Legal English Lecture 2 - Slides

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Learn how to summarize content
(a) Capture the following:
(i) The main idea
(ii) original message
(iii) content of the main text

The guideline to summarize:

• Understand the entire text and identify a structure or pattern.
- Introduction, Argument (break down the argument - points) and Conclusion
• Gain an overview of the text
- By reading through the whole text
• Understand the keywords and concepts
- Search the words and concepts to ensure you understand it

Summary (continued)
• Distinguish between general rules, principles, and exceptions.
• Use simple language, that is easy to understand.
• What is the format you need to use to summarize?
- descriptive headings and subheadings
- general principles and exceptions to those general principles
- relevant cases and articles
- short sentences and schemes reflecting the relationship between topics
• Integrate various sources, synthesise the material.
- Articles
- Cases
- Legislation

Section 2:
An Introduction to Legal Writing and
Language Focus

Learning outcomes
• Demonstrate legal reading and comprehension skills.
• Recognise, critically analyse and coherently express
arguments in verbal and written communication.
• Paraphrase text and speech accurately and ethically.

General and essential principles of legal writing
• General writing principles
- Who is a good writer?
Ability to communicate a message in a clear and effective manner to the reader
- Always ask the question: Is my content clear enough to be understood?
- Always have 3 drafts of your work
(a) Draft 1: Overview of the structure, setting out the main section and the vital points made
under each section.
(b) Draft 2: The ideas and arguments set out per your first draft.
(c) Draft 3: Check for the use of correct grammar and proper spelling of words.
(d) Final draft: Your final work
- Review that it contains points in draft 1- draft 3

General and essential principles of legal writing
• Plan your work
• Write in simple and clear terms
• Be concise
• Every sentence should communicate one idea
• Use active voice when writing
• Use words to connect to sentences and ideas
• Do not complicate your work by using words that even you do not understand
• Capital letters should be used where necessary
• The use of me, you and we as opposed to ‘a person’ or ‘one’

General and essential principles of legal writing
• Drawing up a schedule
- Calendar
- Plan of study
- Plan to work on your assignments etc.
• Note-making skills
- Make notes in class- in the format you understand
- Integrate your notes with relevant textbooks, legislation and case law
• Spelling errors and typing errors
- Read your work over and over again to ensure that there are no spelling or
typing errors on your work
- Use UK English style and not USA English style
- Make use of spell checker and spelling guides

General and essential principles of legal writing
• User-friendly language
- Clear, concise plain English
- Can a lay person understand your work
• Avoiding abstract words and phrases
- Use concrete words or phrases
- Avoid ambiguity and vagueness in your words
- For example, Research shows…; The population comply….etc.
• Formatting text
- Justify
- Align; font, font size
- Follow guideline on assignment and facilitator

General and essential principles of Legal Writing
• Sequences of tenses
- Use of terms to present an event
- Q: When it happened? How it happened? Etc.
- The answers to the questions above will help to determine the tenses you will use.
• Paraphrasing
- Write in your own words; and
- Use synonyms to convey the legal meaning and principles
• Formatting and layout
- Page 32 of study guide

Drafting semi-formal letters, e-mails and facsimiles

• Semi-formal letters
• Facsimiles (Faxes)
• Emails

Page 33-34 of study guide

Grammar and sentence formulation
• Parts of speech
- Nouns
- Adjective
- Verb
- Adverb
- Pronoun
- Participle
• Punctuation
- Dash
- Hyphen
- Full stop and abbreviations
- Comma

Grammar and sentence formulation

- Ellipsis
- Quotations and italics
- Question mark
- Commas
- Colon
- Semi-colon

End of Section 2
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Section 3: Writing Skills

Principles of good writing skills
1. Audience and purpose
- Who am I writing for?
- Why am I writing?
- Helps determine the evidence/source to be used
- Helps determine structure of your work, language and tone
- Table in unit 4.4.1 od study guide
2. Evidence-led argument
- Clarity on what you want to write
- Support your evidence; Support all statement and claims
- Use primary and secondary sources

Principles of good writing skills (continued)
- Be clear, concise and unambiguous
3. Clarity and precision
- Concise and clear
- Short sentences
- Plain language
- Active voice
- Third person
- Edit and proofread

Writing an assignment
• How to approach assignments
• The structure of assignments

Writing a legal opinion
• What is a legal opinion?
• How to write a legal opinion
• The structure of a legal opinion

Writing heads of argument
• What are heads of argument?
• How to draft a heads of argument.
• The structure of a heads of argument

Application of law to facts

• How to structure an argument

• How to identify and answer a legal question
• Editing
• Proofreading
• Application of law

Key Points

• Read, understand, and answer questions carefully.

• Ensure you are able to draft proper introductions and conclusions.
• Properly plan and set out a writing structure to ensure effective time
• Write coherently and with a logical flow.
• Adhere to the principles of academic and legal writing.

End of Section 3
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Section 4: Research and Referencing

Research Skills
• Primary sources
• Secondary Sources
• Difference between primary and secondary sources
• Locating primary and secondary sources
• Presenting research results
• Referencing

Key Points
• Write in plain language.
• Always reference authority.
• Follow the SAJHR writing guide found at:
• <
017 >
• Know the difference between primary and secondary sources.
• Do not plagiarise.

End of Section 4
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!


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