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Service Manual

Title: PSI REMOTE CONTROL – Service Manual
ID-no.: DOC-3046-5
Date: 2001-11
Software: PSI REMOTE CONTROL, Release 1.5

main issue update

chapter 1 new
chapter 2 new
chapter 3 new
chapter 4 new
chapter 5 new
chapter 6 new
chapter 7 new
chapter 8 new
chapter 9 new
chapter 10 new

new: The corresponding chapters are new or completely revised.

corr.: Passages of the corresponding chapter were corrected; see modification bars.
add.: Passages of the corresponding chapter were added; see modification bars.

Document History
Modifications, which result in a new version, are indicated by a vertical bar.

Keep this sheet!

Brand and product names mentioned in this manual might be trademarks, registered trademarks or
copyrights of their respective holders. All brand and product names mentioned in this manual
serve as comments or examples and are not to be understood as advertising for the products or
their manufacturers.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Barco Control Rooms GmbH

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Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Barco Control Rooms GmbH

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or translated. It shall not
otherwise be recorded, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent
of Barco Control Rooms GmbH.

Guarantee and Compensation

Barco Control Rooms GmbH provides a guarantee relating to perfect manufacturing as part of the
legally stipulated terms of guarantee. On receipt, the purchaser must immediately inspect all
delivered goods for damage incurred during transport, as well as for material and manufacturing
faults. Barco Control Rooms GmbH must be informed immediately in writing of any complaints.
The period of guarantee begins on the date of transfer of risks, in the case of special systems and
software on the date of commissioning, at the latest 30 days after the transfer of risks. In the event
of justified notice of complaint, Barco Control Rooms GmbH can repair the fault or provide a
replacement at its own discretion within an appropriate period. If this measure proves to be
impossible or unsuccessful, the purchaser can demand a reduction in the purchase price or
cancellation of the contract. All other claims, in particular those relating to compensation for direct
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services provided by Barco Control Rooms GmbH, being a component of the system or
independent services, will be deemed invalid provided the damage is not proven to be attributed to
the absence of properties guaranteed in writing or due to the intent or gross negligence on the part
of Barco Control Rooms GmbH
If the purchaser or a third party carries out modifications or repairs on good delivered by Barco
Control Rooms GmbH, or if the goods are handled incorrectly, in particular if the systems are
commissioned or operated incorrectly or if, after the transfer of risks, the goods are subject to
influences not agreed upon in the contract, all guarantee claims of the purchaser will be rendered
invalid. Not included in the guarantee coverage are system failures, which are attributed to
programs or special electronic circuitry provided by the purchaser, e. g. interfaces. Normal wear as
well as normal maintenance are not subject to the guarantee provided by Barco Control Rooms
GmbH either.
The customer must comply with the environmental conditions as well as the servicing and
maintenance regulations specified in this manual.
Revision sheet
 Barco Control Rooms GmbH
An der Rossweid 5 • D-76229 Karlsruhe • Germany
Phone (49) (721) 6201-0 • Fax (49) (721) 6201-298
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Please correct the following points in this documentation (Doc-3046-5):

page wrong correct


1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 How this manual is organized ..................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Styles And Symbols .................................................................................................................1-3

2 Remote-Control...........................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Hardware Requirements...........................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Software Requirements ............................................................................................................2-3
2.3 The Software pSi Remote-Control...........................................................................................2-3

3 Installation and De-installation ...................................................................................................3-1

3.1 Setup ........................................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Uninstall...................................................................................................................................3-2

4 Getting started .............................................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Automatically starting PSI REMOTE-CONTROL.........................................................................4-2
4.1.1 pSi Remote-Control on a service computer ..........................................................................4-3
4.1.2 pSi Remote-Control on a customer's computer.....................................................................4-3
4.1.3 Starting the Software in the service mode.............................................................................4-4

5 The Menus of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL .........................................................................................5-1

5.1 File Menu .................................................................................................................................5-2
5.2 Connection Menu.....................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.1 Options..................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.2 File Locations........................................................................................................................5-4
5.2.3 Preferences............................................................................................................................5-5
5.3 View Menu...............................................................................................................................5-7
5.3.1 Operating Window................................................................................................................5-8
5.3.2 Selection Window .................................................................................................................5-8
5.3.3 Modules Properties Dialog....................................................................................................5-9
5.3.4 Terminal Window .................................................................................................................5-9
5.3.5 Project File ..........................................................................................................................5-10
5.4 Help Menu .............................................................................................................................5-10
5.4.1 Contents and Index..............................................................................................................5-11
5.4.2 About ..................................................................................................................................5-12
5.5 The Icons of the Toolbar ........................................................................................................5-13

6 Mapping the Project....................................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Projects.....................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 Defining a new project..........................................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Remote Control .....................................................................................................................6-4
6.1.3 Reorder (Changing the Remote-Control Address) ................................................................6-5
6.1.4 Renaming of projection units ................................................................................................6-6
7 Adjusting a Display Wall ............................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.1 Color .....................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.2 Brightness .............................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.3 Contrast .................................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.4 Gamma..................................................................................................................................7-3
7.2 Imaging Device ........................................................................................................................7-3
7.2.1 Color Management................................................................................................................7-4
7.2.2 Principle of LCD...................................................................................................................7-6
7.2.3 Factory adjustment of the projection engine .........................................................................7-9
7.3 The power of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL .......................................................................................7-9
7.3.1 Data exchange .....................................................................................................................7-11
7.4 The Adjustment Procedure.....................................................................................................7-17
7.4.1 Establishing a connection....................................................................................................7-17
7.4.2 Operating Window..............................................................................................................7-18
7.4.3 Good Practices ....................................................................................................................7-19
7.4.4 Test Pattern .........................................................................................................................7-20
7.4.5 Coefficients tab ...................................................................................................................7-21
7.4.6 Gamma Correction tab ........................................................................................................7-24
7.4.7 CXA tab ..............................................................................................................................7-27
7.4.8 System Tab..........................................................................................................................7-31
7.4.9 Control Tab .........................................................................................................................7-33
7.4.10 State Tab ...........................................................................................................................7-34
7.4.11 Module Properties Dialog .................................................................................................7-35

8 Customization .............................................................................................................................8-0
8.1 General.....................................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Starting the Software with a Defined Project...........................................................................8-1
8.3 Module Properties Dialog ........................................................................................................8-3
8.3.1 Renaming of projection units ................................................................................................8-3
8.3.2 Exporting data .......................................................................................................................8-5
8.3.3 Projector Type List................................................................................................................8-5
8.3.4 Host List................................................................................................................................8-5
8.3.5 Port List.................................................................................................................................8-5
8.3.6 Reorder (Changing the Remote-Control Address) ................................................................8-5

9 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................9-0
9.1 Troubles ...................................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Reset to default settings ...........................................................................................................9-1
9.3 Troubles after an upgrade of pSi Remote-Control ...................................................................9-3

10 Hotline ....................................................................................................................................10-1
10.1 Addresses .............................................................................................................................10-2
1 Introduction
PSI REMOTE CONTROL is a Windows 95/98/2000/NT software for the convenient use of the
Remote-Control functionality of Barco's polysilicon projection units incorporated in OVERVIEW-
MP50, OVERVIEW-MP70, AND ATLAS67C4. This manual describes installation, menus and
commands of this software in the service mode for adjusting a pSi projection engine.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 1-1

1.1 How this manual is organi zed
This manual is divided into 10 chapters, some of them have subchapters entitled users or service.
The sections service is meant to instruct authorized service technicians to carry on adjustment
procedures of the pSi projection engines. The commands and features available for the ordinary
user are also described and are intended not only to give an overview of the software PSI-TOOL but
also to enable a service technician to instruct and teach a customer.

explains the structure of the manual itself and the used typographic styles and symbols.

provides an overview of the features of the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL Software

explains installation and de-installtion of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL Software.

Getting Started
explains how to start the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL Software.

The Menus of pSi Remote-Control

introduces the available menus and commands.

Mapping the Project

describes how to configure the software.

Adjusting a Display Wall

explains the glossary, theorie and excercises related to the adjustment procedure.

explains additional features to rename projection units or to change their address.

lists possible error sources and how to deal with them.

lists the addresses to contact if any problems occur.

Chapters, pages, figures and tables are numbered separately. Chapters are indicated by a »point
syntax«, e. g. 4.2.3, pages by a »dash syntax«, e. g. 2-1, as figures and tables are, e. g. Figure 5-4.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 1-2

1.2 Styles And Symbols
The typographic styles and the symbols used in this document have the following meaning:

Helvetica bold
Labels, menus and buttons are printed in the Helvetica bold font.

Links to both other chapters of this manual and to sites in the Internet are printed condensed. In the
on-line version of this manual all hyperlinks appear teal.

Names of files and parts from programs are printed in the Courier font.

Courier bold
Inputs you are supposed to do from the keyboard are printed in Courier bold font.

 Within a piece of programming code this arrow marks a line, that must be
made up in two lines, though meant to be one line.
This arrow marks tips and notes.

If you do not heed instructions indicated by this symbol there is a risk of

damage to the equipment!

