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Journal of Mathematics
Volume 2022, Article ID 6089072, 13 pages

Research Article
Application of Fuzzy Linear Programming Model in Agricultural
Economic Management

Yuping Wang
School of Business Administration, Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University, Xinyang 464000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Yuping Wang;

Received 25 November 2021; Accepted 27 December 2021; Published 24 January 2022

Academic Editor: Miaochao Chen

Copyright © 2022 Yuping Wang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Fuzzy linear programming has a wide range of applications in agricultural economic management. In this paper, the mathematical
model of fuzzy linear programming was studied in detail, and then under the restriction of elastic constraints, the f(ti) and g(t0)
function expressions and their optimal solutions were obtained. Subsequently, the fuzzy linear programming was applied to the
agricultural economic management of the five urban areas of Zhengzhou, and its applicability was studied. The results showed that
the f(ti) and g(t0) function expressions obtained by different stretch degrees were not the same, and both had a unique optimal
solution. In addition, the mathematical model based on fuzzy linear programming could well predict the pull force in agricultural
economic management, so as to provide theoretical support for the application of fuzzy linear programming.

1. Introduction resources restricts the development of agricultural economic

management. In recent years, regional agriculture has
Agriculture is not only the basis for human survival but also tended to be homogenized, and there is generally no situ-
an important driving force for social and economic devel- ation in which measures are adopted according to local
opment [1]. With the ever-increasing population, food conditions, which has led to imitating the models of other
shortage has become an increasingly serious problem, which regions to develop their own agriculture [7]. Therefore, the
is greatly restricting social and economic development [2, 3]. efficiency of agricultural economic management is low, and
In the process of agricultural production, attention should traditional agriculture is widespread in many areas.
be paid to the protection of water and soil resources. The use The responsibility of agricultural economic managers is
of water and soil resources should minimize the damage to to guide and encourage farmers to do the right things at the
them and maintain a constant or increased reserve of natural right time. Agricultural economic managers must first an-
resources [4]. That is, while pursuing the maximization of alyze the entire task, then assign each part of the task to
economic benefits, we should maintain and improve the farmers, organize and coordinate all farmers to participate in
production conditions and environmental basis of natural production, and supervise and manage farmers [8]. This
resources. Therefore, rational development and utilization of requires agricultural economic managers to have the cor-
water and land resources and maintaining agricultural responding professional skills and basic knowledge. How-
economic development have become one of the keys to ever, at this stage, China’s personnel engaged in agricultural
regional sustainable development. economic management in my country generally suffer from
Agricultural economic management requires corre- a lack of professional skills and basic knowledge. Therefore,
sponding systems and mechanisms [5, 6]. However, from the some new technologies cannot be applied to agricultural
perspective of industrial development, agricultural devel- production in time, and the speed of agricultural economic
opment tends to be consistent, and the poor utilization of development is also restricted [9]. As a result, agricultural
2 Journal of Mathematics

