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Faculty of Educational Studies (FES)



Student Assessment Guide
September 2021

Prior to beginning your assessment, it is vital to read this document in detail.

Failure to do so will significantly disadvantage you and may well affect levels
of attainment.

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Please check you understand the requirements of the assessments; this module has a very strong
emphasis on the use of academic literature. If you remain unclear on what is expected, you must
clarify that from the lecturer.
 Failure to engage in significant research and wider reading of suitable academic sources
will have a significant impact on your marks. If you are unclear on the suitability of a re-
source you have found, please ask; do not assume.
 It is vital you put effort into each ELEMENT of the module.


Component A (Individual PowerPoint Presentation)
Presentation, in which students reflect critically on a topic covered in this module
(25% of module mark).
The presentation will be real time through Google Meet.

In order to demonstrate Masters’ Level in reflecting on practice, students will need to make
sure the presentation includes:

justification of the topic you have chosen.

reference to underpinning theory, educational policy or perspectives on edu-
 Critical reflection covering the elements of ‘experience’, ‘reflection’ and ‘ac-
tion’ while giving reference to the significant contextual factors (e.g. personal,
locational, historical, political etc.)
 a reference list
The presentation should be between 7 – 10 minutes followed by 3 - 5 minutes of question
and answer. Any material presented after 10 minutes will not be considered.
There should not be more than 6 slides excluding title slide and the reference slides.

Component B (Individual Written Assignment)

A written assignment of approximately 2500 words which is a critical reflection on the
topic selected for Component A (75% of module mark)

In order to demonstrate Masters’ Level in reflecting on practice, students will need to make
sure that the written assignment includes:
• reference to academic literature, both recent and seminal texts, to show links from
theory to practice.
• Critical reflection on how the literature used are relevant
• Critical reflection on practice in relation to theoretical and other contexts / frame-
works / references.
Assessment Weightage
Due Date
Assessment Component Percentage

Presentation 25% 10th Nov 2021

Essay 75% 2nd Jan 2022

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The front page of the written assignments should include details given below:




Semester: September 2021

Full Name:
Student ID Number:
Phone Number:
Email Address:

Lecturer’s Name:

Due Date:

Submitted Date:

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Discussion Forum activities on MOODLE
 The students will be given discussion forum questions every two weeks on Moodle.
Students are expected to actively engage in discussion and answering the provided
questions. Students’ participation on the discussion forum activities will contribute to
students’ overall attendance of the module.


It is essential that you fully reference all ideas, theories, quotes and statistics you have cited in your
submitted assignment. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of marks, possible failure and/or
accusations of plagiarism (the act of presenting the ideas or discoveries of another as one's own).
The method students MUST use is the APA referencing system. Please ensure that you refer to this
for guidance on referencing in the main text and references at the end of your essay.
What is referencing?
Basically, a reference is a description of the document from which you have obtained your inform-
ation. When writing essays, you are expected to read around your subject and referencing is a
way of demonstrating that you have completed that reading. Each time you use someone else’s
ideas or words it is essential that you acknowledge this in your work. You should provide refer -
ences to substantiate your arguments and to enable your reader to follow up your source mater-
You should reference whenever you use any source of information for particular facts, theories,
findings or ideas in an author's work; a direct quotation; paraphrasing an author's words.
Remember, references should be correct, complete and consistent, with the individual elements
clearly differentiated.
Why do I have to reference?
There are several reasons for referencing. In the course of your studies you will be expected to ac-
knowledge books, journal articles, etc, used in preparation for assignments, projects, essays, and
dissertations, by producing a list of references with each one.

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Poor scholarship (incomplete / inaccurate citations) will be recorded in written feedback, and work
must be rectified.

For offences with regard to plagiarism: formal written warnings would be issued, and recorded
until graduation. All work must be rectified.

For multiple, and serious offences with regard to plagiarism: submitted material would be redac-
ted, and student may be required to withdraw.

Please refer to the policy ‘Procedure on Academic Integrity’ for further details.


 50%of the marks scored will be deducted within 24 hours of the assignment deadline.
 The assignment will be given zero after 24 hours.

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EDUC9104 Educational Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment Component A - Feedback Sheet

Name: Student ID: Marks:

Details Marks allocated Marks received

1 Selection of topic and reasoning 15

2 Underpinning literature and theoretical un- 30

derstanding in relation to the identified

3 Critical reflection covering the elements of 35

‘experience’, ‘reflection’ and ‘action’.