If you do not heed instructions indicated by this symbol there is a risk of

electrical shock and danger to personal health!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 1-3

2 Remote-Control
The Remote-Control is a system for scanning and controlling the digital polysilicon projection
engines of a Barco Display Wall. Every projection engine can be adjusted, scanned and controlled
from a central computer. The software PSI REMOTE CONTROL is a Windows 95/98/2000/NT
software for the convenient use of the Remote-Control functionality of Barco's polysilicon
projection units.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 2-1

2.1 Hardware Requirements
The projection engines are controlled via RS232 Remote-Control. Every engine has two RS 232
interfaces, remote-in and remote-out.
The delivery of the projection modules includes one V24 cable.
The delivery of the Remote Control Host Cable Set includes an adapter, a V24 cable and a
shorting plug.
The remote-control cabling has to be done in the following way:
 plug one interface of the provided adapter into one interface of the V24 cable
 plug the second interface of the adapter into the serial interface of the laptop
 connect the second interface of the V24 cable to the remote-in socket of the first projection
 connect all other projection engines to the remote-control chain by connecting the remote-out
socket of the previous device into the remote-in socket of the following device
 plug the shorting plug into the remote-out socket of the last projection engine in order to close
the ring.
This kind of cabling is called daisy chain.
The projection engines are addressed via an non-ambiguous address. The addresses are allocated
in the sequence of the cabling.

A shorting plug must be inserted into the Remote Out socket of the last device in
order to close the ring.

Figure 1

For example the cabling of 2×2 system could look like this. Please note also the addresses.
address 2 address 3

projection engine projection engine

remote remote
in out in out

address 1 address 4

projection engine projection engine

remote remote
in out in out

serial port

Figure 2
cabling of a 2×2 system

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 2-2

2.2 Software Requirements

 Windows 95/98 or Windows NT SP6a or Windows 2000 SP2

 Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
 DOS boot disk with grid2728.exe (for color adjustment)
For installation it is recommended to log in with administrative rights!

2.3 The Software pSi Remote-C ontrol

The digital projection units of OVERVIEW-MP50, OVERVIEW-MP70, ATLAS 67 C4 can be
controlled by Remote-Control as described in DOC-3030 User's Manual OverView-mP50 and
Besides sending the commands via the open protocol as described in the manual mentioned above,
the Windows 95/98/2000/NT software PSI REMOTE-CONTROL is available which enables the
customer to enter the commands via an intuitive graphical user interface.
For service technicians the software also provides access for adjusting the pSi projection engine
with respect to color, contrast, and brightness. This manual takes focus on the instruction of
service technicians.

Procedures and commands available in the service mode are restricted to

authorized and trained people.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 2-3

3 Installation and De-i nstallation
This chapter explains installation and de-installation of the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 3-1

3.1 Setup
For installation it is recommended to log in with administrative rights!
The PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software can be installed by entering setup.exe

Figure 3
installing the software

Please follow the instructions on your display.

3.2 Uninstall
Use the shortcut Start|Settings|Control Panel|AddRemove Programs to uninstall PSI REMOTE-

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 3-2

4 Getting started
This chapter explains how to start PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 4-1

4.1 Automatically starting PSI RE MOTE-CONTROL
 To start PSI REMOTE-CONTROL each time Windows starts
 Click Start, and then point to Settings
 Click Taskbar, and then click the Start Menu Programs tab
 Click Add, and then click Browse.
 Locate psitool.exe , and then double-click it
 Click Next, and then double-click the StartUP folder
 Type the name you want to see on the StartUp menu, and then click Finish
To define the status in which the program starts navigate to Start Menu | Programs | Startup and
right-click on the shortcut to open the context menu. In the context menu select the tab shortcut.
Use the list box Run to select the desired status (normal window, minimized, maximized)

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 4-2

4.1.1 pSi Remote-Control on a serv ice computer
To start the program in the service mode navigate to Start Menu | Programs | Startup and right-
click on the shortcut to open the context menu. In the context menu select the tab shortcut. Add to
the command line the parameter -service. Please note that there has to be a blank between the
basic command and the parameter!

Figure 4
starting the software pSi Remtoe-Control in the service mode

Never add this extension to the command line when installing the software on a
customer's computer!

Since the Display Wall linked to a service computer varies daily it is not recommended to start the
software with a defined project opened or with switching on all lamps (requires a defined project!)

4.1.2 pSi Remote-Control on a cus tomer's computer

To start the program with a defined project opened or to start it and switching on all lamps please
refer to 8.2 Starting the Software with a Defined Project.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 4-3

4.1.3 Starting the Software in the s ervice mode
The shortcut created during installation on the desktop can be adjusted to start pSi Remote-Control
in the service mode. However, this adjustment is only recommended on one's personal service
computer, not on a customer's computer!
To add this option to the shortcut, right click on the shortcut Barco pSi Remote-control. In the
context menu, select Properties. Switch to the Shortcut tab and add the optional parameter
-service to the target.

Please note that there has to be a blank between the basic command and the

To start the software in the service mode, the RUN command has to be used and the program has
to be executed with the parameter -service. Please note that there has to be a blank between
program name and start parameter!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 4-4

Figure 5
starting the software in the service mode

For a few moments the start up window will be visible.

Figure 6
the About window as shown when starting the software

Afterwards the main view of the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software will be displayed.

Figure 7
main view of the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 4-5


Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-1

5.1 Main Window

On the menu bar of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL there are 4 menus: File, Connection, View and Help.

Figure 8
main view of the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software

5.2 File Menu

Figure 9
the File menu

The File menu offers all commands related to a project. A project comprises the configuration of
the Display Wall as well as the values of the various parameters, which can be set via the PSI
For managing a certain configuration of a Barco Display Wall it is necessary to create a project.
On the File menu you can chose New Project to create a new project or Open Project for opening
an existing one.
In the File menu a project can be stored (Save Project, Save Project as) and closed (Close Project).
To terminate the application, select Exit.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-2

5.3 Connection Menu
For connecting to the Barco Display Wall chose Open on the Connection menu. If necessary select
Options first and set the connection settings.

Figure 10
a red connection icon indicates that there is no active connection

Figure 11
the connection settings can be set on the Options submenu

5.3.1 Connection|Options

Figure 12
Connection tab of the Options submenu

On this tab the intervals of requests for the automatic evaluation of the Projector Status, the
Operating Hours and the Fan Control can be chosen by means of the corresponding spin buttons.
In addition by means of the Connection Retry Counter the number of retries for opening a
connection can be selected. The Connection Delay Time is set via the corresponding spin button. If

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-3

you fail in establishing a connection, then first increase the Connection Delay Time. In case you
still don’t succeed in establishing a connection, please check the Remote-Control cabling, e. g. if
the entry of the COM port is correct (please refer to the Modules Properties dialog, 6.1 Projects), if
all projection engines are connected and so on.
To do an Automatic Reconfiguration after a power failure please select the respective checkbox. If
this checkbox is not selected then after a power failure the connection icon will turn into yellow to
indicate that at least one device has lost its address.
Before opening the connection let's have a look at the other two tabs of the Options submenu.

5.3.2 Connection|File Locations

Figure 13
File Locations tab on the Options submenu

On this tab the Project File Path can be selected. If you want this folder the default one for opening
or saving projects click into the checkbox Use always for File Open etc.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-4

5.3.3 Connection|Preferences

Figure 14
Preferences tab on the Options submenu

On the Preferences tab the respective help file can be selected. Online help in German is provided
by selecting psi_rc_d.chm whereas psi_rc_e.chm is the English help file. These help files refer to
the user mode, the help file of the service mode psi_serv.chm can be found on the service CD-
In the Print section you select which kind of information should be printed when selecting the print
command in project file (View menu). In general the Module Informations will do. This report will
show you remote-control address, host, port; product ID, serial number and Firmware Revision of
each individual projection unit.
To achieve a homogeneous Display Wall the polysilicon projection unit has a 30bit Color
Management, which allows a very fine tuning of the projector. The parameters for the Gamma
correction, the Gamma Colors, and the RGB coefficients as well as the LCD correction parameters
are values resulting of the color adjustment to optimize the Display Wall. CXA-2111-R, Bella-
ASIC, Picture Control are chips of the control unit of your projection unit. The values of their
registers can also be printed.

Printing of the various tables should be well considered since bundles of papers
will be produced during print out.
It is recommended that only the Module Informations checkbox is checked for

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-5

Switching all lamps on or off can be done by sending a command via a hotkey. Sending a hotkey
can be done even if PSI REMOTE-CONTROL is not the active program. It can also be done if the user
interface is not visible (e.g. the display for PSI REMOTE-CONTROL is the Display Wall, but all
lamps have been switched off. Then you can switch on the "Display" by entering the respective
hotkey for switching on all lamps.)

The hotkey functionality is only provided on the condition that a valid project is
opened! Therefore a valid project has to be specified in the command line of the
Run command or the Autostart command, respectively! Please refer 4.1 Automatically
starting pSi Remote-Control or 8.2 Starting the Software with a Defined Project

A Beep indicates that sending the hotkey failed. There might be various reason, e.g.
the connection could not be established due to a broken cable or an invalid project.

