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Agile Management Excel Template

Solo Agile Solo Mort

continuous delivery of valuable software 5 5
embrace changing requirements 5 5
deliver working software frequently 5 4
direct and daily customer interaction 5 4
trust motivated individuals 5 4
communicate face to face 5 4
measure progress through working software 5 5
technical excellence and good design 5 1
simplicity is essential 5 3
self-organizing teams 3 1
team self reflection 5 5

Weights Solo Agile Solo Mort

5 25 25
3 15 15
3 15 12
3 15 12
3 15 12
2 10 8
2 10 10
2 10 2
4 20 12
2 6 2
3 15 15
32 156 125
160 98% 78%

Solo Mort Story

Dean is the only person working on a project development. So

he meets with his customer to discuss the details and any
potential probelsm. Dean doesn’t have any guidelines
concerning the project’s figures written down be he calculated
that finishing the project will take three weeks. The end of the
week isn’t too good for Dean as his client isn’t satisfied with
how things go. Dean gets feedback and returns with better
code. But then, at the end of week two there are some things
missing and some things need to be added. Dean’s Project
Manager isn’t able to track his progress and has to put all
pieces together, then create something out of srambles, this
happens every week. Dean even adds a feature not presented
by the client, but the client likes it. Dean does all the work: U/I,
database, servies, deployment, testing. He delivers weekly for
few weeks and the project is finished. The final software has
about plenty of undiscovered defects, some of which will
appear in the coming year. Dean has another project assigned
Solo Agile Story

Sam is the only person working on a project development. So

he meets with his customer to discuss the details and any
potential probelsm. They discuss all the details and Sam writes
down a list of features as the customer walks him through all
details. He has a willing PM who takes helps to convert his
estimates into a month-by-month project plan for “management
consumption.” Sam uses Behavior Driven Development to
create his code, and even though the application is fairly small,
develops a fairly solid set of test cases. He works hard, is
highly productive, and never stays in office after hours. He
does all the work: U/I, database, services, deployment, testing.
Sam regularly reports his work and after five weeks of hard
work the project is delivered to the customer. The customer is
happy and there are no mistakes. Sam has another project
assigned immediately.

Solo Waterfall Story

document for the small but useful tool the customer wants.
Soon, Bobby delivers the requirements document to the
customer and asks him to read it and provide feedback. Bobby
doesn’t just sit and listen to the customer but has already a
plan prepared in his head. Bobby decides that the simple tool
will use specific functions. Later, he spends the next week
creating the product with a detailed features and list of how
things will work. After this is done, Bobby gives feedback on
the first version of the product and tells about changes he
decided to make. Bobby immediately implements the changes
and by the end of the week delivers updated documents.
Things get more complicated as the customer wants to go
through the changes in the document but Bobby has already
created a new document. He’s frustrated. Nevertheless, he
works with the customer and by the end of the next week has a
new version of documents. The whole process takes six
weeks. And so by the end of week seven, he is code complete
and begins testing. At week eight, he demonstrates the system
to the customer but cannot install it on the customer's machine
because there are still defects in it. That doesn’t cause the
problem since the customer introduces new changes. Week 10
– everything is changed by Bobby as the customer required.
All is okay. However, the customer has some additional
Solo Waterfall

Solo Waterfall
Simple Lifecycle Agility Maturity Model

continuous delivery of valuable software

team self reflection embrace changing requirements
self-organizing teams deliver working software frequently

simplicity is essential direct and daily customer interaction

technical excellence and good design trust motivated individuals

measure progress through working software communicate face to face

Solo Waterfall Solo Mort Solo Agile

How to use Agile Management Excel Template

The first thing is a story - a story which characterizes how the project worked out, in what way the employ
The template is based on the 11 principles of the Agile Alliance. The team gets together and discusses ho
Another step is comparing the results with other team members. Here's what the column
The last step is looking at steps to improve - things that have to be changed, aspects of projects that you sh
When the process of working with the template is done, implement the changes in life and start enhancing
d out, in what way the employees work, and what are the effects of their work. Every member of the ream should characterize
ets together and discusses how well the story matches the principles. Rating works on a scale of 1-5.
hat the column Weights is for. The weights are on a scale of 1-5.
aspects of projects that you should rethink with your team.
es in life and start enhancing your project.
r of the ream should characterize him/her in such way.

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