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Name :Yophang difa bagaskara

Student Number :20190140063
Class group :

Book information

Book : Dunia Sophie Sebuah Novel Filsafat

Publishe :
d Year
Author : Jostein Gaarder
Number : 800
of pages
Picture :
in the
Mainly :
content The excitement of finding answers to fundamental questions about the meaning and
(What is purpose of life, how to live a good life and questions about the origin of the universe, for
the example, is not limited by age and place. After all that has been achieved in this life,
book people will again bump into the same question. Ignoring these questions leads life to be
about?) lived unconsciously. But not many people dare to face the basic questions of life openly
because the process will be difficult and painful. This novel, through his lighthearted style,
invites us to be brave in facing this philosophical challenge.
General :
commen Alhamdulillah.. In the end, I finished the novel Sophie's World for the third time, although
t about it took me quite a long time to do that. Besides the book which is quite thick (798 pages),
the also because this novel requires more 'digestion' than other novels, this novel is indeed a
book philosophical novel. That's why I had to re-read this novel several times to be able to
'understand' what it meant, and even then in some chapters I was still empty :)

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