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Arrace, ‘You make a melee or ranged weapon stack Cast a Srewe You cast a canttip ora spell of Ist level or higher. See the spells casting time. Das You gain extra movement qual to your speed | lus any modifiers) forthe current sur | Disencace | Yourmovernent doesnt provoke opportunity tacks forthe rt ofthe tur, Dooce Uni the start your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage you can se the attacker, and you make Dexterity aving tows with advantage Yu love this benef ifyou are incapacitated or fyour speed drops to. Her ‘You help one creature wth task, giving that creature advantage onthe nest ality eheckit makes for that ask. Or you distract one crea ture within 5 eet of you, andthe next attack rol that an ally of ours makes agains hat creature has advantage ‘Whichever option you choose, the 2dvan tage goes away once used or when your next Hive You make a Dexterity (stealth checkin an attempt to become hidden—unseen and nea Reavy You wait fora particular circumstance before You ct, which ts you act using your reac: tion before the start of our next turn You rust decide in advance () what perceivable ‘Grcumstance wil tigger your reaction and (b) the ation you wil tae in response to that tigger you ready a spelt must have a casting time of ation, and you must concentrate on itu you release it Seance You make a Wisdom (Perception check an Inteligence (Investigation) check a find something Use A Mace Ire ‘You use a magic item that requires your action forte use Use an Onjecr You use an object, other than 3 magic item, that requires your action forts use Use A Speciat ABILITY You use a class feature or ater special ability that requtes yout ation Frits use. SS aL Lonc Jump ‘Move 10+ fet, and then jump a number oF feet up t your Strength score When you make 3 standing ong jump, you car leap only halfthat distance Hich Jum : Move 10» fest, and then jump a numberof Feet equal 0 3 your Strength modifier When you make 3 standing high jump, you can jump only half tht ditance. CONCENTRATION Ifa spell must be maintained with concentration, its description species how long you can concentrate an it. You can fend concentration at any time (9 abo ‘equired). The fllowing factors con break + You start casting ancther spell that requires You take damage. Suceed on a Constitution Saving thaw to maintain your concentration, witha DC equal to 10 or half the damage you take, whichever numbers higher + You're incapacitated or kil You're overwhelmed by an enormous distraction, such as wave crashing ito you. Succeed on a DC TO Constitution “aving throw to maintain our NTI) Do on Your Turi + Move up to your speed + Take one action, + Communicate with speech, gestures orboth + Interact with one objector feature of the environment as you move oF take your action. To interact with a second ‘objec, ake the Use an Object 3 BuNDED 1 Ablinded ceature cn" see and automaticly fate ay ability check that requites sight. «attack ols against the crenture havea arage, and the creature’ attack rolls have Ssadvantage CHarmen 1 Reharmed creature ‘ant attackthe charmer target the charmer ‘with Rar abilities oF magical eects «The charmer has aan tage onary ability check tornteractsocily with thecremure, Deareneo + Adeaened cesture can't hear and automaticaly fl any ability heck that requires hearing FRicHTENED = + Afightoned cesture has disadvantage on ability checks and atack ols while the Source of is fears within line of ight, + The creature cant wilingly move closer to the source of fea. Grappueo. + A grappled creature's speed becomes and itean' benefit rom any bonus tits speed, + The condition eds ifthe grapple is ncapac hated (se the condition) + The condition also ends fan effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the apple or grappling eect, such as when a creature ishurled aay by the thunderwave seal IncaPacrrareD + Anincapactatedereture can't take ations + An invisible creature fs impossible tose without the ad of magic ra special sense. Forthe purpose of hiding, the eestute Con a heavily obscured. The creature's location can be detected by any noise it makes or any teacks it leaves. + Atack rolls against the creature have disad vantage, and the creature's attack ole have advantage, Paratyzeo «+ Aparalyzed creature isincapaciated {see the condition) and can't