economic managers cannot innovate agricultural economic Mansoori et al. [15] and Crainic et al. [16] gave their re-
development according to the current status of local agri- spective solutions to the fuzzy linear programming problems
cultural development. This situation will inevitably have a with elastic constraints. Wang and Peng [17] obtained the
greater impact on the development of China’s agricultural optimal solution of a class of linear programming models
economy. when the parameters were fuzzy. Hamadameen and Hassan
China’s modernization started later than Europe and the [18] considered the linear multiobjective programming
United States and other developed countries. Due to the gap problem in which the objective coefficients were fuzzy
in productivity level, there is still a large gap between China’s numbers and then used the function ranking method to give
agricultural development level and the world advanced level, a solution. Nasseri et al. [19] considered fuzzy variable linear
and the mechanization level is relatively low. Especially in programming and gave a solution method by using the
some underdeveloped areas, production activities mainly concept of fuzzy number comparison. Jiang and Chen
rely on manpower. So far, a considerable part of rural areas proposed the unified principle of stochastic programming
in China have not paid enough attention to agricultural and fuzzy programming [20] and laid the foundation for
science and technology. They believe that blindly promoting optimization theory under general uncertain environments.
agricultural mechanization and technology will cause huge In addition, an intuitionistic fuzzy set [21] was applied by
losses to rural economic management and finance, resulting Taghikhani et al. on the basis of a fuzzy set. It belonged to the
in the lack of financial support for the development of degree and does not belong to the degree to describe fuzzy
agricultural science and technology, resulting in a low degree phenomena. It more objectively expressed the human
of mechanization and technology. Therefore, it is not nec- thinking methods and subjective fuzzy quantities. It is a
essary to apply for the development of the agricultural generalization of fuzzy set theory. The intuitionistic fuzzy set
economy with advanced technology. In addition, there is still theory had been applied in many fields such as medical
much room for improvement in the introduction of agri- diagnosis and pattern recognition. Singh and Yadav [22]
cultural talents. In real life, the frontline work in rural areas studied the optimization problem in the intuitionistic fuzzy
needs technical talents who are willing to contribute to the environment, proposed a mathematical programming
development of the agricultural economy. They should have model about intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and gave the solution
a solid working attitude and excellent working ability [10]. method. Luo and Zhu [23] studied the multiattribute de-
However, such talents are scarce. cision-making problem with intuitionistic fuzzy sets,
With the emergence of problems in agricultural eco- established several linear programming models, and gave the
nomic management, people pay more and more attention to solution method, but the amount of calculation is relatively
the use of mathematics to quantitatively solve various large. So far, fuzzy multiobjective programming has not only
problems in the economic and management fields [11]. made a series of progress in theory but also been applied in
Among them, the proper establishment of economic many fields.
mathematical models related to these problems is the key. In view of the agricultural management problems in
The establishment of the mathematical model is not only the Zhengzhou, generalized fuzzy linear programming (GFLP)
first step to solve agricultural economic and management is very efficient in dealing with the problem of allowing
problems with mathematics but also runs through the whole uncertain information to appear in the optimization process
process of solving problems. There are many kinds of and results, but it cannot solve the problem of uncertain
economic mathematical models [12]. This article mainly random variables in a non-fuzzy space, nor can it consider
analyzes the fuzzy linear programming mathematical model the economic punishment after violating the policy [24–26].
through the development zone to achieve the development This economic punishment is the first concern of policy-
goals and discusses the standard form of the fuzzy linear makers. In order to solve the randomness in agricultural
programming mathematical model and the principle of the management, it is very efficient to deal with the “punish-
simplex solution, so as to study and solve some specific ment” problem caused by random events. Therefore, a de-
economic problems. cision is made before the random variable is determined.
There are two main kinds of problems in the study of After the random event occurs in the second stage, in order
fuzzy linear programming: one is how to make an overall to make the objective function immediately, the most
arrangement after a certain task is determined and try to use profitable is to “punish” the small ones, revise them, and
the least input material resources to complete the task. make the second decision [27–29]. To this end, linear
Second, there are already a certain amount of human and constraints need to be determined first if there are no
material resources, and it is important that how to arrange constraints; the fuzzy linear gauge will become a generalized
and use them so as to accomplish most of the tasks. In fact, fuzzy linear programming, which will cause the objective
these two kinds of problems are two aspects of the same analysis to be unclear and confusing, and the corresponding
problem, which is the so-called problem of seeking the best mathematical model cannot be established, so the problem
overall index of the whole problem. cannot be solved. So we propose a generalized fuzzy linear
Therefore, many scholars have done a lot of research programming model to solve the problems in agricultural
work on fuzzy programming. Rojas et al. [13] first proposed economic management, so as to solve the problem of ran-
the concept of decision-making in a fuzzy environment. dom variables caused by uncertainty and provide sugges-
Alemany et al. [14] studied a class of fuzzy linear pro- tions for agricultural economic management in Zhengzhou
gramming problems with elastic constraints. Subsequently, to optimize its planting structure and improve, and then the
Journal of Mathematics 3

