’Don’t be afraid to show who you are’’ (HUMSS12-02)

‘’Just be yourself love’’ (ABM12-05)


The purpose of this qualitative, arts-based study was to explore the experiences
of inclusion in early school age among LGBTQ youth. The aim was to use the
results to provide educators and policymakers at all levels with information to help
create safe and equitable learning environments for LGBTQ youth to thrive.
Through focus groups, interviews, and collages, three self-described LGBTQ
youth reflected on their experiences at school and offered suggestions for
improvement. Over seven sessions, young people shared their experiences and
provided a context for understanding the challenges they face in school. In
addition, I kept a reflection diary at each stage of the study and planned further
steps in the process. This reflection journal served as a space to reflect on events,
ask questions about new ideas, and consider ways to improve the next steps in
the process.

Results from key informant interviews and focus group discussions highlight
issues facing LGBTQ students. These include Domestic Violence, Discrimination,
Harassment, and Bullying. LGBTQ student's responses to questions about their
sense of security in various areas of life indicate that they have few safe and
positive spaces, spaces in which they can express their identities. The results also
show that LGBTQ students also face threats to their right to health, including.
Mental health problems result from experiences of violence and discrimination and
lack of access to SOGIE-oriented health services and education. Despite these
threats, LGBTQ students demonstrate a strong sense of their rights and seek to
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create a safe and positive space for themselves through participation in LGBTQ
School should be a safe place for children to learn and grow into confident people.
However, many children responded that they felt anxious or anxious. Experiences
of bullying and discriminatory policies and practices by school administrators and
staff threaten school safety. LGBTQ children are exposed to many forms of
bullying, the most common of which is verbal abuse. Children will be ridiculed as
"bayot". Names such as 'Bakulaw', '150' and 'Tomboy'.

Prior research has demonstrated that school is often not a safe or affirming
environment for LGBT youth and that a hostile school climate can have negative
consequences on well-being and achievement (Kosciw et al., 2010; Murdock &
Bolch, 2005; Russell et al., 2006). Further, research has shown that school-based
support for LGBT students can improve the school climate and educational
outcomes (Goodenow, 2006; Kosciw et al., 2010; Szalacha, 2003).

The current study expanded upon this research, first by examining how in-school
victimization affects LGBT students' self-esteem and academic performance, and
second by illuminating how the varied roles that LGBT-related student supports
play via direct benefits to students' well-being and achievement and via mitigation
of the negative effects of victimization. Our findings indicate that all four types of
LGBT-related supports examined—GSAs, supportive school staff, inclusive
curricula, and comprehensive antibullying/harassment policies—make unique
positive contributions to the lives of LGBT students, yet differ in how they provide
that benefit. Lastly, our findings suggest that, in general, the effects of school-
based resources on self-esteem, GPA, and missed days of school are not highly
dependent on rates of victimization.

As our results show, perhaps the strongest positive impact on LGBT students was
the presence of supportive adults in school. The number of supportive educators
was one of the strongest predictors of a less hostile school climate and higher self-
esteem among LGBT students. Not surprisingly, the number of cooperating
educators was associated with positive educational outcomes. Specifically,
students who reported having more supportive teachers were more likely to report
higher GPAs and were less likely to be absent from school. Additionally, support
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staff may be particularly helpful for students experiencing high levels of bullying,
as important interactions between victims and educators occur during their
absence from school.

Our findings on supportive educators may reflect the myriad influences these
individuals can have on LGBT students' school environments. Support staff can
provide the personal connections students need to stay in school and protect
themselves from serious harm. Staff also intervene when homophobic language
or anti-LGBT discrimination is occurring, support individual students, and in some
cases adopt positive and protective policies and, in some cases, school-wide
policies. By supporting these efforts, we can also make the environment safer and
more positive for these students. A practice used between staff and management.
Our study did not examine student reports of educator interventions. More
research is needed to dig deeper into how educators bring about change. Such
research also helps inform the preparation and professional development activities
of school personnel on how to create a safe and positive school environment for

3.1 Summary

Conditions must change for LGBTQ students. School bullying policies are
necessary to protect LGBTQ students. LGBTQ history shows the struggles the
community has wrestled with over the decades. Bullying still occurs in schools
today and was only addressed in the 1970s and there is still much room for
improvement (Hall, 2010). In recent years, gender has played an increasingly
important role in bullying. Findings from (Street,2016) and (Bratsis,2015) show
that LGBTQ and perceived LGBTQ students are common targets for bullying.
School curricula do not currently include LGBTQ people. Small steps have been
taken to support LGBTQ youth, such as the Gay-Straight Alliances and the NOH8
campaign, but there is still much room for improvement before the LGBTQ
community feels safe.

