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Metamorphosis (Drosophilla melanogaster)

Nanda Syafira 1*

ICP of Biology Education, Group 3, Biology Education, Makassar State University, Indonesia.

Drosophila melanogaster is an ideal model organism for studying cancer biology because it is
easily manipulated genetically and most of the signaling pathways that cause cancer in humans are
stored in fruit flies. The Drosophila imaginal disc is a single-layered epithelium that is
morphologically and biochemically comparable to the mammalian epithelium, making it an ideal
system for modeling the development of epithelial cancer. Drosophila melanogaster undergoes
complete metamorphosis, meaning its life cycle includes eggs, larval (worm-like) forms, pupation,
and finally emergence (imprinting) as an adult fly. The care and breeding of fruit flies require little
equipment, are inexpensive and take up little space even in large-sized cultivation. Using
Drosophila, students can understand Mendelian genetics and inheritance of traits, drawing
conclusions about inheritance patterns. the information obtained, create traps to catch wild
populations of D. melanogaster and gain insight into the life cycle of D. melanogaster. The disease
is easy to manipulate genetically, and most of the signaling pathways that cause cancer in humans
are stored in fruit flies. . The fruit fly genome is 60% homologous to the human genome, not too
much, and about 75% of the genes responsible for human diseases are homologous to flies. The
care and breeding of fruit flies requires little equipment, is inexpensive and takes up little space
even for large farms.

Keywords: Adult; Fruit fly; Genetics; Metamorphosis


Fruit flies are experimental animals that are often used in genetic practicum. Several
important genetic laws have resulted from research using fruit flies (Strickberger, 1985).
Some of the advantages of using fruit flies include not requiring sterile conditions such as
microorganisms, easy to obtain because it is Cosmopolitan, short life cycle, easy to maintain,
female flies lay many eggs, morphological characteristics are easily observed and have 4
pairs of chromosomes so it is easy to research. Fruit flies are commonly found in the medium
of bananas, papayas, tomatoes, stale rice and trash around the House. Fruit flies come to ripe
fruits due to the presence of fermented substances that have a strong aroma so they are
attracted and come to these fruits. Fruit flies prefer ripe fruits because they contain the
substances they need. In addition, food, will affect the number of eggs of female flies and the
development of their larvae. The larvae and imago of fruit flies eat carbohydrate-rich
substances that undergo fermentation (Iskandar, 2019).
Metamorphosis is the entire series of changes and sizes from egg to imago (adult). In
metamorphosis involves a process of molting called Ecdysis. The animals that undergo this
metamorphosis process such as insect class (insects) for example are fruit flies, butterflies,
and various other insects. Research on butterfly metamorphosis. Fruit flies are an example of
insects that undergo complete metamorphosis in the presence of approximately 4500 species.
This is due to its small size, fast breeding, short life cycle, easy to maintain, and the food is
easy to obtain natural Culture Media suitable to serve as a place of metamorphosis of fruit
flies is papaya and pineapple. (Agustina, 2020).
Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are a major pest of fruits and vegetables in many
countries, including Indonesia. The females lay their eggs in the fruit, and the larvae that
hatch feed on the flesh, resulting in decay, discoloration, and a significant decrease in the
economic value of harvested fruit. In addition to the Oriental fruit fly, there are several other
species of fruit flies in the genus Bactrocera that are of economic importance in Indonesia.
Accurate knowledge of the larval host range and distribution of the various fruit fly species is
essential for pest management programs and quarantine authorities. Indonesia is an
archipelago located in the tropical region of South-East Asia where fruits and vegetables are
available throughout the year. Various ecosystems or habitats can be found on each island in
Indonesia, ranging from densely to sparsely populated areas, highland to lowland forests, and
monoculture to polyculture. Most of the islands in Indonesia provide suitable habitats for fruit
flies, especially B. dorsalis, due to the favourable climate and the availability of various types
of tropical fruits that are good larval hosts for the species. The various types of larval host
plants identified through surveys in some parts of Indonesia have been reported by Allwood
et al. (Aryuwandari, 2020).
Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) are classified as insects, in general, they are
light and have a strong exoskeleton or integument. Muscles and organs are in it. On the entire
surface of the body, the integument of the insect has various excitatory nerves receiving light,
pressure, sound, temperature, wind and smell. In general, insects have 3 parts of the body,
namely the head, thorax and abdomen. The head serves as a place and a means of food input
and nerve stimulation, as well as to process information (brain). Flies have a sucking sponge
mouth type. The thorax, which consists of three segments, provides the focus for three pairs
of legs (a pair on each segment), and if there are Wings, two pairs on the second and third
segments. The main function of the abdomen is to accommodate the digestive tract and
reproductive organs. The digestive tract of insects is divided into three regions: stomodaeum,
proctodaeum and mesenteron. The digestive tract is formed at the time of the embryo.
Stomodeum consists of pharynx, esophagus, crop, proventriculus and salivary glands. The
Mesenteron consists of gastric mucosa, ventricle, peritropic membrane. The proctodeum
consists of the malphigi tube, ileum, colon, rectum and anus (Ridhwan, 2017).

