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A Village Fair products.

It also gives enjoyment to the

simple villagers.
Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of
villages. So, a village fair is very common Demerits: A village fair has some
here. It is a large gathering place for men, demerits. It has no proper sanitation.
women and children. The village people Gambling, cheating, pick-pocketing are
gather here to sell and buy local products. common in a village fair. These cause
It is a great attraction to the children. much harm to the simple villagers.
Sometimes children are lost and this
Site and occasion: A village fair usually causes great anxiety for the parents.
sits on the river side or a canal side or in
the yard of a temple or under a big banyan Conclusion: A village fair is a great
tree. It is held on the occasion of Pahela source of entertainment and enjoyment to
Baishakh, or Durgapuja or Chaitra the rural people. It removes the monotony
Sankranti. It is also held on the occasion of of life and brings joys to the villagers. It
religious festivals. It lasts for a day or a helps a man to forget his sorrows and
week. sufferings for the time being. People meet
their kith and kin and mix with a variety of
Description: A village fair is a kind of people.
exhibition. The people of different
professions bring their own handmade
articles for sale and display. The shop-
keepers sit in rows. Clothes, toys, cheap
ornaments, cosmetics, cheap fancy goods,
utensils, bamboo made articles,
sweetmeats and many other attractive
things are sold in the village fair. Earthen
pots and jars are also sold in a village fair.
People buy various things according to
their choice.

Attractions: A village fair is a nice place

for the enjoyment of the villagers. The
main attractions of a village fair are the
magic show, the doll dance, the cock fight,
the jatra, the circus etc. So a village fair
gives a great joy to the village people.

Usefulness: A village fair is very useful to

the villagers in many ways. It encourages
the local industry and agriculture. It helps
to develop the village economy. The
weavers, the porters, the blacksmiths, the
carpenters earn money by selling their

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