The hotkeys can be defined on the preference tab. The default hotkey for switching on all lamps is
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + O, the default hotkey for switching off all lamps is [Ctrl] + [Shift] + F. But all other
keys can be assigned as hotkey. To avoid conflicts with other programs, it is strongly
recommended to select a combination of keys, e.g. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + key
To do this follow these steps:
 click the Set button
 press the desired combination of keys
The label below the Set button informs which key has been assigned as the hotkey.

The hotkeys defined for PSI REMOTE-CONTROL will de-activate any other shortcut
with the identical keys of any other program.

Service Mode only: Security

In order not to overwrite values by accident it is strongly recommended to select these checkboxes.
Both procedures, Write Settings and Test Settings, should always be well considered and carried
out on purpose, not on accident.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-6

5.4 View Menu

Figure 15
most items of the View menu are disabled if no project has been defined

The PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software offers various views of a project. If no project is defined the
menu items Operating Window, Selection Window and Project File are disabled. As soon as an
existing project is opened or a new project has been defined all View menu items get enabled and
can be selected (shown) or unselected (hidden).

Figure 16
check/uncheck the items to show/hide the windows

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-7

5.4.1 View|Operating Window
The Operating Window gives access to all the commands available. The multiple tabs are
explained later.

Figure 17
the Operating window gives access to the commands and shows the values of the settings

The tabs Gamma-Corr, Coefficients, CXA are only available in service mode! The
tabs Control, System, State are also available in the user mode, however sometimes
they are slightly modified.

5.4.2 View|Selection Window

The Selection Window will display the configuration of the Barco Display Wall as defined in the
project file. Select the respective representative of a projection module to receive or control the
values of its settings

Figure 18
the Selection window shows the configuration and the numbering of the Display Wall

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-8

5.4.3 View|Modules Properties Dia log
The Modules Properties dialog is displayed on top after defining a new project. If this dialog has
been closed, it can be opened and shown again by right clicking into one of the representatives in
the Selection Window. Use this dialog to assign the remote-control parameters, to change the label
or to Export/Import the settings of the projection engine. The various function of this dialog will
be explained later.

Figure 19
Modules Properties Dialog

5.4.4 View|Terminal Window

In the Terminal Window the Remote-Control messages of the commands received from the Remote
Control Slaves (RCS) are displayed. Clicking on the Clear button cleans the Terminal Window.

Figure 20
in the Terminal window the Remote-Control message of the RCS is displayed

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-9

5.4.5 Project File
The Project File window shows the detailed information of each individual projection unit. The
extent of the information displayed depends on the selections made in the Preferences tab on the
Options menu item of the Connection menu.

If you have no well-founded reasons for printing the various tables (parameter
table, correction table, CXA-2111-R, LCD Clockshift, gamma table, Coefficients
Table, Bella-ASIC Table, Picture Control), make sure that on
Connection|Options|Preferences only the Module Informations checkbox is
checked for printing.

Figure 21
Project File

To print these information click on the Print button. The standard Windows Print Dialog Box will
be opened.

5.5 Help Menu

Figure 22
the Help Menu

The Help Menu gives access to the help file and informs about the software.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-10

5.5.1 Help|Contents and Index
To get access to the online help of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL select Contents and Index. The help file
selected on Connection|Options|Preferences tab will be opened.

Figure 23
online help

The online help is context sensitive. When selecting a menu or a tab and pressing F1, the
respective topic will be displayed.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-11

5.5.2 Help|About
For the information about the version of PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software and the rcpwin32 driver
select About. As stated above, this window is also displayed for a few moments when starting the

Figure 24
the About window

If you encounter any problems with pSi Remote-Control, please make a screen shot
of the About Window and include this screen shot in the error report!
To copy an active window into the clipboard, press Alt+Print on your keyboard.
To copy the entire desktop into the clipboard, press Strg+Print on your keyboard.
Afterwards the contents of the clipboard can be inserted into the error report via the
Paste command or via Strg+V.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-12

5.6 The Icons of the Toolbar

Figure 25
the standard toolbar

Open Project
Corresponds to the menu item Open Project on the File menu.

Save Project
Corresponds to the menu item Save Project on the File menu.

Set Communication options

Corresponds to the command Options of the Connection menu

Show/Hide Operating Window

Corresponds to the menu item Operating Window of the View menu

Show/Hide Selection Window

Corresponds to the menu item Selection Window of the View menu

Since now all menu items and windows are introduced we can start operating the software.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 5-13

6 Mapping the Projec t

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-1

6.1 Projects
For managing a certain configuration of a Barco Display Wall it is necessary to create a project. A
project comprises the configuration of the Display Wall as well as the values of the various
parameters, which can be set via the PSI REMOTE-CONTROL software.
After a new project has been defined, the remote-control parameters have to be set and the order of
the remote control chain has to be specified

6.1.1 Defining a new project

On the File menu you can chose New Project to create a new project

Figure 26
the File menu

On creating a new project you are asked to enter the configuration of your Barco Display Wall:

Figure 27
Wall Definition

After entering the number of horizontal and vertical cubes of the configuration of the Display
Wall, two additional windows will be opened: the Selection Window and the Operating Window
(see chapter 5.4 View Menu). Also the Modules Properties Dialog is displayed as top most dialog,
since the next steps are defining the remote-control cabling.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-2

Whenever a new project has been created or an existing project file has been
changed and the changes had not been saved yet, caption of the Terminal Window,
Selection Window und Operating Window will show an asterix at the end of the
project file name. This asterix dispears when saving the project.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-3

6.1.2 Remote Control
For sending commands via Remote-Control the kind of device, the control computer and the used
port has to be defined. The definitions are entered in the Modules Properties dialog. Whereas the
entries of the Projector Type List and the Host List cannot be changed in this software version, the
port can be either selected from the Port List or being edited, thus enabling the creation of a project
file “in advance” before being at the customer’s site.
When a new project has been defined, per default the first 99 projection cubes are assigned to
COM port COM1, the second 99 projection cubes are assigned to COM port COM2 and so on. In
case this assignment is correct, proceed with the following chapter. In case the COM port has to be
modified, proceed as follows:
To assign a single projection module to a port:
 Click on its representative in the Selection Window
 Enter the desired port or select one from the Port List
 Click Assign Single
To assign an entire chain to a different port:
 Enter the desired (new) port or select it from the Port List
 Click Assign All
Use the Reorder button to assign the remote-control address to a projection module.

Figure 28
Selection Window and Modules Properties Dialog

To display the Module Properties Dialog, right-click in one of the module buttons in
the Selection Window!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-4

6.1.3 Reorder (Changing the Remo te-Control Address)
On the Module Properties Dialog a label beneath the Port List. indicates which address is assigned
to the projection cube which is marked active in the Selection Window. When creating a new
project, usually the assigned addresses don't match the real remote-control cabling. Therefore the
Reorder procedure has to be started:
Press Reorder to start assigning the addresses. On the Display Wall the projection cube first in the
remote control chain starts blinking.

Figure 29
Reorder procedure

Click in its representative in the selection window to assign the address 1 to this module. After a
few seconds the blinking moves on to next module in the chain, and clicking the corresponding
representative assigns to him the address 2 and so on. Proceed with the other modules in the same

Figure 30
Reorder procedure (continued)

Press ESC to cancel the Reorder procedure!

If you use the Display Wall as monitor for Remote Control take care that the dialog
is not positioned on the cube about to start blinking! It might help to position the
dialog so that it is displayed on two projection modules. In case one starts blinking,
there is still one part of the dialog window, which can be seized for re-positioning.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-5

6.1.4 Renaming of projection units
The Selection Window shows the configuration of the Display Wall with a standard naming of the
cubes. For adapting this naming to your requirements PSI REMOTE-CONTROL allows you to rename
every single cube. The renaming can be done in the Module Properties dialog. Right click on a
projection unit in the Selection Window to show/hide the Module Properties dialog.
To rename the most left projection unit of the lower row from 2 to L1 follow these steps:
 Click on the respective field of the Selection Window.

Figure 31
select the projection unit to be renamed
 In the Module Properties dialog enter the new name of the corresponding projection unit

Figure 32
renaming the projection unit

 This name will immediately be shown on the Selection Window.

Figure 33
the new name is shown on the projection unit of the Selection Window

For renaming the other projection units proceed in the same way.
Click Next to activate the next unit, Previous to activate the previous unit.

If the Modules Properties dialog has been closed, it can be accessed again via a right mouse click
in the Selection window.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 6-6

7 Adjusting a Display Wall

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-1

7.1 Glossary

7.1.1 Color
Color is an impression of a physiological sense. By means of the CIE chromaticity diagram color
can be described by its coordinates.

Figure 34
CIE chromaticity diagram

If three points in this diagram are selected and combined to a triangle, every color within this
triangle can be created by mixing the three colors placed at the corners.
It is not mandatory to choose Red, Green and Blue as corners. It could be any three colors be
chosen provided that white resulted from their combination in proper proportions.