In this practicum what we need is a jam bottle, foam stopper, blender, serbek paper,
transparent plastic, scales, ambon banana, brown sugar, yeast, gelatin, water, 70% alcohol,
nipagin, how to prepare the necessary tools and materials, sterilize culture bottles and foam
Stoppers by spraying 70% alcohol, weigh 150 grams of brown sugar then heat into 400 ml of
water in a pan until boiling, open the banana take it from the skin and then blend, then add
nipagin 7 ml and 7 grams to the pan stir until evenly, then pour into jam jars and then close
with cork stoppers. Perform recording of each stage of development of Drosophila
melanogaster starting from the egg phase to adult fruit flies to produce eggs. The purpose of
this practicum is that students can recognize tools and materials, can prepare fruit fly culture
medium, can make fruit fly culture medium, can observe the stage of fruit fly metamorphosis
to determine the stage of metamorphosis, and be able to distinguish the stages of fruit fly

Table 1. Practical Activity Results
No. Dokumentation Information
1. Preparation of culture medium Recognize the tools and materials that
will be used in the metamorphosis
4x4 cm dokumntasi kegiatan practicum and the function of these
Students are able to perform
sterilization properly

Students weigh the ingredients well

Students are able to mix the ingredients

used well

2. Drosophilla culture preparation Students are able to make Drosophila

traps well

Students are able to transfer captured

Drosophila into the culture medium
3. Drosophila life cycle observation Students are able to see and observe
each stage of metamorphosis of

Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with heredity and variation. Hereditary
units that are transmitted from one generation to the next (by inheritance) are called genes.
Genes are located in long molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA)
that are present in all cells. DNA, along with a matrix of proteins, forms nucleoproteins and is
organized into structures called chromosomes that are found in the nucleus or regions of the
cell nucleus.A gene contains the information code for protein production. Normally, DNA is
a stable molecule with self-replicating capacity. Sometimes, there are subtle changes in DNA.
Changes that, called mutations, can cause changes in codedna resulting in the production of
proteins that one is not. The first person to use fruit flies as an object of research was Thomas
Hunt Morgan who managed to find the discovery of sex links.A species of fruit fly,
Drosophila melanogaster, a common, generally harmless insect that is a mushroom eater that
grows on fruit. Fruit flies are insects that are easy to breed. From one mating, hundreds of
offspring can be produced, and a new generation can be bred every two weeks.
Characteristics this makes the fruit fly into an organism that is well suited for genetic
studies(Yatim, 1983).In conducting genetic practicum, we increasingly use Drosophila as a
branch of genetic modeling. The life cycle of Drosophila is very important to know because
by knowing it we can give appropriate treatment in the addition, we can find out
the exact Conditionsfor eachphase. Based on that, so this practicum is done for how to make
fruit fly medium, and can know the difference between male and female as well as the life
cycle of Drosophila melanogaster.
Drosophila melanogaster a type of common insect that is generally harmless and is a
mushroom eater that grows on fruit. Fruit flies are insects that are easy to breed. From a
single mating can be produced hundreds of offspring, and a new generation can be developed
every two weeks. This characteristic shows that fruit flies are organisms that are well suited
for genetic studies. Fruit flies are experimental animals frequently used in practice genetics.
Some of the laws of genetics important has resulted from research using fruit flies. Some
advantages of using fruit flies among other things, it does not require sterile conditions as in
microorganisms, it is easy to obtain, because it is Cosmopolitan, the life cycle is short, easy to
maintain, female flies lay many eggs, morphological characteristics are easy to observe and
have 4 chromosomes so that they can be easily. There are two influencing factors insect
development. First, factor in which include the ability to breed, comparison of sex, nature
self-preservation and life cycle. Factor the second is, external factors that include
temperature, moisture, light, feed or nutrients as well as predator (Jumar, 2001). Fruit flies
include in the order dipteral experiencing perfect metamorphosis (holometabola) with four
stages of development of the egg - larva-pupa-imago. Fruit fly eggs laid by adult females in
tissues fruit. Fruit flies commonly found on medium banana, papaya, tomato, rice casserole
and place garbage around the House. Fermentation that has a strong aroma so they are
attracted and come on fruits such. Fruit flies prefer fruit cook because they contain substances
that they need. In addition, the food will affect the number of female fly eggs and larval

Fruit flies belong to the insect class of the family of anthropoda and animals that
undergo complete metamorphosis. Complete metamorphosis is a biological developmental
process in animals that involves changes in physical appearance and/or structure after birth or
hatching that are different at each stage. Unlike incomplete metamorphosis, it has only 3
stages, namely egg - nymph - imago, where the nymph is very similar to the imago. Vinegar
flies have egg - larva - pupa - imago stages of metamorphosis, where one stage and another
are not the same. Furthermore, there is no nymphal stage at complete metamorphosis.

Research the company or organization where you will be doing your practicum.
Obtain a complete job description if possible and learn about the company's mission, values,
and culture. This will help you prepare for questions about what you would do if you were
hired into the role.

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Neng-Wen Lo., Hsuan T. Chang., Jiang-Yu Chang. 2019. Caged mice mating behavior
detection in surveillance videos. Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology,
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