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Business model

The biggest challenge for snack food companies is to combat the perception that these
products are not a food and, to a large extent, that is the main reason why ready-
packaged food companies have decided to venture more and more into the category. of

snacks market have focused mainly on marketing strategies and marketing channels,
rather than strategies associated with costs or prices.

One of the characteristics of the business model. it is the opportunity to be located

instead of consumption.

These dehydrated fruits are consumed directly as snacks or small bites. The final
consumers of the dehydrated fruit will be children, young people and adults of
socioeconomic levels A and B, who will consume them directly as snacks, as well as
catering companies, which will use them in their banquets. The products will reach
them mainly through health food stores, supermarkets and school kiosks.

Dehydrated fruits can be consumed at any time of the year, given their ease of storage
and conservation at room temperature. In addition, they are an ideal complement to
high-calorie diets. Combined with dairy products or cereals, these fruits are a good food
supplement for children and older adults. Children could be introduced to these products
as snacks in their school lunchbox.

The ideal is, being an emerging country (Cambodia), to complement our product with a
very traditional approach. This creates closeness in the consumer, through the
evaluation of both cultural and economic data. because when entering a market with
such characteristics what is sought from the demand for our product (Thus, according to
the price in the market of a good, the bidders (those who sell) are willing to manufacture
a certain number of that Like the demanders (those who buy) are willing to buy a certain
number of that good, depending on the price.)

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