With Red, Green and Blue selected as primary colors, all colors within the triangle can be given as
a triple (R, G, B). The range for each value extends from 0 to 255.

color (R, G, B)
red (255,0,0)
green (0, 255, 0)
blue (0, 0, 255)
white (255, 255, 255)
black (0, 0, 0)

The chromaticity diagram based on x, y can be transformed to a diagram based on u'v'.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-2

7.1.2 Brightness
Brightness is the "power per picture area and per solid angle". Since the receiver is no power meter
but the human eye, the identical electrical input power (measured in W) results in different light
output power (measured in lumens) according to the responsiveness of the human eye.
Visible light extends from approximately 400nm (blue) to 700nm (red). The maximum of the eye's
sensitivity is at approximately 550nm. Due to this response curve, the amount of green light of a
light source contributes about 80% to the total brightness whereas the red and blue components
together only add 20%.
Brightness is the physiologic perception, the related value which can be calculated is called
luminance. The calculation of luminance is based on the measurement of the illuminance
(measured in lux).

7.1.3 Contrast
The information content of a picture is related to contrast, not to brightness. The contrast ratio is
defined as the relationship between the information luminance and the background luminance.
There are three different methods to measure contrast: the projector on/off contrast, the checker
board contrast, and the local contrast (sharpness) of a picture.

7.1.4 Gamma
Gamma is the relationship between the color values of the data and the color values displayed e.g.
on a screen. The Gamma coefficient makes it possible to adjust the brightness of the midtones only
without affecting the very bright and very dark areas.

7.2 Imaging Device

Color can be represented by blending the three primary components red, green, and blue. This is
used with 3-panel poly-silicone imaging devices.
The white light of the lamp is dispersed into a red, a green, and a blue ray through the dichroic
mirror. Every ray illuminates its own, monochrome LCD with the corresponding color information
of the image to be projected. The LCDs are firmly attached (adjustment-free) to a prism system,
the X cube. This prism system reunites the three rays again so that the image is projected with a
single objective.

X Cube





Figure 35
Principle of 3-panel Poly-Silicon LCD

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-3

Due to this technology adjustment can be done on each of the three primary colors red, green and
blue. Simply spoken, the color locations of Red, Green and Blue of the projector are shifted
towards the inside of the triangle.

Figure 36
Color adjustment

7.2.1 Color Management

As stated above, the chromaticity diagram based on x, y can be transformed to a diagram based on







0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 u'

Figure 37
uniform chromaticity scale diagram

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-4

The following table lists the typical values for 3-panel Poly-Silicon projection engines:
color u' v'
white 0.180 0.480
red 0.420 0.530
green 0.115 0.580
blue 0.170 0.150

Due to tolerances of the components, these color locations vary from projector to projector. Color
adjustment aims in adjusting the color locations of every individual projector to a common color
For every projector, the new locations R*, G*, and B* are inside its original triangle. The new
primary colors R*, G*, B* are related to the original primary colors R1, G1, B1:

R* = α 11 ⋅ R1 + α 12 ⋅ G1 + α 13 ⋅ B1
G* = α 21 ⋅ R1 + α 22 ⋅ G1 + α 23 ⋅ B1
B* = α 31 ⋅ R1 + α 32 ⋅ G1 + α 33 ⋅ B1

Or written as a matrix equation:

 R *  α 11 α 12 α 13   R1
     
 G * = α 21 α 22 α 23  ⋅  G1
 B * α   
   31 α 32 α 33   B1

These coefficients are directly related to the transmittance of the LCDs for Red, Green, and Blue.

Using these coefficients, not only the color location is adjusted, but also
brightness: Brightness correction is done by applying a factor to the entire matrix,
this means modifying the coefficients of the matrix to the same extent.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-5

7.2.2 Principle of LCD
Physical phenomena, the structure, components, and detailed working principle of a LCD are far
beyond the scope of this document. Only the main feature is stated: Liquid Crystal Displays
(LCDs) either pass or block light that is reflected from an external light source or provided by a
back/side lighting system. This feature is based on the LC material's ability to align parallel or
perpendicular to an electric field (applied voltage), effectively diffusing or passing light.
An ideal response curve of a LCD looks like this:

Transmittance [%] Zone I Zone II Zone III

U1 U [V]

Figure 38
ideal response curve of a LCD

The most prominent feature is the central linear region (Zone II) between the two flat areas. Zone I
describes the black color of the display when no electric field is applied. In other words, the
display will diffuse light and appear dark. On the other hand, in Zone III, the display will transmit
virtually all the introduced light. The middle region can display grey scale or an image somewhere
between black and white.

The key point here is that you must be able to very carefully control the voltage
applied to the LC cell in order to produce accurate colors.

A LCD is controlled analog, and the voltage to control the LC cell is - simplified - the output
voltage of a Digital-Analog-Converter (DAC).
The Digital-Analog-Converter processes the digital color input data and converts it into a voltage
thus defining the transmittance of the LCD, as can be seen in the LCD response curve.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-6

The ideal response curve of the DAC looks like this:

U [V]

D1 data word [Bit]

Figure 39
ideal response curve of a DAC

The response curve of a real device looks slightly different; there are multiple reasons for
deviations. The two main influences are offset error and gain error.

Offset Error
The offset error is described with a constant additive to the entire transfer function. The offset
error is typically measured when the input signal is zero. This technique provides an output signal
that's equal to the offset.
Offset error is a level shift from the ideal transfer function and constant throughout the full-scale
U [V]


Offset Error

D2 D1 data word [Bit]

Figure 40
Offset error

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-7

Gain Error
Gain error is a constant slope difference from the ideal output transfer function over the full-scale

U [V]
U1 Gain Error

D2 D1
data word [Bit]

Figure 41
Gain error

These errors can be eliminated (or at least minimized) by external components, e.g. in case of the
offset error by means of a potentiometer.
The adjustment is done by applying a correction voltage.
If, for example, the offset error is 0.3 V, then, when applying a correction voltage of –0.3V, this
error will be eliminated.
Since the errors of electronic components are not exactly defined but within a certain range, the
correction voltages have to be variable, too, in order to find the optimized setting for every
individual component.
The resulting voltage to control the LCD is determined by:
U 1 = U signal + U offset + U correction
(Thanks to the complex equation, there is no need to worry about positive or negative voltages)

Ideal response curve:

U 1 = U signal → U offset + U correction = 0

To make the LCD less transmissive than it should be (not recommended)

U offset + U correction < 0
To make the LCD more transmissive than it should be (not recommended)
U offset + U correction > 0

The settings of the electronic components is optimized in the factory. Any

modifications affecting the characteristic of the components may lead to an
operating point shift and disastrous results!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-8

In case of gain error the basic principle for minimizing (eliminating) is not quite as obvious as
with the offset error, but works the same way.

Let's assume that manipulating the correction voltage results in U offset + U correction > 0
The transmittance of the LCD should be at maximum for, let's say, "Full Green" corresponding to
a data word of D1. According to the response curve of the LCD, an input voltage of e. g. U1 will
reach a transmittance of 100%.
The input voltage is supplied by the DAC. Since we have defined U1 as the voltage resulting in a
transmittance of 100%, the DAC should provide U1 only if the data word is D1. To ensure this,
offset error and gain error have been accordingly adjusted (= minimized) in the factory!
However, if manipulation of the respective correction voltages result in an increase of the offset
and/or gain error, this has impact on the characteristic of the DAC, and U1 is already reached by e.
g. a data word of D2. This results in a loss of information: all values greater than D2 can no longer
be resolved. This loss of information sometimes is not recognized, but another effect is very
obvious: the brightness increases since the LCD is more transmissive than it actually should be!

This way of increasing brightness is not recommendable due to the loss of


7.2.3 Factory adjustment of the pro jection engine

As mentioned above, the settings of the components are optimized in the factory for every
projection engine. The values are written in the EEPROM of the projection engine and saved to a
file, using the Product Identity and the serial number of the engine as part of the respective file
name. If the settings of a projection engine are corrupted or lost, by means of this file the engine
can be re-set to the factory settings and put into operation again.
The Product Identity and the serial number can be found on the label of the engine, e.g. PSI-3140-
01 0187. The settings of this engine are saved as PSI3140V01SN0187.
This file can be accessed via the internet by with anonymous
login and the email address as password.
Select the respective folder by means of the 8 left digits written on the label. The sub folder can be
identified using the digits 10 and 11. Then select the appropriate file, load it down on your PC and
re-load it in the engine, see chapter Import, Export

7.3 The power of PSI REMOTE-CO NTROL

A Display Wall comprises horizontally and vertically arranged projection modules, each of which
contains its own projection engine. Due to manufacturing processes the projection engines differ
slightly with respect to brightness and color point. Although the engines are adjusted in the
factory, on the customer’s site a final adjustment is necessary to achieve a high uniformity in color
and brightness.
This tuning can be done via PSI REMOTE-CONTROL This software offers the possibility to modify
the coefficients of the 3×3 color matrix and thus adjusting colors and brightness. The modified
coefficients can be written to the EEPROM of the projector for permanent availability.
Besides PSI REMOTE-CONTROL gives access to the settings of multiple parameters of the electronic
components. However, these settings should be handled with outmost care since their modification

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-9

result in changing the transfer function of these components thus entirely changing data
PSI REMOTE-CONTROL offers the possibility to save a project file including all information about
the Display Wall (configuration, remote-control cabling, settings of all projectors) and to reload
them to restore the settings of the projection engines (provided that all tables of had at least been
read once, i. e. this project file has the “read” tick).