output value of agricultural production promotes the de- function, and its optimal solution is called the fuzzy optimal
velopment of local agriculture. solution of the original problem.
This paper constructs and discusses a class of multi- We should determine the constraints of the model, that
objective fuzzy linear programming problems with elastic is, the constraints that affect the final optimization goal. This
constraints, that is, a class of multiobjective fuzzy linear requires full consideration of various restrictive factors that
programming problems with full fuzzy coefficients except affect the realization of the ultimate optimization goal, and
for the elastic constraint condition coefficients. Then, a the main restrictive factors affecting the goal planning are
method of the optimal solution is given by using the fuzzy expressed as a constraint relation. The model established
structural element method and applied in agricultural should take into account the protection of the ecological
economic management. environment, economic development, and social harmony
and stability in the project area. Therefore, it is necessary to
2. Mathematical Model of Fuzzy establish an objective function based on the maximum
Linear Programming economic benefit while taking into account ecological and
social benefits and, finally, establish a fuzzy linear pro-
Establishing a mathematical model of linear programming is gramming model. Use a two-stage solution method to solve:
to start from actual problems, grasp the main factors, de- first, add artificial variables to the original linear pro-
termine the decision variables, find out the constraints, and gramming problem, construct a fuzzy linear programming
establish a fuzzy linear programming model. Although many model, and then solve it; then use the simplex method to find
fuzzy linear programming models for economic problems the optimal solution of the original objective function, which
have different characteristics, they all have the following is the original problem The fuzzy optimal solution of finally
three basic characteristics [30–33]: arrives at the optimal structural plan. The specific flow di-
Firstly, every seam economy problem uses a set of un- agram is shown in Figure 1.
known variables (x1, x2, . . ., xn) to represent a certain Because of the uncertainty of crops in their growth and
planning plan, and a set of fixed values of this set of un- harvest, the concepts of motion and fuzziness should be
known variables represents a specific plan. Moreover, the introduced. Agricultural economic management should
variables in these economic problems often have non- focus on the growth of crops and establish elastic constraints
negative requirements. that change within a certain range. The constraints of linear
What is more, the research and resolution of these programming are rigid and inelastic. If one constraint is not
economic problems must meet certain conditions. For the satisfied, the system will have no feasible solution. For ex-
fuzzy linear programming model problem, the selected ample, if a certain constraint condition Fi(x) ≥ bi, according
conditions, namely the constraints, can be written in the to the requirements of linear programming, the optimal
form of linear equations and linear inequalities. solution with the lowest price can be calculated only if the
Finally, there are often many different options for solving constraint condition is satisfied, but it may also cause price
these economic problems, which means that there may be rise or imbalance of crop development completely to meet
many options that meet the constraints. We ask them to the constraint condition Fi(x) ≥ bi. In this case, if the system
choose an optimal solution from them. There is a question of can automatically relax the constraints, it is possible to
measurement standards, that is, according to which quan- export a balanced management method for economic de-
titative standards to evaluate a plan is the best, we call this velopment. Therefore, we use fuzzy logic methods to es-
quantitative standard the objective function. The objective tablish a fuzzy linear programming model for the
function is determined according to the nature and re- optimization matrix of agricultural economic management:
quirements of economic problems. According to different Objective function:
research questions, the objective function is often required
to take the maximum or minimum value. The objective MinZ � c1 x1 + c2 x2 + · · · + cn xn . (1)
function and constraints of each problem are linear.
In the process of agricultural economic management, it Constraint condition:
has many advantages such as dynamic tracking, freedom
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n x1n ≥ ≈ b1 or �, ≤ ≈ b1 􏼁,
from linear constraints, and easy adjustment of parameters.
However, it is necessary to formulate a series of socio- a21 x1 + a22 x2 + · · · + a2n x1n ≥ ≈ b2 or �, ≤ ≈ b2 􏼁,
economic development strategies and apply the fuzzy linear ······ ······ ······ (2)
programming model to calculate the dynamic changes of
each function value under different crop growth conditions. am1 x1 + am2 x2 + · · · + amn x1n ≥ ≈ bm or �, ≤ ≈ bm 􏼁,
In addition, for multiobjective variables of crops, the ob- x2 ≥ 0, j � 1, 2, . . . , n,
jective function and constraint conditions are fuzzy. That is,
different membership functions are used to change within a where x1, x2, . . ., xn are the decision variables, that is,
certain range to make the target value rise and fall within a various crops in the agricultural economy, aij (i � 1, 2, . . ., m;
certain range. j � 1, 2, . . ., n) is the output of various crops (including the
Fuzzy linear programming is to fuzzify the constraint limiting coefficient of the yield of a certain crop is usually 1).
conditions and the objective function and establish a new b1, b2, . . ., bm are the original prices of the crops. n is the type
linear programming problem through the membership of crop, and m is the number of constraint equations. c1, c2,
4 Journal of Mathematics

