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English fagdag:

Part 2: Retelling information

In this century our grandparents and parents for that matter are living longer, and healthier
lives than in the past. This makes staying connected with your newer and older generations
more crucial than ever. Luckily, intergenerational relationships have an extremely positive
impact on everyone involved. Let’s look at some of the benefits.

How we communicate with different family members strengthens our emotional health and
makes us understand our behaviors much easier. Some benefits adapt to each generation.
Let’s look at Seniors. They have loads of life experience, therefore they can offer support
and knowledge to their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren for that matter.
Adult children in most cases help their parents when they lose some level of health or
mobility, whilst still supporting their own younger children. The youngest generation we have
today provides affection and happiness and can often assist with tasks that revolve around
the modern day we live. This would include mostly technology and maybe some appliances.

Because all our strengths are used to help each other in an intergenerational relationship,
we then allow our generations to move toward the modern day and stay close as a family.
With everyone having some way to benefit a younger or older generation, it’s easier to
communicate through those specialties. Obviously, younger generations have a problem
with communicating with their elders, but this could improve in ways like helping each other.
Part 3: Interaction

Tobi, 15 years old, wrote:

Wow, I’ve been reading through this whole conversation and I like the idea of secondhand
clothing. Why do you always need to buy fresh new clothes from designer shops? I mean,
you always get something to wear, even if it’s been used before. I love that you made jewelry
out of old car tires and others, but were the jeans you made into bags already torn? Since in
my opinion, I would much rather have a pair of working jeans instead of a few small bags.
It’s truly awesome, but was it necessary? I think that we should somehow limit the number of
clothes being produced, as it’s purely overwhelming. In 2020 alone, the fashion industry
made between 1.7 and 2.5 trillion dollars in profit.
( ) IN 2020 ALONE! I’m going to
go with second-hand clothing from now on.
Part 4: Written production
Writing of task 4B

A bigger meaning

Let’s talk about two people that mean so much to me, but no one knows. They are
not just “people” they have a much bigger meaning to me than most see. A story that
affects my entire life in a gigantic way.

Let me introduce you to Mark and Chantale, a married couple who moved to Norway
in around 2014. They were born around 1974 making them both a part of Generation
X. Mark is from the United Kingdom and Chantale is from Canada, making them both
native English speakers. My mom and dad got to know them through Handball when
their daughter (Meghan) started on my sister's team, where my dad happened to be
the coach. The relationship turned into dinners, which eventually evolved into
spending New-Years-Eve together. I don’t see them that much other than through
dinners, but when I do see them, I always love every second of it. Maybe it’s just me
generally liking every English-speaking person or it’s that they are genuinely great
people. Must be both.

I can’t explain with words the amount of happiness I get from talking to them. It’s just
the simple “Hello, how are you?” but that gives me strength in so many ways. It’s
probably the kick that I get from speaking English with someone that does the same,
but it’s just so magical. I’m generally in love with the language, and I can’t get over it.
Therefore, I want to live in the UK. Over the years of them living in Norway, they
have taught me so much in a “hidden” way. There’s just so much that they don’t
know I’ve learned from them, but I truly have, and I appreciate it so much.

I find it easier to get English friends than it is to get Norwegian friends. I don’t think
that the UK or any other English-speaking country has the stereotype that
Norwegians have about teens. By this, I mean that a Norwegian person aged 13-17
is most likely a “jokester” or likes to make fun of other people and their wrongs. It’s a
general problem that only exists in a few countries. Now, the problem isn’t that
noticeable to most, but when you actually are a teenager yourself, you might notice.
Disrespect, Rudeness, ungratefulness, etc. That’s what some people need to
improve on themselves in this day and age. Like, can’t we just be socializing without
disrespecting each other, respect that some people took some choices that you
might not agree on, that someone likes the way they look, or why can’t we just be
grateful for everything we have and gotten? It’s seriously not that hard. I just feel
warm and cozy when talking to English people, as that’s where I feel I belong. Yes,
this problem might be in the UK as well, but it’s far from the level I experience in
Norway. There are a bunch of different causes for me not noticing it in the UK, like
the fact that I’m not there a lot. But through our 2022 knowledge in technology and
social media existing, I’m able to communicate with teens from the UK, and for that
matter all over the world. I’ve met one person in particular over this.

Leo, a person I met just under a year ago. How did I meet him? Through Mark and
Chantale. They helped me feel more comfortable with my English abilities and
therefore I went on social media and ended up meeting Leo. And that I am forever
grateful for. Leo is my best friend and will always be. I’ve never actually met him, but
we’re planning to meet in London during the winter break of 2022. (February). Leo
and I met through the Social Media platform “Discord”. The site is mostly used for
gaming communities and hangouts. Which makes it the perfect platform for meeting
new people. Now, I and Leo are playing games together, sharing our lives, creating
games, etc, etc. And this is all because of Mark and Chantale. Do you get the point?

It has come to the point where I want to move to the UK and change my life. Not at
this age, but maybe when I’m older, who knows? I would always love to at least
experience it. I want to live the life of a dreamer, an explorer, and an adventurer.

I really feel like I'm obsessed creepily with Mark and Chantale, but am I? Or do I just
like English people that much? Everything I’ve mentioned in this text reflects the
main topic, Mark and Chantale. They have given me a lot more purpose. My parents
obviously did that too, but that someone I’ve not known for my whole life has been
able to make such an impact in a small amount of time is insane. It just makes me
think that our world is random. We just lead ourselves to a destination. We might hit
obstacles on the road, maybe good ones, and maybe bad ones. But we will always
surpass it and find another way to get to our end destination. No matter what, I want
to live my life to its fullest.

The text might have some places where it’s confusing what I write, but I’m just not sure how
to put words to my feelings. Oh and I’m not adding the people I mention by last names for
their privacy. I’m reflecting around 2 people who have created my entire life in the
English-speaking world. Additionally, writing 2 pages about 2 people that I haven’t met that
much but that has impacted my life a lot was extremely hard, but I managed to do it.

By the way, I am pretty sure that I’m following all the guidelines for the task. I am certainly
reflecting on the relationship between me, Mark, and Chantale.

Speaking Task Notes

Create a text where you describe and reflect on making decisions when you are young

I’m mostly going to freelance it and talk out of my mind about what I think about decisions as
I’m kind of representing the young generation.

- It’s not as important as making decisions as an adult

- It can be hard because you most likely think about all the effects a decision might
carry with it.
- The heaviness of a decision might affect your and other's life more than smaller

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