After a new project has been created, it is recommended to read all tables and then
to save the project file, see 7.4.3 Good Practices

Furthermore PSI REMOTE-CONTROL allows to export the data of a single projection engine into a
file and to import data from a file to a single engine.

Although the files for the factory setting can be accessed via the ftp-server, it is
recommended to store them locally in advance in case the ftp-server is not

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-10

7.3.1 Data exchange Read Settings, Test Settings , Write Settings

Power On
Read Settings
Write Settings
Test Settings


Figure 42
Interaction EEPROM-RAM-laptop

The values of the settings are saved in the EEPROM of the engine. When switching on the
projection engines, their settings are loaded to the RAM (Power On). The settings loaded in the
RAM determine projection.
To modify the settings, they have to be loaded to the laptop. This is done via the command Read
Settings which is available both, as global command affecting all tables (System tab, All Tables)
or as local command, affecting only the tables related to the current tab and/or frame.
To check the modification of the settings on the Display Wall, the manipulated values have to be
loaded to the projector's RAM by Test Settings. If the modifications meet the requirements, they
have to be saved to the projector by Write Settings.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-11

Figure 43
Clipping of the System tab

Read Settings, Test Settings, Write Settings are available as local commands
affecting the tables of the respective tab and/or frame and as global commands
affecting all tables. The global commands are listed on the System tab, and they can
be applied to all projectors (option All Projectors is checked) or to the current
projector only.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-12 How to change settings
There are different ways of changing values: editing a value by means of the keyboard or changing
a value by means of a slider bar or a spin button.

Control Change via mouse Change via keyboard Result visible

Slider bar Increase (decrease) the Increase (decrease) the As soon as the slider is
(absolute) value by moving the value by one digit by released
slider up (down) means of the cursors
right or up (left or down)

Spin button Increase (decrease) the As soon as the spin

(relative) value by one digit by button is released
clicking on the spin
button up (down),
Increase (decrease) the
value by five digits by
means of holding the
CTRL key pressed and
clicking on the spin
button up (down)
Text field Use the mouse to select Enter the desired value Only after having exit
the desired field by means of the the editing mode (= exit
keyboard the active field) and
having sent the
command Test Settings

Use Test Settings to make sure that the values of the tables are exactly the contents of the RAM
(what is being displayed),

It is highly recommended to test the settings before writing them to the EEPROM!

The initializing procedure (loading the settings saved in the EEPROM to the projector's RAM
when switching on the projection engine) can also be started by software:
Use the command Reload (Internal Tables) on the System Tab to discard modified values of the
projector's RAM and to restore the projector's RAM to the settings saved in the EEPROM.
It is not possible to write settings before they have been read! The command Read Settings is
registered in the project file. If this entry exists, a corrupt projection engine or Display Wall can be
restored by e. g. opening the backup of the project file and by writing the settings saved with this
project file to the EEPROM of the engine.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-13

When creating a new project for a Display Wall, it is highly recommended to
- Read all settings (to get the "read" tick in the project file)
- Save the project file and store this file on a safe place!
After the adjustment of the Display Wall it is good practice to backup this optimized
project file in case the settings of one or more engines are corrupted.

Besides the possiblity of saving/restoring the settings of all projection engines via the backup of a
project file, the settings of a single projector can be saved and restored be means of the
Export/Import command Import, Export

During the adjustment procedure of the engines done in factory, the settings of an engine are
stored in an individual file, see chapter 7.2.3 Factory adjustment of the projection engine , please. This
file can be imported by means of the Import command on the Modules Properties dialog, thus
restoring the factory settings. On the other hand, if a Display Wall has been adjusted and the
values of the engines have been optimized, the optimized settings of every projection engine can
be stored in a file by means of the Export command on the Modules Properties dialog thus
allowing to restore the optimized settings instead of the factory settings.
Export requires an established connection.
Import requires that the connection is closed!

Import loads the settings stored in a file into the RAM of the laptop. Click Test settings to
load the data from the laptop to the projector’s RAM, click Write Settings to write them to
Export saves the contents of the laptop’s RAM into a file, click Test Settings first to
check on the Display Wall whether you really want to store this settings.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-14 Summary: Managing Setting s

Command effects on condition action

single projector entire wall

Reload (all tables) x - corresponds to the initializing

(System Tab) process when switching on the
projection engines
All tables were loaded from the
projectors EEPROM to the
Import x Without imports the settings saved
Module established in a file for the individual
Properties connection! projector into the RAM of
dialog the laptop. From there
they are loaded to the
projector’s RAM via Test
Settings or to its
EEPROM via Write

Export x Established exports the settings active

Module Connection! in the laptop‘s RAM into
Properties Recommended: a file
dialog only after Test

Read Settings x x Established loads the settings saved in the

Connection! EEPROM to the laptop
(System Tab) All Projectors (System All Projectors (System
Tab) is not selected Tab) is selected

Test Settings x x Established loads the settings of the

Connection! laptop's RAM into the RAM of
(System Tab) All Projectors (System All Projectors(System
Tab) is not selected Tab) is selected the projector

Write Settings x x Established writes the settings of the

Connection! laptop's RAM into the
(System Tab) All Projectors (System All Projectors (System
Tab) is not selected Tab) is selected Read Settings EEPROM of the projector
test settings

save project x recommmended: saves the configuration and all

(File Menu) Read Settings projector data into a file
(All projectors,
System Tab)

open project x loads a project file; if the

project file has been saved after
all projectors' tables had been
read, it is possible to write the
settings saved in this file to the
EEPROM of the projectors to
restore the Display Wall

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-15

The file of the factory settings of the projection engine can be found on an ftp-server, see 7.2.3
Factory adjustment of the projection engine
Before adjusting a Display Wall, it is recommended to read all settings and then to make a backup
of this project file. Since this file has the "read" tick, this file can be used to write the saved
settings into the EEPROM thus ensuring that the projection engines can at least put into operation
After the adjustment of the Display Wall has been completed, it’s a good advice to save these
optimized settings for each projection engine also in a file by means of the Export command. If
then the engine has to be re-adjusted, e. g. after replacement of a controller board, the optimized
settings can be imported.
To prevent accidental overwriting of stored settings in the EEPROM, the write procedure has to be
acknowledged. This default setting (cf. Security on Connection|Options|Preferences) is an
essential security factor and should not be by-passed!

There is no UNDO for writing settings to the EEPROM.

Please keep also in mind that EEPROMS are not intended to be constantly written!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-16

7.4 The Adjustment Procedure

7.4.1 Establishing a connection

The adjustment procedure involves reading from and writing to the EEPROM of a projection
engine and therefore to establish a Remote-Control connection.
If you have set or checked the settings on the Options submenu of the Connection menu you can
open the connection either by the command Open on the Connection menu or by pressing the
related shortcut F4. If the system fails in opening the connection during the period specified on the
Connection Delay Time option specified on the Connection tab of the Options submenu of the
Connection menu the following warning is displayed

Figure 44
the connection failed
Click on the Repeat button for a second try. If it fails again, increase the Connection Delay Time
on the Options submenu on the Connection menu. Check the cabling!
If you succeeded in opening the connection, the connection icon will turn into green. Next to the
connection item the number of connected projection units is shown. This number has to be equal
to the total number of cubes of your project. If there is a contradiction between the defined project
and the number of connected cubes you get the following error message:

Figure 45
contradiction between the number of cubes defined in the project and the connected cubes

Please check if all projection units are connected to a power supply!

Please check if all projection units are switched on!
Please check the cabling!
Please check the COM port!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-17

An open connection is signaled by the connection icon changing from red to green. A left click on
this icon closes an open connection and the icon will turn red. A yellow icon indicates that at least
one devices has lost its address and that a reconfiguration is required.
If the connection to all projection units could have been opened the main view of the PSI REMOTE-
CONTROL software will look like this:

Figure 46
the connection to all Remote Control Slaves has been opened

Now the connection to all projection units is opened and the cubes can be controlled by the
commands available in the Operating Window.

When switching the tab on the Operating Window the values will be updated
immediately independent of the request time intervals defined in the Options

7.4.2 Operating Window

Adjusting a Display Wall is done by means of the commands available in the Operating window:
The Operating window pops up when opening a project or defining a new project. It can be hidden
or shown by selecting or un-selecting Operating window in the View menu, see 5.4 View Menu.
Depending on the user experience, the Operating window comprises a varying number of tabs. In
the service mode there are the following tabs: Control, Gamma Correction, Coefficients, CXA,
System, State.

Figure 47
Operating window as displayed in the service mode

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-18

The tabs Control, System, Gamma-Correction (in the user mode: Adjust) and State tabs are also
available for the customer, e. g. to switch on and off lamps, to read e. g. lamp operating hours, etc.
However, some functionalities provided on these tabs are only accessible in the service mode.
For manipulating the settings of the engine use the tabs Gamma Correction, Coefficients, CXA. On
the Gamma Correction tab the overall brightness of the projection engine can be modified. The
coefficients of the primary colors red, green and blue can be adjusted on the Coefficients tab, and
gain and offset of the electronic components can be accessed by means of the CXA tab.