Fuzzy linear programming

Establishing fuzzy linear programming model

Establishing constraints Membership function

Two stage solution method simplex method

x1, x2, .. ., xn t1, t2, ..., tn f (ti) g (t0)

Getting the best result

Figure 1: Specific flow diagram of solving fuzzy linear programming model.

. . ., cn are the selling prices of each crop. ≥≈ and ≤≈, re- {x ⅼ x ∈ Rn, x ≥ 0}, for each constraint Fi(x) ≥≈ bi, corre-
spectively, indicate “approximately greater than or equal” spondingly a fuzzy subset Di in X corresponds to it, and its
and “approximately less than or equal.” Suppose X � membership function is as follows:

Di (x) � f1 ⎝
⎛􏽘 aij xj ⎠



⎪ 1, 当 􏽘 aij xj ≥ bi ,

⎪ j�1

⎪ (3)

⎪ n n
⎨ 1⎝
�⎪ 1 − ⎛ ⎠,
bi − 􏽘 aij xj ⎞ 当bi − di ≤ 􏽘 aij xj < bi ,

⎪ di

⎪ j�1 j�1

⎪ n

⎩ 0, 当 􏽘 aij xj < bi .


Note that the image of F (ti) is shown in Figure 1, where condition Ax ≥≈ b (≥0). When di � 0 (i � 1, 2, . . ., m), the “≥
di is the appropriate degree of expansion, di ≥ 0 (i � 1, 2, . . ., ≈” in the constraint equation degenerates to “≥.”
m). Let D � D1 ∩ D2 ∩ · · · ∩ Dm ∈ ţ(x), which is called the For the objective function Min
fuzzy constraint set of the corresponding constraint Z � c1x1 + c2x2 + · · · + cnxn, construct the fuzzy objective set
M ∈ ţ(x), and its membership function is as follows:


⎪ 0, 当 􏽘 cj xj ≤ z0 − d0 ,

⎪ j�1

n ⎪
⎪ n n

⎝􏽘 c x ⎞
M(x) � g⎛ ⎠� 1 ⎛ ⎝z − 􏽘 c x ⎞ ⎠ 当z − d < 􏽘 c x ≤ z ,
j j , (4)
j j ⎪
⎪ d0 0 0 0 j j 0
j�1 ⎪
⎪ j�1 j�1

⎪ n

⎪ 1, 当 􏽘 c j xj > z 0 .


f(ti) is mainly a multifactor function, which represents d0 is the difference between the objective function value, and
the change trend of the objective function, while g(t0) is the Z0 after the constraints are properly scaled.
minimum value of the objective function after strictly Obviously, when D(x) � 1, M(x) � 0. To make the target
abiding by the constraints, which reflects the lowest limit of value smaller than z0, D(x) must be reduced. In order to take
the change of the objective function. So the image of g(t0) is into account the fuzzy constraint set D and the fuzzy target
shown in Figure 2 where z0 is the minimum value of the set M, the fuzzy decision DF � D∩M can be used, and then
objective function when the constraints are strictly observed, the best point x∗ can be found, so that
Journal of Mathematics 5

μ μ

f (ti) f (ti)
l l

b-di ti t z0-di z1 tn

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Function image: (a) f(ti) and (b)g(t0).

