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¿Qué pasó?

Se utiliza para mostrar que una acción ya paso. Es decir, enfatiza que una
acción ya finalizó.


Sujeto + verbo en pasado simple

Sujeto + didn’t + verbo en presente


I read a new book

They paid the coffee

I lent my new álbum

I set my cellphone on the table

I lost my cellphone

She rode a horse

I played soccer yesterday

I forgave my friend

Ella leyó un articulo

She read the article

Yo dibuje en mi cuaderno

I drew in my notebook

Tu dejaste tu celular

You left your cellphone

Nosotros pagamos la factura

We paid the bill

Nosotros hicimos la tarea

We made the homework

Yo conoci un nuevo amigo

I met a new friend

El vio un accidente

He saw an accident

Yo aprendi ingles

I learnt english

I didn’t learn English

Ella leyo un libro

She read a book

She didn’t read a book

Ellos dejaron su mochila

They left their bag


¿Qué estuvo pasando?

Es el tiempo verbal utilizado para mostrar que una acción en curso pasada
estaba ocurriendo en un momento específico de interrupción.


Sujeto + was/were + verbING + complemento

Sujeto + was/were + not + verbING + complemento

I, She, He, It was

You, We, They were


They were hitting the ball

He was growing in the school

They were freezing in the soccer field

My bag was falling on the street

I was leaving my school

They were kneeling in the church

I was hiding my money under the bed

Tu estabas hiriendo mis sentimientos

You were hurting my feelings

Ellos estaban guardando un secreto

They were keeping a secret

Yo estaba abandonando mi trabajo

I was quiting my job

Nosotros estábamos teniendo una buena comunicación

We were having a good comunication

Tu estabas perdiendo mi amistad

You were losing my friendship

Yo estaba perdiendo el juego

I was losing the game

I was not losing the game

Ellos estaban haciendp una escultura

They were making a sculture

Oracion – conector – oración


Ellos rompieron la ventana cuando la casa estaba incendiándose

They broke the window when the house was catching on fire

Nosotros comenzamos la tarea cuando la maestra estaba escribiendo

We began the homework when the teacher was writing

Tu estabas viniendo a mi casa cuando yo cocine la cena

You were coming to my house when I cooked the dinner

Yo di un regalo cuando tu estabas durmiendo

I gave a present when you were sleeping

El canto en el karaoke cuando tu estabas practicando

He sang in the karaoke when you were practicing

Nosotros despertamos cuando mi mama prepare el desayuno

We woke up when my mother was preparing the breakfast

Ella corrio en el maraton cuando tu estabas comprando el agua

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