7.4.3 Good Practices

Before starting the adjustment procedure:
 Switch to the System tab in the Operating Window
 In the frame All Tables select All Projectors
 Click on Read Settings to load the projector's settings saved in the EEPROM to the computer
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Save the project file
 Make a backup of this project file and store it on a safe place

Now it is safe to start the adjustment procedure: Modifications are definitively made to the settings
visible on the Display Wall, and if by accident the settings of one or more projection engines are
mucked up, the entire Display Wall can be reset to the factory settings using the backup of the
project file.

Use Test Settings before writing to the EEPROM to make sure that you really save
what is to be seen on the Display Wall.
Write Settings causes a definitive and final overwriting of the settings stored in the
EEPROM. Please keep also in mind that EEPROMS are not intended to be
constantly written.

The subsequent commands Read Settings, Test Settings represent an UNDO

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-19

7.4.4 Test Pattern
For adjusting the Display Wall a suitable pattern has to be applied on the screens. A set of patterns
is available on the adjustment disk (RSTST27704) for Barco’s Display Wall delivered with each
 Insert a DOS bootable disk including the program grid2728.exe into the floppy drive of the
 Reboot the EOS
 Start the grid2728.exe. The grid is displayed on each projection module
 Press the Enter key
 On the left top module the following prompt appears:
Enter the command for the required test image. The following table gives a short overview of
some of the patterns you may want to apply to the wall. Some commands request for additional
parameters like size or RGB triples which are not listed in this overview but can be looked up in
the help info about this command.

command description pattern

ic test image (RGB) 3 horizontal stripes, top: red, mid: green,

bottom: blue
icb Test image (checker board) alternating one pixel on / one pixel off
irv Test image (vertical stripes) alternating black vertical stripe / colored
vertical stripe
irh Test image (horizontal stripes) alternating black horizontal stripe / colored
horizontal stripe
i1 Test image (grid) regular grid
i3 Test image (purity color) applies a color to the entire module, depending
on the parameter, e. g. the command i3_x asks
for the RGB triple and allows you to apply any

Enter ? or he to get help about the available commands and their parameters

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-20

7.4.5 Coefficients tab
Color Adjustment should be done on this tab exclusively!

Color location and brightness are not independent! Please adjust the coefficients first
before adjusting brightness on the Gamma-Corr. Tab.

On this tab the coefficients of the color matrix can be modified, see 7.2.1 Color Management.
To achieve homogeneity, the projector is divided into 8 strips, each of which has its own color
matrix and can be adjusted independently:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 48
Divison of the projector into 8 vertical strips

Therefore eight matrixes per projector are listed on the Coefficients tab:

Figure 49
the Coefficients tab

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-21

The screen shot is an example of the coefficients of the matrix. With other projectors
they might look quite different, e.g. having coefficients outside the diagonal which
are different from zero!

Look at the values of the matrixes of this screen shot: In this example, there are only elements in
the main diagonal of the matrix. These are the coefficients for pure red, pure green, pure blue.
Since color is represented by a 9-bit value, the maximum equals 511 (decimal) or 1ff
(hexadecimal), respectively. You can choose the desired system using the radio buttons
Hexadecimal or Decimal at bottom right of this dialog.
With this projector all strips have been adjusted to the same values, but this is no rule! Whenever
you have to do an adjustment, have careful looks whether the coefficients are identical or not. If
you select Change all and use the slider bar, all corresponding coefficients will be equalized!
As we can see, the factory settings of the coefficient for blue are at maximum whereas the ones for
red and green had been decreased. This is a clue that this projector has been considered to be a bit
weak in blue, and since there are no higher values for blue than 1ff, further increasing of blue
means decreasing red and green.
The auxiliary elements of the matrix are used to blend sections of the two other two primary colors
to the pure primary color. The primary color will be less saturated.

To get familiar with the effects when modifying a coefficient just play around. You
can easily restore the original settings by clicking Read Settings and Test Settings
one after the other.

Primary color mixed with coefficient shifts primary color towards

red green row 1, column 2 yellow

red blue row 1, column 3 violet

green red row 2, column 1 yellow

green blue row 2, column 3 turquoise

blue red row 3, column 1 violet

blue green row 3, column 2 turquoise

Within a row of a coefficient matrix, the sum of the three coefficients may not be
greater than 511. If this value is exceeded, a warning pops up when clicking Test
Settings or Write Settings, indicating the respective section and row

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-22

There is an option Change All. If this option is selected, a modification made in a cell of one
matrix will also result in a modification of the respective coefficient of all other 7 matrixes.

If you modify the values by means of the slider bar, in every matrix this coefficient
will be set to the identical value, no matter whether there had been differences in
the color matrixes for every strip.
That’s why the slider bar has the caption Absolute

If you modify the values by means of the spin button, in every matrix this coefficient
will be increased or decreased to the same amount, but the differences of the
coefficient in all of the matrixes remain and are not equlized.
That’s why the spin button has the caption Relative

Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice
To adjust the color matrixes of a projector proceed in the following way:
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. a grey color on the entire screen (i3 -x)
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Modify the value by means of keyboard, slider bar, spin button.

Method of adjustment procedure

Keyboard Enter the desired field

To show that your are in the editing mode, the black arrow of this row
turns into a pencil.
Enter the desired value via the keyboard
Exit the field
Click on Test Settings to check the result of this modification on the
Display Wall
Mouse (Slider bar) Enter the desired field
To show that your are in the editing mode, the black arrow of this row
turns into a pencil.
Click on the slider bar
Move the slider up or down by means of the mouse or using the cursor
The result is visible on the Display Wall as soon as the slider bar is

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-23

Mouse (Spin Button) Enter the desired field
To show that your are in the editing mode, the black arrow of this row
turns into a pencil.
Click on the spin up or spin down button or use the cursor keys. This
will result in a step of one digit.
To increase the step to five digits, press the CTRL key when using the
cursor keys (see also the tool tip texts)
The result is visible on the Display Wall as soon as the slider bar is

If your are satisfied with the result:

 Click Write Settings to save the new values into the EEPROM.
 Save the project file.
If the adjustment turns out to make things worse, you might want to reload the settings of the
engine to the projectors RAM by using Reload (Internal tables) on the System tab.

7.4.6 Gamma Correction tab

Color location and brightness are not independent! Please adjust the coefficients first
before adjusting brightness on the Gamma-Corr. tab.

Figure 50
the Gamma correction tab

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-24

On the Gamma-Corr. tab the brightness of the selected projection unit can be manipulated. Since
brightness slightly decreases during the operating time of a lamp, this feature is very convenient
e.g. when replacing a lamp to adjust the original brightness level to fit into the overall brightness
of the Display Wall.
Brightness is inherent in the coefficients of the correction matrixes (Coefficients tab) and in the
gamma parameters (values not displayed). Therefore there are two kinds of buttons on this tab:
Read Settings, Test Settings, Write Settings apply for the gamma parameters only (the values are
not shown)!
Normalize, Revert, Save apply for brightness and therefore for the coefficients (Coefficients tab)
and for the gamma parameters.

Button action Applies for

Read settings Loads the settings from the projectors Gamma parameters
EEPROM into the the RAM of the
Test settings Loads the settings of the computer's Gamma parameters
RAM into the RAM of the projector

Write settings Writes the values of the computer's Gamma parameters

RAM into the EEPROM of the projector

Normalize Separetes brightness information from Gamma parameters,

the color location coefficients (Coefficient tab)
Revert Loads the gamma parameters and the Gamma parameters,
coefficients of the projector's EEPROM coefficients (Coefficient tab)
into the computer's RAM
Save Writes the values of the gamma Gamma parameters,
parameter and the coefficients of the coefficients (Coefficient tab)
computer's RAM into the EEPROM of
the projector

To adjust brightness proceed as follows:
 Click Read Settings to load the settings from the projector's EEPROM into the computer
 Click Test Settings to load the values into the projector's RAM
 Click Normalize to separate the brightness information from the color location in the
coefficients of the correction matrix and to set the projection module to the highest possible
 Adjustment is done by decreasing the value (the range extends from 31 (max) to 16 (min).
 Push the slider. The result is immediately (during pushing) visible on the Display Wall.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-25

As mentioned before, an asterix in the caption of the Terminal Window, Selection Window und
Operating Window will indicate that the project file has been changed but not saved.

The asterix on the window caption of the Terminal Window, Selection Window und Operating
Window disappears when saving the project.
Undo of the brightness adjustment of a projection unit is only possible as long as none of the
commands Write Settings and Save had not been applied.
To revert the brightness adjustment, proceed as follows:
 Click Revert

Revert reads the values of the gamma parameters and coefficients from the
EEPROM and loads them into the projector's RAM.
The result is visible on the Display Wall.

To save the brightness adjustment, proceed as follows:

 Click Save

Save on the Gamma-Corr. tab writes the coefficients of the color matrix
(Coefficients tab) and the gamma parameters into the EEPROM!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-26

7.4.7 CXA tab
On the CXA tab the operation parameters of the electronic components can be modified. As
already stated in chapter 7.2.2 Principle of LCD this should be handled with utmost care or preferably
never be touched at all. If you feel you can’t help changing these parameters you should at least
note the original values and keep in mind that only small modifications should be made to the
extend of a very few digits.