4 List of references 10

5 Delivery style and handling questions 10




Areas to consider for Component B


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EDUC9104 Education Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment Component B Rubric

Name of Student:

Criteria Weightage Very Good (18-20) Good (14- 17) Sufficient (10 – 13) Poor (0 – 9) Max Marks
Marks Al- Awarded

Connections to Read- 2 An extensive range of relevant litera- A wide range of relevant A number of relevant Use of a narrow range of 40
ings/Research ture, including appropriate primary and appropriate literature sources have been used to sources or reference to ir-
sources, has been synthesised in the has been utilised in in- give some analysis and dis- relevant literature. Inap-
critical analysis and discussion of depth analysis and discus- cussion of ideas. Some ex- propriate sources used,
ideas including evidence of critical sion of ideas. A number of amples engagement are ap- for example non-aca-
engagement with the literature, in- examples of good engage- parent. demic or out of date. Lit-
cluding with relevant theory. ment with that literature tle or no engagement
are apparent. Readings or research is with theory from litera-
Readings and research and indicates presented in a descriptive ture
efforts to critically examine a wide Readings and research in- or citation fashion with lit-
range of research to learn more about dicates efforts to re-read or tle indication of motivation Very minimal/no refer-
aspects of the experience upon which conduct additional re- to use reading or research ence to outside reading or
reflection occurs. Describes specific search to learn more about to inform reflection. research to inform reflec-
insights or extensions of reflection aspects of the experience tion.
gained from that reading and re- upon which reflection oc-
search. curs. Describes specific in-
sights or extensions of re-
flection gained from that
reading and research.

Depth of Reflection, 2 Response demonstrates an in-depth Response demonstrates in- Response demonstrates a Response demonstrates 40
Evidence and Prac- critical reflection (covering the ele- depth reflection (covering general reflection (covering minimal or lack of reflec-
ments of ‘experience’, ‘reflection’ the elements of ‘experi- the elements of ‘experi- tion (covering the ele-
and ‘action’.), and personalization of, ence’, ‘reflection’ and ‘ac- ence’, ‘reflection’ and ‘ac- ments of ‘experience’,
the theories, concepts, and/or strate- tion’.), and some personal- tion’.), and personalization ‘reflection’ and
gies presented in the course materials ization of, the theories, of, the theories, concepts, ‘action’.), or personaliza-
to date. Viewpoints and interpreta- concepts, and/or strategies and/or strategies presented tion of, the theories, con-
tions are insightful and well sup- presented in the course in the course materials to cepts, and/or strategies
ported. Clear, detailed examples are materials to date. View- date. Viewpoints and inter- presented in the course
provided, as applicable. points and interpretations pretations are poorly sup- materials to date. View-
are supported. Appropri- ported. Examples, when points and interpretations
The implications of these insights for ate examples are provided, applicable, are not pro- are poorly supported, in-
the respondent's overall teaching as applicable. vided or are irrelevant to appropriate, and/or un-
practice are critically examined, as the assignment. supported. Examples,
applicable. The implications of these when applicable, are not
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Response shows strong evidence of insights for the respon- Few implications of these
synthesis of ideas presented and in- dent's overall teaching insights for the respon- No implications for the
sights gained throughout the entire practice are detailed, as dent's overall teaching respondent's overall
module. applicable. practice are presented, as teaching practice are pre-
applicable. sented, as applicable.
Response shows reason-
ably good evidence of syn- Response shows some evi- Response shows little or
thesis of ideas presented dence of synthesis of ideas no evidence of synthesis
and insights gained presented and insights of ideas presented and in-
throughout the entire mod- gained throughout the en- sights gained throughout
ule. tire module. the entire module.
Structure, Grammar 1 Writing is clear, concise, and well or- Writing is mostly clear, Writing is reasonably clear Writing is unclear and 20
and Reference ganized with excellent sentence/para- concise, and well orga- and organized. Generally disorganized. Thoughts
graph construction. Thoughts are ex- nized with good thoughts are expressed in a ramble and make little
pressed in a coherent and logical sentence/paragraph con- logical manner. There are sense. There are numer-
manner. There are very few spelling, struction. Thoughts are ex- some spelling, grammar, or ous spelling, grammar, or
grammar, or syntax errors per page of pressed in a coherent and syntax errors per page of syntax errors throughout
writing. logical manner. There are writing. the response.
few spelling, grammar, or
All information is cited properly and syntax errors per page of Most citations are in- Many statements are not
in APA style. writing. cluded / a consistent refer- cited / does not follow a
encing style used (if not consistent referencing
Most citations are included APA style) and has some style. Multiple errors in
/ follows APA style refer- errors. citation.

Except for minor errors in-

formation is cited properly
and in APA style.

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