Before You Make The Decision To Remove Cotton Wool

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Before you make the decision to remove cotton wool, you need to think about how you

will feed them. As we mentioned above, cottonwoods are the best food for mulberry
leaves and they need a lot of these leaves to grow. To prepare enough food for
cotton, it is necessary to sow mulberries. In this case, you will not have to
search for cottonwood food.

The next thing is going to be the perfect decoration of cotton wool. There are
several ways to raise cotton. Typically, farmers place grids in the building and
place the cotton beds or trays where the cotton will grow and feed. But some
farmers prefer to raise cotton in special containers or aluminum boxes.

When everything is ready to raise cottontails, it's time to buy eggs or cottontails
to lay eggs (usually in specially prepared paper). The eggs hatch and you can feed
the mulberry leaves. Make sure your cotton moths stay in warm, dry conditions with
good ventilation, otherwise they will suffocate and die. If you want to grow
cottonwood in containers, it is best to keep the temperature between 78° and 88° F
and make sure there is no condensation or debris left in the container.

After about 35 days and 4 mills, the cottons are ready to be woven. Place a sheet
of straw on top of each cotton tray so that the cotton can be woven as a cover. In
2 to 3 days, cotton wool sheds about 1 thousand arms and is completely closed in
the cover.

Then the farmer made silk to warm the cotton wool. Some farmers leave a piece of
cotton alive so that they can metamorphose into moths and raise the next generation
of worms.

They do so by soaking in boiling water to soften the silk, which holds the silk
fibers in the form of the cover. The fibers are gradually developed to form a
continuous weave. Since a single thread is too fine and fragile for commercial use,
three to ten threads are spun to form a single strand of silk.

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