The settings of the parameters have been optimized in the factory. Every
modification will lead to a shift in the operation point of the components employed
and therefore to a non-linear behavior and a loss of information.
Moreover, the settings are not independent! Every modification of one parameter
might require the adjustment of another parameter, too.

As long as Write Settings has not been applied, clicking Read Settings and Test
Settings will restore the original values!

Figure 51
the CXA tab

Brightness and contrast are related to gain and offset of the DAC, see chapter 7.2.2 Principle of LCD.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-27 Initialize: Blue (Red, Green) Gain
With this slider bar, the correction factor to compensate the gain error can be adjusted. The range
of this factor varies from 0 to 63, enabling both an increase of the error and an over-compensation
of the error, respectively.
Since the respective slider does not modify the original error, but the correction of
this error, at first glance the results when increasing / decreasing the value of the
slider might be surprising : Increasing the value will decrease contrast and vice versa.

Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. red, green blue horizontal stripes (ic)
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Use the slider bar to modify the values of the respective gain. Increase the value to reduce
contrast, decrease the value to enhance contrast
 Check the impact of your modifications on the Display Wall.
 In case you are lucky about the result, click Write Settings to save the new values into the
 Save the project file. Initialize: Blue (Red, Green) Offset

With this slider bar, the correction voltage to compensate the offset error can be adjusted. The
range of this factor varies from 0 to 63, enabling both an increase of the error and an over-
compensation of the error, respectively.
Since the respective slider does not modify the original error, but the correction of this
error, at first glance the results when increasing / decreasing the value of the slider
might be surprising: Increasing the value will decrease brightness and vice versa.

Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. red, green blue horizontal stripes (ic)
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Use the slider bar to modify the values of the respective gain. Increase the value to reduce
brightness, decrease the value to enhance brightness
 In case you are lucky about the result, click Write Settings to save the new values into the
 Save the project file.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-28 Initialize: Delay Control
In case of projection engines of the first generation, this setting can be selected in the Initialize list
box. Otherwise this function is accessible in the Fine Tuning list box, cf. Fine Tuning: Delay
Control LCD-Clock
This option, only available for projection engines of the first generation, corresponds to LCD-Clock
Shift¸cf. LCD-Clock shift. Initialize: Picture shift

Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. red, green blue horizontal stripes (ic, i1)
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Check whether the borders of the grid match the borders of the projection module. If you
notice a shift, you have to adjust this engine.
 Click into the corresponding field in the selection window to select the engine you want to
 Use the 4 Pixel spin button to shift the picture 4 pixels to the right. Use the 1 Pixel spin button
up to shift the picture one pixel to the right, use the 1 Pixel spin button down to shift the
picture one pixel to the left.
 Click Write Settings to save the new values into the EEPROM.
 Save the project file. LCD-Clock shift

Available only for projectors of the newer generation, see LCD-Clock.
Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. alternating black and colored stripes (irv, you have
to enter the number of stripes, use a number of stripes which is no multiple of 12!)
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 Use the spin button to shift the LCD clock. Watch the impact on the colored stripes. Dark lines
will interrupt the colored stripes. Click the spin button in the opposite direction. The dark lines
will first dis- and then re-appear again. With optimized settings the colored stripe is
homogeneous in color without any dark lines.
 Click Write Settings to save the new values into the EEPROM.
 Save the project file.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-29 Fine Tuning: Flicker
Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. red, green blue horizontal stripes, e. g. red, green,
blue horizontal stripes (ic, enter the RGB triples for red, green blue; e.g. (160,0,0), (0,160,0),
(0, 0, 160)).
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 In the Flicker Mode section, select Field Mode.
 Check if the color flickers.
 Use the slider bar for red (green, blue) to increase the phase for red (green, blue). The
respective stripe will start to flicker. Decrease the value until the flicker disappears. Select a
value where there is no flickering.
 Select Lock to lock the three slider bars for identical modifications of the phase for each
primary color. If adjustments on a color have already been made, they will of course be
 After re-adjusting the settings, in the Flicker Mode section, select Line Mode.
 Click Write Settings to save the new values into the EEPROM.
 Save the project file. Fine Tuning: Delay Control

Before starting the adjustment procedure, it is recommended to mind the general hints given in
chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.
 Apply the test pattern 7.4.4 Test Pattern, e. g. the checkerboard (i3 -x, icb). When asked for the
color triples, enter the triple for one of the primary colors red, green, and blue. When asked for
the size, enter 1 pixel.
 Click into the corresponding field in the Selection window to select the engine you want to
 Click on Read Settings to fill the look-up table.
 Click on Test Settings to load these settings to the projectors RAM to see them on the Display
 The checker board pattern consists of alternating pixels on / pixels off. It should be a
homogeneous “dot pattern”. Watch the pattern when modifying the values by means of the
slider bar. Use the slider bar for red (green, blue) to increase the value for red (green, blue)
until a stripe pattern dominates over the dot pattern. Decrease the value, the stripes will dis-
and then re-appear again. Select a setting where no stripes are visible!
 Apply the two other primary colors also to the wall and repeat each time the adjustment of the
Delay Control setting.

 Click Write Settings to save the new values into the EEPROM.
 Save the project file.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-30

7.4.8 System Tab

Figure 52
System tab

All Tables
The command Read Settings, Test Settings, Write Settings on the various tabs only refer to the
values listed on these tabs. In contrast the commands in this frame refer to all tables of the
Select All Projectors to send the following command to all projectors: Read Settings, Test
Settings, Write Settings.
Read Settings loads the settings from the EEPROM to the computer.
Test Settings loads the settings from the computer to the RAM of the projector (to the Display
Write Settings writes the settings from the computer to the EEPROM.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-31

Power On
Read Settings
Write Settings
Test Settings


As mentioned above it is good practice to start an adjustment procedure with reading all settings to
get the “read” tick and then to make a backup of the project file, see chapter 7.4.3 Good Practice.

Keep in mind the definitive and final overwriting of the values of the EEPROM if
Write Settings is pressed!

Fan Control
Lamp temperature (Temperature Sensor) and LCD-Temperature are displayed. Fan Control
displays a value correlated to the number of revolution of the fan. The number of revolutions is
controlled by the LCD-Temperature. The relationship between LCD-Temperature and Fan
revolutions is based on a correction factor which is once determined in the factory and entered in
the field T.Correction Sensor. Don't change this value!

Internal Tables
When switching on a projection engine, all values saved in the EEPROM of this engine are loaded
to the projectors RAM to be displayed on the Display Wall. This process is called initializing.
If the settings active in the RAM are ruined due e. g. to bad modifications on the tabs, the values
of the EEPROM can be loaded to the projectors RAM by the command Reload. Of course this is
only useful if no ruined values had been written to the EEPROM by the command Write Settings!
Click on the Reload button to set all the parameters to their default values (values saved in the

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-32

7.4.9 Control Tab
The Control tab gives access to the commands for switching lamps on and off and shows the
operating hours of the lamps and the projectors. Whereas in the user mode the operating hours
only can be read (projector) or be reset to zero (lamps), in the service mode the operating hours of
lamp and projector can be set to any value.

Figure 53
the caption of the Operating window indicates the projection unit, which is controlled

Click the Switch On button or the Switch Off button to switch the individual lamp of the selected
projection unit on or off. However if Switch All is selected then clicking the respective buttons will
affect the lamps of all projection units of the Display Wall.

Operating Hours
The operating hours of the lamp and of the projector of the selected projection unit is displayed.
The operating hours can be set to the desired value, e. g. after replacement of the device by a
device which had been used elsewhere, you should enter the operating hours it already had passed.
To get the information about the operating hours of all lamps click on the Report button. The
required information will be displayed in the report file

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-33

The selection of Set Automatic will enable the other checkboxes of this frame. The onboard status
bits (see tab State), the operating hours and the fan will be updated automatically according to the
periods defined via the corresponding spin buttons on the Connection tab of the Option menu item
(Connection menu).
If you click Auto Confirm AC Fail the lamps will automatically restart after a power failure. If this
checkbox is unselected you will have to click the Reset AC-Fail button on the State tab manually
to restart the lamps after a power failure had occurred.

Operation Mode
The selection of Set Operation Mode will enable the other checkboxes of this frame. If selected,
the respective lamp is switched off automatically after reaching a defined temperature. It is also
possible to start the lamp automatically when the power is switched on. If these features are to be
applied to all lamps of the Display Wall select Set All.
Click on the Set button to activate the settings.

7.4.10 State Tab

The State tab is also available in the user mode with reduced possibilities in the Identification

In case of an error, please make a screen shot of the State tab and attach it to the
error report!
Press Ctrl+Print to copy the active window into the clipboard.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Print to copy the entire desktop into the clipboard.

Figure 54
State tab

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-34

Onboard State
If an error occurs the value of the properties can be evaluated to take the appropriate steps to put
the projection unit into function again.
Example: In case of a power failure the value of AC Fail is Yes. If Auto Confirm AC Fail is
unselected (Control tab) the Reset AC Fail button has to be clicked to enable ignition of the lamps.

i2C Bus
This information is relevant to the technician in case of a malfunction.