move or speak. + The creature automatically als Strength and Deterity saving throws. + Altack ells against the centre have advantage. + Ary attack that hits the creature is a criti it ifthe ataceris within 5 feet ofthe cesture Perarieo + A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagcal object itis wearing or carrying into 2 Solid inanimate substance {osually stone. ts weight Increases bya factor often, andi ceases aging + The creature is incapac {soe the condition), can ‘move 0” speak, ands un aware of ts surroundings. ted ‘tack rolls guns the ereaturehave advantage The creatute automatically fis Strength and Dexterity saving throws +The creature has resistance t all damage + The ereature is immune to poison and dis cease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized. PoisoneD, + Apoisoned creature has disadvantage on attack ols and ability checks Prone + Aprone cesture's only move. ment options to craw, unessit stands up and thereby ends the condition, +The creature has diadvantage on attack ol, + An attack roll against the creature has advantage the attacker iswithin 8 feet ofthe creature (Otherwise, the attack rl has disadvantage Resteaineo. + Arestained cremure’s speed becomes 0, and it can't benef fom ary bonus tits speed + Attack ols against the centue have ad- vantage and the crestue’s attack ols have disadvantage +The creature has deadrantage on Desterity saving hows Stunnes + Astunned cesture is inca pacitated fee the cond tion), can'tmove, and can peak ony ten + The creature automaticaly fails Strength and Destety saving throws. ‘stack rolls against the cre turehave advantage Unconscious + fn unconscious creatures incapacitated {cee the condition), cart move or speak, and is unaware ofite suroundings +The creature drops whatever falls prone ‘holding and +The creature automatial fis Stength and Desterity saving throws + Atak ls pans the crenturehave advantage. ‘+ Any attack that hits the { creature i atl it ifthe attackers with S eet ofthe creature su ADC coe ay ae AND Severity Dangerous tasy Nearly impossible 240 20 odio Osject Armor cite Substance Crystal ass, fe a Trackin DCS Ground Surface oc Dieter grass 1s, Each dy since the erenture passed 5 oai0 1ea10 raato Substance itheal Stone Ouest Hit Points Fragile Resent 6 sd Seal (chest, late) 3 (1d6) 10,346) Large (cart, Wtt-by 10-R, window) 5 (1410) 27 (S410) SKILLS AND ASSOCIATED ABILITIES skit bility Abity Animal Handing Wisdom Nature Ineligenee -Acana—nteigence | ties Strength Performance Charisma Deception Charisma Histor Incligence Religion Inteligence Intimidation Charisma stealth Deteity med Foop, Drink, ano Loncinc tom con ae ae alln 2p (vig 4 Banquet (per person) io [Bisa ose Bis Cheese, hun 1 [in stay (per dy) squad rep Modest 339 Micarortabie 2 Weathy : : Te bd i 3 8 2 Aritocratc 2p s ee Fine (bottle) roe Pay ‘Between towns 3p per mile irelng Untrained 2p perday Road or gate toll Vep . aE PT ED. re oe Travet Pace Cover sect Distance Traveled per. Pace Minute Hour Day Fast 400 feet miles 30 miler Normal 300feet Sues 24 miles Slow 200feet 2imiles 18 miles OnscureD Areas Cover fect Halfcouer 42 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws 5 penal to passe Wiss against attacks and effects that originate on dom (Perception) scores the opposite side ofthe cover = Three-quarters +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving tows ES REREI cover agains attacks and effects that originate on the opposite side ofthe cover “Total ever) Cantbe targeted directly by an ataek ora spell Obscureness Effect Examples Licht Ughty ‘retues Have dsadvantage Dim igh, patchy fo, Source Bright Light Dim Light Duration ‘obscured on Wisdom (Perception). moderate felnge Candle st +5f Thour checks that rely on sight. Limp sf 90% Shours Heavily Visions blocked creatures Darkness, opaque ETC GONG STS obscured ateeffectnelyblinded. fog, dense foliage Lanter hooded 30ft 430% Ghours Loweredhood = Se cnet taertwes Torch 20" +20f Thou Tern Encounter Distance ‘Arctic desert, farmland, or grassland 66 10 fet Forest, swamp, or woodland 248 x 10 feet His orwastelnds Jungle Mountains ‘Audible Distance ‘Ting to be quiet Normal cite level Veryloud Visibitty Outdoors Clear day no ebstrctions Fog From 3 height 2410510 Feet 24610 feet 410510 fect 246% 5 fest 2miles mile 100 0 300feet x20

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