DF x∗ 􏼁 � D x∗ 􏼁∧M x∗ 􏼁 � ∨(D(x)∧M(x)) (5) The best point x∗ satisfied

In other words, the probability measure induced by M D x∗ 􏼁∧M x∗ 􏼁 � 􏽙(D) � D • M (7)
​ ​ ​
􏽙(D) � 􏽚 D(x) • 􏽙( • ) � D • M (6) Due to

D • M � ∨(D(x)∧M(x))
� ∨{λ | D(x) ≥ λ, M(x) ≥ λ, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1} (8)
� ∨􏼈λ | D1 (x) ≥ λ, D2 (x) ≥ λ, . . . , Dm (x) ≥ λ, M(x) ≥ λ, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1􏼉.

So the problem comes down to finding ordinary linear 􏽙(D) � D • M � λ∗ (11)

programming problems
Best point formula: x∗ � (x1∗, x2∗, . . ., x∗n )
MinS � λ, Minimum cost:
1⎝ n z∗ � 􏽘 cj x∗j (12)
1− ⎛ ⎠ ≥ λ,
bi − 􏽘 aij xj ⎞ j�1
di j�1
1⎛ ⎝z − 􏽘 c x ⎞ ⎠ 3. Application of Fuzzy Linear
0 ij j ≥ λ,
d0 j�1 Programming Model in Agricultural
Economic Management
0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ≥ 0.
Zhengzhou city is located in the southern part of the North
Further transform into China Plain and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. It is
n located in the north of central Henan Province, bordering
􏽘 aij xj − di λ ≥ bi − di , Kaifeng in the East, Luoyang in the west, the Yellow River in
j�1 the north, facing Xinxiang and Jiaozuo, and Xuchang and
n Pingdingshan in the south. The whole city is 135–143 ki-
􏽘 cj xj + d0 λ ≥ z0 , lometers long from east to west and 70–78 kilometers wide
j�1 (10) from north to south, with a total area of 7446 square ki-
MinS � λ, lometers. In addition, Zhengzhou is located in the remaining
vein of the eastern Qinling Mountains and the transition
0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ≥ 0, zone between the second and third geomorphic steps in
i � 1, 2, . . . , m, j � 1, 2, . . . , n. China. The overall terrain is high in the southwest and low in
the northeast, falling in a ladder shape. It gradually decreases
Use the improved simplex method to find the optimal from the tectonic erosion of low and medium mountains in
solution (x1∗, x2∗, . . ., x∗n , ℷ), then the West and southwest to the tectonic denudation hills,
6 Journal of Mathematics