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School should be a safe place for everyone. However, in the Philippines, lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students find their school lives ruined by
bullying, discrimination, lack of access to LGBT-related information, and, in some
cases, physical and sexual harassment attacks. too often. These abuses can
cause deep and lasting harm and violate the student's right to education, which is
protected by Philippine and international law. In recent years, Philippine
parliamentarians and school administrators have recognized that bullying of LGBT
youth is a serious problem and have developed policies to address the problem.
In 2012, the Department of Education (DepEd), which oversees primary and
secondary schools, announced child protection policies aimed at tackling bullying
and discrimination in schools, including those based on sexual orientation and
gender identity. The following year, Congress passed the Anti-Bullying Act of
2013, which included an ordinance listing sexual orientation and gender identity
as prohibited grounds for bullying and harassment. The adoption of these
guidelines sends a strong signal that bullying and discrimination in educational
institutions cannot and should not be tolerated. However, while these policies are
powerful on paper, they are not well implemented. Lacking effective policing and
monitoring, many LGBT youth continue to face bullying and harassment in
schools. Discriminatory policies that prejudice and penalize LGBT students, as
well as the lack of information and resources on LGBT issues in schools,
exacerbate the negative treatment they receive from peers and teachers. The
abuse students face in schools is exacerbated by discriminatory policies and
practices that exclude students from full participation in the school environment.
Schools impose strict gender norms on their students in a variety of ways.
Examples include gender-specific uniforms and dress codes, hair length
restrictions, gender-specific bathrooms, gender-specific classes and activities,
and monitoring of same-sex friendships. Relationship.

3.2 Conclusion

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Our results show that LGBTQ youth face several challenges in-school settings
related to their identity development and the attitudes and behaviour of staff and
peers. Adolescents found a web of inclusive and exclusive strategies used by
themselves and others that influenced their experiences in middle school.
Furthermore, in a world dominated by heteronormative and cisnormativity, they
had difficulty developing and accepting their gender identity and sexual
orientation. They balanced conformity with norm resistance to be included in peer
groups and not to be actively excluded. Like most teens and their peers,
adolescents were in the process of identity development, including the
development of gender and sexual identity. They found themselves in a school
environment dominated by the heteronormative and cis norms prevalent in society
regarding sex and gender identity. Deviations and resistance to prevailing norms
lead to reactions in environments where LGBTQ youth are representative of
minority groups. Aggressive and discriminatory behaviour and a lack of supportive
networks and role models can put LGBTQ youth at increased risk of vulnerability,
alienation, and isolation. In contrast, the objectification of one's own gender
identity and sexual orientation by young people supports the construction of what
it means to be LGBTQ young people. This is consistent with the desire of young
people for more efforts aimed at increasing the knowledge of LGBTQ issues in
school settings, thereby increasing people's understanding of the issue and
preventing discriminatory behaviour. can be considered. At the same time, such
efforts can increase a sense of independence, which can go against the main
purpose of introducing the subject into schools.

Creating safe and inclusive schools free of harassment and violence against
LGTBQ students requires a school-wide approach and commitment to positive
change. The long-term negative effects of uncooperative and hostile school
environments on LGTBQ students highlight the urgent need for school reform.
Systematic policy reform through a zero-tolerance policy and a curriculum that
includes LGTBQ promotes inclusion and does not accept discrimination or
harassment. An LGTBQ-infused curriculum raises awareness among all students,
and affirms and promotes inclusion in her LGTBQ community, which is often
marginalized or neglected in the general curriculum. Essential professional

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development provides educators with the opportunity to build the awareness,

knowledge, and skills needed to support LGTBQ students. Finally, providing
LGTBQ students access to safe spaces within the school environment promotes
physical and social-emotional well-being. The safe space also serves as a
community-based resource for students to use when faced with challenges.
Schools have a responsibility to educate, protect and care for all students and
must take appropriate measures for LGTBQ students.