Firmware Revision
The current Firmware Revision is indicated.

In the fields of this frame the product information can be entered. This information can be found
on the label of the projection engine. If technicians make any engineering changes in the field,
they should make the respective entry in the Eningeering Change field or in the Customer specific
field. In the user mode, this information can only be read.

7.4.11 Module Properties Dialog

To display the Module Properties Dialog, right click on a module in the Selection Window.
The Module Properties Dialog is also available in the user mode. There is only one difference to
the service mode: The user can not import a file!

Figure 55
the Module Properties dialog

This dialog offers the possibility to save the optimized settings for a single projection engine into a
file by means of the Export button.
A projection engine which has its data lost can be set into operation again by using the Import
command. If no file with optimized settings had been saved, the engine has to be set to the factory
settings, see 7.2.3 Factory adjustment of the projection engine.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 7-35

8 Customization

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-0

8.1 General
For service people this chapter is not relevant since the Display Wall they have to adjust or operate
varies daily. However, you might want to know about the possibilities of customization of the PSI
REMOTE-CONTROL in order to assist the customer to the most efficient way of operation.

8.2 Starting the Software with a Defined Project

Although this option is also available in the service mode, it is recommended to restrict it to the
user mode, see 4.1 Automatically starting pSi Remote-Control
Since the configuration of the Barco Display Wall is more or less constant it is quite convenient to
have the corresponding project opened when starting the software.
Therefore you can add the name of your project file as option to the command.
Enter psitool as the program to be opened, -path&nameofprojectfile.psi to start PSI
REMOTE-CONTROL with the respective project file.
If your Display Wall is a 3 by 3 configuration the corresponding project file might have been
saved as 5by3.psi. This project file is opened when starting the software via the command

Figure 56
starting the software with an existing project file

If your project file is in a different folder than psitool.exe you have to enter the path.
If the path contains blanks, enclose it into inverted commas!

If your project file is in the identical folder as psitool.exe the path of the project file
can be omitted.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-1

If you want to switch on all lamps when starting the software PSI REMOTE-C0NTROL the parameter
-o has to be entered in the command line:

Figure 57
starting the software and switching on all lamps

To switch on the lamps a connection has to be established. Therefore this

command only works when the software is started with a valid project, too.

If the project to be opened is not located in the directory specified on

Connection|options|Preferences|File Locations, the entire path of the project has to
be entered!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-2

8.3 Module Properties Dialog

Figure 58
the Module Properties dialog

Define the name of the projection unit as well as the Remote Control Computer and the Remote
Slave Address using the Module Properties dialog.

8.3.1 Renaming of projection units

As mentioned above the Selection Window shows the configuration of the Display Wall with a
standard naming of the cubes. For adapting this naming to your requirements PSI REMOTE-
CONTROL allows you to rename every single cube.
Let's consider for example an 8×2 configuration. The Selection Window for this configuration
looks like this:

Figure 59
the Selection window of an 8×2 configuration

Let's assume you prefer to address the cubes by upper and lower rows (U-1 to U-8, L-1 to L-8)
To rename the most left projection unit of the lower row from 8 to L-1 follow these steps

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-3

 Right click on the respective field of the Selection Window.

Figure 60
select the projection unit to be renamed

 The following dialog will be displayed.

Figure 61
the Module Properties dialog

 In the Module Properties dialog enter the new name of the corresponding projection unit

Figure 62
renaming the projection unit

 This name will immediately be shown on the Selection Window as well as in the caption of
the Operating Window.

Figure 63
the new name is shown on the projection unit of the Selection Window

For renaming the other projection units proceed in the same way.
Click Next to activate the next unit, Previous to activate the previous unit.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-4

8.3.2 Exporting data
All relevant data of the projection unit selected in the Selection Window can be exported to a .psi-
file. The .psi-file is in a binary format and contains the configuration of the Display Wall, all tables
(gamma tables, coefficients) and the projector identification. If problems occur it might be helpful
to send this file to the support.
Click Export to write the data into a .psi-file. A dialog opens where you have to indicate name and
folder of the file.

8.3.3 Projector Type List

Use this list box to select the kind of device you want to control. At the time being, only
polysilicon projection units are supported.

8.3.4 Host List

In the current version, PSI REMOTE-CONTROL is operated locally and localhost is the correct name.
For future use, if PSI REMOTE-CONTROL can be operated on a remote computer of the this list box
is used to edit or to select the name of the control computer.

8.3.5 Port List

Use this list box to select the COM port on which the remote cabling is done. You can edit this
field and enter the appropriate name of the COM port. On one port up to 99 devices can be
To assign this port for all projection cubes of the respective remote-control chain click Assign All.
To assign this port only for the selected projection unit click Assign Single.

8.3.6 Reorder (Changing the Remo te-Control Address)

Do not change the Remote-Control address of a projection unit without changing

the cabling! The Remote-Control address should always reflect the actual cabling.

Each Remote Control Slave has a non-ambiguous address in the remote control chain and is
addressed and controlled via this address. This address has to match the actual cabling, the device
connected directly to the Remote Control Master has the address 1, the following device the
address two and so on. If you change the cabling then you have to change the address as well.
The address of the selected device is given on the label beneath the Port List.
For a newly defined project the actual remote control address of a projection unit has to be mapped
to its representative in the selection window. This procedure has also to be done if the cabling has
been changed.
Press Reorder to start assigning the addresses. On the Display Wall the projection cube first in the
remote control chain starts blinking. Click in its representative in the selection window to assign
the address 1 to this module. After a few seconds the blinking moves on to next module in the
chain, and clicking the corresponding representative assigns to him the address 2 and so on.
Proceed with the other modules in the same way.

Press ESC to cancel the Reorder procedure!

If you use the Display Wall as monitor for Remote Control take care that the dialog
is not positioned on the cube about to start blinking! It might help to position the
dialog so that it is displayed on two projection modules. In case one starts blinking,
there is still one part of the dialog window, which can be seized for re-positioning.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 8-5

9 Troubleshooting

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 9-0

9.1 Troubles

Troubles caused by cause/step

IR Interface If the laptop has an enabled IR interface, data transfer via the serial
interface may be disturbed and PSI REMOTE-CONTROL will hang when
closing the connection.
In the BIOS Setup, disable the IR interface. If you run Windows 2000,
check the device manager if the device has actually been removed. If not,
reboot the system and check again. After rebooting the system the device
no longer should be listed.
Power Management Please switch off all settings with regards to Power Management, both in
the BIOS setup and in the operating system
Common files PSI REMOTE-CONTROL shares some files with other Barco applications,
does not work any longer after having installed one of the other programs,
re-installation of an updated version will be required. Contact Barco
Control Rooms GmbH for receiving an update!

9.2 Reset to default settings

If size and position of the windows of pSi Remote-Control cannot be adjusted as desired, restoring
the original settings requires deleting the entries of the registry.
To delete the registry entries, proceed as follows:
 Start the registry editor using the the shortcut Start|Run and enter regedit

Figure 64
starting the registry editor

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 9-1

 In the registry editor, go to HKEY_CURRENT\Software\VB and VBA Program
Settings\pSi Remote-Control\Properties. Delete the keys and subkeys referring to PSI

Figure 65
Registry Editor

The registry entries for PSI REMOTE-CONTROL are not made during installation, but
during operating PSI REMOTE-CONTROL. If you encounter strange effects with
regards to window position or window size with PSI REMOTE-CONTROL, just delete
the registry entries!

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 9-2

9.3 Troubles after an upgrade of pSi Remote-Control

Before installing a new version of pSi Remote Control, the previous version has to
be de-installed.

When launching the application, the following message might be displayed:

That's due to the fact that in some cases not all components had been completely removed.
To solve the problem, proceed as follows:
 Uninstall pSi Remote-Control using the shortcut
Start|Settings|Control Panel|Add/remove software

 Check if the following ActiveX controls have been passed over by the uninstall procedure:

Folder ActiveX controls

c:\program files\common files\barco\shared axpsi.ocx

c:\program files\barco psi remote-control axlslider.ocx
(If the installation was not performed with default settings the folder
settings must be changed accordingly.)

 Uninstall the remaining ActiveX controls manually.

Uninstallation of an ActiveX control takes two steps: first it must be unregistered, then the file has
to be deleted.

To unregister a file:
 open the command prompt
 change to the directory where the file is located
 enter the command regsvr32 /u filename.ocx

Subsequently the file can be deleted.

Since now the uninstall procedure is complete, the software can be installed again.

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 9-3

10 Hotline

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 10-1

10.1 Addresses
Please feel free to contact us if you encounter any problems.

 Barco Control Rooms GmbH

An der Rossweid 5, D-76229 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-721-6201-0, Fax: +49-721-6201-298
E-mail:, Web:
 BARCO N.V. Projection Systems
Nordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne
Phone: +32-56-368-211, Fax: +32-56-368-251
E-mail:, Web:

Doc-3046-5 pSi Remote-Control (2001-11) 10-2

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