loess hills, inclined (hillock) plains, and alluvial plains, stepwise interactive algorithm, all fuzzy parameters became
forming a relatively complete geomorphic sequence. fuzzy intervals. Therefore, the generalized fuzzy two-stage
Meanwhile, Zhengzhou has a continental monsoon climate model could be turned into an interval two-stage stochastic
in the northern temperate zone, with frequent alternation of programming sub-model. After many cases dealing with
heating and cooling groups, and four distinct seasons in water/air quality management and energy system manage-
spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Winter is long and dry ment, the robust stepwise interactive algorithm handles
and cold; rain and snow are scarce; spring is dry and less interval two-stage stochastic programming and linear pro-
rainy, but spring is dry, cold, warm, and more windy. What gramming. The model was very efficient, so it was used to
is more, summer is relatively hot, with high precipitation, calculate the model.
and autumn has a cool climate and short time. The annual The crop planting planning models of the five urban
average temperature is 15.6°C; August is the hottest, with an districts of Zhengzhou city under different subordination
average monthly temperature of 25.9°C; January is the degrees were derived from a series of fuzzy interval results
coldest, with an average monthly temperature of 2.15°C. The through the method of this paper. Therefore, the mem-
annual average rainfall is 542.15 mm, and the frost-free bership function of the model decision variables could be
period is 209 days. The annual sunshine time is about 1,869.7 used for regression analysis based on the fuzzy interval
hours. results. Figure 3 shows the partial membership functions of
In general, Zhengzhou is an important central city, a fuzzy variables in different urban areas. Based on the model
megacity, an important national comprehensive trans- results, the above figure showed that the membership
portation hub, a commercial and logistics center, a central function of the parameters could be well adapted to linear
city in the Central Plains urban agglomeration, and a na- and multiple regression. In addition, Figure 4 also provided
tional garden city in the central region of China. Therefore, the model target results under different membership de-
the study of agricultural management in Zhengzhou is of grees. In general, the results showed that uncertain input
great significance for the agricultural economic development under different membership degrees will lead to different
of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, and even China. model system results. The upper limit of the model objective
Wheat, corn, and oil crops are common crops suitable function value corresponded to favorable conditions, while
for growth in Zhengzhou, and these three crops grow just in the lower limit was related to the corresponding demand
Zhengzhou all year round, which can better verify the ap- conditions.
plication of fuzzy linear programming in agricultural eco- In the actual problem management that the model
nomic management. So, in this article, the uncertainty represents, many parameters are uncertain. The crop
expressed in the interval and fuzzy form in the objective changes in different regions in the article could be repre-
function and elastic constraint conditions were used as sented in the form of fuzzy sets to express the change interval
parameters. According to the agricultural data statistics of a of the model input under different membership degrees. At
certain central part of Zhengzhou city, the planting goals of the same time, it also brings different model decision plans.
various crops in each district were planned, with the unit of a Figure 5 shows the upper and lower limits of the function
hectare, as shown in Table 1. under different membership degrees. It could be seen that
It can be seen that fuzzy linear programming could make each bar represented the output of different crops in dif-
detailed budgets for crop planting goals and achieve the set ferent regions under different degrees of membership.
expansion according to the results of linear changes, which Meanwhile, the output of different crops would have dif-
could reduce costs and save the land. In general, technicians ferent changes under different degrees of subordination. The
would make adjustments according to specific conditions lower limit increased with the increase of degree, but the
when planning and planting crops. Fuzzy linear program- upper limit had an opposite trend. The reason for this change
ming provided a scientific basis for this adjustment, which was due to the ambiguity of the model input parameters. The
was more convenient and convenient than linear pro- article used an example of agricultural management in
gramming after adjustment. And the program would also Zhengzhou to prove the practicality of the fuzzy linear
automatically take into account the balance of various crops. programming model. We needed to plant crops in different
Figure 3 is the function values of f(ti) and g(t0) calculated areas to meet social and economic development. There were
according to the fuzzy linear programming model. It can be three crops in the study, namely, wheat, corn, and oil crops.
seen that the function values of f(ti) and g(t0) obtained by Two different functions were obtained through the fuzzy
fuzzy linear programming had similar changing laws and linear programming model, and then the output of each crop
present a consistent trend. This showed that when elastic was statistically analyzed to obtain the best linear fitting
constraints were adopted, fuzzy linear programming could function. Subsequently, the upper and lower limits of the
get the best technical parameters, which provided a certain different membership degrees of crops were analyzed. Then,
scientific basis and data support for the application of fuzzy the optimal agricultural economic management level under
linear in agriculture. the maximum profit value was obtained, which had good
In the following research, the generalized fuzzy two- application value. In general, the upper and lower values
stage method was used to make decision support for crop represent the upper and lower limits of crops calculated by
allocation in the five urban areas of Zhengzhou, and the the fuzzy linear programming model, which represents the
robust stepwise interactive algorithm was used to calculate floating range of crops, which is conducive to better cal-
the generalized fuzzy two-stage model. Based on the robust culating the errors in agricultural economic management.
Journal of Mathematics 7

Table 1: Crop planting objectives of each district in Zhengzhou.