3.3 Recommendation


1. Locate supportive peers and organize with them to promote diversity in your

2. Educate yourself about other forms of harassment and reach out to youth who
experience them.

3. Reach out to teachers and administrators by letting them know how they can
best support you.

4. If comprehensive, sex positive sexual education is not commonplace in your

school, advocate for adoption of this approach in the curriculum.

5. Know your rights and advocate for them in your school, and with local and
national governments. 6 If policies exist in your school and government that are
meant to ensure your rights, ask how these policies are monitored and evaluated.


1. Educate yourself. Reach out to LGBT youth in your school and ask what you
can do to help.

2. If no research exists, work with youth to initiate research, or locate researchers

in your area.

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3. Incorporate discussions of sexual diversity into coursework. If you encounter

or fear retribution, seek support from local, national or international networks.

4. Find ways to promote the education of colleagues about sexual diversity and
issues of harassment.

5. Intervene immediately in bullying or harassment. 6 Push for school and

government policy changes that promote rights, respect and responsibility of all
youth, including LGBT youth. If policies exist demand that they be monitored and


1. Educate yourself. Reach out to LGBT youth in your school and ask what you
can do to help.

2. Be sure all faculty and staff are educated on issues of sexual diversity as well
as harassment and suicide prevention.

3. Provide teachers with in-service training to effectively intervene in bullying and


4. Ensure that research is being done to assess prejudice in your school. If

financial resources are a problem, reach out to external organizations or interested
students and faculty members.

5. Set standards of rights, respect and responsibility in your school with regards
to education about sexual and reproductive health.

6. Ensure that resources exist for youth who experience harassment in your

7. Engage district and with government representatives to promote policies of

rights, respect and responsibility


1. Reach out to LGBT youth and incorporate them in your research as much as

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2. Collaborate with researchers in other regions to ensure data is comparable

across regions.

3. Initiate qualitative research to understand the dynamic of harassment in


4. Based on the qualitative research, initiate quantitative research that measures

harassment based on multiple forms of oppression.

5. Initiate evaluative research to be sure that existing policies and programs are

6. Share research with civil society and policy makers and researchers in other

Civil Society

1. Reach out to policy makers, educators, LGBT youth and youth who experience
other forms of discrimination and incorporate them into your programming and
advocacy efforts.

2. Educate yourself about programs that exist in other regions, and use resources
and lessons learned to shape your own programs and advocacy efforts.

3. Organize efforts that support youth who experience harassment, but also
efforts that address systematic forms of discrimination.

4. Do not rely only on private or public funding sources. Much can be done with
very little funding, but it is also important to acquire both sources of funding.

5. Initiate research on harassment and monitor and evaluate all program and
policy interventions.

6. Advocate for local, national and international policy

Policy Makers

1. Partner with a diverse group of youth, educators and civil society to identify and
actualize necessary policies.

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2. Ensure adequate funding supports political initiatives to respond to the

harassment of LGBT youth in schools.

3. Commission research to inform policy making that effectively combats

harassment of LGBT youth, and that evaluates and monitors existing policies.

4. Advocate for local, national and international policies that promote

comprehensive, sex-positive sex education in schools and that are based on
rights, respect and responsibility of youth with regards to their reproductive and
sexual health.

5. Look to other national models and international organizations and treaties for
ideas and warnings when defining policies.

6. Be sure that policies do not incorporate LGBT experiences while excluding

other groups

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This picture was taken during interview

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This study was made successful through the aid of significant persons who guide
and helped the researchers throughout the completion of this stud. Their utmost
gratitude is given to the following individuals who helped broaden their
perspectives as they went through this study:

Expressing gratitude to our instructor for Practical Research 1, Mrs. Daphne

Rashid Tadeo was a great assistance to us during our research studies when we
faced difficulties. Her invaluable support and counsel helped us navigate through
every phase of composing our research.

We would want to express our sincere gratitude to our family for their unwavering
support and patience as we conducted our research and wrote our project.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our wonderful responders, who
assisted us in completing this research with their responses. Your cooperation is
beneficial to us. Without your assistance along the process, this research would
never be completed.

We are also grateful to our fellow group members. We have done a lot of effort,
and we appreciate your teamwork and hard work during the research.

I'd want to thank everyone who helped me complete the research work, whether
directly or indirectly.

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Ultimately, we express our gratitude to God for guiding us through challenging

moments. Throughout each day, we have had the opportunity to benefit from your
wise counsel. I will continue relying on you for my future endeavours.

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