Crop planting objectives
Wheat Corn Oil crops
Zhongyuan district (6,980.50, 6,580.25) (10,158.2, 14,856.5) (28,975.6, 32,458.6)
Jinshui district (15,864.5, 6,878.6) (20,156.8, 25,458.6) (45,628.5, 48,658.5)
Erqi district (10,880.5, 14,680.95) (38,560.5, 51,268.5) (7,485.5, 6,685.4)
Gongyi city (20,058.5, 26,585.4) (36,875.5, 40,258.5) (50,258.5, 54,685.5)
Xinzheng city (30,586.5, 24,865.8) (25,687.3, 30,558.5) (42,005.8, 46,857.5)



g (t0) function value

f (ti) function value

15 20


0 0
Zhongyuan District

Jinshui District

Erqi District

Gongyi City

Xinzheng City

f (ti)
g (t0)

Figure 3: The function values of f(ti) and g(t0) calculated according to the fuzzy linear programming model.

Figure 6 is the diagram showing the relationship between agricultural economy. It shows that during the research
the agricultural economic driving force and time between period, Xinzheng focuses on the development of the
different urban areas of Zhengzhou. It can be seen that manufacturing industry and does not pay much attention to
according to the agricultural economic driving force cal- the development of agriculture and forestry, and the ability
culated by the fuzzy linear programming, as time increased, to drive economic development is uneven. At the same time,
the pull force first increased, and then gradually decreased. it also explains to a certain extent that Xinzheng mainly
The economic pull force was the largest at about 60 d. In vigorously develops the non-agricultural economy and the
addition, the pull force between the urban areas was the economic production capacity is unbalanced. The above
same as the function value change law obtained from the results reveal the economic development model of Xinzheng
fuzzy linear programming model. That is, Gongyi city had city, and the whole economic market is dominated by
the greatest pull force, and Xinzheng city had the least pull manufacturing. From the result analysis, we should ap-
force. The main reason should be attributed to that there propriately strengthen the management of the agricultural
were some differences in the weather environment between economy, vigorously develop the agricultural economy, and
the two regions, and the natural weather conditions in increase the driving force of the agricultural economy, so as
Gongyi city were much better than those in Xinzheng city. to balance the whole industrial structure.
These uncontrollable weather factors will cause the lack of Figure 7 shows the relationship between the simulated
driving force of the agricultural economy. At the same time, function values obtained after removing the minimum and
the results were also the main factors that caused the dif- maximum driving forces and different crops. It can be seen
ferent driving forces in the urban areas. Therefore, when that the yield of wheat was the lowest in the three areas,
estimating the driving force of economic capacity, the in- followed by corn and finally oil crops, which showed that oil
fluence of local weather conditions and other factors on the crops were an important product of agricultural economic
driving force should also be fully considered. development. In my opinion, the main reason was that the
During the study period, the crops in Xinzheng city and yield was reduced due to the impact of the weather during
Erqi district are very insufficient for the driving force of the the planting of wheat, and the local residents also like to
8 Journal of Mathematics

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

y = 0.00579 * x - 0.02061
y = 0.00592 * x + 0.01631
0.8 0.8 0.8 R2 = 0.99179
R2 = 0.98734 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.6 0.6

g (t0)

g (t0)
f (ti)

f (ti)
0.4 0.4
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
y = -0.0064 * x + 2.39111 0.2 y = -0.00617 * x + 2.35444 0.2
R2 = 0.9937 R2 = 0.99905
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Time (d) Time (d)
(a) (b)
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
y = 0.00657 * x - 0.04294
0.8 R2 = 0.9838 0.8
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.6 0.6
g (t0)

g (t0)
f (ti)

f (ti)
0.4 0.4
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 y = 0.00671 * x - 0.04949
y = -0.00579 * x + 2.30111 0.2 R2 = 0.98507 y = -0.0061 * x + 2.36889 0.2
R2 = 0.99565 R2 = 0.99662
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Time (d) Time (d)
(c) (d)
1.0 1.0

y = 0.00537 * x - 0.02225
0.8 R2 = 0.98865 0.8

g (t0)
f (ti)

y = -0.00607 * x + 2.35917 0.2
R2 = 0.9907
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Time (d)

Figure 4: Membership functions of fuzzy variables in different urban areas: (a) Zhongyuan district, (b) Jinshui district, (c) Erqi district, (d)
Gongyi city, and (e) Xinzheng city.

plant a large number of oil crops, which belonged to the cannot solve the problem of uncertain random variables in a
special local climate. Therefore, the yield change trend of the non-fuzzy space, and it cannot be considered in violation of
three crops in the three areas is the same. In order to achieve the policy. It is the first concern of policymakers for the
the balance of agricultural economic development, the subsequent economic punishment. Therefore, different
planting ratio of the three crops should be strengthened, so model function values (Figure 8) are obtained by limiting an
as to obtain the optimal crop planting proportion. elastic constraint condition, and then the random variable
Generalized fuzzy linear programming is very efficient in problem in agricultural economic management is solved
solving the problem of constraint conditions with coeffi- through the change of different calculation data. The main
cients or objective functions with fuzzy intervals, but it reason may be that the driving force of crops in Gongyi city
Journal of Mathematics 9

20 20

16 16

12 12


8 8

4 4

0 0
Wheat Corn Oil crops Wheat Corn Oil crops
Lower limit Lower limit
Upper limit Upper limit
(a) (b)

24 20




4 4

Wheat Corn Oil crops
Wheat Corn Oil crops
Lower limit
Lower limit
Upper limit
Upper limit
(c) (d)






Wheat Corn Oil crops
Lower limit
Upper limit

Figure 5: The upper and lower limits of the function under different membership degrees: (a) Zhongyuan district, (b) Jinshui district,
(c) Erqi district, (d) Gongyi city, and (e) Xinzheng city.
10 Journal of Mathematics




Pull force



0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Time (d)
Zhongyuan District Gongyi City
Jinshui District Xinzheng City
Erqi District
Figure 6: Relationship between pull force and time among urban areas.


Simulation function value




Jinshui District Zhongyuan District Erqi District

Oil crops
Figure 7: Relationship between simulation function values and different crops in three urban areas.

and Jinshui district is large, which corresponds to the results between different urban areas and different crops in
in Figure 6. In addition, as the main crop in Zhengzhou, oil Zhengzhou, a generalized fuzzy linear programming
crops have a large planting amount and driving force, so the problem was established to solve the allocation problem in
function value calculated by fuzzy linear programming is the development of the agricultural economy, minimize the
also large. Aiming at the level of agricultural development consumption of water resources and land, and ensure
Journal of Mathematics 11

Xinzheng City Zhongyuan District Erqi District Jinshui District Gongyi City



Function value







Oil crops



Oil crops



Oil crops



Oil crops



Oil crops
Figure 8: Function values between different crops in different urban areas.

agricultural water resources in the irrigation area. The high- Data Availability
efficiency utilization of the irrigated area promotes the ag-
ricultural development of the irrigation area and obtains the The data that support the findings of this study are included
optimal level of agricultural economic management. within the article.

4. Conclusion Conflicts of Interest

Guided by a class of multiobjective fuzzy linear program- The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest or
ming problems with elastic constraints, this paper discussed personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the mathematical model of fuzzy linear programming in the work reported in this paper.
detail and obtained their optimal solutions by analyzing the
data between two different functions. Subsequently, this
fuzzy linear programming was applied to agricultural eco-
nomic management, with five urban areas in Zhengzhou as This work was supported by the Research Project of Henan
an entry point to verify the results obtained by fuzzy line- Federation of Social Sciences: Empirical Study on the Impact
arity. And the conclusions are as follows: of Agricultural Science and Technology Application on
(1) On the basis of elastic constraints, the f(ti) and g g(t0) Agricultural Modernization, SKL-2021-2474, and Research
function expressions and their images were obtained Project of Xinyang Philosophy and Social Science: Research
by establishing the degree of expansion and con- on the Development Strategy of Circulation Industry Based
traction, and then then the optimal inequality so- on Rural Consumption Upgrading, 2021JJ036.
lution is obtained by solving and decomposing them
by fuzzy linear programming. References
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